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Application Advice:
Application is self explanatory. Even though it really shouldn't be, from observing the recruitment at the firm, school attendance seems to play a large part.
Interview Advice:
Audit is testing the financial statements to gain assurance that they are true and fair. As long as you are personable you would look good.
Audit trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
BDO love to see that you actually understand what the company is about, so research the values and goals of the company.
When answering application questions make sure you are prepared to expand on those answers in the interview.
Interview Advice:
When asked a question in an interview, expand and give as much detail to your answer as possible. There is nothing worse then giving a one word answer or for the interviewer to have to ask lots of questions in order to get enough information they require.
Be yourself and make conversation, the interviewer will be looking to see if you will fit into the existing team.
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Application Advice:
Research the role and the firm very carefully. Be aware of current economic conditions. Etiquette is important and so is character.
Interview Advice:
Don't be a bore!
Tax Assistant, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the values, and why you prefer BDO to the big four. Be passionate and have done your research on the company. Ask good questions, as the environment you will be in if you get the job is very question orientated.
Interview Advice:
Competency questions, as well as a bit about the sector and job you have a applied for.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take your time to work out what sort of answer the question is looking for with reference to BDO's core values.
Tax Trainee, Professional Practice Group at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research on the company and know why you want to apply to the company and role
Interview Advice:
Put in the extra effort to show who you are, answer questions fully and have a conversation.
Indirect Tax Trainee, Professional Business Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you identify why you want to work at BDO as oppose to any other firm. Try and put as much of 'you' into the application as possible.
Interview Advice:
The interviews consist mainly of competency based questions (e.g describe a time when you worked in a successful team). Avoid memorising scripted answers, but do think about different experiences (leadership, working in a team, a disappointing experience, etc) before the interview so you can recall a relevant situation. Do not overcomplicate your answers or exaggerate. The STAR method could be used to help structure your answers.
Take your time in answering the questions and ask for a moment to think about your answer if you feel it will help you give a clearer response.
Tax Trainee, Private Client Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
> Ensure you have a broad range of experiences to draw upon - from work, study, social activities, volunteering etc
Interview Advice:
> Ensure you understand the basics about audit
> Have a good understanding of the business
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Application Advice:
If you do not think you can handle the heavy workload and have a try in audit, BDO is a good choice.
Interview Advice:
Follow what wiki job tells you.
Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be open and honest! People don't expect you to have lots of experience and need to imagine being able to work with you.
Interview Advice:
If you don't have experience, then make sure that you read up on what BDO do and understand the role you are applying for.
Tax Senior, Corporate Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you go to the interview prepared, be yourself and be confident in the assessment centre, it's not as scary as you imagine it to be!
Audit Trainee, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know you are heading into accounting and what it entails before accepting the job, and look into the ACA properly
Tax Trainee, Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research it before you apply.
Interview Advice:
Show passion to join the firm and the department you are applying for.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
When it comes down to the psychometric test be prepared they're not easy. Do some preparation for them and take your time.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you are up to date with current affairs especially business related topics. Ask questions about how that affair would affect the business. Also ask lots of questions about the business and their various business streams and strategies.
Traniee Accountant, FInancial services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company, the role and try to pre-empt the interview questions and prepare answers to these questions.
Trainee, Corporation tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest.
Tax trainee, Business Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared for the small exams.
Interview Advice:
Why us and not the big 4?
What have you got to offer this role?
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Application Advice:
Do some research of the company's key values.
Audit Trainee, FS at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be sure you want to be tied into a 3yr training contract.
Don't apply just because you can't get a Banking role the skills are not that transferable from Audit.
Interview Advice:
Learn about the cultural values of BDO.
Audit Trainee, FS Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be sure you want to do it and that you are committed enough to deal with both a job and exams.
Interview Advice:
Be able to ask the interviewer insightful questions about themselves.
Don't try to be too clever, interviewers can see through it.
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Application Advice:
Be yourself and stand out from the crowd. Academics aren't everything, you have to show that you have personality too.
Interview Advice:
Don't bore your interviewer. Talk about something that excites you and they'll be far more interested as a result.
Senior Auditor, Real Estate Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Consider if accountancy is right for you
Interview Advice:
Be confident, show motivation to become an accountant for this firm
Audit trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Prepare well - read the website, know BDO's values.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read up on the job role
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and explain why you are honestly interested in Audit. Show some personality.
Audit Trainee, Business Assurance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You have to take it seriously. I had to do a lot of research and preparation before my interview but it was worth it.
Audit Semi-Senior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You don't need to be from an accounting background to be an accountant.
Interview Advice:
Be honest and prepared. Make sure you know what an audit is and what you are actually applying for. Make sure you have researched the company and know its background and ethos.
Audit trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Really understand the role that you are applying for and have a knowledge of the company.
Interview Advice:
Understand and be able to talk about the qualification that you will be undertaking.
Have queries ready about the role.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read the website, know the company jargon and research the role you are applying for.
Make sure that you structure your application and focus hard on the aptitude tests.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you know the Company values and the "attributes" that they look for in a graduate- there are often questions on this.
Be friendly and try to do some research before you come regarding financial news- commercial awareness is important.
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Application Advice:
Don't focus exclusively on your degree or work experience, bring in as much of your interests as possible. Everyone applying will have a 2.1 degree so it is your interests and experiences that can differentiate you from the other candidates.
