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BAE Systems
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Application Advice:
Have a genuine interest in technology and what BAE Systems AI have to offer.
Technical Delivery Graduate, Operations at BAE Systems DeticaRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Demonstrate logic and problem solving skills. Be prepared to work outside of your comfort zone and to pick up new skills quickly.
Interview Advice:
Demonstrate team work, problem solving and genuine interest in technology.
Generally the interviews are quite chatty so relax and show that you can be sociable/good with people too.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Try to be well rounded and be involved in extra curricular activities
Interview Advice:
Be confident in the decisions you have made in the past and the decisions you intend to make in the future.
Graduate Engineer, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Sell yourself and demonstrate enthusism
Interview Advice:
Research the company and the defence markets both UK and the rest of the world
Maintenance & Support Engineer, Aircraft Maintenance & Support at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
When you get to the assessment centre, try to break the ice with the other candidates in the morning and throughout the will help you settle down and make it feel less like a competition - that way you can act more naturally in things such as the group task.
Interview Advice:
Try to sound like you have genuine enthusiasm for the role - as most of the interviewing managers are more interested in discussing their department and why you think you would fit in, as opposed to the standard 'competency' questions, which only form part of the interview.
GDF Graduate, Military Air & Information at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Thoroughly research the company, its products and where it operates.
Business Development Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't worry too much about the specific area you apply to within the GDF as it is very easy to change the type of role once you start.
GDF Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Get it done sooner rather than later.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared for many competency based questions.
, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
Relax, be yourself. Be enthusiastic. Ask lots of questions.
Graduate Engineer, Military Air & Information at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply if you are interested in sustainability and behaviour change. The role is not particularly technical but a good knowledge of environmental management systems is definitely beneficial.
Interview Advice:
Having a vision for the future is quite important as well as explaining in detail how your past experience will contribute to this role.
Showing that you really want this job is crucial.
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Application Advice:
Make sure you have researched the particular busniess unit that you are applying for as BAE Systems is such a big company that each unit does vastly different things. I.e. Military Air & Information will have very little to do with Submarines at Barrow.
Interview Advice:
Study up on competence questions, especially self-reflection questions when things have gone wrong in the past and how this made you feel, including how you put the situation right.
Critical Issues & National Change Engineer, Typhoon Support Engineering Integration at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You need to tailor your application to the specific role you're applying for. For example if it's in the aerospace sector, then try to demonstrate any experience or interests in aviation.
Interview Advice:
The assessent centres are meant to be quite gruelling so it's important to stay calm and at least try and pretend to be confident despite being nervous. As long as you do your homework and know a few 'facts' about the company that you can chuck out in the interview then that will help.
Graduate Engineer, Typhoon Support Centre at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't panic. Read and prepare using all the assessment centre guidelines you are given. The assessment centre was one of the best ones I attended, the interviewers and assessors were at no point trying to trick you, they just wanted to see you and find out what you were capable of.
Interview Advice:
Be confident, ask questions when you need to. Don't be scared to ask questions or get clarification, this is not frowned on at all, more encouraged.
Prepare an example for each of the competencies given.
Should you be successful, use the buddy assigned to you to clarify any of your concerns and offer advice.
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Application Advice:
Be clear in your application.
Demonstrate with support evidence.
Have a goal on where you want to walk towards.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared for written exam,
and team work exercises
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Application Advice:
Understand what the company do and make sure you have a passion for it; work hard to ensure you have the background to be competitive in the role.
Interview Advice:
Have a decent amount of knowledge in your inventory about both the company itself and the role you are applying for.
Graduate Engineer, FCAS at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Keep your application concise!
Always try to read it back as if you were the interviewer - helps to check if it is interesting and makes sense.
Check your spelling! Nothing makes it look like you don't really care about your application like poor spelling and grammar.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you have plenty of questions to ask the interviewer.
Try things like: "describe a typical day for you?" or "how did you get to the position you are at now?" for example.
Asking interesting and unique questions makes you more memorable and helps set you apart.
Do a little research into the company and the area you are interested in. What do they make, who are the main customers etc.
Graduate Engineer, Military Air and Information at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read up on the company's current products and recent history. Understand the context within which the company operates (i.e. heavily dependant on MOD/foreign contracts).
Interview Advice:
If you make it to the assessment centre, you're most of the way there.
Software Engineer, Future Projects at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The more you put into it, the more you get out. Grab every opportunity you can, especially while on the graduate scheme. If you want to do something, ask, the worst thing that can happen is they say no.
Interview Advice:
Think of examples to back up your qualities - when did you work well in a team, when did you show good organisational skills etc.
