All of the below information comes directly from job reviews written by Lendlease employees based on 79 reviews.
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Salary Interview Tips Working Hours Best & Worst
Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Highly communicative and social job.
Immediate responsibilities and chances to learn and do significant work.
All training offered.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The enjoyable work and the team you are working alongside.

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Industry: Accountancy & Insurance Department: Finance Job Title: Graduate Accountant

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Corporate Affairs Job Title: Graduate Communications Assistant

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The fast pace
My colleagues
The variation on the work we do
The sense of achievement we feel after completing a task or event
As a central function we get a great overview of the company and get to see how it works

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Engineering Team Job Title: Graduate Civil and Structural Engineer

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Work across multiple projects.
Flexible working hours.
Interesting work.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Investment and Capital Markets Job Title: Graduate Analyst

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Colleagues and office location.

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Industry: Property & House Building Department: Residential Property Development Job Title: Assistant Delivery Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The people and the culture.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Commercial Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The pay and the flexible benefits policy.
You are fully supported in your new role and your colleagues genuinely want you to succeed.

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Industry: Accountancy & Insurance Department: Residential Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Graduate Planning Assistant

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Planning Job Title: Assistant Planner

Industry: Consulting Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Exposure to clients from the beginning.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Excellent work-life balance, high salary, supportive colleagues and managers, great benefits (private healthcare, generous pension scheme, 25 days holiday plus 4 wellbeing days per year), opportunity to work with a variety of clients.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Assistant Construction Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Learning so much so quick.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Development Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

Industry: Property & House Building Department: Development Job Title: Development Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Challenging and fun.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Supportive team, what you put in is what you get out, working with inspiring people.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Finance Services Job Title: Graduate Accountant

Industry: Property & House Building Department: Development Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Development Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Workplace culture
Great rotations
Plenty of room to progress career

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Assistant Commercial Managemer

What are the best and worst things about your job?

High salary, well looked after and good career development as a graduate and possibility to work abroad.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Level of reasonability.
Variety of work.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Finance Job Title: Finance Analyst

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Given a lot of responsibility to run with things and manage different project budgets.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Graduate Civil and Structural Engineer

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The responsibilities I am given
The support that is provided to me
The jobs I get to work on

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Industry: Property & House Building Department: Development Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The ability to make decisions and take the lead in various meetings and projects.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Assistant Construction Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Finance Job Title: Graduate Accountant

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The culture around the office is perfect for new graduates, there is a large and growing graduate network but in finance, there is also a great and very welcoming, diverse team which makes you want to come to work each day.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Finance Job Title: Finance Analyst

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Great exposure to lots of different parts of the business.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Development Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The amount of independence in my role. Although I am a graduate, I am able to run meetings without my manager, make decisions and run aspects of the project.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Property & House Building Department: Residential Job Title: Assistant Development Project Manager

Industry: Property & House Building

What are the best and worst things about your job?

- Health and well being.
- Was a good starting salary for a graduate scheme in comparison to similar companies.
- There is more structure in place now on account of our feedback from being on the graduate scheme.
- Opportunity to get involed with a variety of different projects, large scale urban regeneration through to new business opportunities.
- Exposure to a plethora of really knowledgeable people at all stages of the development lifecycle, including construction.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Finance Services Job Title: Finance Trainee

What are the best and worst things about your job?

You are given responsibility for certain tasks and the amount and complexity of these tasks increases with the more experience and skills you build over time. Lendlease are always pushing your personal and professional development more and more.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Lendlease Construction Europe Job Title: Assistant Construction Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

My role is a perfect balance and the industry is constantly evolving. No two days are the same which makes it challenging, interesting and fun.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

• High levels of responsibility from Day 1
• Working on prestigious projects/for prestigious clients
• Varied work as one can be assigned to several different projects at one time
• Exposure to plenty of senior stakeholders; both internal and external
• Develops a number of key/transferable skills

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction - Europe Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager (Graduate)

What are the best and worst things about your job?