Interview Advice:
Don't be afraid to mention things that you've done wrong in the past, talking about how you've overcome troubles and what you learned is important.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take your time on your application and tell the truth. You are likely to be asked about things from your application in your interview.
Interview Advice:
The company does not have a 'type' of graduate they employ, everyone is very different so don't try to be what you think they want you to be, just relax and be yourself.
Audit trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
I would advice a candidate applying for this role, or in fact any role, to be genuine. I have found that you spend a great deal of time with people you work with, therefore, both you and your employer need to know that it is a good fit.
Interview Advice:
Do your research before you arrive and make sure that you ask questions to get yourself comfortable with the job and employer at the interview.
Senior, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Interest of Auditing
A spirit of scepticism
Interview Advice:
Understand the firm, its market and the job
Audit Trainee, Birmingham at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Find out actually what audit is before you apply.
Interview Advice:
For the presentation, don't talk about Tesco. Apparently everyone talks about Tesco.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure that you show that you are a rounded person, so discuss the extra-curricular activities and hobbies you are involved in, as well as your academic achievements. Get your personality across in the application.
Interview Advice:
When interviewing, BDO wants to find out if you will fit in with the culture as much as if you are competent for the role, so just be yourself and be confident.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you are fully committed from the start, falling behind early can be very hard to recover from
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, the interviewer will be able to tell if you are just repeating what you think they want to hear. Be positive mentally and verbally whilst going through the interview stages.
Audit Trainee, Business assurance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be confident and be yourself
Interview Advice:
Do well in your preparation, and be yourself.
Tax Trainee, Expatriate Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spend time understanding what roles in this company involve.
Also, don't apply for roles here if you are intent on never sitting an exam again.
Interview Advice:
The interviewers are not interested in people who have memorised the website and can quote it back to the interviewer - obviously, it's important to have that awareness and understanding, but that isn't what impresses interviewers. Use your common sense and initiative and show that you have more than academic ability.
Corporation Tax Technician, Corportion Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be adaptable and willing to build professional relationships with lots of different people
Interview Advice:
Be enthusiastic about the technical aspects of audit, but also show experience of working with people and in teams
Audit Assisstant, Audit, East of England at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you research the company well enough, to understand what makes them different from all the other audit firms out there. It also reflects well if you ask questions about the firm, to show you are engaged and have done your research.
Interview Advice:
Why BDO?
Why Audit?
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Application Advice:
Tailor your CV to what the company is looking for.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know our values and understand the brand. Also an understanding of what the particular department you are applying to does is crucial.
Executive, Corporate Finance – Transactions Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you stand out in your application
Ensure you research the job role and the qualifications you will be studying for
Be yourself
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Interview Advice:
Be up to speed with current business developments.
Audit Semi-Senipr, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Go to insight day, apply now,
, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
BDO look for well rounded individuals- try to get some work experience, accountancy or otherwise during university. Maths/business background is not necessary!
Audit Assistant, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Practice the application tests over and over, and apply for as many jobs as possible as the recruitment processes are all fairly similar and are great learning experiences.
Interview Advice:
Learn the BDO core values, you are often asked at interview.
Tax trainee, Corporate tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Answer very question provided sufficiently and accurately and understand the need for "exceptional client service"
Interview Advice:
Feel comfortable speaking to a senior manager and partner and be ready for any potentially tough questions which come your way
Tax Trainee, Expatriate Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't lie on your application, you will get caught.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Audit Trainee, Energy, Mining and Industrials at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Think about the firm's key values. How you have demonstrated them.
Interview Advice:
None, just use your experiences from prior work experience.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure that you take your time and do your research beforehand. Also, I would recommend going to a careers event and talking to someone who actually works at BDO and find out a bit more about the company as you can't always find everything online.
Interview Advice:
Why do you want to work for BDO and not the Big Four?
Why do you want to work in this particular stream/work area?
Other competency based questions/scenarios such as team work.
Big focus on issues/examples that relate to their values such as client service.
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Application Advice:
Interview Advice:
- Make sure you can readily talk about events etc. that readily demonstrate your competencies which suit the role you are applying for
- Come with a few questions to ask the interviewer
- Make sure you are actually interested in the role you are applyin
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Application Advice:
The interview process is fairly similar to most grad schemes. There is an online application where you have to 'give a time...' followed by online tests. Get someone to check over your application, and make use of the free online psychometric tests to get you used to what to expect for the tests (they are fairly straightforward though).
Interview Advice:
Be yourself - BDO like people being individuals. First round interview is just with one person (probably from the office you are applying to). These are your usual interview questions which again are 'give a time...'. Try have things ready that aren't in your application form. Also, know the firms values!
Once you have had your first round interview, if successful, you will be invited to an assessment centre. For my intake we had a group exercise (talk enough to get noticed but also don't take total charge - it is all about working as a team!!), an in tray exercise (which is just about organising your time), a presentation (in front of a manager), and then 2 partner interviews.
One thing to note is you will have a lunch with trainees at the firm. Remember to make a good impression here too...they will be asked what they think of you!
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Think about why BDO appeals to you over a Big 4 firm.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read the online forums, read the companies website. Try and find out what the job involves!
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
This role is suited for someone who is willing to learn throughout their career and be comfortable with the fast changing world of tax! It may seem like a lot of work but it is very enjoyable and you can see the value we add to our clients.
