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Or find out the following information about FactSet:
Salary Interview Tips Working Hours Best & WorstWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
-Freedom to work on what you want.
-Working hours freedom.
-Interesting projects at times.
-Opportunity to learn and develop a lot of skills.
What are the best and worst things about your job?
The benefits package
The people and colleagues
What are the best and worst things about your job?
friendly working environment
low stress
good work life balance
good management
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Engaging workflows. Dealing with various clients means you get a wide range understanding of financial companies. Opportunity to be proactive and creative to enhance client workflows.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Challenging work, good recognition, fast career progression
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Ability to travel abroad frequently
Work/life balance
What are the best and worst things about your job?
- Large scale data/problems to work with
- Lots of resources to help you do what you need to do
- Good working environment with very friendly people
- Flexibility and trust
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Autonomy and trust, little micro-management
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Work Life Balance
Read more
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Culture and employees - young and fun
Responsibility to have your own clients and accounts
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Culture, Colleagues, Responsibility at very early stage in career, Automony.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Able to use technical capabilities
Project quality depends on you and is your responsibility
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Good work/life balance
Relaxed atmosphere
Free lunch
Room to take responsibilities
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Autonomy over schedule/work. Managers trust you to get it done, no micromanagement.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Building relationships and trust with clients
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Very flexible environment, management that is open to ideas from any member of the team, great colleagues.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Flexible working hours
Interesting projects
Good central London location
What are the best and worst things about your job?
- Work is varied and interesting
- My team are lovely
- Good benefits and training
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Company culture - colleagues
Work/life balance
Lots of independence/responsibility
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Team-based environment, supporting each other from every level of seniority
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
I've had the opportunity to use new technology and even though there is a big title hierarchy, the people on top still listen to the newbies.
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
- Great work/life balance considering the salary
- Great exposure and influence on real investment making decisions with our clients
- Mostly great, smart people
- Very fair management, they care about their employees
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Opportunity to travel abroad
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Client Interaction
Solving Client Problems
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Constantly interacting with really smart clients (investment managers who are very smart).
Read moreWhat are the best and worst things about your job?
Working together as a team to tackle large-scale problems.
Reviewing each other's code, then implementing feedback.
Free lunch.
What are the best and worst things about your job?
Go out to meet different investment professionals.
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Average start time: 8:30
Average end time: 18:00
Average number of working hours: 9.5
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Application Advice:
Be friendly, culture is paramount here and no-one wants to work with a bad colleague, no matter how brilliant they are.
Interview Advice:
As with everywhere, make sure your fundamentals are good; building upon the basics is always better than having to learn retroactively from too specialist a study.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
-Know the company and competitors well
-Show passion
-Have a good understanding of finance
Interview Advice:
-Be personable
-Show that you are eager to learn
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself, it's easy to see the right and wrong fit once you've been at the company a while.
Interview Advice:
Show personality, initiative you've taken. FactSet people like people, the business is based on this concept.
Senior Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company well and carry the same passion and values the company does, into your application.
Interview Advice:
For Graduate Software Engineers:
Know the usual things - sorting and search algorithms, C++ language oddities and differences with other popular languages, be able to write/describe algorithms in C++ or Java.
Read the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be yourself - personality is key. FactSet hires people and not just a C.V
Consultant, UK Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
FactSet is a software company, not a financial company so don't worry if you don't know much about finances. There is barely any need to know about the financial world and what you need you'll catch up.
Interview Advice:
Get yourself familiar with algorithms and data structures.
Feel comfortable explaining how you walk through the code, talk it out loud not only in your head.
Read the full review »
Interview Advice:
be well prepared on OOP, data structure
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
show that you have a passion for software and how you can benefit the company
Interview Advice:
have a good knowledge of software engineering
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Really research the company and get a full understanding of what the role and company does.
Interview Advice:
What do you think the consultant does at FactSet?
Who are FactSet's competitors?
How would you handle one of your clients using a competitors product?
Stress people skills combined with either a financial or technology knowledge.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show that you're a self-starter and can handle early responsibility
Product Developer, Analytics at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
- Have a good understanding of recent news related to the company (Acquisitions, future plans)
Consultant, Strategic Partnerships & Alliances at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply earlier.
Interview Advice:
Keep Calm.
Software Engineer, Market Data at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Keep practising developing software and doing your own home projects but also maintain you knowledge on the theory.
Interview Advice:
Learn theory and do coding challenges.
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Try to relax and answer thoughtfully rather than in an unnatural or scripted way
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you do your research on the company!
