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Application Advice:
Be aware of EMC Products and know basics about the company.
Interview Advice:
Same as Application Advice - Be aware of EMC Products and know basics about the company.
Associate Delivery Specialist, at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and think outside of the box. EMC likes people who find more efficient solutions and not just standard ways of doing things.
Interview Advice:
Show your creativity and don't be afraid to ask questions, you are interviewing them as much as they are you.
Associate Project Manager, EMEA – UK&I at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared.
Interview Advice:
Look into the company, what we do.
Pre-sales engineer, Netherlands at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It is the best company and you will shine there.
Associate delivery specialist, at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Develop an interest for technology, develop an understanding for process management, apply yourself beyond your job description.
Associate Project Manager, Professional Services at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Write about your motivation.
Interview Advice:
Show your Motivation.
Get to know the company.
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Application Advice:
Be yourself and confident. Research about EMC and a few of the latest technologies e.g. cloud. Understand the Job Description and see if it is of your interests. EMC have multiple graduate openings in technical or non technical roles. So consult with HR and find out one for you.
Interview Advice:
Why are you fit for this role. Why EMC? What have you done so far in your career? (example, past experiences, qualifications etc.)
System Engineer, Pre Sales at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Look at the market trends & figure out what your ideal role looks like, match it with the job description and think about your strengths and how these will empower you results in this role
Interview Advice:
Be yourself & present your view of the digital transformation
PreSales consultant, PreSales Netherlands at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
show that you are motivated and have people skills
Interview Advice:
show that you are motivated and willing to learn. communicate that clearly.
Project Manager, Germany at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be dynamic and don't let yourself be lured by huge annual revenue and superiors. Be enboldened by the fact that huge IT companies need to change as quickly as start up tech firms. They are desperate for young talent so really strive to get the salary and benefits you want!
Interview Advice:
The questions were very straight forward and in no way made to trip you up or watch how you react to awkward questions.
Know the company but more importantly know where the IT industry is headed and how this is applicable to your youth and dynamism.
Social/digital marketer, EMEA Marketing at EMCRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Prepare to answer questions in English.
Associate Project Management, at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and always show eagerness to learn new ways of getting tasks done. Be ready to challenge yourself and quickly adapt to situations encountered.
Interview Advice:
Research the company and its numerous products and services. As IT is a fast-paced industry, make sure you are up to date on the major trends and how they are affecting organisations. Be prepared to answer questions regarding your experiences , key strengths and weaknesses and also motivation to join EMC.
Sales Business Analyst, Business Operations at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
EMC employ the cream of the crop. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again!
You will definitely not be disappointed.
Interview Advice:
Do your homework! Practice your presentation 100 times before the interview, be prepared to go above and beyond if you want to stand out from the rest.
Project Manager, London at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
-get to know the company before the interview
-Set your expectations clear
-you don't need to be an IT expert to get hired, but you need strong personality and drive
Interview Advice:
-I was asked to prepare a presentation about a IT subjects. A good source if you need to prepare one too is GARNER reports.
-prepare questions about youself too, why are you applying on this role and why EMC and not another comapny.
-be straightforwar
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Application Advice:
Emphasis your strengths and be honest about your weaknesses.
Interview Advice:
Carry out as much research into the company as possible as well as the graduate schemes avaialable; there is a considerable amount of information online and I also recommend networking with experts in the field.
Sales Business Analyst, Professional Services at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand the process and be proactive in engaging with recruiters.
Interview Advice:
Prepare yourself by developing an understanding of what the company actually does and what is the strategy on an executive level.
Bring your personality! The recruiters at this company look for charismatic people who like working with people and have a spring of passion and positivity in their blood.
Show that you are a go-getter and that you are focused and genuinely interested in adding value and leading change.
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Application Advice:
Stand out and be different in your own way
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, but professional
Business Analyst, Partner Support Centre at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
EMC goes big in social networks like Linkedin. Register or Login, watch out for EMC recruiters and feel free to contact them. Tell them your story, ask them for a first phone call and then, let the magic happen!
Interview Advice:
Be yourself! EMC is looking for diverse individuals and their even more diverse potentials and talents. Don't hide them! EMC is a place where you can live them all! And when I tell you that, this is what I've learned so far and not a marketing claim!
Associate Systems Engineer, at EMCRead the full review »
Application Advice:
For all candidates applying for Associates I would recommend to sit and learn a lot the first few months.
Interview Advice:
To be positive, to show enthusiasm and to stay professional.
At the end of the day we all work with clients and the attitude is very important as the customer comes back again and again if he is fully satisfied.
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