All of the below information comes directly from job reviews written by Diageo employees based on 67 reviews.
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Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Account Manager Department: On Trade Job Title: Field Sales Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Supply Chain Department: Baileys Global Supply Job Title: Trainee Team Lead

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Customer marketing Job Title: CP&A Junior Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Supply Chain Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources Graduate Scheme Job Title: HR Coordinator

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Finance Job Title: BPM Analyst

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Sales Department: Spain / Levante on Trade Job Title: Field sale executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Sales Job Title: Sales Manager

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Customer Marketing Job Title: CP&A Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Account Manager

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Supply Chain Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: HR

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Account Manager Department: Finance Job Title: BPM Analyst

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources Graduate Scheme Department: Global Organisational Effectiveness Job Title: Global OE Specialist

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Supply Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Innovation Job Title: Innovation Futures Coordinator

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Supply Chain Department: Brewing Job Title: Continuous Improvement Brewer

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Recruitment Department: Talent Engagement Job Title: Talent Engagement Specialist

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Sales Department: Sales Operations Job Title: Commercial Gradaute Scheme

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Supply Chain Department: Process Support, Elgin Job Title: ISC Graduate Trainee

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Account Manager Department: International Supply Centre Job Title: Supply Graduate Trainee

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Marketing - France Job Title: J&B Brand Manager

Industry: Arts & Media, Marketing Executive Department: Dublin

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources Graduate Scheme Department: HR Job Title: HR Grad

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Impulse & Wholelsale Job Title: National Account Executive

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Supply Chain Department: Brand Change Job Title: Luxury Brand Change manager

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Supply Chain

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Supply Chain Excellence Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Supply Chain Department: Procurement Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Arts & Media, Brand Management Department: Marketing Job Title: Junior brand manager

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Sales and marketing Job Title: Key account executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Sales Department: Commercial Job Title: Sales Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Reserve Job Title: Reserve Key Account Executive

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Sales Department: North Dublin Job Title: Key Account Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Finance Job Title: BPM Analyst

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Finance Job Title: BPM Analyst

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources (Talent Management & Development) Department: Western Europe Talent Job Title: Western Europe Talent Programme Lead

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Sales On-Trade Job Title: Sales Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Customer Marketing Norway Job Title: Commercial Planning & Activation Manager OnTrade

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Sales Department: Field Sales Job Title: Sales Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Sales Job Title: Sales Executive

Industry: Arts & Media, Brand Management Job Title: Brand Management

Industry: Buying and Selling, Sales Job Title: Sales

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: South England Job Title: Sales executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Account Manager Department: Consumer Marketing Job Title: Assistant Brand Manager

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: HR Job Title: HR Coordinator

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Sales Department: Field Sales Job Title: Sales Executive

Industry: Buying and Selling, Sales Department: CP&A Job Title: CP&A Executive

Industry: Arts & Media, Advertising Administration Department: Cork Job Title: Sales executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Field Sales Job Title: Sales Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Western Europe Finance Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Account Manager Job Title: National Account Manager

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources (Talent Management & Development) Department: Employer Brand Job Title: Employer Brand Specialist

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Sales and Marketing Job Title: Innovation & Commercialization Executive

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Brand Management Department: Consumer marketing Job Title: Assistant Brand Manager

Industry: Arts & Media, Brand Management Department: Consumer Marketing Job Title: Assistant Brand Manager

Industry: Arts & Media, Brand Management Department: Smirnnoff Job Title: Smirnoff Western Europe Assistant Brand Manager

Industry: Arts & Media, Brand Management Department: Brand Team Job Title: Assistant Brand Manager

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources Graduate Scheme Department: Scotland HR team Job Title: Trainee HR Business Partner

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources (Talent Management & Development) Department: Global Talent & Organisational Effectiveness Job Title: Global Talent Coordinator

Industry: Arts & Media, Brand Management Job Title: Assistant Brand Manager

Industry: Consumer Goods and FMCG, Brand Management Department: Innovation Job Title: Assistant Innovation Manager - Premix, Europe

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Human Resources Graduate Scheme Department: HR team in Scotland Job Title: Trainee HR Business Partner

Industry: Buying and Selling, Sales Job Title: European Sales & Marketing Graduate Scheme

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Application Advice:

It's the kick off of the Diageo journey. All the employees related with Sales, Marketing and Strategy Roles should start in this role to have a deep knowledge and understanding of the business. On the field we have an enrichment experience. Every single day, we learn different and new things.

Interview Advice:

Be authentic.

Field Sales Executive, On Trade at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself, sound cliché but they are genuinely looking for people with personality - not people who are experts in their field already, but people who have an aptitude for learning and have that 'spark' of ambition in them.

Interview Advice:

Again, be yourself - speak to everyone and don't be afraid to stand your ground if challenged they want to see that you can well acquit yourself, though be careful to do so in the right way.