Systems Engineer, Military Air and Information at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Study the website; answer the questions fully; tailor answers to BAE Systems
Interview Advice:
Smile; relax; be prepared to give evidence of required competencies
Commercial Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Demonstrate your knowledge and experience in a clear, fluent way.
Think carefully about the role you would like in the company and what location as there are many different opportunities.
Interview Advice:
Learn the key competencies and understand how you meet them. These can be found on the application website. Questions are marked against these competencies. Be thorough and give lots of examples of knowledge and experience. There are some technical questions so remind yourself of the basics in your field before the interview.
Aircraft Manufacturing Engineer, Military AIrcraft at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research heavily into BAE Systems operating environment and the considerations of the trade unions.
Interview Advice:
Case studies and competency demonstration.
HR Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make every point you make relevant to the job your applying - never waste a sentence or word just to fill the gaps.
Interview Advice:
Do not lie if you do not know the answer - just be honest that you dont know - its not a trick question.
Commercial Graduate, Commercial at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure that you have a geniune reason for wanting to join and that you've got a good knowledge of the defence industry.
Interview Advice:
The question which asks why you've chosen BAE over other companies really helps to define a candidate.
Project Manager, Hawk Aircraft Support at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Check spelling and grammar obviously. Also understanding the organisation and most importantly what it is you're applying for. Check the website for listed competencies and be aware of how you're assessed against them.
Interview Advice:
Manufacturing Strategy Graduate, Military Air & Information at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
There is a high emphasis within the company around community work - do not miss this within your application - the technical qualifications are quite standard, the community involvement will seperate you from the crowd.
Interview Advice:
Do not be afraid to ask questions - the interview is as much an opportunity for you to interview the company as it is for them to interview you. Remember that for the tasks there are three areas they will look at. The process (task completion), the interaction of the groups (emotional and conflict managment), and the quality of the output (your justification and reasoning). They are all quite equal in weight so don't just focus on one area at the detriment of the others.
Graduate Systems Engineer, Test and Commisioning at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
-Read through application thoroughly.
-Spend reasonable time on quality applications.
Interview Advice:
Systems Engineer, Defence at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Answer the questions on-line as clearly and concisely as possible - don't babble on. As well as promoting yourself through the examples you use it will also demonstrate strong written communication skills - something essential while working in such a large company.
Use a variety of examples when answering competency questions if possible. Think of any engineering experience you may have, volunteering work you may have done (the graduate scheme is very much about helping the local community) as well as university modules.
Research the company beforehand!
Interview Advice:
Stay calm, panicing is more likely to lead to mistakes.
Prepare by practising presentations, reading about the company and current industry climate and remaining professional in group situations. These are all things which will be assessed in the Assessment Centre for the Graduate Scheme
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Interview Advice:
The interview for my role was held as part of an assessment day, we turned up the afternoon before and were given the opportunity to talk to current grads about their work and experience of the company.
Try to relax throughout the day, think about what the assessors will be looking for in each of the exercises and try to deliver it. Prepare as much as you can by reading about the company both on and off their website and it can often pay to spend time looking through your class notes if you are going for a specialist role.
Graduate Project Manager, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be thorough in your answers and make sure you're answering the question. First fully understand what it is they want from you, and what they mean by what they say. Then answer it. Cut out all of the extra padding bits and stick to the point you're trying to make. Be clear and coherent.
Practise your interview technique and read up on the company.
Be yourself.
Interview Advice:
Questions about: your education, university project and modules.
Work experience, dealing with customers and working in a team.
Technical questions about your subject area.
About yourself.
Graduate Mechanical Engineer, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know why you want to work there, not just generic answers
Interview Advice:
Make sure you research your business unit (what do you know about naval ships.....)
Project Management Graduate, Major Subcontracts on Queen Elizabeth Carrier Project at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Focus on strengths in key behavioural competencies, especially the ability to work in one determined team. Have real life examples to prove your competnecy ready.
Graduate, Submarines at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The application is based around the standard competency questions. It is important to to provide details of your actions, including the reasoning behind them and results that they achieved.
Interview Advice:
Make sure that you are familiar with the competencies being assessed, and that you can articulate your motivation for applying for the specific role you have chosen.
Nuclear Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Concentrate on what skills you have developed through university and what skills you feel would be beneficial to develop through the graduate scheme. Technical knowledge is not the most important factor as this is measured by your degree result.
Interview Advice:
How well you interact with other people. Competency based interviews.
Systems Engineer, Submarines at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Practice, all the forms for all engineering companies are essentially the same, you just need to create a portfolio of answers, as they'll ask more in the interview stage.
