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Application Advice:
Research placement options as much as possible before choosing a placement as there is such a wide variety.
Interview Advice:
Be curious, conscious and challenged.
Be able to talk about volunteering experience and show interest in the charity sector.
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Application Advice:
Volunteer, self reflect, emphasise your passion and avoid buzzwords
Interview Advice:
Be prepared to talk about your failures and your successes, and let your love for the industry really shine
Graduate trainee, at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research to understand what this grad scheme offers and does not offer. Be prepared to be flexible and adapt to make the best of the role you are placed in. Charityworks is great if you want to explore a number of areas within the third sector and build experience, if you know already the exact specialism you want to pursue a direct entry job may be preferable.
Leave time for the application, it is quite an extensive form. Pay attention to the specific values of the scheme and tailor your answers to show that you are someone who will work to those values and be willing to learn more. Specifically - being self-reflective, curious to learn and intellectually/politically aware, someone who challenges themselves to achieve more and reach specific goals they have set.
If you don't know, find out what a housing association is and whether you would be happy to work for one.
Interview Advice:
Try to draw on a range of your experiences in the competency interview. Many of those applying will have extensive volunteering and student society-type experience - if you can differentiate yourself and show how your unique path has led you to this graduate scheme it will help. You don't need to have a very specific idea about what career you want long term but knowing exactly what you want to get out of the year on the grad scheme in terms of learning will strengthen your answers.
At the assessment centre be confident but not domineering, as assessment centres go this was one of the friendliest I attended. Again remember the scheme's values, these are often woven into pair work or group exercises. Try to read the news around charities and housing associations, the written exercises focussed on issues/debates affecting them.
Junior Project Manager, IT/Systems at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The most important thing is to show passion for working in the charity sector. When you are applying think in depth about your motivations. Why is it that the charity sector appeals to you? If you have a better answer than ' I want to have a positive impact' or 'I want to make a difference' you'll be doing yourself a favour!
It may seem like a very long process but each stage is manageable. The assessment day is by far the biggest hurdle. Just make sure you engage with the topics. I feel the best thing you can do to improve your chances is to think about what it is about the sector that appeals to you and read charity news to be aware of issues in the sector (e.g. Guardian Voluntary Network / housing network). Finally make sure you engage with the group tasks! Even if you do not feel you have much to say you can take the role of ensuring the group remains focused on the task (i.e. say 'what is the crux of this task' or 'I think we are getting side-tracked... lets bring this back to...) or even just time keeping (okay we have 10 mins left... lets see where we are and get our main points together).
With the interview/presentation just make sure you practice. My first few times I was super nervous and it was not good! so I went through it a few times with my sister and made it much more succinct and also increased my confidence with presenting.
Interview Advice:
As above... make sure you have a clear sense of why you want to work in the sector! You may get through if you say 'I want to make a difference' but you'll have much better chances with a thought through answer. For example the public sector is also a place where people work who want to have a social aspect to their career, why is the third sector more appealing to you?
Also Charityworks has a very social focus, they are trying to create a network of future leaders in the sector. Think about how you would engage and feed into this network. How might you act as ambassador for the programme and the things it stands for?
Assistant to the Chief Executive/ Charityworks Graduate Trainee, Executive assistant at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be flexible- try anything, go anywhere, the placements are limited so don't rule anything out.
Interview Advice:
Be confident and friendly- and think about why you want to go into the charity sector, have a novel interesting answer, not something generic.
Onsite Quality Assurance Officer, Housing at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you are flexible in where you are willing to be placed.
Interview Advice:
Show an interest in the sector as a whole rather than one singular area. Don't be thrown off by people who seem to have loads more experience.
Graduate Trainee, Finance at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do it!! The most important thing is to be passionate. If you can speak with genuine passion about the charity sector, that's half the battle. You don't have to know everything about the sector. They take people with a variety of experience levels and backgrounds. It's more important to know yourself than know facts. You have to be able to express why you want to be in the sector, what you can bring, why Charityworks etc.
Interview Advice:
I would recommend enjoying the experience. The interview process is long- with assessment days, group activities, written tests, interviews, presentations etc- but it is an invaluable experience.
I was asked typical questions like what I could bring to Charityworks and what it could bring to me. I was asked why I wanted to work in the sector. I was asked times I had failed and what I'd learned, times I had been an ambassador, and people I found inspirational.
