All of the below information comes directly from job reviews written by Mayer Brown International LLP employees based on 22 reviews.
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Salary Interview Tips Working Hours Best & Worst
Industry: Law Department: Training Contract so department changes every six months Job Title: Trainee solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

- Approachable and supportive colleagues at all levels of the firm;
- Genuinely interesting work;
- High quality training;
- The flexibility of working arrangements (as long as you make sure people are aware, you are fine to take a WFH day if you need to)

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Industry: Law Department: Banking & Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The work itself is very interesting - even proofreading a document is actually quite a lot of fun. It feels a bit like a strangely addictive videogame at times (scroll scroll scroll, see red text, copy red text, scroll scroll scroll, must be quick, mustn't miss any red text, scroll scroll scroll). More broadly, the clients and the projects that I'm working on are really interesting - they do really innovative things in very clever ways. Finance can see as though it's needlessly complex but, as you learn more about it, none of the complexities are needless - they all play a vital role.

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Industry: Law Department: Intellectual Property Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

Industry: Law Department: Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Great career opportunities, nice people.

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Industry: Law Department: Corporate & Securities Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

the people and the work

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Industry: Law Department: Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The work! It is so intriguing and it can feel really exciting to be a part of.

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Industry: Law Department: Litigation Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Strong culture, good people, highly-ranked teams.

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Industry: Law Department: Litigation and Dispute Resolution Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

I get paid very well to work on some very interesting matters with very capable colleagues.

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Industry: - Select Industry - Department: Real Estate Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The work is challenging and enjoyable. I have met some awesome people while working at the firm, and would generally say that the culture is very good. This helps when you are working late, and may need help on certain aspects of your work.

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Industry: Law Department: Insurance Litigation Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The work-life balance is fantastic at Mayer Brown. The work is challenging and demanding, but people respect your time outside of the office.

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Industry: Law Department: Banking & Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Friendly team, high level of responsibility.

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Industry: Law Department: Banking & Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Responsibility given

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Industry: Law Department: CDR/Financial Services Regulation and Enforcement Job Title: Associate

What are the best and worst things about your job?

People, pay, benefits.

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Industry: Law Department: Banking & Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

The training offered is extensive, and prepares you very well for the tasks you will be doing in your day-to-day. While some of them may seem menial, you get exposure to the world of law, big clients, and important transactions.

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Industry: Law Department: Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

training, quality of work

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Industry: Law Department: Corporate Job Title: Trainee

Industry: Law Department: Finance Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Being given lots of responsibility from an early stage and building relationships with clients.

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Industry: Law Department: Litigation Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Interesting, varied work. Opportunities to get involved with lots of pro bono initiatives outside of practice area. Excellent colleagues who very generous with their time and who are interested in your development. Good, flexible working environment.

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Industry: Law Department: Corporate Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

Industry: Law Department: Restructuring, Bankruptcy & Insolvency Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

Industry: Law Department: Litigation & Dispute Resolution Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Quality of work, work culture, people.

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Industry: Law Department: Corporate & Securities Job Title: Trainee Solicitor

What are the best and worst things about your job?

Responsibility given and quality of work

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Mayer Brown International LLP

Average start time: 09:30

Average end time: 19:30

Average number of working hours: 10

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Application Advice:

Really spend time and tailor your application - make sure you understand why MB and not other firms and do not make the mistake in assuming all firms are the same (they *may* do similar work but they are not the same).

Interview Advice:

Be yourself! You'll get the typical questions - motivation, competition and situational so prepare well for them but also make sure you let your personality show too (they're looking for a human, not a robot)!

Trainee solicitor, Training Contract so department changes every six months at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Mayer Brown hire people with a very diverse set of skills and professional backgrounds so try to ensure you have a lot more than just academics on your application. When you're looking for work experience or volunteering or extra-curricular opportunities, don't feel as though you need to seek out the same opportunities as everyone else (paralegal, volunteer at a legal clinic, etc). Whilst those experiences are obviously beneficial, they won't hire a whole intake of trainees with the exact same knowledge and experience - it just wouldn't make business sense.