Be yourself as half the decision from the employers is to see if they can work with you
Show a willingness to learn and develop
Interview Advice:
Competitor questions
Industry questions
Consultant, UK Client Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Find out what FactSet does!
Interview Advice:
Glassdoor has most of the interview questions, prepare using these! Don't make it sound like you're using FactSet as a stepping stone...
Strategic Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure CV demonstrates communication skills/handling of projects both self management and multi party project management.
Interview Advice:
Brush up on OO concepts, most questions will come from things that were likely learned in the first 2 years of a CS degree.
Make sure to be able to discuss work you have done or are doing such as your final project.
Read the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be yourself
Account Executive, at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Get your OOP basics and common algorithms straight.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Proof-read your application and ensure there are no spelling errors
Interview Advice:
Be open and honest
Prepare well by doing programming questions and looking up the basics
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, its mostly about culture fit.
Interview Advice:
Be honest. If you don't know something say so.
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have an interest in finance and technology
Interview Advice:
Show your passion for technology and also providing good client service
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Speak to a recruiter
Interview Advice:
Study comp sci fundamentals
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be detailed on the projects you are working on.
Interview Advice:
Revise core technical knowledge..
Software Engineer, Content Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Know your core computer science theory very well.
FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
good work/life balance if you consider it as an important factor
FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research on FactSet and the job itself so you have a clear idea of what it entails - for Consulting, be aware of the work you'll do for FactSet Support
Interview Advice:
Be prepared to answer questions like "Why FactSet? Why this role?"
FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you research the company. There is plenty of information on Glassdoor/company website/etc.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you come across enthusiastic and interesting. FactSet hires more based on personality than on "perfect" answers.
Senior Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Should have a general interest in technology and finance, as well as have client-oriented mentality
Interview Advice:
Show interest in self-development
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
- Practice standard algorithms
- Ask what positions are looking like they will be available, as you could end up anywhere
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
- Don't apply if you see it purely as a stepping stone into the world of finance, as you won't enjoy it.
- Find out what our company does and what is changing, read investor relations documentation.
Interview Advice:
- Show a real interest in finance, it definitely shows during interviews.
Senior Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Learn what our clients do and how we help them.
Interview Advice:
Know the difference between IM and IB and what you would do in your role.
Senior Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Prepare, have a good knowledge of financial basics.
Show an interest in Finance and Technology.
Interview Advice:
Prepare for questions (both technical and situational).
FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know what FactSet do. Lots of people tend to think this management consulting or asset (investment) management.
Interview Advice:
Q: Difference between buy side & sell side in finance?
Q: What does FactSet do?
Q: What's good / bad about FactSet compared to Bloomberg / TR etc
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Show you're enthusiastic about helping others
Have an understanding of finance (no need to be an expert though)
Interview Advice:
Be a team player
Show you understand the business
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Read up on company and its values.
Attend company workshops (if available) to then talk about them in the application form.
Apply early.
Interview Advice:
Practise a variety of questions (easy and hard).
Think aloud when brainstorming answers.
Listen closely to interviewer.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research to understand what the company and your role does.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research before applying. Interest in the company should be reflected in cover letter
Interview Advice:
Think out loud when solving engineering problems. Interviewing devs are probably interested in your approach rather than your solution.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Brush up on relevant CS concepts.
FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand what the job entails. Show your enthusiasm for the role and company.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. Show that you're very personable and interact well with new people.
Consultant, Investment Banking at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You don't have to be from a financial background, to the contrary a varied academic background adds more character to your application which doesn't go unnoticed.
That being said, familiarise yourself with at least a basic understanding of finance and the investing world (stock markets, stocks, bonds, commodities, FX, very basic economic awareness) and brush up on recent financial news. Make sure you embrace any opportunities to show personality as it's a crucial part of the job, don't be shy.
Interview Advice:
Questions I can remember:
"Given £X,000, how would you invest it?" - establish a picture of the financial markets at the time of your interview and formulate a logical (can be very basic) investing strategy with this in mind, i.e. after Brexit - invest in currency forwards that favour a declining pound and rising USD perhaps?
"What's your biggest weakness?"
"Favourite university subjects and why?"
In general at final interview stage they already like you, don't give them any reasons to change their mind and offer well thought out, competent answers.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know which area you are most interested in: IM, IB or FI...consultancy in those broad areas can differ significantly in terms of daily workflow, complexity of projects and the type of clients you deal with.
Senior Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be out-going, not afraid to speak to people internally and externally (clients) who have a much higher position. Be enthusiastic and have an interest in the financial markets.