Interview Advice:
An important question to answer is "Why BDO?" having generic answers like "it has great values" or "its diversity" will not gain many brownie points. Sometimes the simple answers are the best e.g. "I want to work for a reputable accounting firm as it will be a great platform to kick-start my career"
I would also advise keeping up with current affairs in the tax world to help set yourself apart in the interview process and show you have a keen interest.
Tax Senior, Corporate M&A at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you know the background to the specific area you are applying for as this will be raised at interview.
Interview Advice:
Competency based questions - have a think beforehand about various examples in your experience that you could use in these questions as this will help you to think quickly on your feet in the interview.
Semi-Senior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Bring your personality through and tailor your answers to both the company you are applying for (e.g. their values) and the specific.
Interview Advice:
Relax, make eye contact and accept a drink. Have a bank of appropriate questions at the ready e.g. what the best experience you have had?, how did you get to where you are now?
Internal Auditor, Risk and Advisory Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You need to do a good research of the company and understand why you really want to work for it, and not just provide usual answers.
Interview Advice:
I was asked to prepare a presentation for my assessment centre. My advice would be if you are applying for energy and mining sector, prepare a presentation on a mining company or an energy one as it will help you to get some background about the industry and also show you are keen to be working in exactly that sector.
Audit Trainee, Energy Mining & industrials at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Prepare, research, be yourself, pay attention to details
, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself...lies on application forms will come out in the interview stage
Research the company and the job role you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Try and relax.
Answer questions as honestly as possible.
Have a couple of questions ready to ask the interviewer at the end
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Application Advice:
Make sure that you know what you are applying for and that you really do want the job - this is a specific stream and quite different from accountancy.
Interview Advice:
Know your CV and the company (including clients!)
Internal Auditor, RAS at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
be honest
Interview Advice:
Know the firm values and have responses for the standard interview questions such as when have you been a member of a team, used your initiative etc.
Junior auditor, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest.
Interview Advice:
How many hotels are there in the UK?
Be yourself and don't panic.
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Application Advice:
Do your research. Make sure you have some idea of what you will be doing and what BDO's values are.
Interview Advice:
I was asked for BDO's core values and why BDO over other companies.
Tax Senior, Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
focus on interpersonal skills, not just numbers
Interview Advice:
interviews are relaxed, spend time preparing for group, presentation and e-tray.
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Application Advice:
Apply early on and male sure you do your research into the company.
, Technology Risk Assurance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do not copy and paste stuff from the website, show that you have researched the role and have an actual understanding of what it means.
Interview Advice:
There is plenty of information on this site about the kinds of questions you'll be asked, but most importantly you need to show real interest in the job, ask questions, show that you're excited about it.
Trainee, Forensic Accounting at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research on the company and the sector you are applying for and spend a good amount of time filling out the application.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself - if you have the academic requirements, another really important factor is fitting in with the team and clients. There's no point getting a job that's not for you.
Senior Executive Global Outsourcing, Global Outsourcing at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the BDO core values and get a basic understanding of what audit is and the industry/markets that BDO's clients are primarily made up of.
Researching AIM would also be useful during interviews.
Interview Advice:
Be confident, demonstrate what you know about the industry.
Practice several competencies before the interview.
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Application Advice:
Be yourself - they want to get to know the individual
Research the organisation and what makes them different from the competition
Make sure you have a good understanding of the role your applying for
Interview Advice:
The interview stage is relatively stress free - it's about getting to know you and you getting to know about BDO. Make sure to ask some questions as it'll show you've done your homework.
Trainee, Corporate Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early.
Audit Trainee, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Put loads of examples of situations you have faced.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and know BDO's principles
Tax Assistant, Corporate Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared, look at the competencies that BDO look for in clients (they are on the website) Look at their ethics i.e. about excellent client service and education and empowerment.
Try to mould your answers when talking about your experiences to these competencies.
Interview Advice:
In my interview we talked a lot about similarities between my voluntary work and BDO client based correspondence i.e. how I would deal with upset or angry clients.
My assessment day comprised of a group exercise, which was selecting cost cutting measures for a hospital all of which had positives and negatives. In this scenario it is important to show you have a balanced approach can make points but also understand and develop other people's points. And of course making sure the group is on track to complete the task is very important (keeping an eye on time etc). Then I had to do a presentation on what industry could benefit from BDO services and why.
There was also a written exercise which I really can't remember and an informal chat with my now partner. Although I am told these interviews can vary depending on your partner.
Tax Trainee, Personal tax Nottingham office at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Come into the job willing to work hard, and the good jobs will come in time. You will not be doing advisory day one!
Tax Senior, Corporate tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Fairly straightforward application, no tricks.
Interview Advice:
Look on wikijobs for questions, be yourself, look interviewer in the eyes when presenting and be confident.
Assistant Consultant, Management Consulting at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Double check your answers and make sure everything is spelt correctly. Try to get a friend or family member to review your application too. When answering competency questions, try to give a range of examples.
Interview Advice:
Research the company before you apply, including memorising their core values. BDO's values are extremely important to the company and therefore you are likely to have a question on them in your interview.
Business Restructuring Junior Executive, Business Restructuring at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Check application for spelling and grammar. Be concise and honest.
Interview Advice:
Know enough about the role and the sector you are applying for.
Prepare well for the competency based interview.
Speak up in group based activities.
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Application Advice:
Consultant, Risk and Advisory Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try to use experiences from outside of the academic environment as much as you possibly can. Most candidates have gone to university and completed individual projects and no doubt worked in teams. Think about how your experiences make you stand apart from all the other applicants; this will help strengthen your application and justify why they should give you an interview.
