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Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme)

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Department: Commercial Finance Job Title: Business Analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management)

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management)

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Branch Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Leadership Job Title: Waitrose leadership graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: IT Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Retail Management Job Title: Graduate Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Online Trade Job Title: Business Development Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Supply Chain - Waitrose Job Title: Analyst

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Department: Finance Job Title: Financial control, analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Fashion Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Product Technology) Department: JLIT Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Job Title: IT Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Project Management Department: Customer portfolio Job Title: IT project coordinator

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Communication Technology Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Operations) Department: Product Services Job Title: Service Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Department Management Job Title: Section Manager, Retail Management Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: John Lewis Retail Management Graduate Programme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Job Title: Retail Management Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Graduate retail manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management)

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Department: Financial and business accounting Job Title: Business accounting analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Brand Development Job Title: New Product Development Planning Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Project Management Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Account Management Department: Technology Scheme Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Waitrose leadership graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Retail management graduate: Section Manager

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Company Accounts & Finance Management Job Title: Analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Stratgey Job Title: Strategy Analyst

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Systems Analyst Department: E-commerce Job Title: Business Analyst

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: Buying and Selling, Retail (Buying) Department: Electricals Job Title: Assistant Buyer

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Job Title: IT Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Buying) Department: Buying Job Title: Buying Assistant

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: IT Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Store Development Job Title: Programme Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Systems Analyst Department: Ecommerce Job Title: Business Analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Job Title: Retail Management Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Pioneer Job Title: Business Analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Head Office Job Title: Retail Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: IT Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Job Title: Customer Service Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Commercial Support Job Title: Department Manager, Commercial Support

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Waitrose Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, Software & IT Development Department: Business Analysis Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Space Planning Job Title: Merchandise Planner

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Operational Development Job Title: Project Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Waitrose Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Various Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Buying and Selling, Sales Department: Buying office Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Waitrose (supply chain) Job Title: Leadership Graduate / Supply Chain Analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Operational Development Job Title: Project Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Analysis Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Waitrose Job Title: Buyer

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Finance Job Title: Finance Graduate

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Department: Commercial Finance Job Title: Finance Analyst

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Job Title: IT rotational graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Merchandiser) Department: Interior Decor Job Title: Merchandising Assistant (Graduate)

Industry: Buying and Selling, Sales Department: Merchandising Job Title: Assistant Merchandiser

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Job Title: User experience architect

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Waitrose

Industry: Retail, Retail (Merchandiser) Department: Menswear Fashion Job Title: Merchandising Assistant

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Service Operations Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Merchandiser) Department: Audio Job Title: Merchandising Assistant

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Waitrose - London Job Title: Department Manager Retail

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Leadership Graduate Scheme

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Account Management Department: IT Delivery Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Sales)

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Various Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Accountancy & Insurance, Accountancy Job Title: Finance Analyst (Graduate Scheme)

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Branch, Waitrose Job Title: Graduate trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Branch, Waitrose Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Retail Management Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme)

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme Department: Business Analysis Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Merchandiser) Department: Furnishing Fabrics Job Title: Merchandising Administrator

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: IT Job Title: Technology Graduate Trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Buying) Department: Menswear Buying Job Title: Buying Assistant

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Handbags Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Stock Management Job Title: Retail Management Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Merchandiser) Department: Premium Beauty Job Title: Merchandising Assistant

Industry: Retail, Retail (Merchandiser) Department: Audio Job Title: Merchandising Administrator

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: IT Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business Analyst Department: Solutions Development Job Title: Business Analyst

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business Analyst Department: Retail Solutions Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Rotational Graduate Scheme

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business Analyst Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Banking and Finance, Financial Analysis Department: Financial Control Job Title: Finance Analyst

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business Analyst Department: Partnership Services Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business Analyst Department: Planning & Resourcing Job Title: Technology Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Department: Waitrose Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Trainee Department Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Buying & Procurement Department: Electricals Job Title: Buying Administrator

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Graduate Section Manager

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing, Business Analyst Department: IT Job Title: Business Analyst

Industry: Retail, Retail (Buying) Department: Mens Own Brand Casualwear Job Title: Graduate Buying Administrator

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Infrastructure & Networks Department: Middleware Job Title: Infrastructure Developer