Interview Advice:
Listen carefully to questions being asked, don't be afraid to say you don't know but will find out. Honesty is a lot better than trying to wiggle some sort of answer.
Be proactive and enthusiastic.
Consultant, Business: Investment Banking at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the role, there is a lot of information out there on the role and the interview process itself. I understand that the main stumbling point for applicants is not understanding the role they are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Same thing, make sure you understand the role and the product. A common mistake is to assume we provide investment advice, this isn't an advisory role!
Investment Management Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show your ambitions.
Interview Advice:
Research the products provided by the company and any recent company's activities and deals made.
FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the role is the key item. You need to know what an investment management consultant does and be prepared to answer situational questions which happen in the role such as time management, priorities etc. You will need to know some basic finance questions for the application and brushing up on excel skills will also help. Do your research on the company, find out how big they are, where they are in the world, who their main competitors are etc. and put this in your answers. Research news articles and let them know you have done your research and know exactly what the company does and why it's different from the competition.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared for situational questions and finance related questions. Be aware of what's going on in the UK market as well as the global market and apply what you find to what FactSet does for its clients. The interview process will have many opportunities to show what you can do, so be enthusiastic and confident when answering questions and show you can be a team player.
Investment Management Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and accurate about your past experience, but do not be afraid to err on the side of self-promotion. You will always have the opportunity in the interview to clarify what you have and have not done. However, outright falsifying your experiences will only get you into trouble when you have to talk to people that actually know what they are talking about.
Interview Advice:
At FactSet the employees are quite relaxed and the interviews are very conversational, so dont worry and don't be afraid to ask questions or voice your thoughts on the questions if anything is unclear. The questions you'll be asked in a new graduate interview will focus on general software dev. skills - reading code and deciphering what it does, talking about problems you have worked on in the past, and also discussing algorithms to proposed problems. I did not have to actually write any code, but instead was shown a Java class (obfuscated) on paper, asked to determine and discuss its behaviour, possible improvements, etc. The questioning style is, as stated above, conversational so it's less about giving the right answer off the bat and more about talking through the problem with the interviewer.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- Ensure you know the difference between the Buy & Sell side of the industry.
- Know what FactSet does and how we serve our clients.
- Know FactSet's key competitors (i.e. Bloomberg, TR, CAP IQ).
Consultant, Global Banking & Brokerage at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the basics of computer science well.
Interview Advice:
Software Engineer, Infrastructure at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Revise and understand core computer science principles.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure to study up on your data structures and algorithms.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
FactSet hires fresh graduates. The policy is that anyone who puts in the time and effort can be a productive part of the collective.
Interview Advice:
The questions might be quite technical, but what is important is how you break down the problems rather than rushing towards solutions.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take time on the long written questions and ensure your CV is on point.
Interview Advice:
Relax, don't worry about the technical questions, they are basic computer science questions.
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be relaxed. People at FactSet are very friendly.
Software Engineer, Core Product Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be clear about what skills and experience you have, don't over-embellish achievements unless you are prepared to be called out on them. Don't be put off if your programming language of choice isn't represented or mentioned, we use lots of different ones here and you have some control over which kinds you end up working with.
Interview Advice:
Be clear, concise, but most of all be friendly. Technical skill is important, to establish a baseline of skill among new hires, but it's more important that you are able to get into the company dynamic well. Being open, personable and demonstrating you would work well in a team, are more important to observe in an applicant.
Software Engineer, Tools development at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't be scared, just be prepared!
FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the company and the clients well. Know what is on the website and a bit about finance. But in the end relax and be yourself because people skills are also very important at FactSet.
Interview Advice:
Know what the clients do well and talk about other interests and hobbies than just work and studying.
Nordic Investment Management Consultant, Nordic Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do comprehensive research about what the company does, especially you don't have a financial education background.
Interview Advice:
Relax, bring out your passion, be a natural.
Consultant, Client Solutions at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Write down what your strengths are and what you like to work on.
Interview Advice:
Prepare a project to talk about. We like to hear how people think and how they work.
Software Engineer, Software Engineer at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know what we do.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, this firm welcomes individuality.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
FactSet is definitely a good place to start your career. The culture here is to help each other and work as a team. The work life balance here is also a plus.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Know the difference between the buy-side and sell-side.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Give us an idea of the biggest projects you have worked on, focus on the things you are really good at rather than showing everything.
Interview Advice:
Know your Computer Science basics and a little bit about what we do at FactSet. Engage and ask questions about the software when you are shown it.