Interview Advice:
The main pieces of advice I could give having had a glimpse at both sides of the BDO application process is try not to be nervous, and just be yourself.
Audit Trainee, Audit/Liverpool at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It's cliche but be yourself, BDO is looking for your fit to the firm itself as opposed to just your ability to do the job. This means the offices usually have a very good atmosphere and togetherness. Keep as relaxed as you possibly can be - they want you to shine.
Interview Advice:
Know the BDO brand values.
Corporate Tax Trainee, Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and the types of client.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Tailor answers to the sector/department you are applying for, make sure you research company, sector and role well and show this in the application. Ensure that you highlight your skills and knowledge.
Interview Advice:
Ensure you are up to date on current affairs affecting your sector/department.
Financial Services Advisory, Advisory at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
My advice would be to try it out first. Attend insight days, do the work experience and network whilst you're there. Knowing someone within the firm can always help. Especially at the interview stage, as per my own experience, where I knew the firm and they felt comfortable about who I was associated with.
Interview Advice:
Be friendly and research the company's website. It helps doing a bit of research on the interviewer. Ie linkedin.
Graduate Audit Trainee, Guildford at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- Research the firm and the work they do!
Assistant Consultant, Government Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply somewhere else
Tax Trainee, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the role you are applying for
Interview Advice:
Make sure you are commercially aware
Tax Trainee, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Showcase your best qualities
Interview Advice:
Be friendly and enthusiastic
Tax Trainee, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the role and company
Be yourself.
Interview Advice:
Ensure you have examples about the competencies required by the role
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
To try to get an idea of the work the team actually does, and what sort of clients the team has, and what plans they have in place for your first 6 months before accepting the graduate scheme.
Internal Audit Trainee, Internal Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
I felt as though, during the interview they were definitely more interested in getting to know about me as a person and making sure I would fit in as part of the firm rather than my technical ability- which was reassuring.
Audit Trainee, Public Sector at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you know the company and our clients for the specific office you are applying to. Also be well aware of the role you will be fulfilling and how you would like to progress within the company and in what timeframe.
Show enthusiasm for the career and be able to show good commercial awareness for the issues which our business faces both internally and externally.
Audit Trainee, AUDIT at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Work hard on your application to make it as reflective of you and your achievements as possible.
Interview Advice:
Remember to ask questions of the interviewer, such as what their job is on a day to day basis and what their favourite thing about their workplace is
Tax Senior, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Give details of extra-curricular activities and instances of going above and beyond what was required.
Interview Advice:
Learn the values by heart! Be yourself, the company likes real people with good interpersonal skills.
Audit Junior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and role thoroughly before applying, looking at what changes have happened to the market place since the financial crisis and firm movements within this industry.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you know the finance stream that you are applying to, the training contract is 3 years and if you are not sure you could be stuck in a job that isn't right for you.
Interview Advice:
BDO values a team that work well together, they aren't looking for the brainiest graduate with a first from oxbridge (although that doesn't hurt) instead they are looking for sociable people who can hold their own.
Executive, Corporate Finance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure that you know about the company and the competencies we look for. Make sure all of your answers actually show the qualities BDO look for.
Interview Advice:
You need to be clear as to why you want to work for BDO, and why you want to work in the role you have applied for. You need to show the interviewer that you have the competencies we look for, and that you want the job.
Too often applicants only display one but not the other.
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Application Advice:
Make sure you have researched the role you are applying for and the company.
Trainee, Real Estate at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Global Outsourcing and Service Charge are both interesting areas of accountancy and new graduates should not be put off by the fact that they are not audit. I would suggest that candidates do some research on the roles and consider them as an alternative to audit.
Interview Advice:
Make sure that you research the company and areas you apply for. Above all, just be yourself in an interview - after all, accountancy is a service industry and the people hiring need to see YOU not just your qualifications.
Senior Executive, Global Outsourcing at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read the annual accounts and try to explain why BDO and not other big 4 firms.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared and confident, but not arrogant.
Financial Services Advisory Trainee, Prudential Advisory at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company, try and arrange to meet a current employee and speak to them about the role you wish to be in.
Interview Advice:
Know why you want to work for the company
knows its role in the market and the company's key values
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Application Advice:
Make sure that you are committed before you apply - qualification is a long process, and the exams can be difficult.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you know the company you are applying for, and whether you would be a good fit for their values
Graduate Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Team fit is very important - being able to demonstrate that you are keen and easy to get along with is a must. Being a clear and insightful communicator is very important for the group exercise on the assessment day. Exceptional academic achievements are not enough alone.
Having a good understanding of what the role actually entails is also important, do your research prior to applying.
Interview Advice:
Research what makes BDO different from the Big Four accountancy firms and demonstrate why that suits you personally. Learn BDO's values.
Show enthusiasm!
Corporate Finance trainee, Corporate Finance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early since the London office fills us quickly
Interview Advice:
Preparation - there are not many unusual questions and if well prepared you can feel comfortable in the interview
Trainee Auditor, London Audit Group at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be ready to learn.
Interview Advice:
Do your homework - research the company and industry. Work on presentational skills.
Tax Assistant, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, genuine and relax.
Interview Advice:
We look for candidates who show enthusiasm and have done appropriate research without recruiting from the website. It should come across that you have a genuine interest in undertaking the professional qualification and working in the area in which you are applying for.