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Infrastructure & Networks Job Title: Infrastructure Developer

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Buying) Job Title: Buying Administrator

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Womenswear Job Title: Graduate management trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Retail Graduate

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Department Manager Trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Retail Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Section Manager - Childrenswear

Industry: Retail, Retail (Buying) Department: Buying Office Job Title: Buying Adminstrator

Industry: Banking and Finance, Financial Analysis Department: Fixed Assets Job Title: Section Manager Corporate Fixed Assets

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme)

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Home Department Job Title: Department manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: High Wycombe Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Merchandiser) Department: Merchandising Fuction Job Title: Graduate Merchandising Administrator

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Lighting, Floor Coverings, China, Glass and London 2012 Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Consulting Department: IT Development Job Title: IT Analyst

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Consulting Department: Waitrose Systems Job Title: IT Trainee

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Infrastructure & Networks Department: Middleware Job Title: IT Trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Aberdeen Job Title: Department Manager of Customer Support and Stock Management

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Testing Job Title: IT Trainee

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, IT Project Management Department: Business Analyst Job Title: IT Trainee

Industry: IT Support & Telecoms, Software & IT Development Department: IT/Systems Job Title: IT Trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Department Store Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Retail Management Trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Department Manager Job Title: Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Job Title: Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Department Manger - Job Title: Personnel Procedures Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Personnel Job Title: Distribution

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Job Title: Graduate Trainee

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Home and Selling Job Title: Department Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Buying) Department: Marketing Job Title: Marketing Assistant, Home

Industry: Retail, Retail (Business Management) Job Title: Retail Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Job Title: Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Job Title: Graduate trainee section Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Section Manager/Trainee Department Manager Job Title: Trainee Department Manage

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Consumer Electronics Job Title: Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Retail Management Graduate Scheme Job Title: Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Job Title: Retail Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Retail Operations Job Title: Project Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Rotational Graduate Scheme) Department: Retail Job Title: Graduate Scheme

Industry: Retail, Retail (Operations) Job Title: Retail Manager

Industry: Retail, Retail (Department & Store Management) Department: Management Job Title: Section manager

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John Lewis Partnership

Average start time: 8:30

Average end time: 17:30

Average number of working hours: 9

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Application Advice:

Learn about what makes the partnership so special.

Interview Advice:

Learn about retail IT and how its consumer trends are changing in the retail sector.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:


Interview Advice:

Know good examples of partnership behaviours.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research leadership behaviours and insure the application contains examples which are aligned to core values and behaviours required.

Interview Advice:

As above.

Department Manager, Branch at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself at interview and think outside the box.

Interview Advice:

Do your research into competitors, the market and the future of the business.

Waitrose leadership graduate, Leadership at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research the Partnership behaviours and the history of the partnership - the JLP ethos is something that is very much at the core of the business.

Interview Advice:

Obvious one, but doubly relevant if you're applying to the partnership - be yourself. The Partnership wants people who are a good fit for the business.

Technology Graduate, IT at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself. The success of a candidate is based very much on character as this is a role that demands people skills.

Section Manager, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Read up on the democratic structure. The structure is individual to any other company.
Read up on the Partnership behaviours, this is what you are getting assessed on within the interview process.

Interview Advice:

Be authentic and make sure that everyone is involved within the group exercise.

Graduate Section Manager, Retail Management at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Show your personality and be direct. Always have evidence for any information and make sure you are yourself.

Interview Advice:

Think about our history, your skills and how you would apply those in retail. Always give a response and think about the 'so what' follow up question.

Business Development Manager, Online Trade at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Read about the "leadership behaviours".

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, they want you to fit with Waitrose and the culture. Which is very inclusive.

Analyst, Supply Chain – Waitrose at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Use real job experiences in your interview answers to impress. Also read up thoroughly on both Waitrose and John Lewis.

Financial control, analyst, Finance at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research the partnership principles and speak to partners about their experiences.

Interview Advice:

Focus on behaviours and own experiences of dealing with others.

Section Manager, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself, if you try to be someone you are not then it won't suit. This is a very personal business.

Put the effort into your research.

Confidence is key, but ensuring that you respect and consider all others opinions is significantly part of that.

