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Application Advice:
Research the company beforehand.
Interview Advice:
Practice interview questions until it becomes second nature.
Project Manager, PMO at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure that all the skills you have are included in the online application form and to research both the company and the area you will be working in if you get the role. Look at the job specification and research the areas of work highlighted for these will be different for each site.
Interview Advice:
There are always questions asked on how you've shown... but one I had was how to overcome risk and how I managed it. This was slightly different and I really had to think about it and couldn't give an answer immediately. So, have a variety of answers prepared for more than the obvious 'commitment', 'enthusiasm' and 'leadership' questions.
Combat Systems Engineer, Systems Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Demonstrate knowledge of software engineering. Be eager to learn new things.
Interview Advice:
In the general interview (not the technical one!) already have examples of when you had to build a working relationship quickly etc. It's hard to think of these on the spot.
Software Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be clear and concise in your application when answering questions and practice maths and english tests online.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you understand the different business areas that Thales operates in, specifically within the country you're applying in. Thales France's operations differ to Thales' UK operations even though we're the same company. Give yourself lots of time to complete the questions in the written portion of the interview.
Finance Graduate, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Answer the questions bearing in mind quality not quantity of your answers.
Interview Advice:
Research the company and understand which areas of industry you could work in.
Software Engineer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research all of Thales sectors and look up major contracts which have recently been won.
Electronic Hardware Engineer, Aerospace at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know about the sector, current affairs and business, particularly the UK section as well as the global business unit.
Interview Advice:
Know about the sector, current affairs and business, particularly the UK section as well as the global business unit.
Electronic Warfare Systems Engineer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Quality of placements can vary a bit, so make sure you research your role carefully and ask plenty of questions to the interviewer before you sign up - there's nothing worse than finding out that your current placement isn't right for you and you end up twiddling your thumbs for the next few months.
Interview Advice:
"Where do you see yourself in X years? What qualities could you bring to the company? What are your biggest strengths/weaknesses?" and other completely original interview questions are to be expected. Seriously though, just research your role, be COMPLETELY passionate about the job and research the company beforehand - clichéd interview advice, I know, but valid nonetheless.
Contracts Officer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you are aware of Thales as a company and the high profile projects they are a part of. As Thales are a very large company but not as well known as BAE or Lockheed Martin and therefore if you have knowledge of their projects it shows a genuine effort to show an interest.
Interview Advice:
High dependency on your ability to interact with others and communicate effectively. Assessment centres take a similar structure to that of other Graduate Programs.
Manufacturing Engineer, Optronics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Good research on Thales' competitive markets, competitors and projects will be vital.
Interview Advice:
Practice your responses to potential questions you may be asked around your CV. In addition to your general market and company research, be sure to research the characteristics and features of conducting business in an MNC such as internal customer relationships in order to put your answers into context.
Business Graduate, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company in depth and understand Thales' capabilities, particularly in the UK markets.
Interview Advice:
Preparation for both competency and technical interviews (eg. business or engineering). Learn Thales' values and answer confidently using examples where you have demonstrated key behaviours such as leadership, problem solving etc.
UK Services Operations Transformation Analyst, Services & Central Operations at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Only apply for this role if you are interested in the rail industry.
Interview Advice:
Research the company
Project Support Graduate, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research into the Thales Leadership model as this is what you will be assessed against. Be open and honest in your application as the HR team are excellent in not only processing your application but in sourcing other roles and opportunities available within the business.
Do not hesitate to state your ambitions - no matter how big they may be. Knowing your long term goal gives the impression you are focused and committed.
Interview Advice:
What has attracted you to Thales?
Why are you applying for the Graduate Scheme?
Why this specific role?
Arm yourself with background information of the 6 business units. Specifically the one you are applying for.
Graduate Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be confident.
Interview Advice:
Talk with confidence and know what you're talking about.
IT Graduate, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
If you can't get a regular job role then by all means try to apply as a graduate. Your professional development is, at its heart, your responsibility. So, it should not make a marginal different if you were employed as a graduate or in a regular position.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, be honest and keep your answers to the point. It doesn't hurt to practice before hand.
Systems Engineer, Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read through the job requirements first and ensure that you meet them.
Interview Advice:
Online tests are challenging with time constraints. Practice as much as you can before the tests.
Graduate Software Engineer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
If you can find out about Ambition 10, the companies strategic vision, and tailor your application to demonstrate you share the same values it will help your application.
Software Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! this is paramount to both Thales and the wider working world. If you turn up to an interview or assessment centre having done no research about the company you will find yourself wanting very early on. Also if you attend something similar purely for practise you will get 100% more out of it if you put some effort in. Just have a basic idea of what the company does and where you would fit in, for extra points if you can say why you want to join that always goes down well.
Interview Advice:
There are 2 interviews along with the standard group and written exercises. The first will be a presentation and then a business interview. My best advice would be to follow the brief you are sent. then structure your presentation around it! then have some basic business competence and you'll be fine. The second is a competency based interview. Again if you can do some work on this before thats ideal, Also don't make something up if you don't have an example. The interviewers do this for a living and will sniff you out, be honest, If you don't have that experience they will ask another question.
Project Management Graduate, Land & Air System at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You don't have to know your field or even systems engineering to apply. Systems engineering is a very broad job and welcomes anybody able to apply a systems mindset. Of course some field knowledge and enthusiasm help so don't neglect them entirely but don't worry if your degree is maths, physics, aeronautical engineering or systems engineering - you can learn what you need on the job. Just be sure to show that willingness to learn and to work hard.
Interview Advice:
Enjoy it!
You'll meet a group of potential future contacts, and you'll get a tour and a group activity that is actually quite fun as well as the more scary bits like interviews and written exercises. Find the fun side and you'll come across as far less nervous for the rest of the day.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Discuss the business, tailor your answers towards real examples from Thales history. Be aware of current and future projects, figures and facts.
Interview Advice:
Gear studying towards behavioural competencies.
Assistant Programme Manager, Naval at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Let your personality come through!
Interview Advice:
Nothing is there to trip you up.
Graduate Software Engineer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Really focus on your examples etc.
Interview Advice:
Keep an eye on the time during group exercises, have some questions ready to ask.
Graduate, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have a passion for engineering.
Interview Advice:
Questions on past projects/ presentation.
Software Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have a good understanding of the different businesses within Thales.