- You develop a wide-range of skills and capabilities in various areas, many of which would allow you to be successful in other industries.
- Lendlease offer a very good benefits package.
- You are constantly interacting with different companies and people.
- I am given a lot of responsibility early on and given time to take things in and learn from mistakes.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Lendlease Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager (Graduate Trainee)

Industry: Property & House Building Department: Residential Job Title: Assistant Development Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The culture of Lendlease and the support available. Health and wellbeing is central to the way we carry out our work and the lessons I have learnt in this respect have been invaluable not only in my professional life but also my personal.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Versatile, great people, massive and interesting projects, good amount of training and development.

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Industry: Accountancy & Insurance Department: Construction Finance Job Title: Finance Analyst

What are the best and worst things about your job?

1. the flexible working environment
2. career progression
3. global business scale and opportunity
4. great salary

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?


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Industry: Property & House Building Department: Offices Marketing Job Title: Marketing & Communications Assistant

What are the best and worst things about your job?

People, I really like everyone I work with, and I learn a lot from them. Everyone is generous with their time and there's a great team spirit.

Work/life balance, my boss criticizes me when I am staying late frequently, and takes a real interest in my life outside work. You can work flexibly from home and the company cares about your well-being.

The support, I am being supported in my professional qualifications, if I am struggling with something people care personally and will help out.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

I'm working on various projects which all differ completely.

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Industry: Consulting Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Training and support provided.
Variety of projects and clients.
Graduate scheme involvement.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Job Title: Assistant Planning Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Nice working environment.

Opportunities for graduates to take on responsibilities.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Residential Marketing Job Title: Assistant Marketing Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

My job requires me to travel a lot which make every day new, challenging and interesting.
Ability to meet new people, see old and new development projects across UK, learn about how company is changing our living towards better future is amazing for my interpersonal development. It inspires me to learn and develop myself as to be a perfect asset for this company.

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Industry: Property & House Building Department: Finance Job Title: Accountant (graduate)

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Lendlease is a very sociable company and has various opportunities to get involved and meet people within your department and the wider business though events such as the 3 weekly drinks and snacks in the canteen, organised runs, and graduate conference. I think this is really great way of feeling part of a team and having fun at the same time.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

People are generally friendly and helpful.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Finance Job Title: Finance Graduate

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Range of responsibilities.

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Industry: Property & House Building Department: Development Job Title: Finance Graduate

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Exposure to high stakeholders in the business.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Consulting Job Title: Assistant Project Management

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The people and the ability to introduce new processes into the business.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Planning & Scheduling Analyst

What are the best and worst things about your job?

- Colleagues
- Safety Focus
- Team Involvement
- Opportunity to get involved (internally & through extra curricular activities)
- Support & Training
- Responsibility
- Salary Package

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Commerical Job Title: Commerical Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Team and office environment on project site offices. I also have a lot of responsibility which has been given to me.

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Industry: Property & House Building Department: Finance Services Job Title: Trainee Accountant

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Get exposure to different teams and new learning experiences frequently.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Design Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

- The people
- The flexibility
- Job opportunities
- The benefits
- The magnitude of the projects

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Development, Public Realm and Infrastructure Job Title: Assistant Development Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Work life balance
Stakeholder engagement
Personal innovation project

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Industry: - Select Industry - Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The diversity in people and projects that you are involved in.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Lendlease Construction Job Title: Assistant Construction Manager

Industry: Property & House Building Department: Development Job Title: Graduate Assistant Development Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Working on amazing projects with amazing people in a friendly and relaxed environment where everyone wants to help you learn and succeed.

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering Department: Construction Job Title: Assistant Design Manager

What are the best and worst things about your job?