Software Engineer, Content Integration at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be friendly, if you're the greatest engineer in the world but don't get on with people then you won't be a good fit for the company.
Interview Advice:
Be confident on your basic computer science concepts and have at least one programming language that you know the ins and outs of.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take your time with the essay questions, they are important and relevant to the role you will be doing.
Interview Advice:
Don't be afraid to be unique/talk about quirky habits. They look for personality!
Consultant, Consultant at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It's a great company so do prepare properly for interviews. Has great locations and great benefits like free food Mon-Thursday, flexible hours, great mentors and managers and a good degree of technical work.
Interview Advice:
Before you apply have a good preparation of Algorithms. Linked List, Binary Tree, HashTable, etc.
Calculate TimeComplexity, do recursion.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Express your interest in technology/finance.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, not who you think the interviewer wants you to be.
Consultant, UK Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Use applicable examples (primarily a client-facing support/training role).
The ability to train/teach others is valued highly.
Brush up on basic Excel.
For the micro-teach - have a very clear objective and structure. Use lots of questions to engage the group and consistently remind them of your key teaching points (pick two or three and focus on them - and only them!).
Interview Advice:
Understand the difference between investment banking and investment management.
This is a role at a financial technology firm not an investment management firm - you need to show that you want to work for the technology company not an investment management firm.
Have something you can talk about in the financial world - just an example of M&A activity or an IPO or anything like that.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Be genuine and very inquisitive - there is a lot to learn in this industry.
Be a team player and offer help to anyone who needs it.
Interview Advice:
Be honest about your limitations. Research the role prior to the interview by asking any of the employees within the office. Have plenty of questions for the panel. Incorporate your personality with your answers,
Consultant, Client Services at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do research on investment bankers and managers.
Interview Advice:
What does a investment banker/manager do and how do they use Factset?
Why consulting?
Why Factset?
Why consulting at Factset?
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Application involves Excel, Maths, and Finance Test. If you do not have a Finance background, make sure to do some research on basic Finance terminology.
Interview Advice:
Make sure to understand the difference between Investment Banking and Investment Management.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Review data structure.
Interview Advice:
Data structure.
Software Engineer, Platform Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Having a proper CV is a great chance to be chosen for a phone interview.
Interview Advice:
Just be relaxed. Everyone here is really cool, the most relaxed you are the more they like you.
Software Engineer II, Partners at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know what FactSet is/what services we provide.
Know the difference between Investment Management and Investment Banking.
Understand the competitive landscape and who we come up against, plus what our USP is.
Be able to explain the role of a consultant and what kinds of queries we receive.
Interview Advice:
What is the difference between IB/IM?
What kind of datasets do IB/IM use?
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared for 5 weeks of intensive training.
Fully research the job before you apply because the recruitment process is thorough.
Interview Advice:
Difference between buy and sell side.
Roles of investment professionals.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Show personality in interviews as the role is highly client facing. Know actually what a consultant does and can do for each client type (Investment bankers, portfolio managers, PE/VC firms, etc.).
Make sure you know your basic Excel knowledge (Vlookup, sumif, conditional formating, etc). Since the role is highly excel based there is a expectation that you know the basics of excel, more advanced stuff can and will be learned during the job.
Interview Advice:
If you have a old client needing urgent help and a new trial client needing urgent help, who would you help if you only have enough time for one of them and why?
Consultant, Global Banking & Brokerage at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself, it's a bit of cliche but Factset look for the correct personalities, it's not all about how good you are at passing tests.
Interview Advice:
Know the industry, differences between IB and IM. Make sure that you make the point that you know it's a financial software company!
Consultant, Global Banks and Brokerage at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know about our competitors and where FactSet is outperforming.
Have a good knowledge of finance and know which team you would like to join i.e. Investment banking, investment management, fixed income.
Interview Advice:
How would you invest $1 million?
In which areas do you see FactSet winning business in the future?
Why FactSet, why you?
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the Company.
Learn about financial industry - have good knowledge of both buy and sell side.
Know why clients use Factset.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Include your personal projects if you are applying for a graduate role.
Interview Advice:
Come prepared. Learn about the company and revise computer science topics such as data structures and algorithms.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have a fair amount of projects that you are confident in talking about (both Uni projects and personal projects).
Interview Advice:
Know your programming theory with emphasis on the datastructures.
Software Engineer, Factset Market Aggregates at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and learn what the company does.
Interview Advice:
Learn your basics, don't try to pretend you know things you have little knowledge about.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the role and FactSet's competitors thoroughly and tailor your responses accordingly.