Interview Advice:
If you are passionate about a specific business highlight this as you may get more opportunities to work in that sector whilst on the graduate scheme.
Project Accountant, Project Accountants at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early as interviews can start straight away and you don't want to miss out.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, and have examples of previous projects (work experience and university) you have worked on and how they apply to the new role you are applying for.
Human Factors Engineer, Technical Safety and System Assurance at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Learn different modelling and simulation techniques (especially strucutral).
Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical – Optronics and Missile electronoics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show an interest in the role and passion beyond what you did at university.
No matter what university you go to, what level of degree you achieved and what grade you have. If you can not show you are passionate and interested in the work they do, you probably will not get the job.
Interview Advice:
Don't be afraid to be wrong or show you don't understand instead ask questions of your interviewer until you better understand.
Companies don't expect you to have all the answers but they do expect you to try and find them.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company.
Interview Advice:
As above.
Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Learn about the company and the specialist area you have applied to. The job advert makes it clear what you are expected to know for the job role you are applying for.
Systems Engineer, Optronics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Showcase your skillset outside of a formal education and display how you have been adaptable, a team player and can take responsibiltiy to get things done.
Interview Advice:
Explain additional skills you have that you could bring to the role. We want people who will enjoy the job but also fit in with a really good team environment and have ambition.
Systems Integration and Test Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be passionate in your interview - they really want to give you the job!
Assistant Project Manager, AVS at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It's a generic application so make sure you pull examples from many different aspects of your life and tailor them to the question.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you know the material that you are presenting as well as information about the company.
Assistant Project Manager, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be open and honest. You don't want to blend in with the crowd, you want to be noticed.
Interview Advice:
Software Engineer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research on the organisation, and make sure your answers sound professional.
Interview Advice:
Study up on your subject and practice for the competency based portion.
Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be willing to get involved, try and learn new things.
Interview Advice:
Emphasise your wish to develop your own skills and knowledge.
Software Developer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply as early as possible. With most of the roles there isn't an application deadline, they are allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Interview Advice:
Focus on your key skills that are relevent to the role. For example my role is highly focused on CAD so I built my introductory presentation around my experiences in this area.
Mechanical Engineer, Advanced Weapon Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, do the aptitude tests when in a good frame of mind and don't worry about them. Make sure your CV is up to date and concise.
Interview Advice:
Assessment centre lasting 4-5 hours. Two interviews, two group exercises and an individual test. Contribute as part of the team only if you think your input is valuable, don't waffle. Be honest and open in interviews, concentrate on previous experience and what you've learnt from this.
Systems Engineer, LAS at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be innovative and understand the business.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared for questions about how much you understand the 5 business sectors.
Business Analyst, Project Management at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The assessment centre is tough. Try to relax, if you don't know what to say as an answer then don't make things up and don't be afraid to really sell your qualities.
Interview Advice:
A lot of the questions I was asked referred to how I've worked in teams. Try to think of different examples that demonstrate different qualities of your work ethic. Examples of leadership are always good too.
Business Process Analyst, Project Management at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know exactly what the role will involve, it was very unclear when I applied and 'Sytems Engineer' seems to be a generic term to get people on the team to do any sort of work.
Interview Advice:
Know about the company and what it is involved in. Thales is not very well known, so knowing about the areas they operate in will be an advantage.
Systems Engineer, Sytems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Application advice would be to apply for a sales/BD role if that is what suits your personal qualities. This is the function where you get the most opportunitity to progress and have the best opportunities presented to you throughout the general working day. Such as overseas travel and attendance at very senior, high profile meetings/conferences.
I would also suggest applying to work at one of the smaller Thales UK sites. The larger sites are good for a week or so, or to learn about the various aspects of the business but in terms of workload/value/opportunities the smaller sites offer a considerable amount more. They have the more 'family' feel in the office and have more time to share with their graduates therefore not making the graduate feel like they're just swallowed up and in a 'pool' with all of the others.
Interview Advice:
Look up Thales UK on the intranet and understand the business as much as you possibly can. Be enthusiastic and show the willingness to learn. The interviewers feedback was that they just look for the enthusiastic, motivational people who show potential as opposed to those who 'know it all'.
, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't overthink what you are writing, just complete what they ask you to do.
Interview Advice:
Treat the interview as a chat and be honest about the type of person you are. Read through Thales competencies before hand and have some experiences from other work places or from university to use.
Systems Engineer, Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know what you learned at the university and how you can bring that into practice when it comes to working at Thales.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared to answer questions about your project and a few motivational questions on leadership and teamwork.
Hardware Electronics Engineer, Hardware at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your research. The more you know about the company, its values and the projects being undertaken the better.
Interview Advice:
Be able to talk about things you've done outside of work or university studies when asked questions. If you can convince the interviewer you are a dynamic interesting person as well as having the right qualifications your chances of success are far greater than just having good grades. If asked a technical question and you don't know the answer, be honest! You won't be expected to know everything and being open about what you don't know is far better than making something up.
Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
If you're applying for the Business scheme, make sure firstly that you know how to pronounce Thales and then that you have at least basic knowledge of all the markets and key projects that we are involved in.
Operations and Product Line Support, Operations at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
I would advise candidates to be flexible when it comes to location/roles. Narrowing your career so early on is a brave move. Be confident at the assessment centre/interview - confidence is key!
Interview Advice:
Confidence is key.
Make sure you know enough about the company before your interview.
Be prepared with plenty of examples of times you have shown leadership, shaping solutions out of complexity etc.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Try to learn about a few of the big projects so you can demonstrate a genuine interest in what Thales does.
Graduate Project Manager, Defence Mission Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be truthful and open. Also research what Thales does and what part or area you are interested in does for Thales. E.g. Procurement, project management etc.
Interview Advice:
Ensure that you have examples ready for certain skills. Such as when have you worked in a team, when have you had to manage a budget? etc.
Assitant Project Manager, Connect – London Underground at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Emphasise the 'one team/one Thales' mantra, and the other unified company aims. Express interest in what you will add to the business as well as how it will develop you as a person.
Interview Advice:
For business applicants - know a bit about competitors and be ready to answer some very specific questions about your skills. Know what you can offer and what your experience has been inside out.
Graduate Programme Manager, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you fully research the company as this was quizzed quite a lot in the interview process. Pick out a few projects you are interested in and research them in a bit of detail and be ready to share what you know.