Interview Advice:

The firm have very high standards of what they expect from trainees in their behaviour, conduct and interactions. Hence, it's vital that you know how to interact with people on a personal level. You don't work with very many people in the department on actual client matters, you make contacts through general conversation, attending events and being friendly.

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Be excellent at everything you do.

Trainee Solicitor, Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Just be yourself

Interview Advice:

Just be yourself

Trainee Solicitor, Corporate & Securities at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Be yourself! They will see straight through it if you're not and it will get you no where. They like people who are comfortable in their own skin.
Gain experience in the real world and apply it. The firm likes people from all walks of life - graduates, workers, career-changes, everything! To that end, play to those strengths and to the things that are going to set you apart from the next applicant.
Research the firm - know what they're about and why you like Mayer Brown. The firm is really interesting and the work they do is great. Know about it and be excited about it. They like enthusiasm!

Interview Advice:

Be polite. Consider the other candidates when in an Assessment Centre. Assessors are watching how you interact with the other candidates and they care about how you treat them. People want to work with nice people.
Research the firm - know what they're about and why you like Mayer Brown. The firm is really interesting and the work they do is great. Know about it and be excited about it. They like enthusiasm!
Be yourself and play to your strengths.
In the run up to the interview, make sure you are aware of what is going on in the world. Don't stop there. Try and apply what is going on in the world to the work that Mayer Brown does and why certain events might matter to them. This doesn't have to be about AI and how it's going to take over the legal profession. A better candidate will comment on how, for example, interest rates at that present point are impacting areas such as REF.

Trainee Solicitor, Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Highlight the skills you can bring, picked up from your work experience.

Interview Advice:

Be genuine - do not pretend to be the candidate you think they are looking for.

Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Interview Advice:

Know why you want to be a lawyer, and why you want to be a lawyer at this firm.

Trainee Solicitor, Litigation and Dispute Resolution at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Research the firm thoroughly and the practice areas which make it stand out. This can be learning about clients, or understanding a few deals or big litigation matters that the firm has worked on recently.

Try to gain experience in these practice areas or, if not, think very carefully about how your current experience would translate to working at the firm.

Interview Advice:

Review your application (you clearly did something right to get an interview!) and then also keep up to date with current affairs, in case they ask you any commercial awareness questions.

Try to know a few important deals the firm has been working on, as well as maybe one or two of the larger litigation matters they have been involved with.

Most importantly, however, be confident and charismatic. The firm is very big on personality and they often look to candidates who possess these personality traits.

Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Really get to know the firm. Spend some time understanding how the industry is adapting to changing global pressures, but also make sure you know how Mayer Brown is adapting specifically.

Interview Advice:

Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Be genuine. The interviewers want to see how you think and behave more so than what you actually say. Take your time when coming up with your answers and don't feel the need to respond right away. Write down some notes to help you reply. This shows preparation, patience and organizational thinking.

Trainee Solicitor, Insurance Litigation at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Focus on the firm's main practice areas and client sectors.

Interview Advice:

Be ready to talk about the challenges facing the firm's clients. Be ready to justify why you are choosing this firm over its competitors.

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Ensure your interests are aligned with what the firm is best at

Interview Advice:

Be able to distinguish the firm from its competitors

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Be creative, the firm never hires boring people!

Interview Advice:

Personality will get your further than grades.

Associate, CDR/Financial Services Regulation and Enforcement at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Interview Advice:

The assessment center is designed to see how you think. Do not focus on 'getting the answer right' as to many question there is no right or wrong answer - the interviewers want to see your thought process.

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Ensure you apply early. Each firm has hundreds, if not thousands of applicants. As such, they recruit on an ongoing basis during the window to apply. Therefore you risk less places being available the later you apply.

