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Transport, Logistics and Distribution

Port of London Authority

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Salary Interview Tips Working Hours Best & Worst
Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Job Title: Graduate Quantity Surveyor

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Electrical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Rail and LU Management Job Title: Rail and LU Management Graduate

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: London Underground Crossrail Team Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Rolling Stock Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Job Title: Graduate Trainee - Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Arts & Media, Public Relations Department: Communications Job Title: CEM&C Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Surface Transport Management Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Buying and Selling, Retail (Buying) Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Commercial Procurement graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Transport Planning Job Title: Transport Planner

Industry: Arts & Media, Advertising Administration Job Title: Customer Experience, Marketing & Comms Graduate

Industry: Analyst Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Customer Experience Job Title: Customer Experience, Marketing and Communications Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Commercial ProcurementGraduate

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Transport Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Asset & Operational Suport Job Title: Rolling Stock Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Road Space Management Job Title: Outcomes Delivery Graduate

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Commercial Job Title: Quantity Surveying

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Integrated Stations Program Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Projects and Programmes Directorate- Surface Transport Job Title: Project Management- Graduate

Industry: Arts & Media, Public Relations Department: Campaigns Job Title: Assistant Press Officer

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Architecture Department: Bus Infrastructure Job Title: Architecture Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Fit for the Future Stations Job Title: Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Supply Chain Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, Procurement Department: Commercial ICT Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Project Management Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Account Manager Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Department: Outcomes Design Job Title: Design Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Rail & LU Management Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Planning Job Title: Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Corporate and Specialist Services Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer Department: Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer Department: Graduate Job Title: Graduate Electrical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: Track Engineering Job Title: Graduate Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Road Space Management Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Victoria Coach Station Job Title: Surface Management Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: Traffic Infrastructure Technology Job Title: Graduate Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Rolling Stock Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Graduates Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Systems Analyst Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Arts & Media, Marketing Executive Department: Marketing Job Title: Customer Experience, Marketing and Communications graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Outcomes Delivery Job Title: Graduate Trainee in Road Space Management

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Architecture Department: Bus Infrastructure Job Title: Architectural Assistant

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Rail and London Underground Job Title: Rail and Underground Management Graduate in Service Development

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Projects Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Department: Road Space Management Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: Asset Management - Tunnels and Structures Job Title: Civil Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: London Underground Job Title: Rail & Underground Management Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Supply Chain Department: Procurement Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Business Relationship Management Job Title: Business Partner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Project Management Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Cycle Superhighways Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Department: Finance Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Grad

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Account Manager Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Job Title: Quantity Surveyor

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Planning Department: TfL Planning Job Title: Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Outcomes Management Job Title: Graduate Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Arts & Media, Marketing Executive Job Title: Marketing Graduate

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Property Management Department: Various Job Title: Assistant PM

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Planning Job Title: Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Various Job Title: Project Management Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Information Management Job Title: IM Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Project Management Job Title: Assistant Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Project Management Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Account Manager Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Graduate Job Title: Management Development Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: London Underground Job Title: Commercial Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Management Operations Job Title: Management Operations

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Department: London Underground Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Highways Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: TfL Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Business Analysis Job Title: Business Analyst

Industry: Arts & Media, Public Relations Department: Press Office Job Title: Graduate Press Officer

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Various IT Functions Job Title: Business Analayst, Project Manager, Business Partner, Service Analyst, PMO Analyst

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Projects Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Traffic Enigineering Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, Software & IT Development Job Title: Graduate Software Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Lifts & Escalators Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Regeneration Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Job Title: Graduate Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Project Management Job Title: Graudate Project Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, Software & IT Development Department: Customer Experience Job Title: Software Engineer

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Job Title: Graduate Quantity Surveyor

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Company Accounts & Finance Management Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer Department: Electrical Engineering Job Title: Graduate Electrical Engineer

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, Software & IT Development Job Title: Graduate Software Engineer

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Outcomes Management Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Strategy and Service Development Job Title: Rail & Underground Managment Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Electronic Engineering Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Graduate Job Title: Graudate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Surface Transport

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Outcomes Delivery Job Title: Trainee Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: London Rail & Underground Job Title: London Rail & Underground Operational Management Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Project Management Job Title: Project Management Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Customer Experience, Marketing and Communications Job Title: Graduate Analyst

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Supply Chain Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Rolling Stock Engineer

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Job Title: Graduate Quantity Surveyor

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: London Underground Job Title: Civil Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Account Manager Department: Service Delivery Job Title: Operations Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Job Title: Transport planner

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Station upgrades Job Title: Graduate project manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Surface Transport - Road Network Performance Job Title: Trainee Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Job Title: Quantity Surveyor

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Road Space Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Department: Bank Station Capacity Upgrade Job Title: Commercial manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: Signals Delivery Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Rail and Underground Job Title: Rail and Underground Management Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Strategy and Planning Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Transport planning Job Title: Trainee Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Graduate Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Outcomes Design Engineering Job Title: Design Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Rolling Stock Job Title: Mechanical Rolling Stock Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Planning Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: TfL Planning Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: Rolling Stock Job Title: Electrical Engineering Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Track Design Job Title: Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Job Title: Electical Engineering Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Project Management Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Graduate Civil Engineer Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Banking and Finance, Finance Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Finance Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Civil engineering Job Title: Civil engineering graduate

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Rail and Underground Job Title: Rail and Underground management Graduate in Service development.

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Department: Outcomes Delivery - West Team Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Department: Outcomes Delivery Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Borough Projects and Programmes Officer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Road Network Performance Job Title: Trainee Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Project Management Job Title: Project Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Operational Management Job Title: LU Management Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Department: Rotating through various finance placements Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Project Management Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Department: SSR Upgrade - Power Team Job Title: Graduate Commercial Manager

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Surface Transport, Major Projects Job Title: Quantity Surveyor

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Engineering Graduate Trainee Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Electronic Engineering Surface Transport Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Transport Planning Job Title: Modelling and Transport Planning Gradute

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Crossrail Sponsor/planner Job Title: Graduate sponsor/planner LUCT (London underground Crossrail team)

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Project Management Department: Information Management Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Capital Programmes Job Title: Commercial

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Station Upgrades Job Title: Assistant Project Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Services Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Borough Projects and Planning Job Title: Graduate civil Engineer

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: London Job Title: Project Management Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Project Management Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Department: Placement Based - Current Treasury Job Title: Graduate Trainee Finance

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Department: Track Partnership Programme Job Title: Quantity Surveyor

Industry: Construction and Civil Engineering, Construction Project Management Department: Capital Programmes Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Sub Surface Rail Job Title: Graduate Project Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: CPD Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Graduates Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Tunnels and Structures Job Title: Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Department: Network Performance Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Graduate Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Asset Performance Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Graduate Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Network Performance - West Job Title: Trainee Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Track Design Job Title: Mechanical Engineering Graduate

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Company Accounts & Finance Management Department: Various - Rotational Scheme Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Department: Infrastructure, Capital Projects Job Title: Assistant Commercial Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business Analyst Department: Information Management Job Title: IM Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Transport Planning Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Traffic Design Engineering Job Title: Graduate Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Roads Job Title: Project Management Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Traffic Technology Job Title: Graduate Electronic Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Policy and Strategy Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Management Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Department: Network Performance Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Strategy & Service Delivery Job Title: Rail & Underground Operational Management Graduate Trainee

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Network Performance/Road Space Management Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Strategy Develeopment and Operations Job Title: Rail & Underground management Graduate

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: LU Management Job Title: LU Management Graduate

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Department: London Streets Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Planning Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Control Department: Network Performance Job Title: Traffic Control Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Account Manager Job Title: graduate planner

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Transport Planning Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Commercial Procurement Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Tunnel Engineer Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Electrical Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Customer Experience Job Title: Graduayte

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Varied Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Department: Rolling Stock Job Title: Graduate Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: London Underground - Capital Programmes Job Title: Site Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Earth Structures Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Cycle Hire Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Various Job Title: Graduate Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: GRADUATE TRAINING SCHEME Job Title: GRADUATE CIVIL ENGINEER

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Traffic design engineering Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical Engineer Job Title: graduate electrical engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Placements Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Crossrail Job Title: Field Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Job Title: Graduate Civil Eng

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: London Underground Victoria Station Upgrade Job Title: Supervisor's Support Manager

Industry: Banking and Finance, Financial Analysis Department: Finance Job Title: Senior Analyst, Group Business Planning

Industry: Arts & Media, Project Manager Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Surface Transport Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Job Title: Transport Planner

Industry: Banking and Finance, Company Accounts & Finance Management Department: Olympic Games Team Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Procurement Officer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Banking and Finance, Company Accounts & Finance Management