- Working on a live construction site
- Working as part of a construction team
- Working on a variety of tasks. Everyday is different!
- Good work life balance

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Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Scotland Job Title: Aassitant Construction Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Project SLAM Job Title: Assistant Construction Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Property Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Development Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Construction London Job Title: Construction Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Construction Job Title: Asistant construction manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Construction Management (Planning) Job Title: Assistant Planner

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Regions Job Title: Planning Manager

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Property Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Development

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: London Job Title: Assistant Construction Manager

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Planning Department: Development Job Title: Assistant Development Manager

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Application Advice:

This role is for people who like working with other people, interpersonal skills and the will to interact with others are key.

Flexibility and the ability to adapt to different working environments and styles of working is also very important and something that you need to be able to show.

Be sure to look smart and use the preparation time well if you get a skype automated interview; make notes and act as if you were talking to a real person... smile!

Interview Advice:

Interviews are not based on specific technical skills, the questions they will ask are all behavioural and it is important that even if an answer is not perfect, you tell the truth.
If they ask about a time you made a mistake show that you understand where you went wrong and how you would fix it or do it again better if you had the chance.
Relax, interviewers will do everything to make you feel at ease and the interview will feel like an informal chat if you are genuine.
Remember to look professional though!

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Ensure you are aligned to the company's values.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Think carefully about your answers to the questions, be honest about your strengths and weaknesses.

Makes sure to check your grammar and punctuation, attention to detail is key in a communications role.

Try and get your personality into all stages of the application including the CV, questions, video interview and phone call. They will buy into your personality more than your grades.

Interview Advice:

In the group exercise don't be overly pushy or bullish. Think carefully about the task and don't feel that you can't compromise. If you know your option isn't the strongest then say so. They're trying to assess how analytical you are, not how stubborn you are.

Make sure to be respectful to the other assessment centre candidates, at the end of the day you're all in the same boat so try and make other people feel at ease. It says a lot about your character if you're friendly and willing to put yourself out in a difficult time.

Research the company and have specific examples. If you want someone to commit to you, you have to show them that you'll be committed to them. You're going to spend at least two years in this company, make sure you actually like it.

Interview questions:

Why do you want to work at Lendlease?

Why do you want the role?

Name a time that you faced a significant challenge and how you overcame it.

What was your favourite part of your degree?

Graduate Communications Assistant, Corporate Affairs at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Understand the vision and values of the company.

Graduate Civil and Structural Engineer, Engineering Team at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Research the company and day to day duties involved. Find out how much training is provided.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself.

Graduate Analyst, Investment and Capital Markets at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Skills wise have an all-round knowledge of the industry and know well what Lendlease has done in the past.

Interview Advice:

Be down to earth, humble and bubbly. A cultural fit is really important to Lendlease.

Assistant Delivery Manager, Residential Property Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Answer the questions honestly.

Interview Advice:

Make sure you look up the company beforehand as you will be asked why you want to work at Lendlease. Sweeping statements will not be accepted, you need to explain exactly why you want to work for Lendlease.

Assistant Commercial Manager, Commercial at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Make sure which role the company want to put you in.
I applied for a different role than I got offered. I didn't know too much about the role I was offered. I just accepted it because it's a good company, but I don't like my role that much now.

Interview Advice:

Be prepared. Read about the company. Know why you want to work for them.

Assistant Planner, Construction Planning at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Understand the Lendlease brand and what it represents, and how this links to you.

Interview Advice:

Relax as much as you can. Lendlease want to know about your previous experience and how you will fit in to the team.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Ensure your CV is spotless from a spelling and grammar perspective; when describing your previous employment/work experience/internships define what success meant and identify how you achieved it. Evidence as broad a variety of professional and interpersonal skills as possible.

Interview Advice:

Show curiosity and genuine interest by asking pertinent questions; be prepared to talk about professional and personal situations you have been in and how your actions made a positive difference/contributed towards achieving a goal. Be aware of the broader UK/European/World business context, in particular the Construction sector, and have an understanding of where Lendlease sits within this.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Give it your best.

