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Burges Salmon LLP
Average start time: 8:30
Average end time: 18:30
Average number of working hours: 10
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Application Advice:
Have a good think about why a firm in Bristol is the right fit for you.
Interview Advice:
There aren't any trick questions, but be ready for the occasional challenge.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate Funds at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm very well.
Interview Advice:
Be sure why you want to live in Bristol.
Trainee Solicitor, at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Tailor application
Trainee, at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm and know why you want to come to Bristol.
Trainee Solicitor, Family at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Think of all relevant experience you have and talk about it in detail explaining how it will help you in day to day life at the firm e.g. team work, working under time constraints or under pressure etc.
Interview Advice:
Be enthusiastic and be yourself: all of the trainees are very different in terms of background and interests
Remember what tasks you have done during your work experience/vac schemes - what did you enjoy doing most, what did you learn
Trainee, Real Estate at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you can talk about your relevant experience in detail.
Interview Advice:
What did you do on the vacation scheme with the firm (in detail).
Discuss your position on working for clients who may work in business sectors you personally disagree with.
Trainee Solicitor, Trainee at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm and their main clients/sectors. Know why you want to work here and not at another law firm, what makes this firm different.
Trainee Solicitor, Commercial at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know as much as possible about the firm and their clients before the interview.
Trainee Solicitor, at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have a good commercial awareness.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself - it takes lots of characters and types to make a successful firm.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know what a job as a solicitor actually entails on a day to day basis and make sure you research the firm you are applying to - there are lots of law firms in the UK covering a wide range of sectors in a unique way.
Interview Advice:
Be comfortable explaining what it is that makes you interested in a career in law and what attributes you have which you think will help you succeed.
Trainee, Construction and Engineering at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you are clear why you want to work within a commercial law firm, and why at this firm in particular. What makes the firm different, and why would you be suited to working here.
Interview Advice:
Nothing specific. Just make sure you are up to date with changes in the legal environment that will have an impact on our firm and our clients. Also, be enthusiastic - having a genuine interest will show.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be genuine and as friendly as possible
Interview Advice:
Scenario-based questions
Trainee Solicitor, Construction at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Learn about the firm and why we stand out against other law firms. Think about our key clients and how we can stay competitive.
Trainee Solicitor, at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be personable, friendly, honest and open.
Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do not submit a generic application - know the firm, their work and their clients and tailor your application accordingly or do not bother applying. Also, proofread your application within an inch of its life.
Interview Advice:
See above. Also, be yourself and have some interesting hobbies etc to discuss.
Trainee solicitor, Corporate at Burges Salmon LLPRead the full review »