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Salary Interview Tips Working Hours Best & WorstWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Using both the law and practical experience to come up with solutions to a wide range of potential issues.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
You feel yourself learn and improve every single day.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Good work life balance.
Trainees are given responsibility and high-quality, varied work from day one.
What are the best and worst things about your job?
The training I am receiving. The firm strikes the right balance between giving you your own work/ responsibility, whilst offering support/ guidance when necessary.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
A day in the office is never the same for me. I have a varied case load; working with a range of clients and on different projects which means I am always learning new things and there is never a dull day. I am also given a lot of responsibility, and get to work very closely with other members of the team in order to ensure a transaction gets done which can be very satisfying and rewarding at the end of the day, and at the end of the deal.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Really interesting work and very friendly, knowledgeable colleagues to learn from.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Career progression.
Good work-life balance.
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Interesting and varied projects, plenty of social and networking events to attend, great support from colleagues and opportunities to be involved in responsible business activities.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The work is fascinating. Working with a small team gives you the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and have a go. There's also the safety net of brilliant experienced staff to review your work and give you feedback. Also, the work is varied so you will never get the same day twice.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The people, the quality of training opportunities and the range of work you are exposed to.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The level of responsibility and exposure to quality work. How colleagues are actively supporting you to progress. Patience and understanding of the team when you are learning from scratch.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The people and the range of work which we, as trainees, receive
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Trainees are given responsibility and high quality work from the first day. Supervisors are keen for trainees to develop an understanding of the relevant law as well as the processes, with a view to you being able to propose solutions to problems yourself.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The work is fascinating. Working with a small team gives you the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and have a go. There's also the safety net of brilliant experienced staff to review your work and give you feedback. Also, the work is varied so you will never get the same day twice.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Great mix of work with high profile clients.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The level of independence that you can get.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Being challenged on a daily basis and working with a great team.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The firm practices its core beliefs and is supportive of its staff at all levels.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Quality of work and people at the firm.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Excellent levels of responsibility, while at the same time working with good quality clients.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Get to work on a variety of challenging matters with supportive and encouraging colleagues.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Being exposed to high-quality work with regional, national and international clients.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
People are friendly, high quality of work, good level of training and supervision throughout.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Learning new things every day, and challenging yourself.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Challenging work
Great Team
What are the best and worst things about your job?
The responsibility you are afforded as a trainee and the level of support received.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Interactions with other teams within the firm on major projects.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The best part of my job is the people I work with. Everyone is very friendly and supportive and I never feel worried to ask any questions when I am unsure.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Good work-life balance
Established apprenticeship culture - study time is respected
Challenging work
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Not stressful, constant workload, great colleagues
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Colleagues are fantastic and we all get on very well.
Workload is varied and interesting and I am given high levels of responsibility regardless of being an apprentice.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
I have a very supportive team who I would feel easy approaching with any problems.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The opportunities and continuous learning on the job as well as the education
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
I enjoy working on matters which require a great deal of problem solving or the application of law.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Responsibility of work and support from experienced members within the team.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Other than things previously stated, there is a lovely working environment and colleagues, I look forward to coming to work.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The people, the work itself, the opportunities.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Supportive team
Fast paced, exciting environment
Pay above the apprentice wage
What are the best and worst things about your job?
The best thing is my colleagues as there is a lot of like minded people within the firm and everyone wants to help you succeed.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Experiences and opportunities, especially to meet people from around the country.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
One of the best things is that I sit so close to my team that I always have them to fall back on if I need help.
I am also exposed to a lot of different scenarios so I am constantly learning and it rarely gets boring. Although day to day I might be doing similar tasks, they're always different depending on what the client wants and needs so each situation brings an individual challenge.
What are the best and worst things about your job?
- Daily challenges
- Lots of opportunity to get involved with business activities
- Flexibility to experience other jobs within the firm
- Flexible working hours
- Support with progression
- Responsibility
What are the best and worst things about your job?
The colleagues are fantastic and the workload is fairly distributed. If someone wants to try something new, it is very likely to be supported.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The team that I work with! Having colleagues that you get along with but also work great with together is the best part of my job.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
You never feel as though you can't ask for help if you are struggling with anything. At the start of the apprenticeship, you ask lots of people about lots of issues. As time progresses, so does the level of responsibility that you take on.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Helping students to get the best out of their future, the people I work with are great and it's the first job where I've enjoyed getting up on a morning and going to work.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The work is very diverse, so you do a range of different activities in the day.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Apprentices are given the same work as everyone else - no making cups of tea!
Directly impacting the revenue generated by the business - billing meaningful sums of money.
Social atmosphere in the team and the office.
Reasonable expectations makes a work-life balance achievable.
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Being part of a large, international firm.
Support from team, line manager and management.
A whole day per week dedicated to study.
Well established apprenticeship scheme.
