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Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
Average start time: 9:30
Average end time: 19:00
Average number of working hours: 9.5
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Application Advice:
Ensure that you are up to date with key commercial issues and proof read your applications multiple times. Ensure it is tailored to the firm specifically.
Trainee Solcitor, Real Estate Finance at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
There are lots of law firms out there, so the first thing to help yourself would be to narrow down exactly what you want from your training contract, and your career as a whole. Try and go to events to meet people working there currently, as it gives you a really good sense of whether you'd fit in or not. Remember that you'll be spending a lot of time in the office sometimes, so the office culture is really important.
Interview Advice:
Be really on top of the big deals or issues in the financial world. Don't leave this sort of preparation until the day before the interview - give yourself time to accumulate knowledge. The assessment days can also be quite tiring, as you can have three interviews in a row, all testing different skills, so make sure you are well rested.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
I would advise them to show an interest in our global platform - the firm likes candidates with an international background and a keen interest in travel.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself!
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Focus on why HSF are different:
The twin powerhouse of corporate and disputes. The history of corporate clients instead of banks. The drive to expand worldwide. Their continued committment to a significant quantity of pro bono work.
You need to show you've done your homework to differentiate yourself from the thousands of candidates copying and pasting their applications from a dozen other law firms.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. Cliched but true. The people interviewing you are the people who run the firm. If you cannot get on with them for one hour then you certainty won't be able to when you've been up for over 24 hours.
Trainee, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself and really do your research on the firm - know why you want to be a part of it.
Interview Advice:
You will have to prepare a presentation based on a case you are given on the day - try to think commercially, you are required to spot the issues, not necessary solve them.
Trainee Solicitor, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be pro-active: research the firm, business news, and be enthusiastic about things you are proud to have achieved.
Interview Advice:
Case study, group exercise, competency questions
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Obvious points - such as attention to detail.
Try to convey teamwork / leadership / personality / commerciality / creativity / problem solving in your responses - it's not a long form so you have to get those across on the work experience sections as well as the question response.
Interview Advice:
I found getting into the right mind set for doing an interview was key. Learn about likely questions that might come up, and imagine yourself answering those questions. Then when they come up, you don't sit there and try to think up a response off the cuff, it just flows.
You'll come across much better that way.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Work hard to get top grades! Try to acquire a range of business work experience, even if you can't get any informal legal work experience.
Interview Advice:
Have an awareness what is going on in the City. If you are a non-lawyer your interview questions will be tailored to reflect this.
Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be commercially aware.
Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be as passionate and interested as possible, nobody wants to work with some who is apathetic.
Interview Advice:
Do not overcompensate and come across as too intense or highly strung, just relax and be your competent-self.
Trainee Solicitor, International Arbitration at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research into the firm so that you are aware of the firms specialities.
Interview Advice:
Research a case study.
Practise case study interviews and group assessments if possible.
Be relaxed and yourself.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm's values on the website and be enthusiastic in the interview.
Interview Advice:
Be enthusiastic and show that you will stick with law - HSF's trainee retention rate is extremely high and those who qualify with the firm often stay for many years.
Trainee Solicitor, Intellectual Property at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Avoid generic answers to competency questions etc. these will get picked up, if you can't think of a tailored answer to the 'why law, why this firm etc' questions, then you haven't given it enough thought/it is not right for you.
Interview Advice:
know your application well and mention when you are referring to it. You should always assume your interviewer knows what you have written on it, so be prepared to expand.
Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Seek to have as much experience and insight as possible in order to start the job with your eyes open, be engaged and enthusiastic, and plan ahead to maximise your chance of success.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research on the firm and commercial law in general.
Have a clear idea of why you want the job.
Interview Advice:
Why commercial law?
Why Herbert Smith Freehills specifically?
What sets HSF apart from the other top law firms?
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Application Advice:
Take the application seriously and ensure there are no typos and you refer to the correct law firm in your applciation!
Interview Advice:
Ensure you're up to date with recent commercial news.
Trainee Solicitor, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Need to be able to work hard and remain enthusiastic, despite being faced with tasks that can appear menial.
Interview Advice:
Give specific reasons why you are interested in HSF, rather than the legal sector as a whole - research on the firm's USP(s) is key.
Trainee solicitor, London/Singapore Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You need to be smart, sharp. And friendly. They employ nice, clever people - it's a great working atmosphere.
Interview Advice:
Think carefully before you speak. Come across as measured and intelligent. Be as friendly and warm as possible.
Trainee, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest on your CV.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the firm well. Develop your commercial awareness.
Interview Advice:
Don't rush into answers, speak clearly.
Trainee Solicitor, Litigation/LL3 at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Proofread. Lots.
Interview Advice:
Don't just go in explaining why you're good - explain why you're good at something, why that made you want to be a lawyer, and why it will make you good at being a lawyer.
It never hurts to drop in that you're particularly interested in litigation, but that as HSF is oh so strong in other areas (and so on).
Trainee Solicitor, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try to go to a recruitment event before filling out the form. They help give a better picture of the sort of projects the firm works on and it's a good chance to meet associates and partners.
Interview Advice:
Try and be inclusive in a group interview scenario. Think logically when doing any analysis of a legal document (e.g. a contract).
Trainee, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Candidates are expected to have previous legal work experience and a good knowledge of current affairs.
Interview Advice:
The interview is a day long workshop involving group exercises, a case study and personal interview. There is not necessarily a correct answer as long as you can show your thought process and support your argument.
Trainee, Finance at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The role is demanding, like most trainee roles in City law firms/The City in general, so be prepared for this. I believe it's also important to feel you fit in wherever you go, so attending one of the open days/vacation schemes if at all possible is definitely recommended. Otherwise generally being keen and interested in the legal industry/business as well as the law itself will stand you in good stead.
Interview Advice:
Making friends with the other applicants on the assessment day will both help you relax, and also help you in the group exercise!
Trainee Solicitor, Disputes at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Work on your commercial awareness from as early a stage as possible and research the firm well.
Interview Advice:
Be sincere and have humility.
Trainee Solicitor, Corporate at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Emphasis on firm's pan-asia capability
Find something unique about the firm and how that reflects you as a person
Interview Advice:
Time management on case study
Funnest assessment centre I went to
Trainee, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Learn as much as possible about what the job of a solicitor involves in order to make sure this is what interests you.
Interview Advice:
Most important thing - confidence. You don't need to be arrogant or "know it all" but it is important that you can express yourself well, answer the question asked without too much hesitation and generally give the impression that you know why you want this job. It is good to know what city law firms do and have some commercial awareness of what is happening on the market (especially in the sector that interests you).
Trainee Solicitor, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You should enjoy reading.
Interview Advice:
Show commercial awareness, show that you're enthusiastic and interested in learning.
Graduate Solicitor (Australia), at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be prepared to show your business awareness as well as legal skills in interview.
Trainee Solicitor, Employment at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Consider whether commercial law really is for you (read up on legal press, financial press, etc.) and be prepared for a lot of documents, some late nights, some hard work. (It is worth it though!)
Interview Advice:
Be interested and interesting. Have questions to ask and don't hold back from asking them.
The interviews are full and challenging, but having a whole day (rather than a single interview) does give you a greater chance to shine.
Trainee Solicitor, Disputes at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Go on the vacation scheme. It's a great insight into the firm and life of a trainee in general.
Trainee, at Herbert Smith Freehills LLPRead the full review »