Tax Semi-Senior, Tax Dispute Resolution at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research which area you want to go in as there is a wide variety and although you can move within the firm it is easier if you get it right in the first place.
Interview Advice:
Learn the 4 core values. Also learn about the other areas of BDO and how they work together to give a client a better service. Finally, for the specific area you've applied for, e.g. audit, ask around and find out what you will be doing on the job.
Audit Trainee, Real Estate Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
To be committed to the ACA/CTA as it is more work than you would expect.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and relaxed. Interviews are a lot more focused on personality rather than technical knowledge.
Tax Trainee, Real Estate at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be committed to your ACA exams as they require hard work and commitment.
Interview Advice:
competency questions. Be honest. Be prepared to learn fast. Be keen.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you want to be an auditor, understand the role and what you would be doing on a day to day basis.
Interview Advice:
Learn BDO's core values and have clear reasons why you want to join the firm.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you do your research around the values and beliefs at BDO, these are key mantra's that BDO abide by. I would also suggest not trying to be someone that you think we are looking for and be yourself. We are a people heavy company and if you aren't yourself and then find that you don't fit in it wont be pleasant for either the company or yourself.
Interview Advice:
Always give situational answers and vary them. As a heavily people based industry BDO like to see that you can relate to different issues and occurrences.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself - show your personality. BDO are not interested in robots. Show your skills through a vast range of examples - not just university etc.
Interview Advice:
Thoroughly research the firm and their values.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research not only the role, but the company as a whole. The company provides a number of services to clients and we are always looking for ways to provide cross-stream services therefore it is important to understand what the firm does as a whole.
Be yourself! And also be talkative. If you don't shout about your skills and experiences the interviewer will never know so make sure you get everything across.
Interview Advice:
Questions on BDO values.
Questions on what the firm offers in terms of services
An understanding of what the department you are applying for actually does
Competency based questions e.g. "Give me an example of a time you worked in a team"
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Application Advice:
Be Yourself
FS Tax Trainee, Financial Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't apply to audit. Only apply as a last resort. Extremely uninteresting and will tie you in for at least 3 years with little or no pay rise.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't necessarily need relevant experience just experience of sorts and, try to understand the type of people they want from their values, these are important.
Interview Advice:
Show an interest in learning and developing, and wanting to be part of a team.
Know the company values these are asked frequently - the description as well as the title and be able to convey what these mean to you.
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Application Advice:
Show a keen interest in Financial Services firms, and don't be afraid to be yourself. It appears the firm is looking to employ a wide-variety personnel.
Interview Advice:
As above.
Graduate Trainee, Financial Services Advisory at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research and know why you want to be doing the job. Have confidence in your answers.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared, know which area of the company you are going into and research the specific role. Be calm and don't get flustered.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and the tax dispute resolution role, including what it involves and the current context of tax avoidance and disclosures.
Research the CTA qualification
Interview Advice:
Name the 4 BDO key values
What is the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion?
What effect will current developments have on tax dispute resolution work?
Tax Dispute Resolution Trainee, Tax Dispute Resolution at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and focus on how and when you have helped others as team spirit is highly regarded and a vital part of the job
Interview Advice:
prepare situational questions and show your team working skills at the interview
Executive, Global Outsourcing at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Try again if you fail! It just takes practise.
Interview Advice:
Be sure in your head why you're applying to the specific role you're applying for and research the qualification you're expecting to get. If you're in a regional office, find out which sector they specialise in. E.g. Gatwick's in non-for-profit
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply as soon as possible
Interview Advice:
Speak to the partners about their areas. Show an interest in them.
Associate, Financial Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Pay extra attention at what you are asked in application questions. Make answers tailored to the company. Timing is very important - keep an eye on deadlines of each application stage.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared before interview, do market research, try to know more about the company you are applying to. Be yourself and show your personality.
Audit semi-senior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Ensure you are talkative - one of our managers mentioned that if the applicant doesn't chat while in the lift that he will mark them down.
Ensure you know about the area applied to and current issues in the media.
Stay calm!!
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research about what the job entails and know vaguely what kind of things you will be doing when you join. It shows you have an interest in your career and the profession.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and relax in the interview. From my experience the interviewer is more focused on how well you will fit in with the team than being a know it all, and perfect at the job.
Audit Junior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the role you are applying for and ensure that is what you want to do because you will be in that role for at least 3, if not more, years.
Interview Advice:
Be personable.
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Application Advice:
Prepare for the interviews well as there is a bank of questions that could be asked. Learn what is involved with auditing a company and if possible try and gain some experience before hand (either shadowing or placements). Make sure you know the big issues affecting the financial sector along with any relevant news stories.
Interview Advice:
There are plenty of routine questions. e.g. why this company? What makes us different? Name a time you have worked in a team? What does audit involve?
There are however some unexpected questions so be prepared. e.g. What is the biggest issue affecting audit companies at the moment?
Make sure you ask at least two questions at the end of the interview to show you are interested and engaged with the job/sector.
Trainee Auditor, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared to work hard, especially when exams come around and you have to work the normal job plus keep on top of studying.
Interview Advice:
Be confident in the things you are saying/presenting. Interviewers are not necessarily looking for great technical knowledge, as a lot of applicants have little accounting background.
Audit Semi Senior, London Audit Group at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
BDO look for well-rounded people, so don't be afraid to list your hobbies and favourite activities, no matter how obscure.