Trainee Team Lead, Baileys Global Supply at Diageo
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Application Advice:

To demonstrate a lo of enthusiasm, willingness to learn and leadership skills.

CP&A Junior Executive, Customer marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be Authentic, this is one of our core values and it will set you in good stead. Diageo needs to be right for you and equally you right for Diageo so do your research. Show your passion and enthusiasm always.

Interview Advice:

My advice is simply be yourself. It is very easy to tell if someone is being fake or saying things because they think that's what you want to hear. Don't do it. Take a breath and don't get worked up over the interview, it's very easy going and relaxed. Dress appropriately though, no jeans and trainers!

Graduate Trainee, Supply Chain at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Know our brands and their purpose. Have a look at our values and our performance ambition if they're available on the corporate website, all employees are aware of these and they say a lot about our culture. Be willing to travel globally and try to have a "growth mindset."

Interview Advice:

As above. The assessment centre or "final audition" is a new process this year which is designed so that you are acting as a business leader and making decisions about the business, you can't prepare for it but just be prepared to have a stretching and challenging yet enjoyable day. It will almost all be group work.

For the video interview I found it helpful to prepare with post it notes and stick these around my laptop screen.

HR Coordinator, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself.

Interview Advice:

Be prepared to answer all common interview questions.

BPM Analyst, Finance at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Study the sector.
Look if the values of the company fit with your aspirations.

Interview Advice:

Practise a sale role interview.

Field sale executive, Spain / Levante on Trade at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself. Be extraordinary.

Sales Manager, Sales at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself, talk about any relevant experience no matter how minor it may seem to you. You need to make sure your personality shines through.

Interview Advice:

Role plays, presentations.

CP&A Executive, Customer Marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Get to know more about what Diageo truly stands for and see how it connects to your values.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself.

, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

The Diageo values are very important to the company: read them, understand their meaning and application and check if they are aligned with your own before you apply.

Interview Advice:

Be prepared for a challenging assessment centre. Make sure you come prepared for both group exercises and individual presentations. The time you are given for each task is short make sure you keep that in mind at all times!

Graduate, Supply Chain at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Sounds clichéd but definitely be yourself as authenticity is incredibly important.
Let academic achievements take a back seat, as they are looking to see what you have learnt from all different aspects of your life.
Speak to people! Whether it is the other candidates on the assessment day, or the reviewers themselves, as they give the best indication of what working at Diageo is really like.
Treat it as a learning opportunity, even if you don't get the position.

Interview Advice:

It is a two way conversation so ask plenty of (well-informed) questions - you are trying to work out if you are a good fit as much as the reviewer is.
Again, don't just go on about academic achievements - you have done plenty of other things that are better indicators of what you are really like and where your interests truly lie.

, HR at Diageo
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Application Advice:

I believe the current policy is to hire for the person, then the function and then the role.

This means that if they like you, but you're not suited to the role then you can still find yourself with a job in another department (as happened to a friend of mine). The flip side though, is that if you're well suited to the role, but you're not the right type of person for Diageo then you won't get any job.

Highlight thinks which make you interesting and your connection and / or interest with the industry. Willingness and/or experience of travelling / living abroad is also a plus, I think.

Interview Advice:

The key, in my view, is to be collaborative, and somebody that people want to work with rather than trying come across as someone who thinks they're the best.

BPM Analyst, Finance at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself 100%. Don't worry about 'what they want to see'... just go and be yourself.

Interview Advice:

What 3 things do you need to be a good leader?

Global OE Specialist, Global Organisational Effectiveness at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Diageo really values people and the diversity that people can bring to the job. Show them that you are proud to be an individual and that you will always stand up for what you think is right.

Interview Advice:

Be positive, engaged and let them see what you're passionate about. Think about what you really want from your career and what drives you but also think about the areas that you know you need to work on.

Graduate Trainee, Supply at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be different. Be interesting. Know the company and know the brands.

Interview Advice:

Be fun, be bold, don't be overbearingly keen.

Innovation Futures Coordinator, Innovation at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Put the time and effort into your application and video interviews. Diageo really put time into hiring the right graduates for the programme and expect you to do the same.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and go for it. The application and interview process can be nerve wrecking and hard at times, but they really do try and get the best out of you. They choose people who will fit into the company well.
For my graduate intake, the interview process included a roleplay, presentation, interview and group exercise. It is a long day, but actually was enjoyable and I felt on the day I had done my best and that is all anyone can do. So that would also be a point of advice, do you best, don't walk out thinking "I could have done this better."

Continuous Improvement Brewer, Brewing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself.
Be genuine - don't tell us what you think we want to hear, tell us about you.
Fully understand the opportunities which are available and think about your mobility, career aspirations etc.
Be passionate.