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: London Job Title: Civil Engineer

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Transport Planning Job Title: Graduate Transport Modeller and Planner

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Various Job Title: Information Management Graduate Trainee

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Department: Operations, London Underground Job Title: Management Delivery Graduate Trainee

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: Civil Engineering Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer - Design Placement

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Project Management Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Project Management Department: Capital Programmes Directorate Job Title: Graduate Project Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Design Engineer Job Title: Graduate Scheme

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Property and Housebuilding, Surveyor Department: Crossrail/London Underground Job Title: Quantity Surveying Graduate Trainee

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Job Title: Graduate Management Trainee

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Graduate Trainee Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Graduate Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering Job Title: Gradaute Mechanical Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Commercial Procurement Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Infrastructure & Networks Department: IM Graduate Scheme Job Title: Information Management Graduate Trainee

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Commercial Graduate

Industry: Support Services (Including Recruitment), Customer Service Department: London Underground Job Title: Graduate Trainee - Customer Service Delivery

Industry: Transport, Logistics and Distribution, Transport Management Department: Surface Transport Games Team Job Title: Graduate Transport Planner

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Civil Engineering Job Title: Graduate Civil Engineer

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Project Management Job Title: Project Development Advisor

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Transport for London

Average start time: 9:00

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Average number of working hours: 8

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Application Advice:

Develop a wide range of skills and an eye for detail, keep contacts and be diligent.

Interview Advice:

Know your stuff: revise traditional quantity surveying areas, and then revise some more.
Do not make up answers: own up when you don't have an answer rather than make one up.
Apply yourself: Show your interest in the process, ask questions.
Be passionate: Interviewers are good at spotting this, read up on related construction news and show your love for the industry.

Graduate Quantity Surveyor, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Give yourself enough time to read over your application before submitting it and speak to your Careers centre/tutor.

You don't have to be a train-spotter/enthusiast to apply. Just an interest in your discipline and how you think you will fit in to TfL. Read through the various material on the graduate specific website.

Interview Advice:

Use the experience you have gained at university, extra-curricular activities, part-time jobs and volunteering to show your passion and how you develop yourself.

Graduate Electrical Engineer, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Balance between technical knowledge and competency understanding.

Interview Advice:

Concentrate on competency questions.

Graduate Project Manager, London Underground Crossrail Team at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Come across as a people person who understands TfL's diversity within its organisation.
Showing strong organisational and presentational skills are key.
Encourage quiet people to speak up - leadership.

Interview Advice:

Take your time, show your thought process.

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Rolling Stock at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Carefully read the job description and tailor your application to this.

Interview Advice:

Make sure you come across as enthusiastic about making a difference to London's transport network.

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make youself familiar with TfLs policies and behaviours so that you understand how the company operates and can tailor your application and responses to match the company.

Interview Advice:

Alongside the normal generic questions found in the interview their will be a compentency part and a technical part. With the technical part make sure you speak your mind, explaining what you are thinking and why.

Graduate Trainee – Mechanical Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure that your enthusiasm for working at TfL shines through. They don't expect you to know everything before you start, but wish to find candidates that are willing to learn.

Interview Advice:

There was a presentation, group task, competency interview and logic test.

CEM&C Graduate, Communications at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Know why you specifically want to work for the organisation and in the role you are applying for. Use evidence to support any skills or characteristics you believe you have by showing experience of applying them in different scenarios.

Interview Advice:

Know the core values and understand the customer focus of the company. Show an understanding of the key stakeholders you will be working with in your role to meet your objectives and how to work with them effectively to produce the best results. It is also helpful to know current projects or schemes that are being implemented.
Using your past experiences, show your range of skills you have to offer and why you think they are valuable to the organisation.

Surface Transport Management Graduate, Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be passionate about London and your potential role in helping to make London a great city.

Interview Advice:

Always keep TfL's values and behaviours in mind.

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

It is very competitive so do lots of research prior to application steps.

Interview Advice:

Motivation questions & competencies questions.

Commercial Procurement graduate, Commercial Procurement at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Show passion for transport and London. Make sure you are up to date with major projects and schemes.

Transport Planner, Transport Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure you're specific in your answers and prepare well. Knowing the background of TfL, the importance of customers to the organisation and the key competencies they look for will help you a lot.

Interview Advice:

You'll often be asked why you want to work for TfL so have a strong answer for that. Give clear examples of your experience. Everyone is really nice at the assessment centres too, so you can relax and have a laugh with them.

Customer Experience, Marketing & Comms Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Know TfL - the challenges, the political landscape, the projects currently being undertaken.

Have relevant examples, I was fortunate enough to have previous procurement experience, but try to relate any examples you have to purchasing, making logical and rationale decisions.

Interview Advice:

Don't be overly vocal in the group activity.

Be decisive in the group activity - take a viewpoint and try not to be in between decisions. Appreciate and consider why other ideas may be better than yours.

Practice your presentation beforehand, make it visual but relevant.

Drink coffee - it's a long day.

Commercial Procurement Graduate, Commercial Procurement at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Customer focus is the main aim of the company.

Finance Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure you're a good motivational fit and understand the challenges facing transport in London and the city as a whole, i.e. increasing population growth and congestion levels.

Customer Experience, Marketing and Communications Graduate, Customer Experience at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show enthusiasm for London as a city and how TfL contributes to it.

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Study TFL's behaviours and show them in the application process.

Assistant Project Manager, Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply early, spots fill up very quickly.

Interview Advice:

You will be sent through an email before the assessment centre detailing what your presentation will be on. You will not be asked anything too specific to the railway, but make sure you understand the basics.

Rolling Stock Engineer, Asset & Operational Suport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

- Have a good understanding of track/ rolling stock mechanics
- Research station based problems
- Research the Company, government, Mayor of London

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Take your time and don't rush it. Show that you are aware of current issues - political, environmental etc. - that affect how TfL works.

Interview Advice:

Do some research and be aware of topical issues.

Outcomes Delivery Graduate, Road Space Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Dedicate time to doing some research into the company and the role offered.

Interview Advice:

Practice your interview answers thinking about the TFL behaviours.

Quantity Surveying, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

A very good experience in how large organisations work, be willing to learn.

Graduate Project Manager, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Aside from generic application material research with competing transport companies e.g. MRT or MTR who are currently providing better services than TfL. Highlight some of the differences and then highlight areas which TfL is superior (mostly customer service) to show an in-depth knowledge of the sector. Don't be generic!

Interview Advice:

Information on what the job involves day-to-day and a genuine interest in helping people. Also phrases like "keep london moving" and "trains per hour" always help.

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Integrated Stations Program at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

-Only apply to one of the graduate schemes.
-Apply to the scheme which best suites your profile.
-Research the company and its projects before any interview.

Project Management- Graduate, Projects and Programmes Directorate- Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be yourself, be honest and open and give your very best.

Interview Advice:

Be natural and friendly.

Assistant Press Officer, Campaigns at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

The application is your CV and a cover letter but also has an online section when you submit so leave time to complete that. This part is an opportunity to expand on and talk about things you didn't cover in your CV.

Once successful there is an online assessment. Do the practice questions!

Interview Advice:

There is a phone interview first. Prepare by reading all the supplied information on what to expect. The interview involves situational questions about your own personal experience.

The final interview is a full day assessment which includes a review of your portfolio, the rest of the assessment is the standard TfL process and will be explained. There will also be an interview of a similar style to the phone interview.

You can also prepare by looking on The Student Room for advice from past applicants which is a good way of getting an idea of what to expect.

Architecture Graduate, Bus Infrastructure at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Understand what the company does before applying.

Project Manager, Fit for the Future Stations at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Read through the company's website.

Commercial Procurement Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be passionate about TfL ("every journey matters") as well as for the detail of rail engineering itself. TfL assesses people on different competencies such as valuing the customer, making safety a priority, personal development, team focus, thinking commercially etc.

Your application will only be decided by engineers in the assessment centre (final) phase, the first steps are more character-focussed.

Interview Advice:

Be very clear and direct. Consciously mention factors such as safety, cost, customer-benefit even when answering technical questions (for example, if asked about challenges of automating the underground, go into great technical detail but also consider strike action and customer safety etc.)

Graduate engineer, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

*Most Important* Learn the competencies! e.g Driven, collaborative etc. and have a real life example for each one.