Section Manager, Fashion at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Make sure you are passionate about the retail sector.

Interview Advice:

Research the partnership and our values!

Technology Graduate, JLIT at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Do lots of practice tests!

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, be confident and be nice to the other candidates. You will not get through if you are too forceful or antagonistic.

IT Graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Know the USP's of the business i.e. What it means to be a partner.
Think about why you want to be in IT.

Interview Advice:

Know about the business and think broadly about who could be a competitor, it's not just House of Fraser or Amazon.

IT project coordinator, Customer portfolio at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Learn about the history of the partnership and the partner behaviours. John Lewis is very different to any other type of retailer so it's very important to know the differences.

Interview Advice:

John Lewis likes candidates who can evidence how they have helped other people to progress.

Section Manager, Communication Technology at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

- Understand what it means to be a Partner
-Talk People, Partner, Customer, the 3 key pillars
- Be yourself

Interview Advice:

- Challenges for IT in retail at present and the wider market
- What sets the Partnership apart
- Understanding of John Lewis AND Waitrose
- Coownership
- What moving into an Omni Channel world involves
- The growth of Online markets

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Demonstrate leadership, commercial awareness, passion for retailing. The customer is at the heart of everything we do.

Service Manager, Product Services at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be sure you know why you want to work in retail and make sure that the ethos of co-ownership means something to you.

Interview Advice:

Be relaxed and be yourself. Engage with other candidates - there are 4 of us from my assessment centre in this year's cohort, so they may well become your colleagues!

Section Manager, Retail Management Graduate Scheme, Department Management at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Think about what it is that you can do to add value to the company.
Be prepared to work reasonable, but irregular hours that may make planning a social life more difficult.
Be aware of the changing landscape in retail and how that may impact on companies such as JLP.
Start the application early so you're not rushing last minute.

Interview Advice:

There is a video interview if you get through the initial stages, which is strange at first, however, you get the opportunity to practice before the real interview begins.
Just be relaxed... after all, you're only talking about yourself, not being tested on memorising information from a text book!

John Lewis Retail Management Graduate Programme, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Know your stuff about the company and why you want to apply. JL is not for everyone - company has a lot of personality and will definitely suit some people more than others so do your research. Get your application in early.

Interview Advice:

You will be assessed on the behaviours stated on the website so make sure you understand what is expected of you. Be confident and authentic - show what you can offer. JL hire from a diverse range of backgrounds and degrees so know your "own brand".

Retail Management Graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Interview Advice:

Cliché but be yourself, do your research so you know about the Partnership and its guiding principles, but don't change yourself to be what you think the assessors are looking for.

Graduate retail manager, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Learn the partnership inside out, it is so unique and unlike other companies that to stand out you should understand how the partnership stands out.

Interview Advice:

Be brave. Think about your answers before speaking and take your time, there is nothing more off putting than a poorly structured answer where you don't put all you research in.

Business accounting analyst, Financial and business accounting at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Ensure you read up on the Behaviours - these are important.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and don't try to lie. Recruiters are trained to notice 'tells' of dishonesty.

New Product Development Planning Manager, Brand Development at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research the company beforehand, use the online resources to see if this really is a job that is suitable for you - know what you want! Ask questions if you do not. Be completely honest - if you lie it will be very quickly found out.
This job is not Wall Street (a positive), the people here have a clear ethical code and respect for one another - if you want cut throat/high stress, this is not for you. There is pressure but also a great deal of support from your team.

Interview Advice:

Prepare a number of examples for online questions. Be as relaxed as you can whilst retaining an element of professionalism (much easier than it sounds). Questions like "give an example of a time you showed leadership skills" - important to have looked up the attitudes the company is looking for.

Technology Graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research the structure of the company, understand retail trends and competition.

Interview Advice:

Be confident and be yourself.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

You must show a passion for technology and also commercial awareness. Without demonstrating these and the all important partnership behaviours found on the website, JLP can't consider you even if they wanted to.

Interview Advice:

Commercial awareness and passion for emerging technology is vital.

Graduate, Technology Scheme at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Understand what your selling point is and really emphasise it during the process. Think about what behaviours you want to demonstrate during each stage and think beforehand about ways in which you can do that.