Interview Advice:

Similar to the above... be yourself, be confident, speak up and this will shine through on the day.

Talent Engagement Specialist, Talent Engagement at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Ensure that you fit with the Diageo values.

Research both Diageo and the wider alcohol industry particularly new trends.

Commercial Gradaute Scheme, Sales Operations at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Always do research on the company values and ambitions. It is extremely important to make sure that these match with your own personal ambitions, otherwise you will find yourself working for a company where you do not believe in what you are doing. This will lead to low job satisfaction as well as low productivity, which is not beneficial for you nor the company.

Interview Advice:

Be confident and be yourself. The company is looking for independent people who are prepared to challenge and drive forward new ideas. They do not want clones to come and work for them. Saying this, they are also not looking for people who are overly arrogant in themselves.

ISC Graduate Trainee, Process Support, Elgin at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself and think about what your best qualities are that you have to offer. e.g. You might not influence people by being loud and passionate, you might be more analytical but present well reasoned arguments. In the assessment centre, you need to think about how you can best leverage your personality and skills to influence decisions or team situations.

Supply Graduate Trainee, International Supply Centre at Diageo
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Interview Advice:

Feel free to talk and to show your real you, do not pretend to be someone that you are not. Authenticity is a really valued asset in Diageo.

J&B Brand Manager, Marketing – France at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Make sure you share our values and ambition.

HR Grad, HR at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself, open and inquisitive. You don't need to know the right answer so much as keep an open mind, be able to justify an idea/position and ground your argument in a strong commercials.

Interview Advice:

Relax! The people interviewing you have been in the same seat and won't know all the answers themselves.

National Account Executive, Impulse & Wholelsale at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Get a much experience as possible while at university- Diageo looks for people not just qualifications.
Apply early.
Use your contacts.

Interview Advice:

Diageo interviews aren't 'scary' - be you!

Luxury Brand Change manager, Brand Change at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Take a bit of time filling out the application and make sure to capture all the relevant information about you. I would also recommend researching what the graduate scheme and the company are about to make sure you are fitted for the role.

Interview Advice:

Sounds a bit clichéd but being yourself is the best piece of advice. I think impressing in the group exercises is also very important.

, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be open and honest - that way, if you are good fit for the company it will shine through in your application.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and ensure you are familiar with the Diageo values and Leadership standard. Enjoy the interviews and use it as an opportunity to display how great you are!

Graduate Trainee, Supply Chain Excellence at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Do your research, make sure your personal values match with the company's as this is hugely important.

Interview Advice:

Make sure you make the most of the assessment centre as you'll get so much more out of it, if you throw yourself into it regardless of whether you get the job or not.

Graduate Trainee, Procurement at Diageo
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Application Advice:

To read more about marketing.
To practice English and public speaking.

Junior brand manager, Marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

The application is more about you as a person than the company.

Interview Advice:

It's your perspicacity that will get you the job.

Key account executive, Sales and marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Although somewhat of a cliché, being authentic is hugely important when applying as it's imperative to start with a company with which you share similar values and a common purpose. Be passionate about the brands and original in the way in which you articulate this within the application.

Interview Advice:

Know the core values and be able to explain how you have brought these to life previously. Be specific when answering competency questions, what you did and what the result was. Remember that in the assessment cente it's not a test, but a method with which to see how you make decisions, so be authentic when answering questions/completing tasks.

Sales Executive, Commercial at Diageo
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Interview Advice:

Be yourself, think out of the box

Reserve Key Account Executive, Reserve at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be thorough

Graduate, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

You need to know and like the company and the products; believe in what Diageo believes and share the values

BPM Analyst, Finance at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Provide information in structured answers that convey the point that you want to sell. Be realistic but not pessimistic.

Interview Advice:

Identify the personal attribute that differentiates you from the other candidates and sell it in the best way (diverse background, good people skills, extremely comfortable with numbers and big data etc.)

BPM Analyst, Finance at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Really take the time to understand the Diageo values and culture - do your research. We are not looking for people with lots of experience working in their chosen field but we want people who are passionate about Diageo, our brands and truly connect to our purpose and values. Let this shine through.

Western Europe Talent Programme Lead, Western Europe Talent at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Demonstrate enthusiasm and, if possible, prior experience in the industry (work experience, bar-tending etc). Tell them why specifically you want to work for Diageo, and how you fit in with the "Diageo Lifestyle" and what you can bring to the company.

Interview Advice:

Fairly standard competency questions, with role plays thrown in. Have a good basic understanding of the company, its main brands and its competitors.

Sales Executive, Sales On-Trade at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself. Be proactive and engaged. Study the brands and company, but most importantly be your most brilliant self.

Interview Advice:

The interview process is not set-up to fool anybody. it is very fair. Be honest and engaging.