Interview Advice:

Stay relaxed and stay calm, confidence is key.

Assistant Construction Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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Interview Advice:

Read up on the projects that Lendlease consulting work on.
Be able to highlight the skills which will make you a good Project Manager.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Look at what we do and the core values we work to when carrying out any role company-wide. Let your passion show through your application.

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Specifically demonstrate how you can add value to Lendlease.

Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Demonstrate the importance of placemaking and having a positive impact.

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Good CV & cover letter.

Interview Advice:

Make sure to understand what Lendlease's vision & values are and demonstrate an understanding of the role.

Assistant Project Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Understand the difference between all the graduate streams at Lendlease to see where you fit best.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Tailor your CV.

Interview Advice:

Relax and be yourself.
Do some research on the company and tailor your answers to what you have learned. Make sure you know why you want to work for Lendlease as this will be asked.

Assistant Commercial Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Draw on examples from prior work experience to demonstrate your skills.

Interview Advice:

Group discussion and presentation.

Interview is very relaxed and the questions are standard. Why you want to work for Lendlease, why finance and what skills you bring to the role.

Finance Analyst, Finance at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Understand what Lendlease is about and what drives the company.

Graduate Civil and Structural Engineer, Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Read up about the core values of Lendlease, and the portfolio of work to familiarize yourself with the standard of work Lendlease produces.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself! Relate Lendlease's core values to your own experiences.

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Actually take time to complete research on the company before and during the application process. As you need a cover letter, ensure you tailor it to the role and the company, it shows you have a desire to work here.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, don't panic or overcomplicate any of the questions. The majority are asking for examples of times where you've demonstrated particular skills, have a think about soft and technical skills and come up with a few examples in your head so you are prepared, the examples don't have to be in the work environment so think about hobbies and interests where you may have demonstrated the skills.

Graduate Accountant, Finance at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Research company values and strategy. Answer questions with examples from work experience.

Interview Advice:

Use your research about the company in the group exercise. Typical interview questions, very conversational, answer using examples from work experience.

Finance Analyst, Finance at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Have a clear idea of what you want to do, achieve and improve when applying. There is not as structured training at agencies; you need to forge your own path.

Interview Advice:

To be resilient to what is thrown at you - and be able to think on your feet to solve a whole host of problem scenarios.

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Application Advice:

Be thorough when filling out the application form. Read what is required of you carefully. Try to be as well rounded as you can and include all different experiences and skills from lots of different sources. Identify and describe as many skills as you can from what you have learnt at university.

Interview Advice:

Just completely be yourself in all aspects of the interview process. When answering questions in the face to face interview give yourself time to think. You can do this by repeating back the question they have asked as part of your answer before you actually give the answer to the question.

Finance Trainee, Finance Services at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

When answering the questions make sure that you include weaknesses and how you are solving them. Construction is about progression and constant learning. Your weaknesses are just as important as your strengths.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, I noticed through my time on graduate interviews that people use a façade and hide how they truly are. Trust me if you are yourself you will enjoy your work more and it won't feel like a job.

Assistant Construction Manager, Lendlease Construction Europe at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Don't lie. Coming from a Business Studies degree background, I was the only non-cognate applicant in my assessment centre (with seven other people). Throughout the application/assessment centre process, rather than making up experience to put me on a level playing field, I sold myself on being able to offer different insights and perspective, which certainly played a key role in securing my job offer.

Interview Advice:

Ask relevant/challenging questions. It's easy to ask questions like 'What's the company culture like?' and 'What are the typical working hours?', but these are generic questions that apply to all companies. Instead, do your research and ask questions that apply to the business. For example, if you're applying for a job at a small, local SME, don't ask about international opportunities.

Also, ask questions that challenge the business and show that you're making a conscious decision. For example, ask about the company's weaknesses and what the business is doing to rectify them.

Graduate Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Was offered undergraduate by Lendlease following my first year at university.
I was invited to attend a 6-week summer placement, following which, Lendlease would decide whether it'd be appropriate to offer me sponsorship.