Friendly office atmosphere.
Great salary for an apprentice in comparison to competitors.
What are the best and worst things about your job?
The people, if you have helpful and friendly colleagues it makes your job enjoyable and engaging.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
I feel I get a high level of responsibility and I feel really valued within the team that I work in and the organization as a whole.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
You are exposed to a professional working environment very early on in your career and get to work with a range of people who are very willing to pass on their knowledge and expertise. You are given responsibility and the opportunity to learn and progress. I always feel that I am treated as an equal and respected by all members of my team.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
My colleagues are lovely. I really enjoy communicating with both internal and external stakeholders and putting my customer service skills to good use. I love the organisational side of my job as well, such as keeping spread sheets up to date and ensuring we have all the information we need to complete candidate background checks.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
The satisfaction of a positive outcome for your client as a result of the hard work that you have done, is one of the best things about my job. Often you can get caught up in all the work that you are doing but you get the bigger picture once you have completed the smaller tasks, to get to where you are now.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
I have a very varied workload in Private Capital. It is rare that two days will consist of the same tasks. Both the contentious and non-contentious sides of the department can throw up some very interesting issues which I enjoy working on.
Further to this, I have a really friendly team who have made me feel very welcome since day one. The support that you will receive in your role as a Solicitor Apprentice at WBD is amazing and it makes work not only enjoyable, but a whole lot easier knowing that there is always a contact on hand to help.
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Womble Bond Dickinson
Average start time: 8:30
Average end time: 18:00
Average number of working hours: 9.5
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Interview Advice:
Be yourself, and don't give answers that you think the interviewers want to hear, as you will not come across as genuine.
Trainee Solicitor, Restructuring and Insolvency at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Start any application with a mindmap of who you are, why you want a career in this particular area and why with this particular firm. Helping you to get the key points out visually on paper before you start to actually write an application or cover letter helps you to really drill down into what you want to say and make the most convincing argument as to why they should pick you over somebody else.
Interview Advice:
Know the company and the job you are applying for, but most of all, be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Various Departments at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
-Prepare questions to ask interviewers about the firm
-Research recent deals which the firm has acted on and market trends which may be relevant
-Make sure to proof-read any written communication
Interview Advice:
- The usual: Dress smart and turn up on time, and ask questions
- The unusual: the firm are friendly so be prepared to have more informal conversations as well as the standard interview questions.
Read the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Banking at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
During the Vacation Scheme, talk to as many people as possible and show an interest in what they're doing. The more people that you've made a good impression on, the better!
Interview Advice:
Don't stress, the interviewers are not there to catch you out and will try to make you feel at ease. I tried to make my interview as much like a 'chat' as possible and allow my personality to be evident, instead of viewing it as a daunting formal interview, and that seemed to work well for me.
Trainee Solicitor, Intellectual Property at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be clear about why you want to work at the firm, and in particular try to convey how you fit in with the firm whether that be its values or culture. I think it is also important to try and convey your personality in your application, and to try to make it memorable for those reading it although equally getting the basics right such as spelling and grammar are key too.
Interview Advice:
I would recommend trying to convey your personality and your interests in your interviews whilst still remaining professional. The interview process is relatively relaxed and is structured to try to encourage a conversation with you rather than just you talking at the panel.
Trainee Solicitor, Agriculture, Farms and Estates at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and be yourself. Honest answers may help set you apart or tell the firm something about you. Prescribed answers will only cause you to blend into the crowd.
Interview Advice:
Stay relaxed - the interviewers are there to try and help you shine, not to trip you up. The focus will be on the person you are now and the person you want to become, not who you were when you sat your GCSEs!
Trainee Solicitor, Residential Property at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and show your personality throughout the application process. The firm looks to hire individuals, not just a candidate who comes across well on paper.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared to show team working skills, problem-solving abilities and be ready for an individual assessment on the assessment day.
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial Disputes at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and make sure you adapt every single experience to show your transferable skills to the firm.
Interview Advice:
Be confident (not too much) clear and likeable. It is about people wanting to work with you.
Trainee Solicitor, Trainee (currently Private Capital) at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Give specific reasons why you want to apply to the firm.
Interview Advice:
Know your strengths and be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Planning and Construction at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take an evidence-led approach to the application. Pay attention to what is on the application advice literature, and make it easy for the recruiters. Anything (working at a supermarket, running a committee) is good experience IF you can articulate what you did. A job title is not evidence of what you did in a role so explain what projects you worked on or experiences you gained and quantify your impact.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. Don't go in jumping up and down about your double first-class degree from Oxford and think that will be enough. WBD value people who will fit the ethos of the firm.
Trainee, Construction at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Think commercially. Explain how the skills you learnt in your non-legal experience are transferable to the role.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Construction at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself. Showcase your skills but don't be afraid to reveal your interests and what makes you different. We really value diversity here.