Waitrose leadership graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Make yourself stand out, don't just use examples from one area of your life, look to utilise many different experiences you've had.

Interview Advice:

Personality is really important in this line of work, it's not all about what you've done, don't be afraid to show who you are.

Retail management graduate: Section Manager, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself. Take time to do your written application as well as you can. Read about John Lewis before you apply and think about how your own experiences and values fit with those of the partnership.

Interview Advice:

The usual!

Analyst, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be authentic - talk about you as well as your CV

Interview Advice:

Prepare well and understand what the company is aiming for/ stands for, ensure that this matches with what you are aiming for and what resonates with your values.

Strategy Analyst, Stratgey at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Give yourself plenty of time to complete the application. There are several stages within the application process so you need to be organised! Don't leave it to the last minute.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and honest.

Business Analyst, E-commerce at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Understand the Partnership model, it's core values (principles) and have an understanding of it's strategic direction.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Show you're passionate about John Lewis and understand the products, customer and proposition. Demonstrate understanding about what makes John Lewis unique as a retailer. Have an opinion and suggestions about how the proposition could be further improved.

Interview Advice:

- Show you're passionate about product and have an understanding of range planning
- Demonstrate your project management and time management skills as it's a fast paced role and constantly busy
- Ensure your leadership skills come through - as a democra

Assistant Buyer, Electricals at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

First of all, as clichéd as it sounds, be yourself. They will catch you out in a matter of minutes if you try pretending to be over impressive. The assessment centres are some of the most relaxed I have ever been to, everyone is very friendly (as is the nature of the organisation) so there is nothing to be worried about.

IT Graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

JLP want candidates to show a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Partnership and its values

Interview Advice:

As above, prepare to talk about Partnership values and how they align with your own values and principles.
Make sure you prepare for competency-based questions so think of plenty of real-life examples of where you've shown the qualities they are looking for.

Buying Assistant, Buying at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Display as much of a commitment to the company culture as you would to the role - these are of equal importance in the Partnership, where its people are central to its success.

Interview Advice:

Ensure you demonstrate personal examples (e.g. of instances where you led a team, overcame a hurdle...) where possible. Story-telling is useful here as it engages the audience as well as demonstrates the ability to relate personal scenarios to broader concepts.

Technology Graduate, IT at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be open and honest in your application; experience and an understanding of the retail environment is valued in Head Office employees; make sure you're enthusiastic about the company and its unique structure as well as the job - this is important;

Interview Advice:

Questions fairly standard about providing examples of a time when.... ; for the Technology graduate scheme there was a strong focus on having an understanding of the industry and JLP's place in it; omni-channel, omni-channel, omni-channel

Graduate Trainee, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Give honest answers which reflect your morals and work ethic - you want to work in a company that reflects these.

Interview Advice:

Do your research

Programme Manager, Store Development at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Understand that the Partnership is very different to other companies and understand how this enables us to be a very successful company.

Business Analyst, Ecommerce at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Understand the business is a Partnership and what that means
For the Retail Management Grad Scheme do your research about whether or not this role is right for you, for the first few years you will spend a lot of time running shop floors.

Retail Management Graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

It is important to understand the structure of the partnership and highlight why that appeals to you. Candidates should also have some awareness of large projects that are taking place within IT and the principles that projects are built on.
Awareness of the market would also give you an advantage

Interview Advice:

I would say that you should show your real self highlight parts of your previous work experience that allows to relate to the way of working within John Lewis. It important to bring out any experiences that you have had to lead a team or influence people.

Business Analyst, Pioneer at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be confident that you are making the right decision in applying for a job with the Partnership. It operates very differently to other retailers and it is important that you understand the importance of the democratic way in which it operates. Be prepared to be mobile if you are dedicated to progressing your career in the Partnership.

