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Sapient Global Markets
Average start time: 9:00
Average end time: 18:30
Average number of working hours: 9.5
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Application Advice:
Be honest with what you know and what you don't know. Show you have a great interest in the capital and commodity market (even applying for a tech role).
Interview Advice:
Do not panic if you can not solve an interview question. Tell them your thought process.
Associate Technology, at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research Sapient Global Markets and the sectors we work in thoroughly. Ensure you have enough research prepared that you could have a conversation about the role, clients and project work if required.
Technical Associate, at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand the recent changes in the company and where it's heading.
Interview Advice:
Just be yourself.
Associate Business Consulting, Data Management Practice at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It is critical to gain good work experience while at university (blue chip companies, investment banks, consulting firms etc.), as is obtaining a good degree classification (ideally First Class Honours).
Interview Advice:
Practice case studies prior to the assessment centre. This forms a big part of the selection process. Brush up on key topics in the industry (regulations - MIFID, EMIR, EPS, Dodd Frank etc., customer experience, operational efficiency, data). Think about each of these topics and the challenges/opportunities that come with them.
Associate Business Consulting, Capital Markets at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and prepare some business cases.
Business Analyst, Trading systems at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Learn about the core values of the company and try and convey examples when you have used them. In other companies, core values just lay there without being used; at Sapient they live by them and that is what keeps the company going.
Interview Advice:
Don't get overly stressed - the interview is challenging but the people are never judgemental here.
Associate Technology, London at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know why you are applying for a career in consulting.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Make sure you know what is going on in the IT space.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Previous interns have a better chance of being hired at the firm.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, the interviewers are friendly and the atmosphere is relaxed.
Senior Associate, at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Differentiate yourself - extra-curricular activities are good.
Interview Advice:
Be outgoing - everybody who applies is intelligent, but a lot of people fail because they are not good communicators or are not a 'people person'.
Senior Associate, Business Consulting at Sapient Global MarketsRead the full review »