Learn some basic procurement concepts - they're not expecting much previous knowledge!

Relax and just be positive/friendly.

Also I believe the current process is:
Online application >> Video interview (recorded not live) >> 1 day Assessment Centre.

Commercial Procurement Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

On top of the usual (no mistakes etc.) try to demonstrate your ability to work with sometimes difficult people. TfL understand that people are the key to successful project delivery. If you can show that you can get along with people in a variety of situations, you are likely to be short-listed for their graduate scheme.

Interview Advice:

STAR approach. Be polite and friendly, definitely avoid being cocky or arrogant. Draw on real experiences but try to avoid using dissertation or university-based examples. If you haven't got any examples outside of uni...get some! Part-time jobs, volunteering etc.

Commercial Procurement Graduate, Commercial ICT at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research how project management is carried out for rail projects.

Interview Advice:

Develop self awareness of how you act in a group situation.

Assistant Project Manager, Project Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research some of the less high profile projects taking place within TfL beside Northern Line Extension etc. and understand the 5 behaviours - if you think they align with your values then go for it!

Graduate Project Manager, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show that you really like London.

Interview Advice:

Just be yourself there are no trick questions.

Design Engineer, Outcomes Design at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

It's more about the attitude than the knowledge.

I have seen people in assessment days with a degree in transportation procurement and experience working in this sector, but they did not get onto the scheme since they did not have the necessary characteristics, attitude or motivation.

Aside from the research you should have done about the role you're applying for. You need to relax, be friendly, chatty, ask some good questions, be supportive of other applicants (that does sound counter intuitive but it shows teamwork).

Don't think you can coast through on just having the knowledge or experience!

Interview Advice:

Why do you want to work for TfL?

What do you know about the placement you've applied for?

Name a time you've been in a team and had to take leadership?

Name a time when you've made a mistake and its implications and how you corrected it?

Commercial Graduate, Commercial Procurement at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Read up on TfL's Behaviours and Competencies - these are what you are being assessed against.

Interview Advice:

Again, Behaviours and Competencies. Be TfL enthusiastic and read up about what projects are going on/in the pipeline.

Graduate, Rail & LU Management at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Show a good understanding of London's transport needs and the problems the city faces in the next few decades. Think of a way these could be solved, try and pull in other examples.

Transport Planner, Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Whilst a knowledge of what the company does and any technical skills required for your role are important, passion and interest in the role are the most important thing. Make sure you know why you want to do the job, and not just what the job is.

Interview Advice:

I was asked a couple of basic questions on project management, relating to the project lifecycle and the 'iron triangle', as well as motivational fit questions.

Graduate Project Manager, Corporate and Specialist Services at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

For any of the graduate schemes make sure you understand and appreciate that TfL is ultimately a large retail and customer facing organisation, which places a large amount of importance on the customer and their experience. Read the Mayor's Transport Strategy to understand TfL's priorities for the future and the current state of play of transport in London.

Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show enthusiasm.

Interview Advice:

What would you have done differently in your Final Year Project?

Graduate Trainee, Graduate Scheme at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Look at the TfL behaviours and consider how you can cover them and think about what the company is doing at the moment.

Remember you're applying for a public company - don't expect to be paid amazingly from the offset and remember that what you do is vital to everyday Londoners, everyone will have an opinion!

Interview Advice:

Just try and stay calm and be natural, they are looking at you as a person as well as your technical ability. A big part of TfL is an ability to communicate and present so be confident in these.

Graduate Electrical Engineer, Graduate at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be active. Prepare very well for the interview. Search on the internet.

Interview Advice:

Be relax and have a positive attitude. Sometimes they are just triying to put some pressure on you but it's just to know how you will react. It doesn't mean you are having a bad interview.

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Understand as much about the company as possible. Have a passion for the job you're applying for and make sure that you have understood the company vision and strategic goals. Engineering is a very technical discipline to apply for; however, without a grasp of why it is important within the company direction, you are already on the back foot.

Interview Advice:

You will be given all the preparation requirements before any assessment day; these change from year to year but the basic premise is: a presentation, group task, a problem solving test and a one-to-one interview. For the telephone interviews, ensure that you have any work experience ready and fresh in your mind to demonstrate how you solved issues in the past.

Graduate Engineer, Track Engineering at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Refer to the Mayor and his plans for London, and any projects that are being carried out by the department e.g. Road Space Modernisation Programme.

Graduate Trainee, Road Space Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

You can't overdo passion for transport, TfL and London.

Interview Advice:

You'll have to think on your feet and a good understanding of current projects and challenges is crucial. Also in the team exercise read the brief and don't try to push your assigned proposal for the sake of it. If it's a ludicrous idea say it is and why - it's not a sales job!

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Do your homework! TfL is a huge organisation with so many teams and divisions. Learn exactly what "Surface Transport" encompasses and explore the companies main behaviours and values.

Interview Advice:

Knowledge of the company, competency questions, examples of situations you may face in your role.

Surface Management Graduate, Victoria Coach Station at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

1) Use examples that are well structured and clearly demonstrate the competency.

Interview Advice:

1) Show the enthusiasm for the role.
2) Understand the question and the compentency and clearly demonstrate.

Graduate Engineer, Traffic Infrastructure Technology at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Look up the TfL behaviours and make sure you sculpt all your answers to reflect times when you have demonstrated these.

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Rolling Stock at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Largely, competency based and you are assessed on TfL's key behaviours.

Commercial Graduate, at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Talk about the Mayor's strategy in your application/interviews and link it back to the work TfL are doing to deliver it.

Graduate Project Manager, Graduates at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Get experience within the transport sector to get a good understanding of how the sector works and what the key issues are.

Be passionate!

Interview Advice:

Structured competency based interview - this is where experience helps.

Graduate Transport Planner, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Understand the history behind TfL the companies it was formed from and why it came about. Understand the role the Mayor plays and at least read the executive summary of the Mayors Transport Summary.

Interview Advice:

Standard competency based interview as well as a technical one / presentation. No one is trying to trick you, if you don't know an answer talk about how you'd find out rather than trying to lie. Someone from the area you're applying to will be attending both interviews and will catch you out.

Graduate Trainee, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Read a lot about the company and the departments involved in your scheme.

Interview Advice:

Don't try to make up situations, give real examples so you can sound real. Look people in their eyes, I've never met people that have difficulties with it in this organisation.

Customer Experience, Marketing and Communications graduate, Marketing at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Everyone is friendly at the assessment centre - don't be afraid to ask questions about the company and the role you have applied for.

Graduate Planner, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:


Interview Advice:


Graduate Trainee in Road Space Management, Outcomes Delivery at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure to show a wide variety of skills, it is about being a well rounded person with the ability to learn and pick up new skills. You don't need to be the full package just show that you can adapt and grow.

Interview Advice:

Make sure to understand the orgainsation and how it works. TfL is different as it is affected by the political landscape as much as it is being a regular business.

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Demonstrate a range of well presented experiences and show how it can link to your potential future work with TfL.

Interview Advice:

Follow the STAR method of answering for the interview.

Architectural Assistant, Bus Infrastructure at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make the most of the opportunities available and try to experience as much as you possibly can, throughout the company.

Interview Advice:

Research the company beforehand, especially current projects and programmes, as well as specific constraints and political pressures.

Rail and Underground Management Graduate in Service Development, Rail and London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Showing strong enthusiasm for the business and the sector throughout your application is imperative. Even if you do not have all of the necessary skills for the role when you apply, it shows that you are willing to put in the effort to improve your technical knowledge to the appropriate level, because you understand the benefits that it will bring to the business. Make sure you come across as an open-minded person with a broad range of experience and skills, as a good understanding of the real world and the people within it are also essential.

Interview Advice:

Don't think of the interview as a tick-box exercise where you feel you must list every single piece of experience that you have. It is far more important to show why any experience is relevant to the skills and knowledge that the role requires. You also need to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the business and the role it plays, as a lack of knowledge will show through easily.

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be genuinely interested in what they do and approach things logically. Look up the TfL values as this is what employees are measured against.

Interview Advice:

Ask questions, do your research, when doing team tasks think about how you can get the best out of the other candidates, be practical - don't go overboard with unnecessary information.

Graduate Project Manager, Projects at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Extra curricular projects and engineering work are essential for standing out from the crowd. Build this extra experience and link it to the TfL preferred behaviours: Accountable, Active, Direct, Collaboration, Fair and Consistent.