Interview Advice:
This is a client facing role so it is important to come off as confident and professional in the interview.
Consultant, UK Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show that you really understand what the role involves and mention any client facing experience you've had in the past.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you know about FactSet's competitors.
Brush up on Excel Skills and be ready to talk about any software packages you have used in the past and how those have helped you in your work.
Have a look at the annual reports where you might find a lot of useful information.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early for proper preparation and to go through interview process.
Interview Advice:
Get familiar with the software engineering fundamentals and show confidence.
Software engineer, Production infrastructure at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show an interest in finance and an understanding of the role itself.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared with financial current affairs and a good understanding of the company structure.
Investment Management Consultant, UKIM Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
State what interests you and why you think this environment suits you.
Interview Advice:
Discuss interests in new technology, knowledge in algorithms, data structures and maths is essential.
Software Engineer, IRN at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be confident about what you know and don't hesitate to share your work (if possible).
Senior Developer, Partners Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show your social side and avoid being overly serious, whilst still maintaining professionalism.
Brush up on basic financial terms and concepts.
Understand what the company does/how it is structured (IM/IB distinction is an important part of the structure). Learn some key parts of the FactSet product to be able to talk about them.
Interview Advice:
Questions asked:
What is your greatest weakness?
Given x amount of money, how would you invest it?
Why did you apply for the role?
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be outgoing. The character of the applicant is as important as the knowledge they hold. The company encourages outgoing and sociable employees, who are willing to work hard.
Interview Advice:
Concentrate on fluency and building a rapport with the interviewer.
Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be able to display sound financial knowledge and good communication and time-management skills. Knowledge of excel would be useful as well.
Interview Advice:
Be able to display knowledge of FactSet and its offerings, the differences between Investment Management and Investment Banking and FactSet's competitors.
Consultant, United Kingdom at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you take time to find out what the company does and what it does differently to its competitors. Take a look on the company website, glassdoor etc. and research the role that you are applying for. Make sure you prepare well for the tests.
Interview Advice:
Be enthusiastic and research the role and make sure you portray this when being interviewed. The company loves to see people who are energetic and sociable so be confident in your answers and ensure you highlight why you are right for the job.
UK Investment Management Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be genuine- the company is full of individuals so don't worry about previous commercial experience.
Interview Advice:
Do you know FactSet share price/ CEO?
Talk us through your CV.
Tell us a time you have experienced a difficult customer in a client facing role. How did you deal with this?
Why FactSet/ why the role?
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Application Advice:
Show your interest in finance.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You CV needs to be clear and filled with relevant information for the role you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Show computer science knowledge, problem solving skills and good attitude.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You need to show you love writing code, but the language you've used isn't important since all new hires are fully trained in the languages they will need. So focus on providing evidence of great code you've written rather than trying to impress with a language you think they are looking for.
Interview Advice:
Learn your data structures.
Software Engineer, Back end development – Symbology at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the role - you are not working solely in finance there are some technical aspects.
Interview Advice:
Think outside of the box for your assessment day!
Senior Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research
Show passion and understanding for software
Show you can work in a team
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Application Advice:
Understand what we do at FactSet and then tell us why you will be good at doing that.
Interview Advice:
Know your data structures and algorithms. Understand what FactSet does and why you want to work here.
Software Engineer, Content Integration at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know why you want to work in investment support and not banking or another finance role.
Interview Advice:
Relax, be yourself and come across as a warm personable person.
Investment Management Consultant, UK Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have prior experience, either at an internship or your own projects that you've made publicly available on Github, on your CV. You need experience, preferably other than academic to be considered.
Interview Advice:
Learning the classic data structures and algorithms for the coding interview. Stay relaxed and be prepared with questions so that you seem interested. Be friendly.
Software Engineer, Content Integration Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read a bit about the company and its product as well as who are its main competitors. Review main programming concepts and data structures(trees!) of your OO programming language of choice (JAVA, or C++).
Interview Advice:
They did not ask very difficult questions in which they were trying to make you fail. Relax and be confident - if you have a good understanding of programming concepts and have an engineering mindset
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Focus your CV around 2 areas - experience dealing with people and clients, and evidence that you can pick up technical skills quickly (e.g. used excel spreadsheets with formulae such as VLOOKUP)
Interview Advice:
Being confident is key - primarily this is a consulting role and you have to deal with clients
Know what's going on in the broader financial news (major stories is enough)
Do your research on FactSet - there is a lot of information on the website but make sure you know the key points (recent acquisitions FactSet has made, current performance, etc.)