Interview Advice:
Be positive, enthusiastic and ambitious! Know the firm, its clients and the sectors it operates within. Know the opportunities and the challenges the firm (and its clients) are facing and try to demonstrate commercial awareness in your answers.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm well, make sure you understand its USP and have a clear reason in mind for why you would prefer it to another firm.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and get your personality across, you have clearly got the credentials if you have made it to interview - it is now about them checking your personality is the right fit for the firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate Finance at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try and allow your personality to shine through - the firm does not want "corporate robots" but would rather you just be yourself
Interview Advice:
The questions I was asked were not traditional interview questions but things like "who would you invite to a dinner party?"
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself - Womble Bond Dickinson really places an emphasis on its people and encourages everyone to bring their true self to work.
Interview Advice:
The interview process is several stages, and the ongoing theme was to find out about me as an individual. Academic excellence and an interest in the Law was taken as a given.
Trainee Solicitor, Banking and Financial Services at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take an evidence-led approach to the application. Pay extremely careful notice of what is on the application advice literature, and make it easy for the recruiters. Anything (working at a supermarket, running a committee) is good experience IF you can articulate what you did. A job title is not evidence of what you did in a role so explain what projects you worked on or experiences you gained and quantify your impact.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. Don't go in jumping up and down about your double first class degree from Oxford and think that will be enough. WBD value people who will fit the ethos of the firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Professional Risks Litigation at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read the questions carefully and make your application stands out.
Interview Advice:
Demonstrate the ability to build rapport with your interviewers.
Trainee Solicitor, Projects and Procurement at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and don't try and tell them what they want to hear, they want to hear your thoughts!
Interview Advice:
Be calm and consider your audience.
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you provide examples of what you have done and show your commercial awareness.
Interview Advice:
It's cliché, but be yourself! At this stage, interviewers want to see that you're going to fit in well with the firm and its ethos.
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial Disputes and Regulatory at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Go to law fairs and meet other trainees and they can give you advice on what the firm is looking for with regard to culture.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Various at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The firm has a strong online presence and an ambitious growth program, try to make sure you have done your homework on what we value and what we do best.
Interview Advice:
The firm values its people and wants to get to know you at your best. Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate Finance at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research of the firm, and demonstrate your knowledge of the firm in your application.
Interview Advice:
The interview was very friendly and relaxed, so don't stress about it! Just be yourself and show why you would be a good addition to the firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Dispute Resolution at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show your ability to manage your time, demonstrate that you have read specific information about the firm you are applying for and speak about other non-academic skills you have developed.
Interview Advice:
Illustrate your responses with recent and relevant examples, smile and be yourself!
Trainee Solicitor, Banking and Restructruring at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Demonstrate a genuine interest in the firm, the job and the profession.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and demonstrate you are the sort of person that the interviewer would feel comfortable working with or giving work to.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and make the most of your experiences.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself - they look for the personality that will fit the firm.
Trainee, Commercial Property at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have a thorough understanding of why you wish to apply to the firm and have a strong commercial awareness.
Interview Advice:
Remember that the interview is a two way process, it is an opportunity for you to get a feel for the firm as well as the firm to get a feel for you. Most importantly, be yourself and don't try to be somebody that you are not.
Trainee Solicitor, Various – Currently Pensions at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and know about its key clients and any work they are currently doing.
Interview Advice:
Let your personality come across in the interview.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you put your own personality down when answering the online questions; law firms are not looking for someone who is really good technically but lacks other qualities (such as communicating with people in an open and friendly manner) that can be gained through life experiences outside of work and study. Ultimately, you have to prove that you should be representing the firm in front of its clients.
Interview Advice:
Always have some questions prepared to ask your interviewer(s) but make them something you are genuinely interested in finding out about and not just a hot topic issue that you think it might sound good to mention.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate Rail at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Actually research and tailor your tc application to the firm you're applying for and always proof read and get others to proof read if possible. Mistakes are the most common reason for being rejected at the outset!
Interview Advice:
Be honest with yourself about why you want to go into law and be able to fully explain why. Be yourself at interview and make sure that you find out if it is the right firm for you - interviews are a two way street!
Trainee Solicitor, Projects and Procurement at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and show your personality.
Research the company and show you understand how it is different to other law firms.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, prepare well with firm and clear reasons for why you want the job and why you want to work at WBD.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand the firm and reasons for applying. Try to make yourself stand out from the crowd.
Interview Advice:
Know what is going on in the business world. Especially the impact of artificial intelligence on the legal profession.
Trainee Solicitor, at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and show your enthusiasm for the firm, draw on experiences outside of the law
Trainee Solicitor, at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you're answering the question being asked, and not what you want the question to be. Also, demonstrate that you have tailored the application to where you are applying - show off what you know.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and show your personality. It's a cliché, however firms are looking for someone who will be a great fit for the business.