Interview Advice:

Practice your presentations and team work exercises with other people as much as possible, with as many different people as possible, until they become second nature to you.

Graduate Trainee, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

- be customer focused
- know the company, what the current aims are for that mayoral term

Interview Advice:


Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be honest proactive and outgoing.

Interview Advice:

Ask yourself what makes TfL different than working in the private sector.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Road Space Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the company
Be enthusiastic about working for TfL

Finance Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

The application process across all streams is about competency questions. Just have lots of examples of working in a team, leading, diversity etc. Subject specific questions are quite general. You just need to know the issues such as failure modes, construction techniques etc. You won't need to draw a bending moment diagram or anything like that.

Interview Advice:

Read up on what TfL have built lately and how. Flick through retaining walls and bridge construction before the interview. You need to show that you are specifically interested in TfL and London. Do not worry too much about the technical questions - for the most part you are having to convince HR so it's a tick box exercise.

Phone interview is probably the most difficult - just make sure you keep your answers concise and to the point. It's a tick box excercise for the interviewer.

The whole thing is quite impersonal - as long as you tick the right boxes you have a very good chance.

Graduate Civil Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Practice numerical, qualitative tests and also online interviews with other companies first.

Interview Advice:

Be confident, look at the TfL behaviours and know the company well. Previous work experience helps but is not a major factor.

Civil Engineer, Asset Management – Tunnels and Structures at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

You'll be asked to give some real life examples of how you've dispayed certain behaviours. Be honest, but consider how to best demonstrate your qualities.

Interview Advice:

You'll be asked to expand on answers given in your application, so make sure you remember what you wrote!

Rail & Underground Management Graduate, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be ambitious and show passion for both London and its Transport.

Interview Advice:

Align your answers with TfL’s strategy: “Every journey matters”.

Business Partner, Business Relationship Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show an interest and knowledge in the development of London and the transportation networks within it.

Interview Advice:

Prepare competency based answers with examples from previous jobs and be able to mix and match them as required. Also have an understanding of the basic principles of project management and current and future projects within Transport for London.

Assistant Project Manager, Project Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the company and put across why you love London. Most of all be yourself and try your best, they are looking for development potential not the complete package

Interview Advice:

Application form - tell me about a time
Psychometric tests - practice makes perfect
Telephone assessments - SWOT up around the 10 TFL competencies with examples
Assessment Centre Day - Be yourself and follow through on all the activities

Assistant Project Manager, Cycle Superhighways at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply early, applications will close once enough have been received.

Interview Advice:

Make sure to read up on the TfL competencies and behaviours as these will be tested at a number of stages of the application process.

Finance Graduate, Finance at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

work hard

Interview Advice:

practice makes perfect.

Grad, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Before taking the required online tests, use the available practice tests that can be found online for practicing and preparing for the real one.

Interview Advice:

Research the company and learn about all the different services it provides and how it invests in upgrading the network in order to keep up with increasing passenger demand. Show that you are genuinely interested in working for TfL.

Graduate Project Manager, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be yourself and have a real interest in London

Quantity Surveyor, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Spend a lot of time on the written application as a lot of candidates are unsuccessful at this stage.

Interview Advice:

Competency based questions and a few on the company. One element of the assessment day was a seen presentation.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial Procurement at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be passionate about London and the role of TfL within it. Don't be afraid of being "geeky" - TfL is an organisation where being interested and passionate about cities, transport and how they work and interact is valued.

Interview Advice:

* London is going to grow by 2 million people by 2030, and as transport planners it's our job to deal with this. Think about the challenges this will bring to the city - not just in transport - and how we might deal with them!

* Do some research into projects that TfL are currently working on - looking at recent consultations is a great place to start. It's also a great place to see the sort of projects we work on. (

Transport Planner, TfL Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Do some research on the ways that TfL controls traffic in London before your assessment centre. In-depth knowledge is not required but some insight is helpful.

Interview Advice:

Think about how you think different modes of transport in London should be prioritised in different situations.

Graduate Traffic Control Engineer, Outcomes Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

research the company/behaviours and competencies the company looks for before applying

Interview Advice:

think of examples of times that you have demonstrated the main tfl behaviours and competencies

Marketing Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research your customer service. At TfL their focus is on ‘keeping London moving’ which means a very customer focused work platform.

Interview Advice:

Practice your presentation skills and engage with your interviewers.

Assistant PM, Various at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Explain why you are suited to the job, a good reason why you want to work for TfL. Practice basic maths skills for skills tests.

Interview Advice:

Demonstrate how you have met TfL's competencies with good examples from work experience, university etc. Explain what you did personally, not what your team did. Explain the situation, what you did and why and what the outcome was. (Use the STAR method - situation, task, action, result).

Transport Planner, Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Think deeply about your motivation for the role, your qualifications and experiences are entry requirements - it's the 'why' that needs to fit with TfL.

Interview Advice:

As a world class organisation your ideas and interests need to be world class. Research the latest trends in your chosen specialism - to be forward thinking and abreast of your profession is key to the assessment centre.

Collaboration is key - group activitites in the assessment involve listening as well as talking, start with the end in mind, benchmark your decisions on the objectives.

IM Graduate, Information Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the company
Be passionate
If you don't want to work for a transport company and you have no passion to work for TfL - do not apply... It really is a great feeling when you believe in your organisation and have a keen interest in what they deliver.

Interview Advice:

Why TfL
Motivations for a specific scheme
Awareness of what goes on in such a firm like TfL

Assistant Project Manager, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Use STAR to respond to all answers (Easier for HR to read and allocate marks)
Demonstrate passion for your chosen field

Interview Advice:

Don't waffle
Stick to the point
Stay calm and answer the question
Do your homework on TfL

Graduate Project Manager, Project Management at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Just be yourself.

Commercial Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

'Key Behaviours' are explained on website- these are what application is marked against so make sure you demonstrate them.

Interview Advice:

Interview is actually very fair, there are no tricks and interviewers are very open about what you are judged against. Again, everything is about the five 'Key Behaviours'.

Traffic Control Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Learn the competencies TfL are looking for and ensure your answers satisfy them in your application form.
Most questions in the phone interviews are competency based. Try and have different answers from your application form.
Don't try and be someone you're not at the assessment centre as the assessors will pick up on it straight away.

Interview Advice:

Remeber that TfL aims to 'provide and maintain a world class service, for a world class city'. Keeping customers happy and the transport system moving is the end goal.

The assessors usually consist of an HR rep and a senior figure within the area you are applying. Most of them were graduates at one point and understand how much competiton there is. When it comes to the interview, ensure you have lots of examples from a variety of experiences - don't just use university experiences.At the end, make sure you ask some interesting question and don't be afraid to ask about the assessors own personal experiences.

Management Development Graduate, Graduate at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be dedicated to making the most of the opportunities provided. Work hard and utilise all opportunities offered.

Interview Advice:

Be honest and a real person. Don't just say what the interviewer wants to hear.

Commercial Manager, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Spend at least a week doing the application form. Ensure you are using your best examples for competency questions and really focus in on what that competency is asking you, how your answer relates and how the skills learnt from this experience can be transferable within a potential role within the company.

Interview Advice:

Prepare, prepare, prepare! Make sure you have good responses once again for competency based questions, ensure you know them well!

Learn about the company, know the key projects that are going on, show an interest within them.

Ask questions, show an interest in those interviewing you and the comapny as a whole.

Be passionate!

Management Operations, Management Operations at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

revise NEC form of contract

Assistant Commercial Manager, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Understand the role of a client, sound knowledge of commercial and safety issues. Look up "TfL behaviours" and the Mayor's Transport Strategy

Interview Advice:

Prepare for common competency questions, generally about collaboration, fairness and accountability.

Graduate, Highways at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

The graduate scheme needs strong preparation.

Interview Advice:

Get many examples ready and make research about the company beforehand.

Business Analyst, Business Analysis at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

I would try and get as much experience (work, volunteering or extra-curricular) as possible so that you have a variety of examples to use when questioned about how you fulfill certain competencies.

Interview Advice:

Be confident. The best way to do this is by thoroughly preparing - it's also worth drafting some questions before you go to show that you're interested and know what the company is about.

Graduate Press Officer, Press Office at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure you apply for the right scheme, there are lots of them. Know the company well, what it does, some of its projects related to your area, and really why you chose TfL over other companies.