Be able to talk about the competitors
Know the difference between how investment managers use financial information vs investment bankers
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Application Advice:
Mention interesting things about yourself because the interviews will base heavily on your CV/application form. There are always chances for you to elaborate on your experiences during the interviews.
Some teams travel a lot so if you like travelling do mention that.
Interview Advice:
There are generally 3 stages:
1) Test
2) Interviews (multiple)
3) Assessment Centre
1) Test: brush up your Excel skill and financial knowledge
2) You will be interviewed by both Investment Banking and Investment Management managers so make sure you show a good knowledge on both areas. If you are recruited you will eventually be placed in one of the two teams and will not swap.
3) I had to do a self-prepared presentation during assessment centre so make sure you are comfortable with public speaking. During the New Hire training we are also expected to give group presentations every week.
Apart from presentation, the assessment centre also consists of group discussions and chances to speak with various employees.
I really enjoyed the assessment day because it wasn't merely an event for FactSet to know more about about me, but the day also includes activities that allow me to know more about the company.
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Application Advice:
The application process is fairly straightforward compared to companies in this industry, enthusiasm and basic knowledge of the industry is key to be able to answer questions.
Interview Advice:
The questions are not there to trip you up, best to be honest and show your personality as that's a key part of the role at FactSet because of the nature of a client facing role.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
When making the application, it is very important to make yourself stand out. Before submitting, ask yourself: Have I pointed out my strongest and most relevant assets? Is there any fluff that I can remove from my CV in order to make it cleaner?
Also, it is not mandatory to know C++, but a basic knowledge of it will help greatly.
Interview Advice:
Do not panic if you fail one question. Ask questions if you are uncertain of some details.
Be prepared to talk about a project you enjoyed working on, exemplify what you learned from it and talk about what you would do differently. It can be your dissertation or a placement project.
Software Engineer, Back-end development at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, as hard as it is try to relax when going for the interview and show you are friendly and someone the interviewer would want to work with.
Practice general software engineering technical questions i.e. trees, code traversal.
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Application Advice:
Have a good understanding of what FactSet does and how it differs from competitors.
Interview Advice:
Don't pretend to know more about finance than you do. They will see straight through it.
Don't say you are using this job as a stepping stone to end up in Investment Management/Investment Banking. Say you want to work in this industry specifically.
Have a good reason why you would prefer to work for FactSet than our competitors (BB, TR) as this question comes up a lot. Also know how FactSet differs from its competitors.
Generally be friendly and honest. FactSet's culture is not cut throat at all so they just want hard working, nice people who will fit in with the people they will be working with.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
This is not a job in banking - it is a role in Financial Technology Consulting. Whilst you will be working closely with clients on a lot of projects and models they develop, this is not what your performance will be judged on and this is not an analyst-style career.
Interview Advice:
Know the competition e.g. Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, Morningstar, etc...
Learn about the difference between Investment Management and Investment Banking - consider how they may use the software differently.
Consider previous client facing experiences you have had in the past as it is a very important aspect of the job.
You will also need to show an interest/aptitude for technology and general finance.
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Application Advice:
Demonstrate the following skills:Meticulous, logical thought process, good analytical skills. Comfortable interacting with all seniority levels. Great Presentation and communication skills.
Interview Advice:
Demonstrate your ability to clearly articulate an Idea and explain/teach a concept to someone .
Tested on Finance and excel skills during interview ( relatively superficial) .
Demonstrate an interest in Finance and Tech through experiences (or a willingness to learn whichever one you lack)
Consultant, Investment management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand what a consultant is by contacting current consultants.
This is predominantly a tech company within the financial sector - you must be interested in tech as well as finance.
Interview Advice:
Who are Factset's main competitors?
What is the difference between Investment Management and Investment Banking, and how would the two use FactSet differently?
What makes a good consultant?
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Application Advice:
Before applying, BE SURE YOU WANT TO WORK HERE!!
There can be times when the work is tough and if you don't have the conviction to persevere through it, you will start to slack.
The CFA is not enough of a reason to take the job. No time-off internally so be sure to have a good schedule in place.
Interview Advice:
Be honest... FactSet recruiters are some of the best, they can tell that you are lying.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know what you are applying for - Remember, FactSet is a software company, so your role will not involve a lot of financial knowledge but it is a great place to start to expose yourself to the financial industry and learn a lot about it.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you know the difference between IM and IB.
The role is very client facing so make sure you mention examples of how you would excel in this/any experience you have
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't be scared and send the application even if you don't think you have that much experience to work in such a big company
Interview Advice:
Review the basics: Data Structures and Algorithms, C++ or Java. Be yourself!