Interview Advice:

Be confident and do your research on the firm. Understand the key competencies of the firm. Make sure there is depth to your answers.

Ultimately, the firm is looking for people who will fit in, being those who work well with others and are proactive in their approach to work.

Trainee Solicitor, Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Consider the firm's practice areas. Find out about the firm's pro bono initiatives and consider these too.

Interview Advice:

Consider current events which may impact on our clients.

Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Make sure you use the language the firm wants you to sue (e.g. focusing on international opportunities and training.)

Trainee Solicitor, Restructuring, Bankruptcy & Insolvency at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

1. Research the firm properly.
2. Use relevant, recent examples of work.
3. Look at industry insight pieces contributed to by the firm.
4. Focus on your transferable skills if you are changing career / have no prior legal experience.

Interview Advice:

1. Research the firm properly.
2. Be yourself.
3. Address the interviewers equally.
4. Ask questions!

Trainee Solicitor, Litigation & Dispute Resolution at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Application Advice:

Use your own unique life experiences to demonstrate why you have the requisite IQ and EQ to be a good solicitor.

Interview Advice:

Be prepared for standard questions (e.g. why commercial law, why Mayer Brown etc). Ensure you are aware of current affairs and how this relates to the firm / its clients.

Trainee Solicitor, Corporate & Securities at Mayer Brown International LLP
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I would echo what I said in the previous question.


I would echo what I said in the previous question.

Trainee solicitor, Training Contract so department changes every six months at Mayer Brown International LLP
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The company has a very strong reputation which pulls in high calibre lawyers and high calibre clients. It means that you're working with brilliant people on a daily basis and on incredibly interesting work.


The technology is a nightmare to use and the training is nowhere near comprehensive enough. I'm on the phone to IT most days to resolve one issue or another. I don't mean that the firm is lacking in innovative technologies, it's not, the innovation team do very well. It's the basics that we can't seem to get right - they've made bespoke tool bars for Office and Outlook that mean you spend half an hour trying to find out where they've hidden a certain button (and you can't Google it because the Google answer will be for the default). At the start of my training contract, I spent more time trying to figure out the IT than actually doing the work. Never once has the work itself been so stressful or challenging or confusing that I've cried - I've cried a dozen times at the stress of trying to make the technology do very basic things.

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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very friendly and collegiate atmosphere


haven't been here long enough to comment

Trainee Solicitor, Corporate & Securities at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Strong culture, good people, highly-ranked teams.


No international opportunities.

Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Mayer Brown International LLP
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People are generally very nice and it seems to be a successful firm. Plenty of perks and nice office.

Trainee Solicitor, Litigation and Dispute Resolution at Mayer Brown International LLP
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The people, the work and the events are all great


The working from home policy can be somewhat inflexible, depending on what department you work in.

Trainee Solicitor, Real Estate at Mayer Brown International LLP
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The training offered is second to none


The tech could use an upgrade.

Trainee Solicitor, Insurance Litigation at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Friendly culture, nice office, good training.


Limited benefits package, no WFH tech allowance.

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Standard of work


Hours and certain individuals

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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People, pay, benefits.


Hours, old school supervisors.

Associate, CDR/Financial Services Regulation and Enforcement at Mayer Brown International LLP
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The culture of the firm - everyone is welcoming and approachable


Probably the hours and the pressure related to the job - difficult to get away from those in corporate law!

Trainee Solicitor, Banking & Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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The opportunity to take on lots of responsibility.
The team culture.
People taking an interest in your career development.
Quality of work.
Networking opportunities.


No work from home budget.

Trainee Solicitor, Finance at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Training. Opportunities to work directly with partners. Embracing flexible working.



Trainee Solicitor, Litigation at Mayer Brown International LLP
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Level of responsibility given and standard of work


Attitude to environmental issues and working culture

Trainee Solicitor, Corporate & Securities at Mayer Brown International LLP
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