Retail Graduate, Head Office at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

- Spend a lot of time researching the Partnership, try and get a feel for what makes us different.
- Don't rush the application form, make sure you think about the questions and tweak your answers several times.
- Get someone to review your application

Interview Advice:

- Don't try and emulate the Apprentice, everyone is trying to get noticed at assessment centers, but the OTT approach is not what the Partnership is looking for and can be seen through fairly easily.
- Be genuine, think what the exercises/questions are t

Technology Graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be honest - the recruitment process is brilliant and the JLP put a lot of work into it. You can't blag your way to a job offer

You must be passionate about the industry - don't just apply because it's a 'graduate scheme' - you are given real responsibility in stores very early on.

Customer Service Section Manager, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Attitude and personality is key to success in the Partnership. Need to be open-minded, collaborative, and open to change as the business has changed a lot since I joined 3 years ago!

Interview Advice:

Know the basics about the company. Be prepared to give a presentation with short notice, regarding a retail issue relevant to the company. Ensure your personality comes across, the Partnership is all abou the Partners that make it up and work-together to get things done. It's important that you are able to relate and engage your colleagues.

Department Manager, Commercial Support, Commercial Support at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Do not think of the application process as a competition. Be honest in your application and dealings with others throughout the process. I was genuinely enthused to meet new people and learn about them, which I feel showed me in a good light to the selectors.

Graduate Trainee, Business Analysis at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research the John Lewis Partnership Leadership Behaviours and use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique to structure examples and align your experiences.

Interview Advice:

Be genuine – don’t put on an act or tell the team what you think they want to hear.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research and understand the company, demonstrate commercial awareness and be open and adaptable to change.

Project Manager, Operational Development at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Focus on evidencing soft skills, such as interpersonal abilities.

Department Manager, Waitrose at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be prepared to drive your own development and move nationally.

Interview Advice:

Questions on how I lead, management style.

Graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself
Be prepared to ask for and take feedback - this role is all about developing your self awareness and skills in order for you to develop into the best possible leader you can be; getting there is a process.
Show original thought, not just Googled information about the market dynamics / brand. Show that you can take the lead.

Interview Advice:

Ask questions as well as answer them
Be concise, clear and articulate
Have presence in the room - you're being interviewed, but consider what experience you're giving your interviewer
Don't forget the customer
Don't underestimate the challenge of working with a broad variety of people in an operational role; it's not all strategic oomph but a lot of daily grind and taking note of the detail in how people feel and work.

Leadership Graduate / Supply Chain Analyst, Waitrose (supply chain) at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Think about what makes working for the Partnership different - why is it that you want to work in this environment?

Project Manager, Operational Development at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:


Technology Graduate, Analysis at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be prepared to move around and work in a number of different areas of the business.
What makes you different to everyone else applying for the role?
Research the history of the Partnership!

Buyer, Waitrose at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Spend a lot of time perfecting answers

Interview Advice:

Be yourself

Finance Analyst, Commercial Finance at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Looking for people with loads of personality - it's not a technical role, but a leadership one.

Interview Advice:

Have some interesting examples.

IT rotational graduate, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Know what makes John Lewis different (e.g. partnership model) and be calm and confident!

Merchandising Assistant (Graduate), Interior Decor at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Read through the questions, and really understand what makes John Lewis different. The unique structure of John Lewis, is something that makes it a really special place to work. It is important in your application that you really demonstrate that you want to be part of the Partnership and what it stands for.

Interview Advice:

Try and visit a John Lewis store a couple of times before your interview so you really understand the customer and the offer that John Lewis provides.
Look into the principals of the Partnership and how it was set up, and think how these principals are reflected in you as a person. Use lots of examples and demonstrate a variety of experiences.

Assistant Merchandiser, Merchandising at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research the company; understand the values; display the values; understand the market.

The Partnership looks for people who are intelligent and who would fit into the team. The most important thing is to first investigate what the values are, understand if they are similar to yours, and if they are, display them during tasks and within your application.

Interview Advice:

Research. Research. Research.

Understand our goals, the goals of the market, our competitors, market trends, where John Lewis are leading and where we fall behind.

Graduates are those who will bring change and innovation to our organisation (which is not perfect, no organisation is). Display that.