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Enjoy youself
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
While you are working in finance it is more technical, so you should be prepared to expect that it is really a half finance/half IT role. Some people start here and the work isn't what they expect. If you're looking for a job that gives you exposure to all areas of investment management early in your career, then you will enjoy it here.
They will probably look for any experience of managing your own time, as you are left to manage your projects here yourself, with managers acting more as guides.
Interview Advice:
Knowing what different people in the finance industry do would be a bonus, for example the difference between investment banking and investment management will probably come up.
Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- As always, pay attention to your CV. Be sure it is well structured and it is easy to read.
- Prepare a covering letter that helps the recruited learn a little more about your attitude and how eager you'd be in working at FactSet, even if you do not pos
Interview Advice:
- Try to have solid knowledge on your area of studies fundamentals; interviewers pay attention to this.
- It's ok to be nervous and to make mistakes, but not to lie/pretend to know things you don't (be honest).
- Display a positive attitude towards lear
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Application Advice:
Being strong in the basics should be sufficient.
Interview Advice:
Data Structures, Algorithms, code traversal.
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
typo-free CV
Interview Advice:
Don't overstress
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Highlight hands-on skills.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you can read pseudocode properly.
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Prepare well and look up the company as much as possible. It's not always easy to understand what the company does exactly but the more information you have the better.
Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Demonstrate your communcation skills, as well as industry knowledge. Maintaining client relationship is a key part of the role, so prove that you are service minded and like solving problems.
Interview Advice:
Appear confident and show interest in the company. Do some research on the consultant role in advance, so that you know a little about what is expected of you in the role.
Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be aware of what is going on in the world of finance and a broad overview of what finance professionals do.
Interview Advice:
Be confident to start a conversation and continue it, if you can actually talk around topic as opposed to spurting a rehearsed speech, it will seem more natural and easier for you.
Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Positive & Interested Attitude
Financial Knowledge (news, general market knowledge)
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Interview Advice:
Be honest, if you don't know much about finance, don't try to bluff it. Enthusiasm/willingness to learn is more highly valued.
Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
- Do some research on the company itself and the need for the software it builds.
- Brush over object oriented principals, common data structures and algorithms and their use cases, and know the basics of unit testing.
- Know the larger projects you've
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Application Advice:
- Research about the company
- Make yourself stand out
Interview Advice:
- Typical technical Computer Science questions
eg: Data Structure, Algorithms, Design Patterns, Computer Architecture, Database
- Competency Based
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Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
-Work/life balance
-Flexible working hours
-Working environment
-Flexibility around your work and project you want to start
-There are a lot of clever people to work with
-Career progression
-Salary transparency
-Management for consultants does not work with the clients, which results in a lack of understanding from managers on what their employees do exactly
-Job security is far too high, we tend to never get rid of employees who underperform
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The people.
Senior Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
The company is growing at a nice rate
Can sometimes take a while to get things done after identifying projects.
Software Engineer I, Market Data at FactSetRead the full review »
Free food, fruit, snacks, drinks, coffee, cinema!
The atmosphere is really good.
When all the snacks are gone at the end of the day!
Software Engineer, Platform Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
low pay
not focused on talents
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friendly work culture
work life balance
nice benefits
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Development and engaging workflow.
Pay may not reflect work responsibilities.
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Company culture
Pay increases
Career progression
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Work/life balance.
Software Engineer, Market Data at FactSetRead the full review »
Answered in previous question.
Answered in previous question.
Software Engineer, Software Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Great culture and people
A general under appreciation for the talent they recruit
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Best: Worklife balance
Worst: Working environment
FactSetRead the full review »
Culture and people
Responsibility with our own clients
Pay and recognition
Consultant, UK Client Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Flexible hours and holidays
Friendly people
Not much pressure from within the company
Good personal space with a good sized cubicle
2 kitchens per floor with free drinks/coffee/snacks
No bonuses for engineering.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Some bureaucracy can slow advancement.
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Work/life balance
Working environment and colleagues
Lack of transparency surrounding pay and career progression
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Lack of progression/pay rise
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Work life balance
Company culture
Nothing I can think of.
Software Engineer, Content Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Work/life balance
FactSetRead the full review »
Able to interact with senior managers/personnel
Emphasise looking after employees
Very American - not necessarily a true understanding of UK markets
Senior Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Culture, colleagues, benefits, location
Consultant, Investment Banking consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Collaborative environment, focus on improvement and innovation
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
Good Salary and the company is starting to use modern technology and lovely people. They hire people with good hearts.