Trainee Solicitor, at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try to gain as much experience outside the legal profession as you can.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Oil & Gas at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try and get your personality across as well as fulfilling the requirements.
Interview Advice:
E.g. Be yourself not what you think that the firm wants to see; everyone is an individual. Questions you were asked etc
Trainee Solicitor, Professional Risk at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be your 'commercially aware' self.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Meet graduate recruitment before applying (i.e. go to law fairs, open days etc.)
Interview Advice:
Think about ways you can demonstrate commercial awareness.
, Financial Services at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure that you think you would fit as a BD colleague and that that is as important to you as the work.
Interview Advice:
Focus on challenges ahead and future of firm.
Trainee, Oil and Gas at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Meet as many people as you can in as many different environments.
Interview Advice:
Relax and be more conversational with the interviewers.
Trainee Solicitor, Regulatory at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Focus on your extra-curricular activities and what makes you different from everyone else with a 2:1 from a good university.
Interview Advice:
Relax. Ask questions about their work, be interested and be willing to enter into a conversation rather than just a back and forth of questions and answers.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do not put on a front or try to be too assertive. Be yourself and treat everyone you meet with respect, even if they are your competitors for the role.
Interview Advice:
Know your application form well and be able to discuss and defend what you have written on it.
Trainee Solicitor, Regulatory and Environment at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and let your personality shine through. Of course, do your research and understand the business/clients/sectors.
, at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be committed.
Interview Advice:
Do your research.
Trainee Solicitor, Agriculture at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and be honest. But also do some research on the firm and it's client's; try and appreciate the work of the legacy firms and how they have now integrated and are moving forward.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply for work placement/vacation scheme to assess whether the firm is for you.
Interview Advice:
Understand the sectors in which Bond Dickinson operates.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Really get to know why this Firm is different to all the others. Think about culture and people as opposed to numbers and headlines.
Interview Advice:
They're not looking for cookie-cutter copies. They want individuals.
Trainee Solicitor, Financial Services at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't be generic - do be yourself and ensure this comes across in your application. They've changed the process in 2016 and it really allows for a candidates individuality to come across - take advantage of this...BD is a broad church!
Interview Advice:
As with the application process - don't be generic. The interviews are as much about the firm selling itself to you as vice versa.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm.
Interview Advice:
Show off your personality.
Trainee Solicitor, at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- Be an "all round" candidate with outside interests
- Have a good sense of commercial awareness and take a commercial approach to your work
- Know the firm and its vision
- Have good work experience
Interview Advice:
- Be confident and ensure you have a good understanding of the firm
- Tailor your answers and show that your skills and interests align with that of the firm
- Questions asked -
- Details of work experience and skills
- Interests outside of work
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Get into the office
Vac Scheme
Apply early
Interview Advice:
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research, be targeted, talk and write about what you know and above all be yourself.
Interview Advice:
Many of the questions I was asked were about transferable skills and motivation for changing career. That said, in general answers to any questions should be honest to your character but demonstrate how you would be of value to the company.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Demonstrate that you have the required skills, qualifications and commitment. And that you can get along with people.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
1. Make sure law is for you.
2. Narrow field of target firms.
3. Research target firms thoroughly.
4. Network and build relationships with key decision-makers.
5. Secure plenty of extra-curricular experience.
6. Do vacation schemes.
Interview Advice:
1. Prepare thoroughly.
2. Rehearse with tutors/friends/colleagues.
3. Be yourself.
4. Remember the interviewer sat where you are sitting.
5. Have an interesting question to ask the interviewer.
6. If you don't have an interesting and well-researched question, don't ask one.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Academic achievement is important but the ability to understand how the law is applied in practice and how it affects business decisions is vital and something recruiters really value.
Interview Advice:
Why I chose law, why I am committed to working in the North East, what I understand commercial awareness to mean.
Trainee solicitor, Employment at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try to get to know the culture of the firm before applying.
Interview Advice:
Identify a good commercial issue that you are interested in.
Trainee Solciitor, Commercial at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand where the firm wants to go and whether that fits into your personal goals.
Interview Advice:
Let your personality and individuality show.
Trainee Solicitor, Contruction at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be aware of word limits; keep your answers focused and concise.
Research the key skills/attributes the firm is looking for in its trainee solicitors and make sure you include examples of how you meet these.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you've really thought about what makes the firm stand out and why in particular you want to work here.
Do your research. You need to have good knowledge of the firm's clients and the move towards a more sector-based approach.
, at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Swap your (anonymised) applications amongst friends and see if you can guess whose are whose. Your answers should give the reader a feel for you and the type of person you are. Get your application to someone who doesn't know you and ask them to use the most honest 3/5 words to describe the person they think wrote it.