Practice Development Assistant, at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself, be open to all opportunities in the third sector and check over your application a few times.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, at the assessment days they want to make you shine, not trip you up.
Supporter Journey Executive, Fundraising at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show your passion for the sector, get lots of volunteering experience and talk about it!
Campaigns Assistant, Willow at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared and willing for a challenging year. Have as few preconceptions about the charity sector as possible!
Interview Advice:
Know how to demonstrate resilience, thriving in difficult circumstances and thoughtfulness. Know where your values lie and be ready to talk about what you are most passionate about.
Leadership Development Executive, Leadership Development at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You cannot predict what type of charity you will be places in or the role you will find yourself in so be open minded and ready to learn from any experience.
Interview Advice:
Presentation and strategic planning skills will be assessed. There are a series of interviews and assessment centres but be yourself and have fun with it if you can.
Deputy Manager, Bolton at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and passionate, it's okay to not necessarily know what you want to do in the sector but you need passion for it.
Charityworks Graduate Trainee, The Children’s Society at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Once you're past the online tests, you'll need to demonstrate a commitment and passion for working in the sector but you also need to show that you're resilient and would be able to motivate yourself in a professional environment and in a placement you might not be 100% happy in. As long as you have something interesting to say, hungry to learn and you're good with people you'll be fine.
Interview Advice:
Honestly, just be yourself. It's such a cliché but very true. In my interview I spoke about how I almost got fired from my first job but because I was able to reflect on it and say what I learnt from that experience they seemed genuinely happy with how open I was and I got through to the next round.
Projects, at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be as honest as possible about your motivations for working in the charity sector - if it's personal, that's fine. In my experience, the interview is more about demonstrating your passion than your ability - ability is already proven in the earlier stages and everyone there is qualified enough, but you need to show you're passionate.
Graduate trainee, Learnng disability support at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be passionate about wanting to be a leader in the non-profit sector. This will take you a long way. Otherwise, show off any related experience to demonstrate your commitment to the sector and the competencies you have learnt. Be prepared to be flexible about location and type of non-profit and role within it, although do be honest about what you are prepared to do work-wise (e.g. I said I could only work in central London so they accommodated this).
Interview Advice:
The psychometric tests are first - you will have to complete the first of these within 24 hours of submitting your application and the second 24 hours after that. If you fail either of them then you may still get on the scheme as you are put on a waiting list. There are 2 assessment days, which seems like a lot, but the second one is narrowed down so much that only a few don't get through this one. On the days be confident and friendly. They want to see how you would fit in the cohort as a whole, so show that you get on well with people on the day. There'll be team building exercises e.g. building the tallest tower with newspaper, written tasks on current issues in the sector, group exercise e.g. developing a new community based service and individual interview (with a 5 min presentation on the second assessment day). It's not half as scary as it sounds and you feel as though they want to get the best out of you so are very encouraging.
Charityworks Graduate Trainee, HR and Development at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself.
There is no one 'perfect applicant', everyone brings something unique and a different perspective and drive to the scheme.
Understand yourself, what you are passionate about and what changes you want to be a part of in the next year, 5 years, 10 years.
Interview Advice:
Think about the people that have inspired you, why is this? What can you learn from them or do/have done as a result?
Charityworks Trainee, Graduate at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show that you are passionate and don't stress too much about the numerical test - what you write is way more important.
Interview Advice:
Why do you want to work in the non-profit sector?
Who do you look up to?
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Application Advice:
Be picky about which placement offer you accept!
Interview Advice:
Read around the not for profit sector, especially Guardian articles. Socialize with other applicants. Think about their core values.
Social Enterprise Development Assistant, Social Enterprise Development at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be open-minded and be honest in applications. Part of the job is welcoming new information and being challenged and if you aren't honest or open minded you won't learn and grow.
Interview Advice:
Be positive through the interview process and buy into the vision of the grad scheme. It will help in answering questions and showing off your best self.
Marketing and Brand Assistant, Communications at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you are willing to work in a department or charity you hadn't previously considered as you will find unexpected opportunities and learn a lot
Interview Advice:
Who inspires you?
When have you been challenged and what did you learn from this?
Just be yourself. The assessors were welcoming and friendly. Both assessment days felt more like an opportunity to get to know you rather than a formal assessment.