User experience architect, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be prepared to work exceptionally hard, long hours in a stressful environment

, Waitrose at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Understand the role & how you would be good at it
Understand the John Lewis business model

Interview Advice:

Understand the opportunities for an omnichannel retailer
Create an engaging presentation
Work well in a team

Merchandising Assistant, Menswear Fashion at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

The Partnership has 2 focuses, customers and Partners. All decisions come down to this, does this change mean a positive outcome for either the partner or the customer? Remember this throughout the application.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, the interviewers know what they are looking for and it is very obvious when you are trying to be something you aren't. I would also suggest that we know what we are looking for, there is a reason we pick the people we do. So just go in and be yourself. In general it is a lot of competency based questions and some relative to the Partnership.

Technology Graduate, Service Operations at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Know the Job and the key skills needed for the role and what the wider business is looking for in an applicant.

Try to find examples for as many of these skills as possible.

Dont forget the soft skills. JLP are always looking for people who come across as a well rounded and 'nice' person. Not always the most hard nosed business person.

Be passionate about retail and JLP.

Make sure you communicate clearly and concisely.

Interview Advice:

Know the Job and the key skills needed for the role and what the wider business is looking for in an applicant.

Try to find examples for as many of these skills as possible.

Dont forget the soft skills. JLP are always looking for people who come across as a well rounded and 'nice' person. Not always the most hard nosed business person.

Be passionate about retail and JLP.

Make sure you communicate clearly and concisely.

Merchandising Assistant, Audio at John Lewis Partnership
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Interview Advice:

Think about the company ethos and values before answering any questions

Department Manager Retail, Waitrose – London at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself and don't be afraid to use the same examples for more than one question/task as you may be fresh out of Univeristy and it is quality not quantity.

Interview Advice:

Make sure you have detailed research on the company. You must be innovative and creative yourself.

Leadership Graduate Scheme, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Make sure you're passionate about the area you're applying to

Interview Advice:

Pay close attention to the partnership behaviours listed on the job portal. As a rule, the partnership will never hire someone, even if they were the world's best candidate, if they didn't adequately display these qualities.

Technology Graduate, IT Delivery at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Team work is very important and signs of ability to develop

Interview Advice:

Tell me about yourself is the classic opener, followed by why do you want to work for John Lewis/ Waitrose.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself and make sure you understand the partnership model to make sure it's for you.

Interview Advice:

Prepare and think carefully about how unique JL is as a business.

Section Manager, Various at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:


Interview Advice:

Bit of a cliche but be yourself!

Finance Analyst (Graduate Scheme), at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Ensure you research the company well and look into its really interesting history. You have to be prepared to stack shelves as well as work in the office.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself, know their history, and know the behaviours.

Graduate trainee, Branch, Waitrose at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself, relax and let your personality come through. Apply if you have a real passion for people and the fast paced environment that is retail.

Section Manager, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be true to yourself and consider what you really think leadership means - not just the positive qualitities but the sacrifices and decisions that all leaders have to make to do their job and lead a team.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself and relax! True leaders are authentic.

Section Manager, Branch, Waitrose at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Understand what the role and retail will entail.
Ensure that retail is the right career for you.
Understand the Partnership and why it is unique.

Interview Advice:

Understand how the Partnership was formed and how this effects how it works today.

Retail Management Scheme, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Go and visit a branch and get a grip on what's going in the market.

Interview Advice:

Remember it's a Partnership. Find out what that means.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Make sure you know what is going on within the company, read the recent press releases - not just within IT but the business as a whole.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself!
Read up on the latest technological advances.
Make sure you understand the Partnership model.
Make sure you are acquainted with JL apps/websites etc.
Think about who our competitors might be.
It seems obvious but make sure you ask questions.

Technology Graduate, Business Analysis at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be commercial and always think of ideas on how to improve the John Lewis Offer and customer experience. Be positive, confident and do your research. Most of all be passionate about retail, John Lewis products and furthering your own career and self development.

Merchandising Administrator, Furnishing Fabrics at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Like any job application, you need to make it unique to the company. The characteristic that sets the Partnership apart from the rest is above all its core values. You need to have a deep level of affinity with these to have a fighting chance.

Interview Advice:

Make sure you really have your finger on the retail pulse. You will need to know what's current in the retail world and in technology and know how these affect the Partnership.

Technology Graduate Trainee, IT at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Passion for retail and selling, work experience essential, ability to think outside the box and analytical skills, confidence in self and ideas.