Assistant Commercial Manager (Graduate), Construction – Europe at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Show your strengths, even though they may not be directly applicable to a specific role, Lendlease are looking for enthusiasm and talent from a diverse range of people.

Interview Advice:

Enthusiasm was what I focused on and how I see my own work ethic in the values Lendlease work to.

Assistant Development Project Manager, Residential at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be yourself, ask any questions you have and speak to current employees.

Interview Advice:

Why Lendlease?
What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Do a bit of research into the Construction industry and what the company does globally.

Finance Analyst, Construction Finance at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Express yourself and why you feel you will fit with the company.

Interview Advice:

Just be yourself, if it's right - it's right.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be honest about who you are. Demonstrate what makes you different, but understand that those responsible for hiring you are looking for that vote of confidence that you've worked hard in the past, you're keen to learn and you'll fully embrace the company's culture.

Interview Advice:

They asked us to work as a team and brainstorm ways in which we see Lendlease being affected by technology such as driverless vehicles, and what Lendlease should/could do to react.

I advise you don't nominate yourself as time-keeper, it's important that you verbally note how much time the team has, how long you'll spend on each part, but you're role in the assessment centre isn't to look at a clock.

Also before your team hastily moves on to another part of the task, if no-one has taken the opportunity to, encourage your team to pause and check that everyone has said what they wanted to say. It shows confidence and the ability to bring others into the conversation.

In the interview part of the hiring process, just be calm, shake everyone's hands and be honest. Don't force an answer you don't believe in, take the time to think and reflect. Generally though, show interest in understanding more about the company than your role necessarily needs. I applied for a marketing role and asked questions about the leasing team, the finance team and the construction team.

Marketing & Communications Assistant, Offices Marketing at Lendlease
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Interview Advice:

Show your enthusiasm for the company to your interviewer. Ensure you do your research and prepare!

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

People skills are crucial for the company.

Interview Advice:

Be confident but yourself.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Ability to multitask and work with people from different backgrounds.

Interview Advice:

Show your passion about the healthy environment that you want to live in and that you care about the legacy and the future.

Assistant Marketing Manager, Residential Marketing at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Research the company's values and make sure that you include them in your application as Lendlease will look for this when finding applicants.

Interview Advice:

When in an assessment day make sure you show you do not focus too much on yourself and show you can work in a team. They will value leadership skills but will not look favourable on people who try to dominate the room.

Accountant (Graduate), Finance at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Make sure there are no basic mistakes. They don't really care if you come from a construction or built environment background. You just have to show that your willing to learn and able to process information. They like additional qualifications/experience outside the under graduate degree.

Interview Advice:

Show that you are really excited about working for the company. Know how to answer competency questions.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be clear and concise.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself - try to relax and show your personality without trying too hard to impress.

Finance Graduate, Finance at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

List your key skills and achievements underneath your roles.

Interview Advice:

Prepare examples of how you have shown certain competencies, such as leadership, teamwork etc, throughout university, internships, jobs etc.

Assistant project management, Consulting at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

- Express a keen dedication to safety
- Demonstrate you're a well rounded team player
- Highlight interests & skills that can be applied to various problems or projects
- Be honest and clinical with the information you supply

Interview Advice:

- Bring lots of energy
- know about the business & enquire about company culture
- Listen to any interview details supplied by Lendlease (i.e presentation, interview or task tips)
- Be passionate & structure answers thoughtfully

Planning & Scheduling Analyst, Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

I applied through a RICS accredited university which helped.

Interview Advice:

Do your research. Make sure you have some sort of work experience!

Commerical Manager, Commerical at Lendlease
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Interview Advice:

Be friendly! Show you would fit in well with the companies culture and employees as well as being able to do the role.