Tax Trainee, Corporate International Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you prepare for the interview and assessment centre. Basically do as much as you can beforehand to ensure that you're best prepared for the interview/assessment.
For me this meant second guessing what questions I would be asked so that I was not caught on the spot in the interview.
Interview Advice:
Look on wikijobs.
Audit Trainee, Internal Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research, especially on the company.
Company specific questions will be asked.
Also make sure that as well as having good experiences to talk about you let your personality shine through.
Interview Advice:
Give different examples, do not use the same one repetitively.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Interview Advice:
Why BDO over other firms?
Audit Trainee, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Consider a big 4 firm. You will work just as hard, but have a better CV.
Otherwise, go to a smaller firm, where the workload will be more mangeable and the progression opportunities better, at the expense of a lower grade of client and a less impressive CV.
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Application Advice:
Answer the questions honestly and do your research
Interview Advice:
Be yourself and make sure you know the company well
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Client service. Client service. Client service. BDO (understandably) obsesses about it, so emphasise your abilities to serve clients and your willingness to work hard to bring about the best possible outcomes for them.
Interview Advice:
BDO's values were a key question (honesty, integrity, mutual support, strong & personal client relationships) - memorise these and be ready to explain what they mean to you.
Otherwise, a good understanding of the role you're applying to, as well as the industry in which we operate (our competitors etc) is key too.
M&A Executive, Corporate Finance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take the time to do them properly and not assume that your grades will be enough to get you through.
Interview Advice:
Do your research and be yourself. Make sure that you know enough about the organisation and the role you are applying for and that you can talk about in detail. Try and relax in the interviews and assessment centres so that the interviewers can get to know the real you.
Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the role and the wider market.
Network with professionals if possible i.e. through careers fairs/open days etc.
Understand and research the changes in the accounting profession.
Find out about the accountancy qualification you may be studying for and any professional memberships you may be part of when in the job.
Make sure you know who our main competitors in the marketplace are.
Be prepared to explain why you have chosen BDO over other employers.
Extra curricular activities are very important- therefore if you have taken part in any activities/work outside of university ensure you make this known, and explain the skills and experiences you gained as a result.
Interview Advice:
Competency questions i.e. time you worked in a team.
Ensure you understand the company's core values.
Be positive and confident- you will be working with clients so it is essential that you demonstrate positivity about the company and you are confident in such situations.
Make sure you research the market and understand the department you may be working in.
Make sure you understand what services the company as a whole offers.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know the job you're getting in to. Be enthusiastic, friendly and focus on social skills.
Interview Advice:
Be friendly, speak up but don't be arrogant.
Corporate Finance Executive, M&A at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read through the website to get an idea of what the job entails. Get work experience if you can before applying for a full time role.
Interview Advice:
Make an effort to get to know the firm. Show enthusiasm.
Forensic trainee, Forensic at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The application process should not be daunting. Say what is true about yourself and this will give you the opportunity to be more interesting as you will know more about it and be able to talk at greater length.
Do not slip too far into a jargon, business speak when trying to justify why you want to join BDO as this comes across as fake and forced.
Interview Advice:
The interview should not feel like an interrogation. You should write about what you really like in your application as this will form the starting point of your interview. Therefore, if you want to seem like an interesting person, it is a lot easier to be passionate and excited about topics which you actually enjoy!
Tax Semi Senior, Tax Department at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you fully research the firm and the role before applying, and study all the options available to you so that you are positive that this is what you want to do. If possible, try and speak to people who have worked in this area or are currently working there to gain a better understanding of what the role involves.
Interview Advice:
As mentioned above, fully research the firm, and others like it and be able to demonstrate why you pcked BDO (over any other firm), and why you want to work in your chosen field. Be able to demonstrate your skills and abilities and how they will be useful in a professional services firm, where there will be time pressures, exams to study for and frequent face to face client situations. Research where you can go/want to go with the firm/field in which you are appling for.
Audit Trainee (school leaver), Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company, research the qualification and be sure that it's the route you would like to pursue.
Stay calm and confident in interviews.
Take some stories or talking points with you into the interview stages and try to engage with the interviewers - they are looking for someone who they can get on with and who will fit into the organisation.
Interview Advice:
Take a few current/recent commercial news stories that you are interested in with you - commercial awareness and an interest in current affairs can stand you in good stead for the interview process.
Make good eye contact and try to be yourself.
Audit Trainee, Business Assurance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company beforehand, think about your answers to application questions carefully and don't rush the application form. Make sure you practice the online tests beforehand!
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, remember its not just about your academics but the person as well so be sure to talk about other things your involved in, prepare for the assessment day, enjoy was the most relaxed assessment day I attended.
Tax Assistant, Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know what you are getting into in terms of the CA application.
Make sure that your own personality shines through your application.
Review what sets BDO apart from other firms & what it's core values are.
Interview Advice:
Be sure to ask questions during the interview.
Always keep eye contacts.
Don't panic, a pause between answers is no bad thing so take the time to think about your answer.
Trainee Business Advisor, Assurance & Advisory at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the area you are applying for and think whether this is exactly what you want to do.
Interview Advice:
Most importantly - be yourself.
RAS Trainee, Risk Advisory Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Always be yourself at interview, it is a personality test.
Think of competancies and take examples from your life experiences for this.
Apply for lots and lots of jobs - the numerical and verbal reasoning tests may be hard at the start, but after you have done 10+ tests, they become easier and you even begin to recognise questions!