Interview Advice:
Be bold. Speak up. Don't be afraid to have an opinion. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Show your quirks. Be prepared to explain away / justify your ideas or suggestions. In group tasks, lead but don't overpower.
Trainee Solicitor, Dispute Resolution at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know your basic real estate knowledge.
Do not lie on your application or over emphasise things which are minor.
Watch the formatting of your CV - make it appealing to look at.
Interview Advice:
Try not to be nervous and be yourself - that is what the interviewer is looking for.
Dress smartly - no stains on your top.
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Application Advice:
Be yourself but know your stuff. Commercial awareness and knowledge of our clients and sector areas is key.
Interview Advice:
What cartoon character best describes you?
Trainee Solicitor, Property Litigation at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself. There isn't any 'one size fits all' model of a Trainee at Bond Dickinson, and each application is considered on its own merits. As such we have a wide variety of Trainees with many different backgrounds and experiences, yet many experiences fall into obvious categories; academics, work experience, previous career, travel. What will help you to stand out from the crowd is allowing your personality to shine through in your application, and showing what you took from the experiences you have had is crucial to defining that; after all, you are unique where your experiences may not be.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared. Make sure you know the difference between a practice area and a sector, and that you can comprehensively discuss the sort of work that Bond Dickinson does. More importantly, be sure you can detail what you have to offer the firm in relation to that work.
Show great communication skills. Being able to contribute to a discussion is great, but communication is more than showing the speaking and listening skills you possess. For example, if a fellow applicant has been particularly quiet during a discussion, why not ask them for their opinion? That shows awareness of others, which is key to good communication.
Trainee Solicitor, Professional Risk at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you gain plenty of work experience, not necessarily in the legal sector and apply to your application. Make sure you research the firm thoroughy, especially key clients and sector etc.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you are prepared to justify any gaps in your CV or occasional bad grades. I was questioned about my only one below 2:1 examination result whilst in University. Be enthusiastic and believe you deserve the role.
Trainee Solicitor, at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared to get stuck in to anything and everything.
Interview Advice:
Really consider where the firm wants to go over the next few years. Its expansion plans should be at the centre of your reason for joining.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try to use different examples for each question. The firm is interested in you as a person and how you deal with challenges so the more examples you can give, the better.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself! It sounds like a cliché but the firm really does want to get to know you throughout the recruitment process. This was something that was really notable from my assessment centre experience, which was quite different to other firms. The firm really wants you to relax and (as much as you can!) enjoy the experience - this way your personality will shine through!
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be open and honest about your motivations for wanting to work here.
Interview Advice:
Situation based questions - "Tell me about a time when you...."
Trainee, Insolvency at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Candidates applying for this role should show a genuine interest in the firm. They should demonstrate commercial awareness and show through the hobbies that they have had or the roles that they have taken on that they have developed skills such as the ability to work in a team, time management skills, leadership skills and communication skills amongst others. Always double check your application for spelling mistakes / grammatical errors before sending it off.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. The interviewers will want to know who you are and whether you would be a good fit for the firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Answer the question
Be specific on what skills you have, how you have developed them and how they will help you in your job as a solicitor and particularly as a solicitor at Bond Dickinson.
Interview Advice:
Be friendly and personable
Trainee Solicitor, at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Focus on the company's future vision and check you are happy to be part of it.
Interview Advice:
What are you passionate about.
Trainee Solicitor, Residential Property at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
When answering written questions on the application form, make sure that you go beyond basic description i.e. do not simply state the skills you possess; also explain why those skills are relevant to a lawyer and how those skills can be transferred and applied to a legal career.
Do not dismiss past experiences on the basis that they may seem trivial or irrelevant to a career in the law - even a Saturday job or membership of a sports team can demonstrate skills and competencies which can be tranferred and applied to a legal career.
When answering questions or attending an interview try and put yourself in the shoes of a recruiter or future colleague - ask yourself "would I want to work with me?" In other words, try and sell yourself to yourself. It may seem unnatural and a bit cheesy to begin with!
Always ensure that you have researched the firm you are applying to thoroughly - websites, hard copy publications, the business sections of local papers, general internet searches and current employees are all great sources of information. Better yet, try and get to a local law fair (or other event which representatives from the firm may be attending). They are a great place to meet trainees and member of the HR team and, if you make a good impression, your name is more likely to be remembered during the recruitment process.
Interview Advice:
As well as the usual competency questions, there will almost certainly be a question which addresses commercial awareness. This may relate to (among other things) the strategic sectors within the firm, current issues which may affect the firm (either on a local or a national scale) or the reasons for choosing a career in commercial law.
If you have been asked to prepare a presentation you are also likely to be questioned on its content, so ensure you have done some reading around the subject and have thought about the topic in relation to the firm itself.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm fully and the legal market in general
Interview Advice:
Make sure you are aware of current commercial issues, not just legal ones.