Interview Advice:

Collaborative working, Good communication/influence.. look at the TfL behaviours as this is what they will assess you on.

Business Analayst, Project Manager, Business Partner, Service Analyst, PMO Analyst, Various IT Functions at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Learn the TfL behaviours, research public transport!

Interview Advice:

Competency based interviews, try to demonstrate TfL behaviours in your answers.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Traffic Enigineering at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Talk about software projects you have done at university and in your own time.
Demonstrate a willingness to learn.
Make it clear that you love living and working in London and want to make it a better place for everyone.
Do some background research about TfL.

Interview Advice:

Agile development methodologies
Software design patterns
Simple algorithms
Competencies - teamwork, problem solving, accountability for your actions, being active - making things happen, being fair and consistent (TfL Behaviours)

Graduate Software Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:


Interview Advice:

It's good to show energy and an eagerness to learn. In line with the old saying "Hire a person with no skills but the right attitude".

Graduate Civil Engineer, Lifts & Escalators at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Try to research current projects (big and small), and gain an understanding of asset management (monitoring, replacement, maintenance, improvements)

Graduate Engineer, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Articulate what is it about project management, and particulary managing projects that affect the transport system in london, that appeals?

Interview Advice:

Demostrate your passion for improving the London Transport system and the role project management can play in this.

Graudate Project Manager, Project Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

The application stage consisted of a form and then a set of numerical reasoning and logic tests. I took care preparing my questions for the form and found some practise numerical and logical reasoning tests online.

Interview Advice:

There were several stages to the interview process. The first was a competency based interview, the questions were quite generic competency based questions and I used the STAR method to answer them.
the second stage was a technical interview, which included questions about object oriented programming, software development lifecycles and design patterns.
The third stage was the assessment centre. The interview for this stage included both competency based and technical questions. I had to write out some code to calculate factorials on a piece of paper for one of the technical questions.

Software Engineer, Customer Experience at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Tell the truth in the application as they do pre-employment checks.

Interview Advice:

Prepare examples of answers to possible questions before the interview.

Finance Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Expect varied placements and moving around lots of different departments

Interview Advice:

Find out what the TfL behavious are and work towards them as it is primarilly HR team that recruits, not tehnical.

Graduate Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineering at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Read up on TfL and what we do - there's more to the organisation than the Underground and buses! The 'behaviours' are very important so read up on those too.

Be ready for some technical/programming questions.

Interview Advice:

People are generally very friendly, so be yourself and show an interest in the organisation and London in general - this is just as important as technical knowledge.

Again, be prepared for some technical questioning!

Graduate Software Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Give varied and relevant examples. Use good written English. Think carefully about your responses and tailor them to the application (don't copy and paste from other applications with similar questions).

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and be confident. TfL are looking for individuals who possess desirable personality characteristics, if you are lacking in knowledge but are willing to learn, TfL are willing to train and guide you through your career development. Get to know the company and understand why you want to be a part of TfL.

Graduate Project Manager, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show you are a well-rounded individual who is ready to take on different challenges and develop in the role (don't expect to be an expert in a unique industry before you apply).

Interview Advice:

Be aware of the numerous real-time influences on TfL and your job (Politics, London as a functioning city, increasing demand, press relations and TfL's reputation).
Have a wide range of competencies and examples ready.

Traffic Control Engineer, Outcomes Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Think about the qualities you want to display and come up with real examples of your behaviour. Avoid talking about hypotheticals.

Interview Advice:

Prepare a raft of examples in advance.

Rail & Underground Managment Graduate, Strategy and Service Development at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the job as well as you can. Come up with a few good examples for each competency. Take some practice online numerical tests.

Interview Advice:

Presentation: practice with friends and family, get the timing spot on.
Interviews: be yourself, admit not knowing the answer to a question instead of trying to guess, prepare for the usual questions like 'why are you suited to the role', 'why do you want to work here' etc.

Electronic Engineering Graduate, Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Ensure you understand TfL Values, give SMART (look it up) answers to questions. Although obvious, make sure you answer the question they are asking with your answer.
Do not be afraid to ask for the question or further questions to be clarified to ensure you have your best answer for each question prepared.

Interview Advice:

Look Smart, be prepared and ensure you research the presentation topic in detail. Review Londons Development plan, with respect to TfL & LUL.

-----Investigate Platform Edge Doors (PED) and the challenges LUL face installing them on all platforms-----

Graudate Mechanical Engineer, Graduate at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Love London!

Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Follow the STAR technique when answering competency questions (Situation, Task, Action, Result), and make sure you talk about what YOU contributed as opposed to your group.
Research the TfL behaviours and make sure you demonstrate them in your responses.
Make sure you are aware of what the department's main objectives are and what they are doing to achieve them (eg. Cycling, SCOOT, buses).
Do the practice papers for the online assessments and make sure you understand your mistakes before you take the real thing.

Interview Advice:

Ensure you contribute to group discussions but do not dominate them - encourage others to participate if needed.
Try to come up with solutions to the problems posed rather than just state them.
Make sure you are familiar with the TfL behaviours and always relate back to them when answering questions.
Remember, the interviewers are not trying to trip you up, they are trying to help you succeed. They won't mind repeating questions or a pause before you answer.

Trainee Traffic Control Engineer, Outcomes Delivery at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Look up the TfL Behaviours and base your answers around these.

Consider all aspects of the work you have been doing, it's not just the engineering side that is important.

Graduate Civil Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:


Interview Advice:


Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Think about whether a customer focused role is for you. I have worked in numerous customer roles throughout my career including in retail and hospitality however no role has ever placed as much focus on customers at TfL they are at the heart of everything we do so you really do need to be a people person for the job.

Interview Advice:

Focus on the importance of customer service, and when asked about previous experiences and competencies try to focus on examples from your previous working experience rather than more generic examples from University or School that 90% of other candidates will also hold.

Think about what makes you different from the other candidates. You don't need to have climbed a mountain or trecked across the Amazon but focus on why your previous experience in customer service roles makes you stand out. Do you have any previous experience in the rail industry, or similar roles where you have had to deal with customers and sometimes diffcult and unexpected situations.

London Rail & Underground Operational Management Graduate, London Rail & Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

-Apply early in advance of the deadline
-Make sure you use the STAR method for answering competency questions and say what YOU did in the situation which contributed to the result.

Interview Advice:

-Use 'Wikijob forums' where they are available - they can provide some of the best sources of information for preparation (Views and experiences, potential interview questions etc).
-Make sure you know your competencies inside out and have a couple of ex

Commercial Procurement Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Consider applying for something more specialised, but if you decide to apply for project management, make sure you are aware of the project life cycle and project management skills and put this into your application

Interview Advice:

Prepare well for the presentation - learn it off by heart. Have multiple answers prepared for competency questions. In the group work, use people's names, check the time and come to a conclusion - do not sit on the fence but don't be afraid to say that something should be ignored or left out if there is a reason.

Project Management Graduate, Project Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be sure to understand the direction Engineering is heading in with regards to interdisciplinary working.

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Applications are now Situational Strengths Test so no lengthy application forms. These questions test if you're suited to TfL and the behaviours it wants from its staff.

Interview Advice:

Show clear passion and know about current and upcoming projects

Graduate Analyst, Customer Experience, Marketing and Communications at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the commercial objectives and think about how they can be applied

Interview Advice:

Question I was asked - "Tell me about a time you saved money"

Commercial Procurement Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply early as they often close early due to high number of applicants

Interview Advice:

Have multiple examples of skills you possess and make sure they link into the TfL core values

Graduate Rolling Stock Engineer, London Underground at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Study for the presentation, you will be asked questions after it.

Graduate Quantity Surveyor, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be honest

Interview Advice:

Read up on recent projects and bring them up

Civil Engineer, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Try and get some experience beforehand with the company or similar company

Interview Advice:

Try and be as enthusiastic as possible

Operations Manager, Service Delivery at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research and preparation

Graduate project manager, Station upgrades at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show some real interest in the role and research into the company's main focuses. Understand that TfL is crucial not just to London but to the UK as a whole as it keeps the city moving which allows the economy to thrive.
Do some research and try to give different examples for each competency.

Interview Advice:

Enthusiasm is key! Do plenty of research for the presentation on the day and be prepared for questions into whatever you mention. Being enthusiastic about the job and learning about the company is important and something they look for. Don't worry if you don't understand fully what the job is, its a learning process!