Interview Advice:
Give me an example of when you worked as a team?
Other generic competancy type questions - eg. when have you had to overcome an issue.
Why tax?
Why BDO?
What are the 4 core values of BDO? (ALWAYS ASKED!)
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Application Advice:
Allow plenty of time to get your application question right. Also don't lie about things you have done you will be asked about them.
Interview Advice:
Just be yourself, its a stressful process and they company know that but make sure you listen to people and also ask questions and seem interested in the response.
Trainee, Audit & Assuarance at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know what your role involves, what kind of clients do your company audit? Do they specialise in a sector and what size companies do they work with. Make sure you also understand how many hours you will have to put in studying and the consequences of getting fired.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared to talk about what accounting actually involves, how much time you will spend in college and the variety of clients BDO audits. BDO Birmingham for example is heavily involved in manufacturing, with wide range of sizes.
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you have knowledge of what is expected in the job ie. what an auditor does.
Consult ICAEW website for info on exams.
Be personable, polite and bubbly as a lot of the job is dealing with clients so being an ammeanable character well definitely be looked out for.
Interview Advice:
Why audit?
Examples of excellent customer service.
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Application Advice:
Be yourself.
Don't be afraid to really talk about yourself in the 'About You' section.
Know what a junior auditor will be expected to do in their first year.
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Application Advice:
The initial website application can seem awfully long, however to make the right impression time and effort need to be put into this.
Make sure that you do not just copy and past an application from a previous employer. Why do you want to work for BDO opposed to other firms?
Interview Advice:
Try to practise being put under pressure, although I encourage you to think of example questions you could be asked; it is unlikley they will ever be the same. Therefore try to be quick thinking and have a bank of experiences and knowledge you can draw upon.
BDO generally want to know how you can be responsibile, innovative, work in a team e.t.c. and they will ask questions regarding them in order for you to prove you have these skills.
Audit Trainee, at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Confidence is key
Interview Advice:
Be confident and do research of the company and the qualifications you might be studying for beforehand. Not knowing what you will do in the job is a big fall down.
Audit Semi-senior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Think about the particular skills you will need for the role and highlight these in your application. Be concise, read your application back to yourself and think would I select me for an interview based purely on this information.
Interview Advice:
Smile. Relax and be yourself (but professional). Interviewers want to see your character. If sucessful you will be part of their team and they need to be able to see if you will fit in well. Look at clients or sectors the company work in and read news articles, think about the challenges the sector and company may face.
Prepare questions for the interviewer, if you can show a true interest in the role and company.
Internal Auditor, Risk and Advisory Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research, especially on career motivatoin, ie. why audit? why accountancy? And make sure you research the company as thoroughly as you can.
Don't be complacent.
They take on around 80-100 graduates across the UK each year and get over 8,000 applications (I think). They are looking for any reason to discount you and narrow down the search. Go for quality of applications rather than quantity.
Interview Advice:
Standard competency based questions, just do your prep and you will be okay. I used wikijobs a lot through the process and found it extremely helpful!
Audit Trainee, London Audit Group at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Candidates for BDO LLP should be prepared to work hard but to also enjoy the fruits of their labour. BDO rewards success and if you are committed to a career in accountancy BDO is the right firm for you.
Interview Advice:
Do as much preparation as you can a few days before the assessment center, then take the evening before off to relax. Many of the candidates get very stressed and this comes through in the interview, BDO are looking for those candidates who are calm under pressure.
Assistant Auditor, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared for a lot of travelling.
Interview Advice:
Research the company thoroughly before attending the interview.
Trainee Business Adviser, Local Public Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
To research the specific area of the business you are applying to.
Tax Assistant, Human Capital at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do not 'pad' out your application form. Keep things to the point. Brief enough that the individual reading it doesn't think they are reading an essay, but interesting enough that they want to read on... and obviously meet you!
Interview Advice:
Good communication skills!
Regardless of whether you think you are good with numbers or not (it does not matter either way), you need to make sure you have good communication skills to talk to clients etc. So at your interviews and assessment days get stuck in, communicate and show confidence.
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Application Advice:
Ensure you know the company well and the role you are likely to play within the company. Understand major clients and be open-minded and ethusiastic about the opportunities available to you at such a large company.
Trainee Auditor, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be sure that you want a career in accountancy. Studying towards the ACA qualification is hard work & if you're heart isn't in it, it will make the whole process significantly more difficult.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. The interviewers are looking at how well you would interact with clients, as the majority of the job is client facing.
So be confident, but definitely not cocky!
Audit Semi-Senior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read up on the company and their values by looking at the BDO website.
Make sure you are clear as to what the role is that you are applying for and why particularly you want to apply for that role.
Interview Advice:
Be ready for a range of competency based questions.
Audit Semi-Senior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the firm well and do your research!
Interview Advice:
Why audit
BDO core values
Questions based on BDO competencies
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Application Advice:
Be honest and relate things back to actual experiences you've had.
Interview Advice:
Research the firm and why you want this job.
Trainee Business Adviser, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The exams are tough - it is a struggle, but worth it in the end and many opportunities once you have qualified.
Interview Advice:
Keep calm.
Audit Senior, Financial Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and industry before applying.
Interview Advice:
Do some research before coming for the interview. Mainly keep up to date with any ongoing news stories which may be relevant. This will seperate you as a better candidate.
Be yourself as they are looking for people who will fit into the team.