Trainee Accountant, Finance Services at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

- Think outside the box.
- Be open minded when choosing job roles

Interview Advice:

- Be friendly
- Be yourself
- Be passionate
- Do your research

Design Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be honest and show a drive to succeed. Lendlease is all about wellbeing, working hard and health and safety.

Understand and write about placemaking - think about how we can make places liveable, future proof and exciting!

Interview Advice:

Health and safety is a Lendlease core value, this should be something you are familiar with! Innovation - show you can think outside of the box to drive forward new innovations in either construction or property development.

Assistant Development Project Manager, Development, Public Realm and Infrastructure at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Do not be put off if you have limited construction or real estate experience, because Lendlease are looking for people that fit their ethos and culture and can be given responsibility immediately. The technical skills can always be learnt at a later date.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and show interest in the role by doing your homework on the company.

Assistant Project Manager, at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Demonstrate your passion to contribute towards the company's vision and align your aspirations to the business values.

Interview Advice:

Show your enthusiasm and how you will drive results with excellence and integrity.

Assistant Construction Manager, Lendlease Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Clearly illustrate your qualities through specific examples in the STAR format and then communicate how these skills will allow you to add value to Lendlease.

Make the application interesting don't be generic. Communicate your interest in the company in a genuine and interesting way.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself. Prepare for competency based questions and be confident and genuine in your answers.

Graduate Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Work experience is key and is great to highlight your interest in the profession. Keep your CV concise.

Interview Advice:

The interview itself was relatively relaxed and this really helped to calm my nerves. The majority of questions asked me to draw on my past experiences and to demonstrate the skills learnt/used. I used the STAR approach to answer all of these questions: Situation, Task, Action and Response. This helped structure my answers to keep them concise.

Assistant Design Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Make sure you're passionate about the company and role you are applying for.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and show all you can do.

Assistant Commercial Manager, at Lendlease
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Interview Advice:

Be yourself and when asked about your biggest challenges, always end with what you learnt.

Assistant Commercial Manager, at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be very open minded and be prepared to travel.

Interview Advice:

Conduct research in the company goals and mind sets. Be prepared to conduct team activities as part of an application.

Aassitant Construction Manager, Scotland at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be willing to be flexible in location of working area.
Understand what Lendlease are about.

Interview Advice:

Be confident.
Learn the core values.

Assistant Construction Manager, Project SLAM at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be as detailed as possible.

Interview Advice:

Think positive, think of the interview as a conversation with a senior manager rather than someone quizzing you. The interviewer wants to know if you're right for the team so it's best to be as relaxed as possible.

Assistant Commercial Manager, at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

This is a very unique scheme where you can gain a wider perspective of Real Estate Development from the initial stages through to construction. The company have a vast array of work and pipeline for you to be able to experience every aspect of the process first hand. The managers and employees are very down to earth and willing to invest their time into building your career with Lendlease which is incredibly refreshing.
There is a great graduate community ranging across all sectors from consultancy, construction and development which makes it a lot more interesting and diverse.

Interview Advice:

Let your personality and passion shine through. Just be yourself!

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be prepared to be thrown in at the deep end.

Interview Advice:

Greatest achievements.
Strengths and weaknesses.

Construction Manager, Construction London at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Make sure you get a set development plan in place and push for it otherwise you will get pigeon holed.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and make sure you know what Lendlease are and what they do.

Asistant construction manager, Construction at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Learn and gain as much experience as you can and network with different people. Drive your career and try to gain experience in different roles, departments and regions.

Interview Advice:

Understand Lendlease culture, vision and core values. Learn about the projects that Lendlease has done in the past and is currently doing. Demonstrate that you are motivated and willing to learn and work with a team.

Assistant Planner, Construction Management (Planning) at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Be willing to travel a lot.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself.

Planning Manager, Regions at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

You will get great opportunities however, you will need to drive yourself, don't expect to be supported or handheld through the graduate program.

Interview Advice:

Focus on Lendlease's core values and in particular our culture of sustainability which differentiates us from the competition.