Interview Advice:

Knowledge of partnership, negotiation and management role play, career ambitions.

Buying Assistant, Menswear Buying at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Take your time! A lot of people apply for the positions, your application needs to be as strong as possible.

Interview Advice:

Research the company and think of some really robust examples of what you have achieved that you can link into the role that you are applying for.

Section Manager, Handbags at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Research the values, principles and behaviours which are important to the John Lewis Partnership as I believe this is what they look for above all else. Try to show through application answers the ways in which your previous experience has demonstrated and matches these. One thing that is especially important in IT is to show how you respond and adapt to change as it's a very fast-paced and changeable environment.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself. Partners are genuinely looking to see your true personality so don't put on a persona to try and impress! During any group tasks in interview your attitude towards working as part of a group will be very important so try to include all applicants in group tasks and don't come across as too domineering. For the Technology graduate scheme in particular I would advise applicants to research the ways in which the John Lewis Partnership has applied technology in the business so far and also to look at their approach towards an omni-channel strategy.

, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Spell check!!! Dont let it creep into your application. Use language that is appropriate of your business. John Lewis calls its employees Partners nothing else.

Interview Advice:

Be yourself. Be confident in who you are and most of all be yourself.

Retail Management Graduate, Stock Management at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

See my blog on the John Lewis website!! Lots of advice and tips there but mainly just be yourself - make sure you've done your homework and know about the company and about the retail sector in general. If you want the job enough then you should be able to articulate why and why you think you'd be suited well.

Interview Advice:

Again, see my blog on the John Lewis graduates website for help and advice, and I'm happy to answer any questions on there.

Merchandising Assistant, Premium Beauty at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Show your passion for retail and be innovative in your ideas for the future of the retail business.

Interview Advice:

Where did I see retail in 5 years, how did I work in a team, as a leader. Made a presentation. How would I deal with different situations. Did a computer exercise.

Merchandising Administrator, Audio at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Make sure you really understand how John Lewis is different to other employers because it is a Partnership. Democracy and the role we play in owning the business is really important to the way the business is run.

Technology Graduate, IT at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Read as many blogs, articles, news sites about the retail sector and current technologies- always know what is going on in the wider retail sector and ask challenging questions related to this in the interview.

Interview Advice:

Make sure you have good, solid, information backed questions to ask at the end of the interview. Questions that will make them think, not 'what is it like to work here' but more questions that others will not have asked.

Business Analyst, Solutions Development at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Be yourself in all aspects of your application. The partnership puts a lot of emphasis on hiring individuals who reflect the partnership values.

Interview Advice:

John Lewis and Waitrose graduate schemes are recruiting for future leaders of the business so you are likely to get questions geared around this. Ensure you show a willingness to lead and a hunger for responsibility whilst being a willing and effective team player.

Technology Graduate, Retail Solutions at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Really put some effort into the initial stages - the competition is fierce, and you wouldn't want to lose out through not having put in enough time.

Interview Advice:

Demonstrate honestly that you are enthusiastic and passionate about joining the Partnership.

Graduate Trainee, at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Spend a lot of time on the application questions. Ensure that your answers are tailored to the partnership and aren't just generic answers. On competency questions really focus on the part you played when describing the situation that occured.

Interview Advice:

Phone Interview very similar to the application questions so make sure you refresh them. Face to Face interview at the final stage is very much about the Partnership getting a gage of what you are like as a person rather than what you know.

Finance Analyst, Financial Control at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Understand the company and its values.

Technology Graduate, Partnership Services at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

- Research the company
- Understand the values
- Research the technology market
- Get under the skin of retail

Interview Advice:

- Why IT?
- Personal development questions
- Aspiration questions
- Examples of when I demonstrated X, Y or Z
- Understanding or retail and technology

Technology Graduate, Planning & Resourcing at John Lewis Partnership
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Application Advice:

Sell your strengths and give detailed examples to show exactly how you demonstrate the skills they are looking for.

Interview Advice:

Research the business and make sure you are aware of what their values are, for Waitrose this is incredibly important.

Department Manager, Waitrose at John Lewis Partnership
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