Trainee Traffic Control Engineer, Surface Transport – Road Network Performance at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research for the role you are applying but also the types of behaviour that are deemed important.

Interview Advice:

Situational type questions.

Quantity Surveyor, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Personality and transferable skills are more desireable than procurement knowledge/experience

Interview Advice:

Presentation about a procurement scenario

Commercial Procurement Graduate, Commercial Procurement at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Know what SCOOT is.

Road Space Manager, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Do you homework

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Have a genuine interest in the sector
Be enthusiastic
Understand roles and responsibilites associated with your job

Interview Advice:

Prepare thoroughly and revise relevant technical knowledge
Be forthcoming but not arrogant

Commercial manager, Bank Station Capacity Upgrade at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Choose the role carefully. Research the area.

Interview Advice:

Make sure your technical knowledge is sound.

Traffic Control Engineer, Signals Delivery at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be sure to demonstrate passion not only for transport but also for the city of London itself. Your type of degree doesn't seem to be as important as the quality of the application itself.

Interview Advice:

The interview is core competency based. Make sure to have lots of examples of 'a time where you demonstrated collaboration with others for example.

Rail and Underground Management Graduate, Rail and Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Present the core behaviours as much as you can.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself.

Graduate Transport Planner, Strategy and Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Sell yourself.

Interview Advice:

Be outgoing and confident.

Trainee Traffic Control Engineer, Transport planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Look up the 5 TfL behaviours

Interview Advice:

It will be a competency based interview.

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Graduate at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

look up what the marking criteria is.

Interview Advice:

Be honest and enthusiastic as to why you want to work for them.

Design Engineer, Outcomes Design Engineering at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply early- thousands more people apply for roles then there are jobs.

Interview Advice:

Have plenty of examples of experiences you can draw on. You will be asked "think of a time when..." etc.

Mechanical Rolling Stock Engineer, Rolling Stock at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be ready to explain why you love London and what interests you about public transport. You won't be asked too many technical questions, but they are keen to see that you are enthusiastic and dedicated. Make sure you understand the core competencies well - these are what you will be tested on throughout the interview/assessment centre.

Interview Advice:

In my phone interview, they asked what interested me about TfL and then two simple questions about Project Management (I believe it was to do with project lifecycles, and the markers of successful projects). In the Assessment Centre, I was asked a bit about why I wanted to work for TfL, and two questions targeting 2 of the 5 competencies. I was also asked at the end if I had applied for other grad schemes - they explained that it doesn't affect your scoring in the assessment centre at all, but it caught me off guard.

Graduate Project Manager, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Prepare. All the process is competence based. Learn the behaviours and nail down your examples. You'll be absolutely fine as long as you hone in and use the language that TfL looks for.

Interview Advice:

Don't be afraid to ask for a moment to think of your best example to the question in the CBI.

Graduate Transport Planner, Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Definitely ensure you display a passion to work in and improve London.

Interview Advice:

Always consider the five TfL behaviours;
- Collaborative
- Direct
- Fair and consistent
- Active
- Accountable

Graduate Transport Planner, TfL Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Work experience during university will aid in furthering your application

Interview Advice:

Ensure you provide examples that cover the competencies and behaviours the interviewers are looking for

Electrical Engineering Graduate, Rolling Stock at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply from early

Interview Advice:

Listen carefully to the question

Mechanical Engineer, Track Design at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Explain your reasons for wanting to work for the organisation and provide clear examples from your extra-curricular activities to answer the competency skills.

Interview Advice:

The phone interview can be a strange experience given the pauses between the answers. Be sure to know your technical information at this stage too, this surprises many.

At the assessment day, be sure to articulate (strongly, not obsessively) your reasons for wanting to work for TFL as well as to demonstrate your mathematical abilities.

It's a very demanding day, be sure to get a good night's sleep and a good breakfast in the morning.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Talk about London's future and link any answer back to the Major's strategy.

Interview Advice:

Interview is based on competencies, their are standard competencies. Follow the STAR approach to interview questions and keep them well structured.
Enjoy the assessment day, they are looking for self motivated people who want to learn.

Graduate Project Manager, Project Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Review the TFL graduate page, it tells you what they are looking for.

Interview Advice:

Again, TFL's graduate page tells you what they are aiming for.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Graduate Civil Engineer at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be honest, have a passion for Finance/Transport

Interview Advice:

Have examples to hand for common interview questions

Finance Graduate, Finance at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Take time to fill out everything

Civil engineering graduate, Civil engineering at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the company, role, and relevant news.

Interview Advice:

Structure all of your answers clearly and relate them to TfL behaviours where possible.

Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Really do research TfL and the things it does before hand. Look through the resources that they provide for the application stage and fully understand what the company is looking for. There are good structures and guidlines available, and it's very good practice to follow these when being interviewed/assessed

Interview Advice:

Be direct in your answer, but ensure it is relevant to the questions being asked. TfL publish the 'competencies' and 'behaviours' that they are looking for on the graduate application website, and they do use that structure throughout the application process.

One such example of a competency question was: 'Explain a time where you had to use communication and influence to suggest/impliment change against someone who was less receptive to the change'

Rail and Underground management Graduate in Service development., Rail and Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Thinking carefully that the examples of sitations you give highlight exactly what you want them to. Also, do as much research as you can. TfL is world leading in many things, showing that you're aware of this is great.

Interview Advice:

Be as enthusiastic as you can about the job, and have plenty of examples to show you've done your research.

Traffic Control Engineer, Outcomes Delivery – West Team at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Think about stakeholder engagement and do research on current schemes.

Interview Advice:

Who are our stakeholders was a question I was asked.

Traffic Control Engineer, Outcomes Delivery at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

TfL are very keen on there 5 behaviour attributes and developing a transport system that is customer focused and integrated well. There are many different transport types that TfL operate and they want to see that you appreciate these. Be prepared for the telephone interview and have specific examples ready for demonstrating behaviours.

Borough Projects and Programmes Officer, Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure that all your answers use the STAR format (situation, task, action, result).

Interview Advice:

Read some relevant documents on the TfL website. Mayor's Transport Strategy in particular.

Trainee Traffic Control Engineer, Road Network Performance at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the company well and look at the competencies. Various graduate roles so look into what they require and identify what appeals to you about that role.

Interview Advice:

Be prepared. Research the role you are applying for, what the typical responsibilities are for that role. Research into TfL as a business and why you want to join them.

Project Management Graduate Scheme, Project Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Ensure you have good examples for demonstrating the key behaviours of accountable, active, direct, collaborative, and fair and consistent.

LU Management Graduate, Operational Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Take your time filling out the form - and answer every question with a different competency based answer. TfL love using competency frameworks! Use the STAR technique to shape your answers.

Practice verbal and numerical reasoning tests several times before taking TfL's one.

Interview Advice:

Show a real interest and enthusiasm for London and the way that TfL is helping London to grow. An interest in the transport sector also helps, but is not mandatory.
Know the examples you gave in your application form well.
Sleep well the night before - it is a long day; from 8.30am to 5pm.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Ensure cost savings are highlighted where possible.

Previous exposure to those in positions of power is looked upon favourably.

Interview Advice:

Be sure to have a good knowledge of how inter company policy would be implemented, and detail that this would be done by feeding policy down from the top of the organisation.

Be aware of current pieces of work that TfL are involved in, and any major events in the London area that would affect TfL.

Make sure to have examples of leadership. This is looked upon favourably for graduates.

The assessment day is long and quite testing, so sleep well and eat well the night/morning before...

Commercial Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Learn the business area for whichever scheme you apply to. If it's project management understanding the Association of Project Management framework will be a big help. Try to associate this understanding to your business area.

Psychometric Testing - There are plenty of websites offering free guidence and practise in these. You'll probably never do one again after the graduate scheme so practise before the real things, it really improves your score.

Interview Advice:

It's all competancy based - make sure you utilise the STAR method (situation, task, action, response) - you should get a good idea of what will be asked from the online application and the telephone interview.

Graduate Project Manager, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Use real examples, take time on your application and highlight any experience you have, even if not directly relevant to finance.

Interview Advice:

Heavily competency based, make sure to prepare a range of examples for all possibilities.

Finance Graduate, Rotating through various finance placements at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure you thoroughly read the guidance notes and look at the key skills/competencies in their requirements/adverts/ etc..., Prepare your answers throughly.