Research Thales values as they will measure you against these.
Interview Advice:
Don't lie! If you don't know the answer to something, just admit you don't but be sure to show you are willing to learn!
, at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Focus on team-working.
Manufacturing Engineer, Manufacturing at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Having gone through the TRT graduate programme, my key advice would be mainly applicable to those that follow this route. I would strongly advise those that participate in this scheme to make the most of the opportunities they are given. You will definitely get the most rewarding experience if you are active in your development, searching for and ensuring that you get the rotations that give you the greatest development opportunites and the widest experience within Thales. Whilst the support for this at TRT is really good, you are the person with the most to gain and the biggest say in what you do and what you get out of it. Some great advice I have been given is to always ensure you are positioning yourself just outside of your comfort zone.
Interview Advice:
Be informed and interested. Make it clear that you are have great potential; discuss and present things that insipre you and that you are invested in. Whilst technical skills hold weight, the most important factor is whether you will be a good fit to the role you apply for and the role a good fit for you.
Research and Development Engineer, Research and Development at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and show your interpersonal skills during the interview.
Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you focus your application to the specific job role, and relate your experience.
Interview Advice:
Research the job role, don't make the presentation too technical, focus on how your experience can help you.
Graduate Systems Engineer, Systems Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Check the business area you're applying for. Thales work across a wide range of technologies. If you don't know, send an email and ask, this will allow you to do some research into the technology specific to the business area you're applying for.
Interview Advice:
Be confident and be yourself, Thales are looking for engineers with leadership skills and charisma as well as technical ability. Smile.
Graduate Systems Engineer, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, draw out your key skills and how they apply. Give examples of these skills. Research the company, its products, services and values.
Interview Advice:
Know the company! A few products from each section and markets is good. Do not be rigid and let conversation flow. Do not lie! Ask questions as to how you can develop. Stress how the company can develop you, but also how you believe you can add value.
, Sales at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
If possible, in your cover letter give examples of how your skills can be relevant to the present projects of the Thales business unit which advertised the job.
Interview Advice:
Software Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Demonstrate problem solving skills as well as technical knowledge and ability. It's not enough to know a lot of stuff, you need to show you can learn a lot of new stuff. Also remember that aptitude tests are just like any other test, and can be revised for. The more you do the easier they'll get.
Interview Advice:
If you have any kind of general paper on your uni course, go over that before the interview. It's not the knowledge of multitudes of equations that matter, it's the ability to solve a problem that you weren't expecting that should get you through the interview. Also make sure you read the presentation instructions - don't just rehash your final year uni presentation.
Research and Development Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Teamwork, collaboration, innovation and confidence are key to getting a job at Thales. These are some of the qualities the recruitment team will be looking for in the application process, so show off those skills.
Other normal rules apply. Tailor your CV and cover letter, research the company etc.
Find the Thales values (website) and have a think about how you can demonstrate you display them.
Marketing Graduate, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do it as soon as possible! Make sure you brush up on Quality and Project Management principles to compliment your engineering knowledge.
Interview Advice:
As above.
Quality Engineer, Quality Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spend some time thinking about how to promote your unique skills.
Algorithms Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
This isn't too difficult, I wasn't quizzed on technical knowledge for the application, rather employability bits like a Situational Judgement Test (SJT) where the answers are mostly common sense. All you need is the right entry requirements and a good CV and this stage should be easy.
The assessment centre isn't difficult either, I had a group based task where we had to co-operate to complete the little 'game' they designed in a given amount of time. Good time-keeping and being diplomatic help here, don't think being the one who says the most or the loudest is going to help. It's not how well you do the task, it's how well you work with others and listen to them.
Interview Advice:
The interview isn't too bad either, you are asked to do a presentation on your final year project, which you might already have on hand. Of the two interviews I sat, none of the interviewers had in-depth knowledge of the topic, so it's more to do with how you present and explain rather than how clever you really are. The rest of the interview seems to be informal, I wasn't asked any technical questions and instead it was mostly about the company, about me, and about how the graduate scheme works. This shouldn't be too difficult to get through.
Hardware Design Engineer in Signalling, Ground Transporation Systems UK at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spend time focusing on picking out the important parts of your work experience - make sure it's all relevant to the role you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Be honest, if you don't know something don't try to blag it! Just be honest and say that you don't know or you haven't heard of that before. You are not expected to know everything before you even start at the company.
Internal communications co-ordinator, Communications at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
research the company thoroughly and understand the business
Interview Advice:
A lot of practice. Don't come empty handed. Bring relevant examples of work that you have done.
Mechanical Hardware Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Be honest with the assessor - if you don't know the answer tell them.
Make sure you work well as part of a team.
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Application Advice:
Try to highlight your strengths and use this as an opportunity to showcase your achievements. Definitely research the company, Thales is Global and has alot of history. If you can show some recognition of what the work involves and what the company does it will help.
Interview Advice:
During assessment centres it is all about working with others and your own personality. Don't try and take charge and tell people what to do, they don't want to hire a manager. Be engaging and speak to others, if you have an idea then explain it to others. Use dialog to make decisions as a collective. In the individual exercises, it is about quality not quantity. Take your time and get it right rather than rushing and getting it wrong, points get taken away for incorrect answers as well!
Quality Assurance Manager, Quality at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, open and yourself. No one likes someone trying to please.
Interview Advice:
Know the company and background. Get involved in activities and ask questions.
Quality Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company thoroughly, making sure you understand the attitudes and ethos of the company and reflect that you understand/share the organisation's values within your application.
Interview Advice:
Keep calm and show confidence. I was asked questions relating to my job role e.g. Can you explain what the different stages of the system life-cycle are? Can you please give an example of when you have had to solve a problem as part of a team and what your role was? Standard questions really...
System Engineer, Ground Transportation Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do some research on the company. Make sure you understand what a job role will entail, if in doubt check on the internet or ask at a Thales open day/site tour.
Interview Advice:
Review what you studied at University in detail and try to think about which parts of your degree will be most applicable to the job you are applying for. Do any practice tests you are sent and make sure you are comfortable with the format.
Electronic Warfare Systems Engineer, Defence at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be clear and concise, get the key points across quickly before they just put your application to one side.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself, they are always looking for the personality, not just the technical knowledge. Questions you were asked etc.