Very limiting company culture. Asking for permission to use X or Y generally dampens creativity and drive.
Software Developer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
- Great work/life balance considering the salary
- Great exposure and influence on real investment making decisions with our clients
- Mostly great, smart people
- Very fair management, they care about their employees
- Salary isn't as high as some of our competitors
- Some daily tasks can be mundane, but you get this in every job
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Good working environment
Regimented performance structure
Senior Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
The people
FactSetRead the full review »
Benefits Package, friendly working environment, smart colleagues.
Zero transparency in pay structure. Often it can be quite unfair, favouring the more tenured than those who actually work hard (while less tenured).
Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
The support available from the HR and Tech department.
FactSetRead the full review »
Culture, Enjoyable work
Pay Transparency
FactSetRead the full review »
Good ethics and good trust to employees
Consultant, Investment Banking at FactSetRead the full review »
See page before
See page before
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Great, young atmosphere.
very supportive managers
investment in qualifications - CFA, CRM, etc.
No bonus comp in consultancy
Senior Consultant, Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
People, great work environment, support levels, CFA opportunity, work/life balance
transparency in pay, career development
Consultant, Business: Investment Banking at FactSetRead the full review »
Fun youthful culture, dress down days, early leave and company paid drinks are quite common.
You gain respect very quickly and gain access to senior employees.
Global company, very willing to allow employees to relocate!
No reward structure in place to reward excellence. The difference in pay progression between an outperformer and somebody who is satisfactory is very small.
Investment Management Consultant, Consulting at FactSetRead the full review »
FactSetRead the full review »
The people are excellent and the company is very social. Events are always happening and socials are great. The training for the role is also very well structured and you learn a lot. Overall there's very little I would change about the hiring, training and early stages process.
Lack of clarity on some aspects of career progression.
Investment Management Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Internal technical support is extremely responsive and helpful. Relaxed but focuses culture. Free lunch 4 days per week. Encouragement to take holidays.
Cultural segregation and sometimes even animosity between the Engineering and Consultancy departments/persons.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
Great colleagues, opportunity to work with a wide array of technologies, many members of upper management with an engineering background.
A wide array of legacy technologies which are in the process of slowly being phased out.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
- Free lunch
- Great colleagues / Working environment
- Early responsibility
- Can end up doing our clients job for them
- In terms of career progression, the main two avenues are either Sales or Product Development
Consultant, Global Banking & Brokerage at FactSetRead the full review »
Work life balance
Career progression, and opportunities outside of the headquarters.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Great company. Good pay, relaxed atmosphere, sociable people.
Legacy systems to deal with. 24 hour on call rotas. Low quality of code in some teams.
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
FactSetRead the full review »
The people and the continuous growth.
Salary could be better.
Software Engineer, Core Product Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Very supportive and friendly working environment, feeling like we're all working for the same goals.
On call work is required in most teams within engineering.
Software Engineer, Tools development at FactSetRead the full review »
Work life balance, opportunities
Salary could be higher
FactSetRead the full review »
Good working culture. We do not work too long hours and everyone is very nice and understandable.
Not sure.
Nordic Investment Management Consultant, Nordic Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Good training, given early responsibility, people are awesome
Consultant, Client Solutions at FactSetRead the full review »
Work life balance
Can't think of any
Software Engineer, Software Engineer at FactSetRead the full review »
It's publically listed
Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Management are great, they encourage you to develop yourself and progress in your career
Software Engineer, Content Integration at FactSetRead the full review »
Good-natured and experienced colleagues working on challenging and interesting problems.
A fair amount of migration happening at any one time.
Software Engineer, Engineering at FactSetRead the full review »
Consultant, Consultant at FactSetRead the full review »
Good work benefits like paid lunch mon-Thursday, flexible hours and health insurance.
Low pay compared to London average and there competitors plus the engineering salary in UK is 1/3rd to that of USA
Software Engineer, at FactSetRead the full review »
The working environment and the colleagues. The job enables you to develop strong relationships with a number of varied clients and offers you access to a vast network of like-minded investment professionals.
The work provides continuous interesting challenges, and involves a lot of communicating with colleagues/clients which makes the day more varied.
Consultant, UK Investment Management at FactSetRead the full review »
Young and enjoyable culture, not expected to work unreasonable hours, good benefit package.
Not a clear pay structure for internal progession
Investment Management Consultant, at FactSetRead the full review »
Fairly flat hierarchy
Difficult to change between teams within the same department
Consultant, Client Services at FactSetRead the full review »