Trainee Solicitor, Projects and Procurement at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure that you really know why you want to work for Bond Dickinson, do your research and get to know the firm and its culture, to make sure that it is the right firm for you before submitting your application.
Don't underestimate the value of part-time work in a bar or shop for example, this is a great way to show commercial awareness in your application and also various other transferable skills such as customer service and good time manaagement both of which are very important for a career in law.
Interview Advice:
Relax and try to see it as a two way interview process. It is important that you feel the firm is right for you and to remember that the Graduate Recruitment Team are not trying to catch you out. My first interview for the vacation scheme felt more like an informal chat about my application form rather than a proper interview and I really felt at ease throughout the whole thing. The interview for the training contract is a bit more formal and you also have to give a pre-prepared presentation then answer questions about it but this really isn't as scary as it may seem at first.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Bear in mind word limits, as you often don't have many words to get your point across so you need to use them well. If choosing a commercial issue to write about, try and pick a narrower and more specific topic, rather than something more general for which it will be more difficult to make sufficiently insightful comments about.
Spend time on your application and always have someone proofread it for sense and spelling/punctuation/grammar.
Interview Advice:
Be enthusiastic about why the firm stands out for you, as it is important you really emphasise that you want to work at this firm. Make use of any 'insider' information you have gained from law fairs/meeting trainees, such as specific CSR events the firm has recently been involved in, in order to show knowledge of the firm and why it particularly appeals to you.
Take a moment to think about a question before you answer it, rather than saying the first thing that comes into your head. It can make the difference between an average and a great answer.
If you're doing a presentation, try to pick a topic which you have an interest in and/or existing knowledge of in order to make things easier for yourself and help you deliver the presentation in an enthusiastic and engaging way. If required to present on a commercial topic, try and think outside the box and don't just pick whatever is the hot topic of the moment. The interviewers have to sit through a number of candidate presentations and so it helps you stand out if yours is about something new and different.
Trainee Solicitor, at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the firm well and why exactly you wish to work for them. Make sure you are preapred to answer questions at interview relating to commercial awareness and also on how you have demonstrated various competencies in the past, such as time management, leadership skills, working as a team, etc.
Interview Advice:
Use the STAR approach when answering competency questions to ensure that your answers are clear and concise.
Trainee Solicitor, Intellectual Property / Commercial Disputes at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Tailor your applications and really look at what sets Bond Dickinson apart from its competitors
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, play to your stengths and be aware of your weaknesses
Don't fight to be heard in group exercises (just say something sensible)
Know BD's sectors and read about our main clients
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Application Advice:
Really research the firms that you want to apply for and understand what they are all about. If they are aiming for fantastic client service, then acknowledge that you understand this in your application. Also, try to think of things about yourself that will make you stand out from the crowd.
Interview Advice:
Make sure that you are up to date with very current affairs. I was asked about a story that broke in the national press the day before my interview and I had to demonstrate that I understood the context as well as offering my opinion, backed up by my previous work experiences.
Trainee Solicitor, Dispute resolution at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Tailor your application to the firm and think carefully about why you think you are right for Bond Dickinson and equally why Bond Dickinson is right for you.
Think about what you are passionate about and try to convey this in your application, both work related and non-work related.
Make sure that your spelling and grammar are perfect - there is just no excuse on an application form and one small mistake could mean you don't get an interview.
Interview Advice:
Relax. Interviews at Bond Dickinson are about trying to get the best out of you in a stressful situation. They are not designed to make the situation worse by tripping you up or asking unnecessary questions.
Trainee Solicitor, at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Get to know the firm properly. The firm has unique views.
Trainee Solicitor, Banking at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and ensure you are interesting. There appears to be no 'type' but everyone is able to talk of interesting experiences - whether that be previous careers or university extra-curricular activities.
Interview Advice:
Smile. Be honest. Relate your answers to either the firm or to attractive qualities you have as an individual.
Trainee Solicitor, Various at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company, look at some of their news items to show you are aware of their recent successes and their clients.
Interview Advice:
Whichever seat/area of law you are applying for do some research and refresh your memory of that area as it may have been quite some time since you studied the subject.
Be yourself!
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Learn as much about the firm as you can by talking to as many people in side the firm as you can.
Interview Advice:
Show your personality.
Have knowledge of current events and an opinion on them.
Be a varied individual. Have interests outside of law.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
-do your homework- know the firm and its clients
Interview Advice:
Preparation, including: try to find out who your interviewer(s) is beforehand; re-read your application; prepare answers to the obvious questions; and think of relevant questions to ask at the end.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Thoroughly research the firm
Interview Advice:
Top Tip - be engaging from the moment you walk through the door
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
No matter how many times you receive rejections, keep on trying. The more experience you have (both in law and otherwise) the better.
Interview Advice:
Don't lie and be yourself, that way you will find the firm and job that suits you best.