In-Service Engineering Manager, Through Life Support at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply as early as possible (no strict deadlines, applications close as roles are filled).
Interview Advice:
Assessment centre has group activity and written test. For this role, some basic maths and physics questions asked (Fourier theory, Ohms Law). You are required to give a presentation on a project you've done; make sure to talk about what you did and how what you learned is relevant to the role you are applying for.
Research Scientist, Research and Development at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take your time with the application process. It took me 2hr+ to complete it, but was well worth it. Shine out from the crowd in the assessment centres.
Graduate Hardware (Electronics) Design Engineer, Ground Transportation Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared to answer any questions from your CV and your team working skills will be assessed.
Interview Advice:
Be sure to make some research on the company website.
Design Engineer, Transportation systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
A telephone interview, Assessment centre and Interview were all conducted.
, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
-Be yourself
-Show an understanding of the different business areas Thales operate in
-Show drive to further yourself and the business
Interview Advice:
-Make sure answers are robust and meaningful
-Answer the question asked, not the question you think has been asked
-Call upon experience to demonstrate your skill base
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Be confident, honest. Experience isn't everything. Be a team player.
Interview Advice:
Be passionate, have a sense of humor or just be confident.
Graduate Software Engineer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be positive, and truthful.
Interview Advice:
Have good examples in mind of team work, leadership, problem solving etc.
Project Manager, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make yourself stand out. Show that you've done things that others haven't.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared for lots of competency based questions, and have examples which you can refer to.
Systems Engineer, Avionics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research is key. Know the company you are applying for and tailor your application to them. Don't just send the same CV to every company. Show the company that you made an effort and you care about what they do. It shows interest and initative.
Interview Advice:
Relax and be yourself. You want to make a difference. Companies get so many applications and it's hard for an employer to set applicants aside based on technical knowledge and academic background alone. You want to stand out and make a difference on an emotional level too! So relax and don't be afraid to ask questions.
Software Engineer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you study and fully understand the role you are applying for. Tailor your education and previous experience to address the requirements of the job, and try to sell yourself.
Interview Advice:
I would advise the same again, to make sure you study and understand the role you are applying for. Do research into the projects and programmes that Thales is involved with, especially in the business area to which you are applying. Knowledge of Thales in an interview shows that you have taken the time to truly understand what you are applying for and are genuinely interested.
Systems Engineer, Electronic Warfare and Radar at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
be honest and concise
Interview Advice:
having a good knowledge of thales and its history is useful when identifing why you should be part of Thales
Research Scientist, R&D at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and look at interview techniques, psychometric testing and team work games. Ensure you have a well rehearsed presentation to deliver to interviewers.
Interview Advice:
Be confident and clear, if you are asked something you don't know don't bluff just tell them. If you aren't right for the job they will often suggest other jobs your skills might fit better.
Research & Design Engineer, R&D at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and sector (what problems are they facing etc?), come across as team player in the assessment centre and be confident.
Interview Advice:
When giving the presentation/having the interview be confident and try to make an impact. You are selling yourself after all.
Finance Support Graduate, Project Accountancy at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take time over your application and research the companies values and goals.
Interview Advice:
Prepare well for assessment centre questions and presentation. Show enthusiasm.
Test Methods Engineer, Test Engineering and Design at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Revise your knowledge of the company. They cover a wide range of markets including Defense, Transportation, E-security and Space. A good knowledge of some of the products/projects for the sector you are applying for would be a good starting point.
Interview Advice:
Applying for systems engineering I was asked quite a broad range of engineering questions. This included things like a small amount of control theory, a question on systems integration and another on data sampling. I was also asked about my knowledge of the company.
Systems Engineer, Naval Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
basic understanding of projects going on at the site you apply for
Systems Engineer, Ground Transportation Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Know your subject and know the business.
, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply for whatever areas most interest you. Because of the possibility of movement, sometimes you can end up doing a job you didn't necessarily apply for.
Interview Advice:
Research current projects to discuss, be sure to know what area they're planning to put you if you get the job. Helpful to be able to discuss any big projects undertaken e.g. dissertations, large group projects to show competence.
Software Engineer, E-Security at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Look at job advert and highlight areas of experience that match the description of the role.
Interview Advice:
Be enthusiastic about the role you are applying for.
Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
If you want a long and fruitful career then go for it.
Interview Advice:
Don't try and come across as someone you're not. Honesty and integrity will shine through.
Graduate Software Engineer, Software Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Reasearch the company in detail before applying.
Interview Advice:
Try and relate to previous work experience.
Manufacturing Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you answer questions in the application process with real thought. The company want to know how you can apply your skills to a company like Thales.
Prepare for assessment centres. It isn't a test to see you fail, it is an oppurtunity to see your potential.
Interview Advice:
Main tip: Be a team player, collaboration with others was a key strength of mine that helped me to be chosen.
Manufacturing Engineer, Airborne at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show your exisiting experience in any related industry and show how well you work as part of a team. If you prefer lone working then the jobs won't be for you as Thales is pushing for business aware engineers who excel at working in mixed dicipline groups.
Interview Advice:
You will have an intense assessment centre day. This will involve a couple of interviews, team assessment and tests. Do your preperation but try to relx on the day and demonstrate some personable qualities. The interviewers are not expecting you to be an expert but they are expecting you to show your commitment to developing yourself and fitting in as part of the team.
Systems Integration and Test Engineer, SI&T at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- Learn as much as you can about the business - it's a complex organisation and understanding it is key.
Interview Advice:
- It is key to understand the business fully - and the challenges of the industry
- Ensure that each answer follows the STAR principle - Situation, Task, Action, Result - to give as much information as possible.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
It's all about team behaviours and a willingness to learn new things.
Interview Advice:
If you do things in your personal time that show a relevant interest, work this into the conversation. It isn't just about which university you attended.
Software Engineer, Training and Simulation software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show that your are a diverse individual and willing to try new things.
Interview Advice:
Relax and sell yourself, the more infomation and characteristics you transmit during the interview the better.
Systems engineer, Avionics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be truthful and do not over think the situtational judgement tests.
Interview Advice:
Use examples of where you have displayed certain traits as opposed to what you would do.
Buisness Graduate, Naval Optronics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Thoroughly research which site you want to work at as different sites specialize in different business areas.
Interview Advice:
Prepare for technical questions as well as the usual interview ones.