Tax Assistant, Corporate tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't be too cliche.. i.e. "passionate about tax" "read the financial times" etc. Be different and honest.
Interview Advice:
Gain a good understanding of the qualification and corporation tax, understand what is expected of you in the job. Try speaking to people in similar positions beforehand.
Corporate tax assistant, Corporate tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Look into the different options of doing an ACA and what you want to achieve by it. Tax offers a stable career and good progression and renumeration options. However it may not be the best place to start if you are looking to move on to different departments in the finance world for the reason that the impressive element of your CV will be that you are tax knowledgable, (which if you don't want to stay in tax may be more of a hinderance than an addition).
Interview Advice:
Befriend the partner/ manager in the interview, find some common ground.
Tax trainee, Corporate and M and A at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be yourself. BDO choose people who are friendly, outgoing, imaginative, ambitious and if you have these qualities they will naturally shine through.
Interview Advice:
Why have you applied for this particular role (in Audit/Tax)? - be knowledgeable about what each area of BDO gets involved with by looking on their website and researching beforehand and know why you really want to join that area. Answers learnt off the website are not good enough, they don't want a perfect answer...they want your answer.
Graduate Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ask lots of questions early and often, gain a good understanding of the principles of audit and accountancy and it will put you in good stead for your career.
Interview Advice:
Be honest. Explain your experience and show interest in things, this will give the impression that you are an interesting person.
Audit senior, Financial Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early.
Interview Advice:
Be genuine.
Audit Assistant, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you're prepared for the assessment centres and don't worry if you're not from an accounting background.
Interview Advice:
Try and pre-empt the usual questions (such as "where do you want to be in 5 years?") and answer them in general chat.
Analyst, Risk Advisory Services at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be sure that accounting is something you want to go into. Once you are sure it is then research all the companies, both big4/smaller/middle market and decide for yourself which one fits best with you.
Interview Advice:
Be honest and don't be afraid to speak out when performing group exercises. This will help you to distinguish yourself.
Trainee Business Adviser, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be thorough.
Interview Advice:
Prepare, be friendly and smile as all the people I've met at BDO are very nice and will do the same.
Audit Trainee, London Audit Group at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read up on BDO's clients - how we differentiate ourselves from the big four and other mid market firms
Interview Advice:
Read up on the aca, and what audit actually is and involves on a practical day-to-day basis. This impresses interviewers the most.
Risk Advisory Senior, Risk Advisory / Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be sure to be consistent in the message that you are trying to portray. Make it obvious that you have researched the role and the company and that you have made a specifically tailored application to BDO
Interview Advice:
Group stage - speak a lot but do not speak over other people.
Interviews and Presentation - Make sure you research a lot about the Role, what BDO can offer and what the general environment and what the values are at the firm.
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Application Advice:
Preparation; pay attention to the details.
Interview Advice:
Preparation and confidence.
Tax trainee, Tax Investigations at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand BDO's core values and what they mean;
have a good list of competancies; and
know why you want to join BDO.
Interview Advice:
Understand BDO's core values and what they mean;
have a good list of competancies; and
know why you want to join BDO.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Take time preparing your application and ensure that you are willing to talk about anything you include. Moreover, if you know you are missing something from your application or there are obvious gaps, ensure that you are able to explain why these may exist.
Interview Advice:
Prepare properly - do research on short, medium and long term items that you will be able to draw on. Understand why you want the role and what you would bring to it. Be prepared to discuss items in a free flowing manner, rather than simply preparing answers to the standard interview questions one would typically face. Be open and confident.
Trainee Business Adviser, BS&A at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know what BDO prides itself on.
Practise the verbal and numerical reasoning tests.
Apply as early as possible!
Interview Advice:
Be yourself - BDO want to employ people who are genuine. The interview is very relaxed and this should help calm any nerves (which most people get!). Its very important to answer the question that is asked so don't focus too much on pre-rehearsed answers as they may not be fully relevant. Keep it simple and remember to be positive and smile!
Tax Trainee, PCS at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research and make sure you are the right person for the job
Interview Advice:
Just behave according to your natural way
Senior, FS Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
When applying for this role I would advise candidates to research about the company and the job role in great detail.
Interview Advice:
I would advise candidates in the interview to be confident and be yourself.
Tax Trainee, Partnerships at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, if you are not it will be spotted.
Be yourself, do not go reading online for hours the types of things you should write about and how. Just sit down and write what comes naturally; this shows you and that is what BDO want to know. What you are like. If you have met the grade requirements then you're considered able to do the job, so the application is about showing you and how you will fit in in the company, and with other staff.
Interview Advice:
Make the interviewer feel comfortable with you. They will have to work with you after all, so make them want to work with you!
Sell yourself.
Be relaxed, and know about the job you're applying for.
Have examples of times when you have helped others, and shown customer service etc
Most of all, know why you want to work for BDO and why the sector youre applying for.
Tax Trainee, Tax at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Dont join
Audit Senior, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared to work hard and be able to balance your time socially, work and college work.
Interview Advice:
Be honest and be yourself. If you are and create a rapport with the interviewer they will be likely to hire you. Make sure that you know something about the industry and the company other than what is on the website. Read the financial times!
Audit Trainee, Audit at BDO LLPRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show that you have good technical knowledge on accounting and auditing.
Interview Advice:
Show that you are well organised and that you can work independantly.
assistant manager, Financial services at BDO LLPRead the full review »