Trainee Solicitor, Regulatory at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors in your application
Interview Advice:
Relax and be positive and enthusiastic
Trainee, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Prepare well and know the firm as well as possible
Trainee Solicitor, Trainee at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know you want to work outside of the City and why. Understand our 8 core focused sectors so you understand the type of work that is carried out in the firm.
Interview Advice:
Think about what makes BD stand out from the crowd, particuarly in a city like Bristol which has lots of top quality national and city firms.
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial Disputes at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and don't be afraid to be passionate and why you want the job.
Interview Advice:
Try to relax and focus on what you have to offer the firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself!
Interview Advice:
Firm strategy...
Trainee, Insurance at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm thoroughly before applying. Where possible, try to get work experience at the firm prior to applying. This shows willing and illustrates that you have made an informed decision to apply.
Show passion and enthusiasm throughout your application and make sure that your responses are bespoke to the firm and answer the question set. Take your time when completing an application and include examples of relevant responsibilities/experiences throughout.
Interview Advice:
Always approach interviews/assessments with integrity. The recruiters are looking for individuals who will thrive within the teams at the firm and work well with others, so try to be open and honest in your responses.
Research the firm thoroughly before an interview and make sure that you show a real passion to work at the firm throughout the interview.
Trainee Solicitor, Construction at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research firms to ensure they are the right fit for you. I worked as a paralegal at Dickinson Dees before applying for my training contract so I was sure that it was the firm I wanted to train with. I did work experience weeks at different firms and you get a feel for the different people and type of work.
Interview Advice:
Practice answers to competency based questions - these type of questions come up time and time again. One nameless firm did ask me the not so popular question, "If you were an animal, what animal would you be?"
Trainee Solicitor, Planning and Infrastructure at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm (and others) thoroughly before applying.
Interview Advice:
The application process changed since I completed it - so not applicable.
Trainee Solicitor, On Secondment at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It is really worth applying for the vacation scheme.
Interview Advice:
Very open, situation based questions.
Trainee, Private Client at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you demonstrate a commitment to the firm's ambition for growth. The firm is currently growing and developing and applicants should show a desire to help with this process.
Interview Advice:
The firm has a reputation for being a friendly and enjoyable place to work - applicants who demonstrate that they would fit in this environment are likely to do better than technically excellent but robotic or difficult personalities.
Trainee Solicitor, Trainee at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself during the assessment day.
Interview Advice:
Prepare your presentation thoroughly - you can never be too prepared.
trainee solicitor, Pensions at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Bond Dickinson LLP are really looking for the right "personality" for the firm. There is no set formula for being successful in your application except that you be yourself and try stand out.
Interview Advice:
Understand how law firms work, how they make money, what clients want and what challenges face law firms in the near future.
Trainee Solicitor, Dispute Resolution at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Think about what you want from a firm.
Interview Advice:
Research and prepare .
Trainee, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Facilities Services, Facilities at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal, Commercial Disputes & Regulatory at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Client Support Apprentice, LSC at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Corporate & Commercial at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Solicitor, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Private Wealth at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Chartered Legal Executive, Dispute Resolution at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Chartered Legal Executive Apprenticeship, Legal Solutions Centre at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Solicitor, Employment at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Administrator, Private Wealth – Investment and Pensions at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Property Litigation at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Legal Solutions Centre at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Administration Apprentice, Private Wealth – Investments and Pensions at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Residential real estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Dispute Resolution at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » HR Apprentice / Assistant, HR at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Private Capital at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Early Careers, HR at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Property Litigation at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal, Commercial Disputes & Regulatory at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Legal Administration Apprentice, OnShore Administration at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprenticeship, Property Litigation at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship, Insurance at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Facilities Services Apprentice, Facilities at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, OnShore – Recovery + at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Business Administration Level 3, HR at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Commercil Disputes and Regulatory at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Recovery + at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Administrator, Wealth at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Private Capital at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Womble Bond Dickinson View »
The solicitors in the business are friendly and supportive, and also have your training in mind.
The office is in need of refurbishment, and there are no spaces to have a break.
Trainee Solicitor, Restructuring and Insolvency at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Work environment
Trainee Solicitor, Various at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The firm is forward-thinking and not afraid to talk about more taboo subjects.
Work-life balance can sometimes be off if there is a big deal on.
Trainee Solicitor, Various Departments at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
My colleagues are great and made me feel welcome into the team.
Trainee Solicitor, Intellectual Property at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
I think the best think about Womble Bond Dickinson is it's culture. The firm, and actually everyone who works in it, really support the trainees and new starters. You are encouraged to get to know people across the firm and get involved in all of the social events which makes for a really great work environment. Volunteering and giving back to the community is highly encouraged, and there is a general rapport within the teams that you help each other and really work as one which I really enjoy.