Design Engineer, Research and Technology at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spend some time researching the different divisions and sites and see which one you would fit best in.
Interview Advice:
Know what the company does and the modules of your degree. Possibly choose a case study from the company that interests you and take the opportunity to ask questions and show enthusiasm.
Mathematician, Underwater Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Look at the 5 Thales business areas and Key values
Research and Development Engineer/Scientist, Reading at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the business and know what Thales does.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared to answer some technical questions, it is how you would go about solving a technical problem rather than knowing the answer.
Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Hardware at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be technically brilliant. But also know when to say you don't know. Be able to work in a team, and know where your strengths and weaknesses sit. Be able to evaluate where other candidates strengths and weaknesses sit.
Interview Advice:
Nothing that you wouldn't get from google.
Senior Research Engineer, Thales Research at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Give examples of things that you have done that show your skills, interests and work-ethic. Make yourself different to the next person, and try to get as much relevant experience prior to applying as possible.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. Remember that the people interviewing you are not just looking for someone who is technically able, but someone who they would want to work with as part of a team.
Systems Engineer, Flight Avionics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The application is fairly easy for Thales. Just be honest and give examples where you can (although the online application guides you through doing this anyway).
Interview Advice:
Come with lots of examples to your interview. Make sure when they ask a question you can say, "Yes, I showed this at x and y by doing z".
Also research the company as interviewers will be keen to see that you are interested in the company you want to work for.
Systems Engineer, Defense Mission Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know the fundamentals of programming even if you don't know many languages. Mention anything security/cryptography related that you have done.
Interview Advice:
Having a good 3rd year project to present helps. Treat the interview as an informal social meeting and stay relaxed, because more than anything we want well-rounded graduates. Communication is important.
Software Engineer, e-Security/Cambridge at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, don't over-think it.
Interview Advice:
Prepare well. Don't stress - it's a conversation not an interrogation.
Systems Engineer, Systems Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and enthusiastic.
Interview Advice:
Have your presentation (generally on your final year project) prepared to help reduce any nerves, be yourself and don't be afraid to ask questions or get clarification.
Mechanical Design Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you write in good English and keep the needs of the business in mind. Research the company beforehand.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you research the basics for the technical interview.
Digital Hardware Engineer, Avionics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure that you fully understand the type of role you are applying for, as a lot of candidates do no understand what the job entails.
Interview Advice:
Key is team player!
Systems Engineer, Ground Transportation Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
When filling out the online form, grammar and spelling are very important. Make sure you research Thales and some of the projects which they are currently working on.
Interview Advice:
Keep an eye on the news for Thales winning any business and mention it in the interview as it shows an interest.
Electronic Hardware Engineer, Flight Avionics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take the time to research the company, and know which part of Thales you want to work in.
Interview Advice:
Do your research! Know the company, it's structure and know why you are applying for a role in the particular division you are interviewing for.
Research & Design Scientist, at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Show you enjoy what you do
Software Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Put as much relevant detail as possible.
Include extra curricular activities of relevance
Spell-check and use correct grammar
Interview Advice:
Make sure you understand what the company does and particularly the division you are applying to work in.
Hardware engineer, transport at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be prepared to be challenged, but remember that the hiring team are looking for more than just academic knowledge
Interview Advice:
Remember that the hiring team are looking for more than just academic knowledge. Teamwork is a useful skill to have in this situation and it is definitely one which the hiring staff look for
Systems Engineer, Remote Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Emphasise your personal contribution to a successful outcome; research the role and company, only apply if the work sounds interesting to you
Interview Advice:
Show enthusiasm during the assessment and ask questions about the role. Do more market research on the company
Software Engineer, Software at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spend time tailoring the application questions to Thales.
Interview Advice:
In my interview I had to give a presentation on my dissertation. Make sure that you prepare for this as it is a great time to sell yourself. You can show you have passion for a subject.
Assistant Bid and Project Manager, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure that you know what you're signing up for and know what your role will involve rather than simply applying for the hell of it.
Interview Advice:
Complete research in the fields that you are interested in about the company so that you have it to hand. Be yourself.
Bid and Project Management, Avionics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have at least one interesting or unusual thing on your CV (an unusual hobby, interest or previous job). As long as it's not inappropriate it can help make your CV stand out.
Interview Advice:
Research the company. It's a huge organisation, but if you can find some information about the site / role you are interviewing then that knowledge will really impress an interviewer.
Systems Engineer, LAS at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company and have an opinion that you can back up. Also don't try to be someone you think the company would want, be yourself.
Interview Advice:
A few questions I was asked during my interview included:
How would you take criticism that you did not agree with?
What recent projects that Thales are involved in caught your eye?
What would you do if you though something was being done unethically?
Market Analyst, Strategy and Marketing at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show a ready and willingness to learn and find a way of demonstrating you're a team player in your application. Use this role as a stepping stone to bigger and better things within the company both nationally and internationally if you have the motivation.
Interview Advice:
Be confident and sure of yourself and your answers. If you dont know the answer, admit you are unsure but still try and answer the question. Don't try and "bluff" your way through the interview, they will see right through it.
Practice plenty of apptitude tests and your writing skills.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Just go for it.
Interview Advice:
Be confident, don't fret, stay calm.
Software Engineer, Mission Planning Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, gain a background understanding of products and read the news for latest happenings
Interview Advice:
Maintain a suitable amount of professionalism but also show your personality so interviewees can gain a clearer picture of who you are and your qualities
Human Factors Engineer, Engineering Safety at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your homework: Research the Company, their key business areas, and relate them to your personal skills and experience. Show genuine interest in Thales, and emphasize how you can be a valuable asset to the Company.
R&D Engineer, Research and Technology at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
for Thales, research of the company is key. Ensure you demonstrate a good working knowledge of the company and the area of the job on your application. If in doubt, never be afraid to email and ask for more information.
Interview Advice:
Try to enjoy yourself! That may sound silly, but it's a free day away from university, and a chance to meet other students in the same position as yourself as well as graduates who were in that position only a year or two ago. Remember it's your chance to learn about the company as much as it their chance to learn about you, so ask questions and listen to the questions the other students ask.
Systems Engineer, Air Operations at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show understanding of business on both national and international scale
Interview Advice:
Show a knowledge of the products Thales have.