Interview Advice:

Competancy based questions are a big focus of the interview so practice the STAR techniques and being able to produce a succint, structured answer. Know your examples of the key skills.

Graduate Project Manager, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Spend time composing your answers - don't rush through it.

Interview Advice:

Prepare - the full day process sounds intimidating but preparation will show through and also give you confidence.

Graduate Commercial Manager, SSR Upgrade – Power Team at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

The assessment process seems quite tough on the surface, but is comparable to other engineering firms. Just be yourself, have some good technical and personal competancy examples prepard for all stages, and try and become enthused about working for TfL.

Also remember that TfL is not a consultant or contractor but is a client. Therefore if you want to do loads of design calculations or site work, this place isn't for you.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, have some good technical and personal competancy examples prepard for all stages, and try and become enthused about working for TfL.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Graduate Scheme at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research the company before interview.

Quantity Surveyor, Surface Transport, Major Projects at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply early before the roles get taken!

Interview Advice:

The interviews were mainly technical with a few of the usual questions at the beginning to get the interview started. There is no need to 'revise' for the technical aspects, it just relies on a sound engineering logic and understanding.

Electronic Engineering Surface Transport Graduate, Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Preparation is key!

Modelling and Transport Planning Gradute, Transport Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

- Make sure you have fully thought through the competencies and look at the TfL behaviours. Give good examples of these and re-read before you submit; spelling mistakes and poor grammar will not be appreciated. TfL want to see that you are passionate abou

Interview Advice:

The interview is based on competencies and TfL behaviours. Mine was fairly lengthy, over an hour, so make sure you know the behaviours and competencies well and your examples you can talk about at length. Sometimes they ask additional questions to do with the example you have given.
- Dont waffle on and dont let nerves get the better of you. Think about what you are going to say and structure your answers. This all comes with preparation.

Graduate sponsor/planner LUCT (London underground Crossrail team), Crossrail Sponsor/planner at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research and understand Transport for London, the customers it serves, and the problems / challenges it faces, short term and longer term.

Interview Advice:

Research the key competencies that the organisation looks for in each of its employees. These should be available on the organisations career site.

Prepare scenarios of competencies you've shown in the past which reflect that you are the right fit for the organisation.

Graduate, Information Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Preperation is essential.
Research Transport for London - they contain many different sub-sections and the interviewer will appreciate your knowledge.

Interview Advice:

Understand civil engineering construction contracts and methods.

Commercial, Capital Programmes at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Understand TfL (and London Underground if you are applying for a specific LU role). Learn competenices.

Interview Advice:

Emphasise competenices as often as possible. Involve everyone in the Group Excercise.

Assistant Project Engineer, Station Upgrades at Transport for London
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Interview Advice:

Think of examples for each of TfL's competencies. Interview questions will often ask you for an example of a time you have shown that competency.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial Services at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Remember this is public organisation so customer focus very important.

Interview Advice:

Competency based interview.
Role play activity.

Graduate civil Engineer, Borough Projects and Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

It is not necessary but an interest in engineering would be a good thing to have. You also need to be very motivated and ambitious as there are a large number of young professionals in the company looking to move up.

Interview Advice:

Read about all business areas of the company. Make sure you have prepared competency examples and can fully explain them - use detail.

Project Management Graduate, London at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be honest- TfL are not looking for super-humans.

Interview Advice:

Just be yourself.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Know the company and be confident as to why you want to apply to TfL specifically.

Interview Advice:

Having exposure and at the very least having researched what the role of procurement, buying and commercial management do within an organisation would be beneficial.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Focus on what interests you about TfL as a company and project management as a role.

Interview Advice:

Read up on project management and practice technical questions.
Read up on TfL and their existing projects.
Practice the fasttrack activity and note the actual test is far more difficult.

Graduate Project Manager, Project Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Evidence that you have researched the company and thought about the impact of the external environment is important (PESTLE analysis could help). This can be applied in the presentation stage of the assessment day. Also, think about why working for TfL varies to working in the private sector and why this is more appealing to you (e.g. Socially Responsibile company, creaters of economic growth, your love of Public Transport...)

Interview Advice:

TfL takes equality and inclusion seriously, so be prepared for anwers on this.

Graduate Trainee Finance, Placement Based – Current Treasury at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Know about the NEC suite of contracts.

Quantity Surveyor, Track Partnership Programme at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Remember the customer and the objectives of the organisation throughout. If you are applying to the PM scheme I would try and incorporate project management theory and techniques where possible.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, use STAR and don't lie!

Graduate Project Manager, Capital Programmes at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Pay close attention to the behavioural competencies.

Interview Advice:

Demonstrate an ability to work well with others.

Graduate Project Engineer, Sub Surface Rail at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Important to show a strong desire to live in London. Diversity and equality are also important to the company. Don't worry so much about knowing intimate details of the tube network; you'll learn what you need to on the job.

Interview Advice:

Mostly competency based questions.

Mechanical Engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

State both what you can give to the company and what they can give to you. Why you feel your own skill set is suited to company culture.

Interview Advice:

Be up to date on several pieces of work that are being carried out by TfL, for example the closure of ticket offices.

Graduate Project Manager, CPD at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Have good examples of all your competencies.

Interview Advice:

Show a passion for the company.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Graduates at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Think about whether the Client side of the business is for you. It is generally less technical and more managerial in nature which suits some but not all.

Interview Advice:

Remember that the end users are Key in everything we do at TfL. Make sure you stress the importance of this, and recognize the political influences at work within a QUANGO organisation like TfL.

Civil Engineer, Tunnels and Structures at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show a varied skill/experience set - not just good exam results but also wider interests e.g. travel, sport.

Interview Advice:

TfL behaviours and competencies - look on Tfl website
Enthusiasm is key - they are not looking for technical knowledge at this stage (although it helps!) but rather a desire to learn and have a "tangible" impact on the lives of Londoners as well as a friendly, bubbly personality.
My interviewers were particularly interested in travel/experience abroad - if you have one thing a bit different that you can speak enthusiastically and maturely about then use it.

Traffic Control Engineer, Network Performance at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Having relevant examples is crucial showing that you can demonstrate the behaviours.

Interview Advice:

Research the behaviours of the company as these will be the competencies tested throughout the assessment day.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Read the competencies listed on the graduate website.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, have examples relating to the listed (and generic competencies) prepared.

Graduate, Graduate at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

The job is perfect to tick off objectives for your chartership and there are some great opportunities to work on London's best construction projects.

Interview Advice:

Research the website.

Graduate, Asset Performance at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research TfL and understand the competencies/behaviours required.

Interview Advice:

Learn examples where you have demonstrated each competency/behaviour.

Graduate, Graduate at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

As the role is not very well known, try to find out as much information as possible about what we do before the assessment centre/phone interview.

Interview Advice:

You are not expected to be an expert in managing traffic, however you are expected to demonstrate an ability to think your way around complicated scenarios and give justifications for decisions and comments that you make.

Trainee Traffic Control Engineer, Network Performance – West at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Thoroughly research the company and the behaviours.
Passionate about engineering/London/The Tube
Team work and working well with others is highly desirable.
Excellent communication and "soft skills" are sought after rather than being highly technical

Mechanical Engineering Graduate, Track Design at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Practice your maths and competencies

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, as the selection will bring it out in you anyway

Assistant Commercial Manager, Infrastructure, Capital Projects at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Applications are electronically filtered so be aware of spelling mistakes.
Number of online tests to complete.

Interview Advice:

Be a team player.

Commercial Graduate, Commercial at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Like most graduate scheme applications, you will need to emphasise the demonstration of the desired skills and competencies, tailoring all answers to these is a first start. I would consider this a bare minimum in the process. TfL want not just competent and qualified candidates but passionate individuals that have an intellectual curiosity who get excited about their profession. Furthermore TfL want to see individuals that are eager to take part in the challenge of keeping London moving for today and into the future. Exemplar candidates on paper with top academic credentials and experience/internships etc are not enough, you will need to demonstrate your appetite for the challenge. The application is the first step, during the assessment centre you will be examined to see if you mindset is aligned to the TfL philosophy.