Although we are a transatlantic law firm, there aren't any real opportunities to work internationally either on a secondment or in our US offices etc.
Trainee Solicitor, Agriculture, Farms and Estates at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The people that comprise it
Trainee Solicitor, Residential Property at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Based in Newcastle, but get work from the London office, so not a normal regional firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial Disputes at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Interesting matters, the people, the open plan office.
Trainee Solicitor, Planning and Construction at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The people. Womble Bond Dickinson is unique in terms of law firms for the supportive atmosphere people work in.
Very little, sometime HR could make things a little smoother but I think that comes with having a multi office firm.
Trainee, Construction at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
We really value diversity
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
International edge, friendly environment, reputable firm that I am proud to say I work for.
Our office doesn't have a nice view but all of the other UK offices have lovely views.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate Finance at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
They actually value people
Because of the size of the company - there is a lot of bureaucracy
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The firm has a positive working environment and everyone is down to earth. Being able to be yourself at work makes the busy and difficult times easier to cope with, and draws each team closer together.
The firm is still settling in to its new standing as a transatlantic firm, though over the year since the combination, opportunities for fee-earners to collaborate across the Atlantic has started to increase.
Trainee Solicitor, Banking and Financial Services at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The people are the best thing about WBD. I enjoy being able to walk up to the managing partner (or any partner for that matter) and to be able to talk regardless of the hierarchy. If you need help, people are always more than willing to share their knowledge with you.
The organised activities for juniors are a little bit of an afterthought at the moment. Prioritising staff events/ benefits would be a good way to improve retention.
Trainee Solicitor, Professional Risks Litigation at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
already answered
already answered
Trainee Solicitor, Projects and Procurement at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Open and approachable.
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Friendly and good work-life balance.
Salary not in line with market
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial Disputes and Regulatory at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Quality of work
Could be a better range of ages amongst staff - more younger staff/grads
Trainee Solicitor, Various at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Quality of work
Long hours, sub-par pay
Trainee Solicitor, Dispute Resolution at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Its people
Trainee Solicitor, Banking and Restructruring at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The prospects for the firm look bright, both in terms of growth and improvements in the quality of work available.
Some small scale work.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The people
Trainee, Commercial Property at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Best is the supportive, inclusive environment which the firm creates. The encouragement to get involved in activities outside of your day to day work is excellent.
Trainee Solicitor, Various – Currently Pensions at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
The office culture - there is nobody that you can't approach with questions, and everyone is helpful and friendly. The trainees are given a lot of responsibility and are encouraged to become a part of the firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Work/life balance, people at the firm appreciate that you are a person and have a life outside of work!
Some discrepancies in how different areas of the firm operate sometimes make things more confusing than necessary.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate Rail at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
As above
Level of pay as against competitors.
Trainee Solicitor, Projects and Procurement at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Work environment and people I work with.
Learning and training initiatives.
The office could be nicer, and the canteen could be better with more options.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Work for great clients
Work with people who are at the top of their field
Read the full review »
Work/life balance
Average pay
Trainee Solicitor, at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Great working environment and good work/life balance.
Trainee Solicitor, at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
Low pay in comparison to similar size firms.
Trainee Solicitor, Oil & Gas at Womble Bond DickinsonRead the full review »
the working environment and the people that I work with.
It's still work at the end of the day.
Trainee Solicitor, Professional Risk at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Working Environment
Move toward top-20 style firm
Trainee, Real Estate at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
friendly environment
the politics
, Financial Services at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Pay in relation to competitors and communication
Trainee, Oil and Gas at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Super friendly and great work life balance
Smaller company
Trainee Solicitor, Regulatory at Bond Dickinson LLPRead the full review »
Facilities Services, Facilities at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal, Commercial Disputes & Regulatory at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Client Support Apprentice, LSC at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Corporate & Commercial at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Solicitor, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Private Wealth at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Chartered Legal Executive, Dispute Resolution at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Chartered Legal Executive Apprenticeship, Legal Solutions Centre at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Solicitor, Employment at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Administrator, Private Wealth – Investment and Pensions at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Property Litigation at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Legal Solutions Centre at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Administration Apprentice, Private Wealth – Investments and Pensions at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Residential real estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Dispute Resolution at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » HR Apprentice / Assistant, HR at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Private Capital at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Early Careers, HR at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Property Litigation at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal, Commercial Disputes & Regulatory at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Legal Administration Apprentice, OnShore Administration at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprenticeship, Property Litigation at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship, Insurance at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Facilities Services Apprentice, Facilities at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Real Estate at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, OnShore – Recovery + at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Business Administration Level 3, HR at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Commercil Disputes and Regulatory at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Paralegal Apprentice, Recovery + at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Apprentice Administrator, Wealth at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Solicitor Apprentice, Private Capital at Womble Bond Dickinson View » Womble Bond Dickinson View »