Graduate Trainee, at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Being an ideal candidate for Charityworks is much more about your commitment to the voluntary sector and to helping others than to your actual work experience
Interview Advice:
Show evidence of: volunteering experience; plenty of extra-curricular activities
Graduate trainee policy officer, Royal College of Physicians at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be clear on what you want to get out of the specific elements of the Charityworks programme.
Programme Manager, at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Emphasise any voluntary experience you have, as Charityworks recruits on passion for non-profit sector before anything else really.
Interview Advice:
Largely values-based; why do you want to work in this sector? What does success look like? What are you looking to get out of this? What made you start volunteering?
Also, some competency; Describe a time you have had to show resilience. What is the best team you have ever worked in and why did it work well? Describe a team that hasn't worked together so well and why you think that was.
Although the assessment centres are an intense experience, everyone there is very friendly and the actual format of the interview is quite relaxed. It is more like a conversation than an interrogation and don't worry about the interviewers trying to catch you out - just be honest.
Graduate Trainee, Policy at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself, don't be who you want them to be as it's probably inaccurate.
Executive Assistant Business Management, at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
In the initial application I think it's important to be able to show your motivation for wanting to be part of Charityworks. For me, the scheme is all about being motivated to reach your potential, and so don't be put off if you feel you don't have loads of experience, as I think it's about showing your potential, and willingness to put in hard-work to achieve it.
Interview Advice:
I found the whole interview process very supportive, so my top tip would be to relax and treat the interviews as a way to gain more experience. The Charityworks team really want to see you at your best, so I think it's important to keep this in mind and just do your best to demonstrate who you are.
I would say that it is important to show your enthusiasm for a career in the sector, and do your research into current trends and challenges, perhaps by following websites like Guardian Voluntary Sector Network.
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Application Advice:
Don't sell yourself short, make the most of any volunteering experience.
Check out Charityworks 360 for advice.
Interview Advice:
They are looking for attitude and out look as well as to prove you will be a future leader in the charity sector.
Things of interesting/honest answers to: Who do you look up to? And why do you want to work in the charity sector?
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Application Advice:
Something to note about the application process is that you will be filling in an online form, instead of providing a cover letter and CV. Once you submit the form, you will then be given an online verbal reasoning test and an online numerical reasoning test, so it is best to practice before taking the real thing. All this, including the completion of the online tests, needs to be done by the deadline they advertise on the website.
Interview Advice:
If you get short-listed, expect two rounds of assessment centres (interviews included). The first consists of group exercises and some written exercises, as well as an interview. The list of candidates then get narrowed down further for the second one, where you will be expected to do a presentation.
If you get employed, you'll start around the start of September.
Policy Assistant / Graduate Trainee, Policy at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Above all, you need to demonstrate that you are passionate about the voluntary sector, what it does and why it does it.
Interview Advice:
The assessment centre and interview process is intense. But you've got to treat it as an opportunity to learn something or try something new. You've got to be open and willing to be challenged. And you've also got to be able to think fast and write fast for the written tasks.
Research Officer, Policy and Research at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
As charityworks operates throughout the third sector it is important that candidates show that they have a broad range of skills and an interest in the sector and its development as a whole. If you just want to work in a very specific charity with narrow aims then this isn't the place for you.
I would advise candidates to focus on how their experiences have given them the skills necessary for leadership- Communication, decision making, resilience, creativity, networking, supporting and developing others.
I would also suggest that applicants be able to demonstrate how their values will make them an asset to the third sector and that they have openness to learning.
Interview Advice:
The trickiest question I was asked was "who do you admire and why?" This is an excellent question for assessing peoples values so I would suggest candidates give an open and honest answer as this it was a chance to show what really mattered to me.
Graduate Trainee, Rotating Placement at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Just be yourself and try to demonstrate your experience and skills - it doesn't all need to be formal experience. Convey what you will bring to the programme and how you will develop/benefit as a result of it.
Interview Advice:
Prepare your presentation well so you feel confident and can focus on the other aspects of the day. Justify the answers you give in the written part of the assessment - there isn't really a 'right or wrong' so long as you can back up your opinion.
Graduate Trainee, at CharityworksRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be mindful that the scheme centres on career development - need to be thinking beyond the immediate job offer.
Trainee Business Development Manager, Business Development at CharityworksRead the full review »