Demonstrate a willingness to learn from mistakes
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Application Advice:
Once through the online assessment, there is an assessment centre day. This involved a group role play task - be yourself, show your strengths and make sure you are heard. They can't assess you if you don't do anything!
Following the role play there is a written assessment, much like anything you would have done at school/university, so thats not frightening.
Then there is the standard psychometric tests.
Its about 5hrs and do not be overly scared, there assessors are there to help!
Interview Advice:
Be calm!
The interview is absolutely fine. They are there to find out more about you, and whether you'd fit into the company as a person, not necessarily out there to catch you out and make you feel stupid!
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company well
Have strong technical background
Interview Advice:
Be a team player
Have good communication skills
Work efficiently
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you research the company and the industry thoroughly before attending interviews.
, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be confident and practice good communication and writing skills
Interview Advice:
Know your subject area
Software Engineer, Hardware security Modules at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The Three major points I would send across is, you have to have a passion for Aerospace as that is the driving key to providing you with opportunities.
The second would be to PROGRAMMING/SOFTWARE, there is a substantial amount of it whichever engineering Job you go to, whether that's simple CAD programs or Object orientated Programming (C++, JAVA). You don't need to be exceptional but having a one program down in the book is helpful even if it's Basic... no pun intended
Thirdly I would also say social-cultural skills is a must, as you need it whether that's being professional in manners or social awareness in a diferent country due to a change in culture. As engineering, especially Aerospace would require some sort of travel eventually!
Interview Advice:
4 Interview tips- Keen, Well informed, Knowledge base, Calm.
KEEN overrules! It can change the mood of the interview especially if you have sveveral members of a board sitting in front of you, and links with the Third tip -> KNOWLEDGE BASE. Because if you're unsure and you try to at least answer it then you've tried.
WELL INFORMED is a great thing - having the knowledge to answer 95% of the questions correctly will out you in good stead, it's the largest reason why they would choose you over another keen person!
The second tip WELL INFORMED - Keeping upto date with the latest news and constantly checking the websityte fo any thing relatively New will show you're not just keen about the job but also very interested how well the company is doing and any (Political, Environmental, Socio-cultural, Technological, Legal, and ethical) issues going on in and around the company (PESTLE). Last of all calm and collected shows the employer you're confident, also helps you to answer questions smoothly and gives you time to think, rather than rushing in.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you research projects undertaken by Thales that are relevant to your role. Know the industry competitors and show an interest in training and development.
Interview Advice:
Be friendly and straight to the point.
Systems Engineer, Ground Transportation systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Find your selling point that makes you different, Thales are keen to employ graduates that add diversity to the company. This year they took on 35 business graduates, and during meet and greet events we discovered that the majority of graduates had not studied business and there was a huge variety in the degree background.
Think carefully about what skills your degree gave you that you would not necessarily consider to be useful 'in the world of business'. As part of my degree I had a large proportion of data analysis which i apply regularly within my job, and sets me aside from the rest of my year groups intake.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you understand the job you are applying for. There is no point applying if the job won't be right for you. Be honest and clear about your skills and experience.
Interview Advice:
Treat it like a chat, they already see something they like, now they are finding out if they can work with you. Don't be arrogant, you have a lot to learn.
Systems Engineer, Transportation at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company, demonstrate each competency with a couple of examples, consider which competencies might be most relevant to the job you're applying for.
, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early and study the background of Thales and the industry in general
Interview Advice:
Stay calm and ask questions
Quality Engineer, Quality at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show your passion for the business and the sector and in addition sell yourself, your experiences and your attitude to work,
Interview Advice:
Most importantly during the interview, show your enthusiasm and your attitude to work. Understand the roles that are available do some reading about the job specifications and ask a lot of questions about the scheme.
Learn as much about the business as possible, this may be difficult as the business is in a lot of sectors, however focus on the one that most interests you.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the company well and make references to it's projects and model.
Interview Advice:
Know your stuff technically, the assessment centre was long and tough. Essays, Technical and Compentency Tests, Presentations and Technical Questions.
Electronic Warfare Systems Engineer, Systems Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the products and show an interest in how they work.
Interview Advice:
I was asked to work through a number of technical problems. They're looking for how you tackle the problem and your thinking process as you encounter difficulties; not, necessarily, the answer. Talk through your thought processes and questions. Be open and friendly, engage in the questions rather than just answering them.
Systems Engineer, Satcom, Avionics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand the business (Thales) and the job role. I know this sounds stupid but you would be suprised the amount of people who still don't look at the big picture of Thales. Think of modules and skills learnt from university/college which are relevant to the job you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
You will have an assessment day which includes an interview. In the interview you will present a presentation on your project and then be asked competency questions.
Design Engineer, Ground Transportation Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spend time and carefully write your answers before submitting. Remember, they see hundreds of these applications. Why does yours stand out?
Interview Advice:
Be confident, and communicate your ideas well. Thales love someone who can present and communicate their ideas clearly.
Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Sit some aptitude tests/ mock assessment centres if you can. Once you've done a couple you've done them all.
Interview Advice:
Brush up on some business knowledge. I was pummelled with questions about contracts and business related things I had no idea about as it isn't my background.
Commercial Officer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply for a variety of positions and keep aware what you are being interviewed for, many reports of grads getting jobs for different positions and locations then they expected
Interview Advice:
Find common ground with your employer and learn what the work your chosen area does and show your interested in the work and this isn't just a job to pay off your loan
Software Engineer, E-Security at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do your homework, research the company and prepare as much as you can.
Interview Advice:
Be confident and prepared.
Quality Engineer, Quality Assurance at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
-Really think about what the role specification say and what the company wants. You may be a high achiever but if you cannot fulfill the requirements of the role then you probably will be disappointed.
-Take time to research the companies core values and
Interview Advice:
-Brush up on your presenting skills and practice presenting what you have prepared before your interview. Practice on your friends and have them challenge you with questions.
-Make sure you are very comfortable on your presentation material, you will be
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
There is lots of competition so make sure you present yourself well.
Algorithms Engineer, Algorithms at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you research the company thoroughly - confusing though it may be! Look at providing answers that demonstrate the Thales Values you'll find listed on the careers site.
Interview Advice:
Same as any interview really - be happy, friendly and know your examples well. You have to use it as an opportunity to sell yourself so make sure you know your best features and you're able to demonstrate these.