Development at Lendlease
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Application Advice:

Research the company's website and focus on values, sustainability and current regeneration projects.

Interview Advice:

It is key to remember that Lendlease takes Health & Safety very seriously. It is committed to operating incident and injury free wherever it has presence. That is why the business even pulled away from countries like Russia, where the regulations were not in line with our standards and minimum requirements.

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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Company ethos and values

The company's active want to hear and respond to feedback from employees

Work/life balance offered

Benefits offered

The feeling of being heard and knowing the company values you

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Wellbeing support and enjoyable diverse work


Lack of consistency in graduate careers

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Treat employees really well
Good benefits
Development Opportunities
Ability to move to different departments and regions within the business easily and swiftly
Good connectivity
Broad work streams and schemes
Variety of work


Gentrification- and not acknowledging that's what we're doing
Siloed working

Graduate Communications Assistant, Corporate Affairs at Lendlease
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Office location.


Lack of training.

Graduate Analyst, Investment and Capital Markets at Lendlease
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Company values and the people


Hierarchy and management processes and governance.

Assistant Delivery Manager, Residential Property Development at Lendlease
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The opportunity to change role


That they promise that its easy to move around, but on paper its harder.
Very large, so hard to know who you should speak to sometimes

Assistant Planner, Construction Planning at Lendlease
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Family like culture.


Sometimes feel detached from the company when working on client site.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Lendlease provides a supportive workplace where employee wellbeing is a top priority. This is highlighted by the holiday allowance and benefits package.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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There are a huge variety of areas/ work streams you can get involved in.
If you communicate what you want/where you want to go, Senior Mgmt will help you to get there.
I've already been offered the opportunity to apply for a position abroad


Unclear on what is expected of me to gain a promotion

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Culture - plenty of social functions, inclusive environment
Learning and development opportunities


Systems and processes are substantial

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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- Safety is truly the number one priority.
- Cares about your personal development.
- Training and chartership opportunities.
- Challenging projects.
- Structured graduate programme.



Assistant Project Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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You are given lots of responsibility and are encourage to own your career and development. Managers are invested in your development and will help guide your career.

There is a working culture is fairly relaxed with lots of flexible working arrangements.


Finance graduate scheme is still young so there are still details being figured out as the first graduates go through the process.

Finance Analyst, Finance at Lendlease
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The focus on sustainable development and enhancing the places around our developments/construction sites
The types of projects we work on


Don't provide Weetabix as part of the free morning breakfast

Graduate Civil and Structural Engineer, Construction at Lendlease
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Brilliant focus on health and wellbeing


Some processes are outdated and slow teams down

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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See previous sections response


See previous sections response

Graduate Accountant, Finance at Lendlease
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Location of main offices and company culture


Internal processes

Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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company culture and the people

Assistant Development Project Manager, Residential at Lendlease
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- We actually live our values with governance procedures and checks in place to ensure we hit our sustainability, H&S, wellbeing and placemaking goals.
- Opportunity to work internationally (global company).
- Opportunity to work on some interesting urban regeneration projects.


- Can sometimes get lost in the corporate system / project teams.
- Would benefit from more people managers to monitor progress and performance considering your pay is determined by your performance and whether you meet your goals.

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You can work from home if you need or wish too. There are lots of interesting and fun external work events to attend. There are clubs you can join like the Guvnors club or horizon. Both of these clubs put on lots of events outside of work to attend.


You work for an amazing company that has built amazing things but there is no brand recognition what so ever with Lendlease. When you mention Lendlease to anybody, no one has ever heard of them.

The range of different things that Lendlease does as a company is very hard to understand and isn't always explained in the best way to understand what Lendlease does from start to finish.

You only get one study day per exam you take for ACA. You are not given any more time off to prepare and study for your exams.

Finance Trainee, Finance Services at Lendlease
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Benefit packages, flexibility, complexity of work.