I found the process being the most fair and it also shows how the company is.
Make sure you learn about the roles and the difference of customer/consumer marketing. No need to study company details - but a overall brand knowledge is good to have. Check out YT commercials etc.

Commercial Planning & Activation Manager OnTrade, Customer Marketing Norway at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Know the brands, and learn about how they have been marketed/supported in the past

Sales Executive, Field Sales at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Know the brands inside out and have commercial awareness around retail maths, sales strategy. Be a team player.

Interview Advice:

favourite brand and why
How would you sell smirnoff to a pub that doesn't have it
How to calculate vat
Why diageo
Why sales
Future aspirations

Sales Executive, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Make sure you aspire to be a leader of the company - that is what they are looking for. They don't want graduates to be middle management. Make sure that is in every aspect of your application and interview.

Brand Management, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Read up of the Diageo values - if you can demonstrate that you're aligned with them and will be a good fit (socially, personality) this really helps.
Show a good understanding of the industry as a whole - look at our competitors and their brands.

Interview Advice:

Be honest
Take your time
Don't over think it

Sales executive, South England at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Genuine interest in the spirits industry and commercial awareness.

Assistant Brand Manager, Consumer Marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself

HR Coordinator, HR at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be willing to be entirely flexible on location, and be prepared to be alone. It's very hard to move to an area where you don't know anyone and you only see your team once per month. Sales targets are particularly 'punchy,' so get ready for constant conversations on your performance. You need to be all over your numbers at any given point on any given day.

Interview Advice:

I didn't realise how important maths was for the role, so brush up on your basic skills.

Sales is all about first impressions, so be prepared to do role plays, etc. the usual tasks that take you out of your comfort zone.

Sales Executive, Field Sales at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Research the company extensively and bring Diageo's principles into your thinking for the application.

CP&A Executive, CP&A at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be honest

Interview Advice:

Be yourself

Sales executive, Cork at Diageo
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Interview Advice:

-Phone interview was standard competencies
-Assessment day had 4 exercises
1. A 2 on 1 interview with a senior sales team member and someone from HR.
2. A mock sales pitch where you are provided with some information and expected to sell to someone a

Sales Executive, Field Sales at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be prepared and make sure you do live the values.

Interview Advice:

Study upon the business, industry and take into account how the values reflect in the day to day job.

Graduate, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be genuine and be able to show your passion for our brands and the industry. Soft skills are just as important as technical and analytical skills. Be able to demonstrate leadership capabilities.

Interview Advice:

Lots of competency-based questions around teamwork, work attitude and leadership.

Finance Graduate, Western Europe Finance at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Show how you've been proactive and got involved in extra curricular activities outside your degree.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself

National Account Manager, at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Make sure you've read upfront about the company's strategy in different markets. Diageo likes their people to be up to date and in line with where we are going.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, sometimes there is a fit and sometimes there isn't. Ask questions about the parts of the company you want to work in as it might not fit everyone (e.g. if you're not globally mobile it might not work for you). Ask about the commercial strategy, as that is top of mind for the whole company.

Employer Brand Specialist, Employer Brand at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Prepare a good and convincing cover letter for your CV. Show not only love for the brands we sold but also hard skills.

Interview Advice:

Diageo really wants to see the motivation behind the application for the job.
Be ready to show how you fit with company's values.
Ask questions.

Innovation & Commercialization Executive, Sales and Marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Be yourself. If you are yourself and fit in with the Diageo values then the company is right. Your personality enables you to fit in, and functional capability can be learned.

Interview Advice:

Remember that you are judged throughout the day - including lunch time. So take the time to network, and get any questions answered that you need to know if you are offered the job.

Assistant Brand Manager, Consumer marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

Get to know the brands, get to know the history, get to know the marketing and advertising. Be passionate. Keep your eyes open - these brands are a part of our everyday culture, so the best research you can do is on every TV screen, computer supermarket, bar and restaurant where you live.

Interview Advice:

Interview follows quite standard capability-led direction, so make your question count. It's a great chance to show what matters to you, and what interests you about the company.

Assistant Brand Manager, Consumer Marketing at Diageo
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Application Advice:

You will be well suited to this role if you are motivated, enthusiastic, keen to make a difference and have strong work experience. Diageo as a company is very supportive and will help you to develop, so whilst the salary is not neccessarily best in class, you will recieve a lot of non monetary benefits

Smirnoff Western Europe Assistant Brand Manager, Smirnnoff at Diageo
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Application Advice:

My role is a second year rotation of the Graduate Scheme and marketing home functions are not always available. The first year in Sales is a vital learning experience for a future in Diageo so I would encourage any applicants to be aware of this and the importance of commerciality in the Graduate Scheme.

Interview Advice:

Sounds obvious but be yourself.

Assistant Brand Manager, Brand Team at Diageo
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