Business Management Graduate, HR at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early, Thales applications get picked up extremely quickly after being advertised.
Also make sure you justify any statement about yourself with experience/an example, there's nothing better that your interviewers want to see than real world examples of your skills being used.
Interview Advice:
Just be yourself!
The structures for the assessment centres mean that a lot of the interviewing/assessing is purely on your personality, and your workplace mentality.
Obviously there will be a competency interview, to make sure you fit the skills required, but in general just try and speak as if you are talking to your friends.
Software Engineer, Maritime Mission Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and just be yourself. As long as you've worked hard at university and have the qualifications to back it up you'll be fine.
Interview Advice:
Do your research on the company and the role you're applying for. You should at least know the bare minimum in terms of the responsibilities you might have.
Systems Engineer, Systems Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be confident, outgoing and absorb as much information as you can to get up to speed.
Interview Advice:
Confidence and try to turn the interview into a less formal meeting.
Graduate Hardware Design Engineer, Systems Engineering at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you really enjoy electronics
Interview Advice:
Read up about current Thales products and the theory behind such systems (How a RADAR works for example).
Defence Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest and hard working.
Interview Advice:
Better to be yourself and fail an interview, then be in a job which you cannot handle.
Graduate Project Planner, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Focus on your strengths
Interview Advice:
Research the company.
Finance, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the business and not a quick google search. Go into more detail. Look at the products and the policies. Look at our best sellers and look at our up and coming products.
Interview Advice:
Relax. You're through to the last stage. Smile and try to make conversation. If you don't know something say "I don't know but.." and then try to explain what you think the answer might be.
Bid Manager, Defence at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be honest, list your experiences
Interview Advice:
Show a genuine interest in the work your branch operates i.e.
Concentrate on good communication
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Research, research, research! The CEO said himself that Thales is one of the biggest unknown companies in the world. It is not until you actually start working for them that you realise just how big the company actually is.
Interview Advice:
Again it's all about research.
You need to be able to show the interviewer that you have an understanding of the company, they do not expect you to know everything but focus on any new projects that the company is currently working on or bidding for.
Another top tip is to find out who is interviewing you then find a project that they have worked on previously or currently working on, talking about this in your interview will only help your chances.
Centre of Excellence Co-Ordinator, Professional Development at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Research the company thoroughly. A lot of engineering companies don't openly advertise what they do which makes it all the more impressive that you know when asked. Also learn how to say the company's name, its a dead give-away if you can't pronounce it.
Systems Engineer, Flight Avionics, Military Rotary Wing at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show that you can take responsibility - this is vital for anyone in engineering, so you'd want to show that, even at this early stage! If you've come from a more theoretical point (I did Physics) then showing you're willing to be hands-on as well.
Interview Advice:
Brush up on your Mathematics - I was caught a bit short when asked about some maths bits, but managed to get by. Also, show that you're able to think of ideas and solutions to problems quickly.
R&D Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The interview process is thorough, don't try to fake it.
Try to stand out as a strong individual.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company - vague statements about Thales will not help. Know about the size, scope and chosen industries for Thales, and pick some projects which personally interest you.
Interview Advice:
Be confident but don't lie or brag, I was at a group interview where it was obvious people were doing this and was not well received by the other applicants and (I assume) the assessors.
Ask questions - if you do not know the answer, say so, then ask for the interviewer to explain. Most interviewers will respect the fact you were open that you didn't know, and be more than willing to explain things. Trying to bluff your way through is obvious and ill-advised.
Financial Analyst, Finance Team at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company well before applying and tailor your application to the company's values and the job description
Interview Advice:
Ensure that all the technical skills listed in the job description are prepared well prior to the interview
Software Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Learn about what the company does, and more specifically, what particular business you are applying to.
Algorithm Developer, Defence Mission Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Just make sure to sell yourself. Thales is after innovative and driven graduates but you have to be able to put that across to them!
Interview Advice:
The questions seemed fairly competency based, so rather than just saying something like 'I work well in a team', give an example of how you overcame a problem as a team and how you felt you added to the team.
Graduate Electronics Engineer, Analogue Electronics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make a good case for yourself - present everything you've done in a way that describes exactly why it makes you a good fit for the role, and the skills and qualities it has taught you.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. Employers want to see not just a quality candidate, but a real person that would be a good fit for their office environment. Both you and your employer won't work as well together if you are not the person you sell yourself as once you start the job.
Research and Development Engineer, Thales Research and Technology at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read the job description and to the best of your ability describe personal experiences that relate to each criteria. Thales has an emphasis on recruiting people with outstanding 'behaviours', so try to be as diverse as possible when talking about personal experiences and how you have developed communication and interpersonal skills.
Interview Advice:
Try to be as diverse as possible with your answers to competency based interview questions. Using the same example time and time again will not give employers the confidence that you will be able to adapt to different situations in the workplace.
Systems Engineer, Optronics & Missile Electronics at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you have some good experience - shows capability and something to talk about!
Interview Advice:
Research into the structure of Thales and what sectors the site, you are applying to, work in.
Research Engineer, Research & Development at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
As with most job applications having prior work experience is definitely a benefit. So impress the fact that you've industry experience or even just worked a part time job and if possible relate how this is applicable to the role your applying for.
Interview Advice:
Get information on the role your applying, tailor answers to this.
Quality Engineer, Quaity at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the company and the area which you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Be confident but not arrogant, be yourself and be positive. Involve others and how to maximise everyone in the group interview.
Quality Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Get experience in early, internships, placement years etc to make sure it's the right move for you.
Interview Advice:
Preparation! Feeling prepared calms the nerves and boosts your confidence.
Production Engineer, Operations at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the companies' business areas and know major projects/products well. Demonstrate a strong understanding of the requirements of the role you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Be positive and try to answer everything logically.
Systems Engineer, Radar at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read through the job requirements carefully and try to tailor your application/experience around that. Just aimlessly listing your knowledge won't help if you can't find an application for it.
Interview Advice:
Knowledge of the company is paramount, they will have expected you to have done some research.
Also honesty works well. If you aren't sure of a technical answer don't try and wing it as they will have the knowledge to call you up on it. It is more important to talk the question through with the interviewer and show the direction of your thinking. They will more than likely help you to get near the answer but the main thing is to see how you deal with problem solving, your approach.
Systems Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the company.
Know the job role you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Know the company.
Know the job role you are applying for.