Working hours when seeing a project to end.

Assistant Construction Manager, Lendlease Construction Europe at Lendlease
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• Positive reputation
• Brand values are realised in everything that the company does
• High salaries/excellent benefits packages
• Exploring different careers internally is supported/encouraged
• Excellent social opportunities


• Not particularly well-known in comparison to some of our competitors

Graduate Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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- Benefits
- Company cares about health and wellbeing
- Good interaction with senior management
- Regular feedback


- Opportunities for UK-based employees abroad are not regularly advertised

Assistant Commercial Manager (Graduate), Construction – Europe at Lendlease
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Great people, good pay, interesting work/projects, versatile - I've been on 3 projects in 2 offices already. Pay rise every six months!


Clarity on how to develop and progress, mid year review wasn't very constructive.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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They genuinely care about the individual.
They are forward thinking and not afraid to be different.
They push important issues and lead the industry with a really passionate and inspiring approach.
Management cares and follows the company ethos - it filters down to everyone.
Employees are happy.


People don't know who Lendlease are!

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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I like the people
I like the flexibility
The responsibility I'm given
The challenge and encouragement to better myself.


The workload can become overwhelming sometimes.

Marketing & Communications Assistant, Offices Marketing at Lendlease
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Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Truly cares about employees.
Benefits package.
Work/life balance.



Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Wellbeing Days



Assistant Marketing Manager, Residential Marketing at Lendlease
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One of the best things at Lendlease is the importance they put on health and wellbeing. It is evident that the company the company cares about it's employees and makes it a priority. An example of this is we are required to take a full day mental health course/induction which I think is very impostant for a company.


Although a great company, due to the nature of being a large property company in London the company receives bad press at times on some of our projects. Some projects are considered contraversal and are very unpopular in some communities in London and being an employee and embassader you are then associated with this.

Accountant (Graduate), Finance at Lendlease
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Its take wellbeing seriously. The CEO makes a visible effort to speak to different people. Pretty good salary (when you include the benefits for the grads).


The Leadership sometimes make decisions which seems like they have not consulted their subordinates.

Assistant Project Manager, Consulting at Lendlease
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Range of people
Range of work opportunities
Good location

Finance Graduate, Finance at Lendlease
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They care about your wellbeing.


Few women.

Assistant project management, Consulting at Lendlease
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- Leader in Safety
- Leader in Mental Health Consideration for construction
- Open to new Ideas
- Large Graduate Intake & strong diversity amongst colleagues
- Big incentives to achieve


- Smaller in the UK

Planning & Scheduling Analyst, Construction at Lendlease
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Office and Team environment.


Long hours sometimes in construction

Commerical Manager, Commerical at Lendlease
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Great culture and colleagues who are always welling to help with your progression, comfortable working environment, there are always new opportunities available. Get to be apart of really interesting projects.


None so far.

Trainee Accountant, Finance Services at Lendlease
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Job opportunities
Flexible working
good benefits
friendly staff

Design Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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Core values

Assistant Development Project Manager, Development, Public Realm and Infrastructure at Lendlease
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The development opportunities for career progression and technical learning.


Often colleagues are spread across sites and offices and therefore digital communication is pivotal. I prefer face-to-face contact.

Assistant Project Manager, at Lendlease
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Focus on well-being
Great work environment
Leader in construction industry-exciting projects
Benefits package

Assistant Construction Manager, Lendlease Construction at Lendlease
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The work environment is fun and flexible while still providing real challenges. The people I work with are amazing at their jobs and are always happy to help you and train you. I work on significant central London regeneration scale projects and am given total exposure to meetings etc.



Graduate Assistant Development Manager, Development at Lendlease
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-Good work life balance
-Plenty of social events
-Lots of opportunity to undertake further training


-Difficult to move overseas unless you have worked there for a significant amount of time

Assistant Design Manager, Construction at Lendlease
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