Interview Advice:

The assessment centre is held at the TfL offices in London and comprises of a presentation (topic given in advance), a group activity (observed by assessors), an interview and competency based test. The day is intense so I would recommend that you prepare as much as you can in advance. Along with researching the usual corporate info and stats make sure you bring further research into mental ‘toolbox’. Think ‘passion’ and ensure that you show intellectual curiosity to your profession and embrace the challenge of keeping London moving.

IM Graduate, Information Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Make sure you understand what TfL is responsible for; it's a very large organisation. You don't need to know it perfectly, but you need to make sure you're not surprised come interview day.

Interview Advice:

Pay close attention to the competencies and work out why you want to work for TfL. Again, mjake sure you understand what TfL is responsible for; it's a very large organisation. You don't need to know it perfectly, but you need to make sure you're not surprised come interview day.

Graduate Transport Planner, Transport Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

If you love London, this could be the job for you.

Interview Advice:

Demonstrate yourself.

Graduate Electronic Engineer, Traffic Technology at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Draw on a number of experiences, show your transferable skills and your motivation to apply for TfL. Make sure you choose the right graduate scheme for you.

Interview Advice:

Interview is entirely competency based, so look at the TfL behaviours and come up with good example of how you have demonstrated these in previous work experience/university.

Graduate Transport Planner, Policy and Strategy at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Go out of your way to stress outside interests and extra-curricular. Choice/location of your degree doesn't seem to have much of a bearing.

Interview Advice:

Be prepared to get competitive, don't be afraid to fight for it.

Management Graduate, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Take your time on it. The application itself is not the most taxing so take your time and answer the questions as fully as possible. Ensure examples you give of past experiences are as relevant to the industry as possible. If you have any past rail or customer service experience make sure you mention it.

TfL is all about the customer experience, so think customer service and going the extra mile.

Interview Advice:

Be confident! TfL use a telephone interview followed by an assessment centre process rather than a single interview so its a challenge. Ensure you get involved in all tasks and believe in your own abilities and don't be overshadowed but at the same time don't be the one overshadowing others.

Prepare for the presentation and do your research you will likely find the topic given to you is very current and there is a wealth of information online as anything going on at TfL tends to get a fair bit of media attention.

Rail & Underground Operational Management Graduate Trainee, Strategy & Service Delivery at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

1. Demonstrate a range of competencies to match the range of requirements for the job. This would include personal skills and work skills.
2. Be aware of future pressures and stakeholders.

Interview Advice:

1. Include personal perspective and opinions to show a desire to make change.
2. Be sure to have done some research into the company.
3. Have several examples for competencies prepared.

Traffic Control Engineer, Network Performance/Road Space Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Practice for the Maths test and do your research, it really shows

Put across your skills as much as you can and relate anything you've done to what they're asking of you. Don't just list skills, say how they will be applied in this job!

Interview Advice:

Stay calm, its a multi activity assessment centre, focus on your strengths and areas you think you can score highly in, this can and will counteract areas where you score lower.

Be positive and let other memebers of the group talk, it's about being a good listener as well as a good talker.

Rail & Underground management Graduate, Strategy Develeopment and Operations at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Be imaginative about how you demonstrate the behaviours TfL are looking for during your application process. There's no wrong answer!

Interview Advice:

Make sure you use relevant examples which obviously relate back to the question asked.

LU Management Graduate, LU Management at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Spend a lot of time making sure it is the best possible.

Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Show enthusiasm and passion for the role.

Interview Advice:

Don't get bogged down remembering every small detail of your competency examples. It will sound too much like a list.

Traffic Control Engineer, London Streets at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Know the projects TfL is working on. TfL values people who make things happen, so speak about a time you have led a project or come up with a new idea in the assessment day interview.

TfL values team players, so if you speak all over everyone in the group exercise this will NOT look good.

Graduate Transport Planner, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Allow your personality to come across in all stages of the Interview.

Traffic Control Engineer, Network Performance at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

The grad scheme is very competitive so make sure you don't rush the application! Nearly 75% of online apps are discarded because of careless mistakes so my advice would be to spell check and spell check again!

Practice competency interview questions and have a range of answers ready to use throughout each stage of the application.

Know exactly why you are applying for your role and know why you want to work for TfL! You will be asked this at every stage, so avoid looking silly and prepare a good set of reasons!

Interview Advice:

Take time to prepare for competencies, make sure you get good rest the night before and just relax. The graduate assessment process was probably the friendliest assessment I went to while I was interviewing, so just make sure you are prepared and you will have a much more enjoyable experience!

Graduate planner, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Deep knowledge/passion for transport isn't a necessity, but arguably more important is showing an awareness of, and interest in, the population growth predicted for London and the challenges this entails.

Graduate Transport Planner, Transport Planning at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

-Spend time practising for the online tests- if you fail to get through these then it is highly likely that the strength of the rest of your application will be overlooked.
-Ensure you prepare fully for the assessment centre and interview stages and prac

Interview Advice:

-Take advantage of online forums such as Wikijob which often list potential questions you could be asked at interview and assessment centre stage (I found this tool invaluable).
-Try to give different examples for each of the competencies asked- this dem

Commercial Procurement Graduate, Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Try to incorporate the company behaviours into your application form. Use real examples of your experience and just be genuine.

Interview Advice:

Again, just be positive and confident in your answers to any questions. The telephone interview questions are primarily competency and company based. In the assessment centre more technical questions will be asked, relating to platform edge doors, train operating principles, etc.

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Get to know the network, our assets and our problems.

Interview Advice:

Know your stuff, think about what the exercise is testing you on, i.e. let others speak in the group section.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Tunnel Engineer at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Take your time with your application and be truthful.

Interview Advice:

Relax, make sure you include everyone in your group exercise and give them a chance to voice their opinion.

Graduate Electrical Engineer, London Underground at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Customer Focus is very important

Interview Advice:

Customer focus again and have a good knowledge of the different projects TfL is running

Graduate, Customer Experience at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Try to give more examples of situations from outside of university or school life.

Interview Advice:

Be natural and be yourself during the interview. Personality is what comes across.
A strong love for London is looked highly upon.

Graduate Engineer, Rolling Stock at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply early, attend events/talks with TfL hosts who you can learn more from than just what is available on the internet.

Interview Advice:

Research the Behaviours that TfL adopt since the interview questions will likely be based on these.
Have some idea of the problems the company faces - who the stakeholders are and how they are managed.

Site Engineer, London Underground – Capital Programmes at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Read up on the company and their operations.

Interview Advice:

Be passionate!!

Graduate Civil Engineer, Earth Structures at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Read through the competencies on the website before filling out the application form.

Interview Advice:

The questions are mostly competency based, so use the competencies provided on the website.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Cycle Hire at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Spend time to think about good answers to the competency questions.

Interview Advice:

Relax and do the best you can.

Graduate Engineer, Various at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Send in the applications as soon as possible. It's a rolling application so will close when we have enough high quality candidates;
Be as well rounded as possible.

Interview Advice:

Study the core competencies of TfL and provide examples to illustrate you possess them;
Be as comprehensive at your answers as possible. Try and hit all the core competencies.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Surface Transport at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Do it. I've never felt so valued in a job. The experience you're exposed to is some of the best in the industry. There are a lot of big projects coming in the transport sector so there's a good bet of getting a career out of it.

Interview Advice:

Do research of past present and future projects. The detail you give is important but make sure it's relevant to your scheme (there's probably no point in talking about train automation on the underground if you're applying to work on the surface scheme). Remember to bring some throat lozengers because you should be ready to talk for most of the day at the assessment centre.

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Application Advice:

Focus on customer experience.

Interview Advice:

Be friendly, honest and prepared to talk about your experience in engineering and life.

Graduate Civil Engineer, Traffic design engineering at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Interest in rail and transport is not essential. You get out of the job what you put in.

graduate electrical engineer, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Apply to suit the company's key values. Understand fully the types of work being on the client side involves and the type of work it doesn't involve (e.g. technical/design).

Graduate Civil Engineer, Placements at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Put in experience.

Interview Advice:

Think of honest real life examples which you can use to show compentencies.

Field Engineer, Crossrail at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Your answers to the online questions should be in line with the values of the company.

Interview Advice:

Prepare thoroughly competency based interview questions. Again, show how you have demonstrated the TfL values in your examples.

Graduate Civil Eng, at Transport for London
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Application Advice:

Research your competency's!

Interview Advice:

Be outgoing and open.

Supervisor’s Support Manager, London Underground Victoria Station Upgrade at Transport for London
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