Reiterate your ability to work within teams well.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't sell yourself short and don't be put off if the job role sounds quite difficult.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you research the company e.g. the large projects currently undertaken, products produced.
If you are asked to produce a presentation practice it a few times in advance.
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Application Advice:
Try and be concise, use any experiences you may have had to illustrate the competencies- does not neccessarily have to be in a working environment.
Interview Advice:
Thales are a very friendly company and seek that in their employees, try to show your personality and how you can work with others.
Trainee Project Manager, Bids & Projects at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Entering through the graduate scheme; show how your degree knowledge can be applied to areas within that job sector
Interview Advice:
Revise technical answers and knowledge
Electo Optics & Algorithms Engineer, Electo Optics & Algorithms at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Skills other than engineering skills are very valuable such as team working and ability to promote the engineering discipline in career fairs and others.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Research and Technology Engineer, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It's an engineering company but they welcome people with physics and mathematics backgrounds too. Programming skills are useful but not required. You'll probably enjoy this job most if you have an interest in technology.
Design Engineer, Thales Research and Technology at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do well in your exams to ensure you obtain a good degree. Don't worry if you haven't heard of Thales or if you aren't the best engineer in the world - I come from a pure mathematics background.
Interview Advice:
Look over topics you studied during your degree and be sure to have a good understanding of the ideas presented. Speak clearly and explain your thought process. Good luck!
Reseach and Development Scientist, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
-Internship or work experience is very beneficial to application success
-Project your enthusiasm
-Be involved in out of work activities - hobbies, charity, etc
-Learn as much about the company as you can before filling in application
Interview Advice:
-Be able to both remember and apply past taught knowledge to real world problems in the interview
-Learn as much about the company as you can before the interview
-Demonstrate teamwork, compromise and be involved
-Show key skills - time management, tea
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Application Advice:
Read application questions carefully. Research the questions. Dont answer "off the top of your head".
Sell your skills without lying about them.
Interview Advice:
Review your degree course material and the fundamentals of what you learnt before going for the interview.
Practice appititude tests and report writing under time pressure.
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Application Advice:
Do your research! Know about the company, and in particular the domain you are applying for. If you are applying for a research position, then you will need to be adaptable and innovative, and a varied knowledge of different disciplines helps.
Interview Advice:
The interview is very friendly, but as always come prepared. They will ask some technical questions, mostly maths based, so maybe do a bit of prior reading to refresh your knowledge of some fundamental proofs (i.e. differentiation). They will also try to judge your ability to assess a technical situation and design a solution for it. Otherwise it is a standard interview, just be prepared!
Research/Design Engineer, Research and Technology at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company. Practice interview technique and photometric tests (Maths, Reading/Writing and logical reasoning). Have questions ready to ask at the interview.
Interview Advice:
They will ask about previous work, uni projects, group/team work etc
You will also be asked a simple technical question. Your technical knowledge isn't being tested so much as your knowledge of what is important to an engineering solution.
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Application Advice:
Review company values and tailor interviews to them.
Interview Advice:
Review company values and tailor interviews to them.
Reseach and development engineer, Research and technology at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read up on Thales and look at recent press and what projects they have been involved in recently. Make your application stand out and explain clearly what makes you want to work for Thales.
Interview Advice:
Be passionate about the industry or company, and let this come across in your interview. Ask questions yourself, its important to know for yourself that it is the right company for you otherwise it wont be the right job for you.
Graduate Contracts officer, Commercial at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
There are a huge amount of projects being undertaken by Thales, so make sure to research a few that have been in the news. Make sure to research the job you are applying to in order to make sure it is appropriate for your background.
Interview Advice:
Make sure to read up on any relevant theory regarding the job you are applying for, as there will be technical questions. These will generally be quite basic, so make sure to have a look at the fundamentals of engineering in the specific area you are applying for.
ISR Software Engineer, Defence Mission Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Dont worry if the role you're applying for is not exactly related to the course you studied at uni, a lot of the required skills are transferrable.
Interview Advice:
Know the company's mission statement, major projects and social corporate responsibilities.
Supportability Engineer, Defence Mission Systems at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Always read up on the company, and the sector that you are applying for specifically. Be able to demostrate knowledge and interest in the sector. For example, if you're applying for a role in Air Operations, make sure you can talk about aircraft and some systems that keep them flying. Employers do not expect you to know everyhing, but need to see some interest in what you're applying for. Always give examples!!! Don't just say 'I can do x, y and z'; demostrate when you've used or developed these skills.
Interview Advice:
You will be asked to give examples of various skills so be prepared with examples. You don't need different examples for every skill but more is better.
Systems Engineer, Air Operations, Su[pport and Services at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Have a varied CV. Show managerial and leadership qualities.
Show passion for the sector and determination to succeed.
Interview Advice:
Know and understand the role you are applying for and about the company.
Keep calm and don't panic when asked technical questions. think clearly and logically.
Do some research on how to impress in group exercises etc- dont just turn up.
Sensors Engineer, Defence at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Go for it, it's a great job to have and a brilliant experience.
Research the company and some of the projects it is involved in.. it can be useful and really interesting!
Interview Advice:
again, know the company, the market it operates in, and some recent projects.
Resourcing Operations analyst, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Sell yourself and show you are an all round individual with a wide range of skills and interests.
Show innovative thinking and good problem solving skills.
Illustrate you have good communication and social skills and work effectively as part of a team and the neccessary attributes to lead.
Interview Advice:
Get involved in the group exercises, dont sit in the background make sure you get your points and ideas across in a professional manner.
In the technical interview a variety of questions can be asked, concentrate on trying to solve the problem systematically and show this to your interviewer.
Systems Engineer, Compliance at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
As an accredited graduate training scheme, Thales offers great scope for a successful career if you are willing to put in the work.
Interview Advice:
Come across as a team played, also great presentation skills get you far.
, at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research the company. Lots of interesing history and products.
Interview Advice:
Know your subject.
Systems engineer, Customer support at ThalesRead the full review »
Application Advice:
make sure that you fill out the form fully - I know it takes ages but any forms with blanks or with fields with just - in get rejected!
Interview Advice:
know the company, have facts, be prepared to discuss your university and past work experience
Project planner, Project management at ThalesRead the full review »
Apprentice, Engineering at Thales View » Apprentice, Engineering at Thales View »