Interview Advice:
Be honest, go in with the mindset to enjoy it.
Graduate Naval Architect, Naval Ships South at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Know the product/service you are applying to inside out.
Interview Advice:
Breathe and follow the STAR technique... (Situation, Task, Action, Result).
Project Manager Graduate, Supply Chain at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Match your experience with the compitencies the Company are asking for
Interview Advice:
The more knowlege/interest you show about the company and its products the better
Safety Engineer, Maritime, Submarines at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
If you are thinking of applying when filling out the application ensure that you talk about the competencies and values of the company which can be found on the website. Make sure you carry out your research before applying. If you are invited to complete online assessments take the time to practice free online tests as this is where many candidates fall down.
Interview Advice:
The interview stage is a day and a half assessment centre. Typically candidates will be arriving the evening before where they will be given a short presentation by both the company and current graduates and its generally quite relaxed. The second day is broken up into several stages. Typically this consists of a team work exercise, interview, presentation and written assessment. The team work exercise is about showing you can work effectively in a team and is not about who can shout the loudest to get their point across. The interview will be with a senior manager. Ensure that you have done your research on the company’s products and programmes before attending as this will be covered at some point. Engineering candidates will also get asked a technical question during the interview, this can be random and on something they have no knowledge about. The aim is to see how they work when faced with a new problem. As such it’s looking at how they apply their engineering skillset to analyse the problem.
For the presentation exercise candidates are given a short time slot to prepare and present a proposal based on some information they are given. This is about testing a candidates ability to work under pressure. The proposal is setup in such a way that there is no ideal solution, as such the person that you give the presentation to will always be able to ask you why you didn’t take another course allowing them to see how you cope under a pressurised situation. Finally the written exercise includes a self review of the day. Try to be honest as they are looking for self-awareness of your own performance.
GDF Graduate Engineer, Engineering at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take your time on the application process. BAE is a company you want to work for.
Interview Advice:
Be calm and relaxed during the interview
Graduate Engineer, T23 COM at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spelling, spelling, spelling and grammar.
Interview Advice:
BAE is all about continuous improvement so when you're asked competency questions, even if they aren't about 'a time you improved something', always say how you would do it better next time or what you learnt. Next time I lead a team i will...
Nuclear Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Fill out the whole application in detail, fill boxes, don't make spelling or grammer mistakes
Interview Advice:
Have a range of technical knowledge specific to the industry
Project Management Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
•Get relevent experience outside of your degree (a summer placement is sufficient, as it's a very long period of time for students - use it wisely!). If you really can't find one, develop something yourself in your own time
•Lots of gradutes apply for few places - for this reason there are lots of steps to the application process. Take your time on the online tests and practice lots beforehand (nothing worse than losing out on an opportunity due to stressing out at numerical reasoning)
Interview Advice:
•The interviewers are 40% seeing if you can do the job and 60% seeing how you come across as a human being - and if they think you will fit into their team. Therefore don't be afraid to let your personality come through, but make sure you show them you are technically capable of doing the job
•Talk about university projects and projects outside of university
•Prepare for the question: 'Tell me about yourself' - use both career and personal related experiences
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Application Advice:
Research the product. Emphasise a willingness to work and get stuck in long term. demonstrate leadership potential and soft-skills.
Interview Advice:
Be calm and consider your responses. Don't be arrogant.
Mechanical Engineer, Submarines at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show real enthusiasm for the defence industry.
Interview Advice:
Stay calm and have evidence to back up any claims you make.
Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Engineering Function at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Show lots of enthusiasm for engineering, particularly in the defence sector
Interview Advice:
Read the written questions properly, be prepared to give examples to back up your strengths and experience
Safety Engineer, Safety at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take your time, especially on the questions that ask you to describe a situation. Those are a good chance to stand out from the crowd.
When it comes to the online assessment, take the time to run through the practice sections several times it will help you get into the right frame of mind for the actual test.
Interview Advice:
The assessment centre is over 2 days and invovles 4 different activites.
1) Group work. Don't be afriad to speak up here, you want to make an input and be seen to be fully engaged
2) Written work. Write everything down, they want to see why you come to a decision
3) Interview. There will be a lot of focus on you as a person outside the specific skills for the job. Try to think of times when you've been a good team player, or had to deal with deadlines or difficult situations. When it comes to the specific skills for the job take the time to review your general knowledge of the area and don't be afraid to ask for clarifications on the question it shows you are engaged!
4) Presentation. Be prepared to stand your ground and argue your point!
Graduate Software Engineer, GDF at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early.
Spend the time on the application (average 2 hours)
Save everything that you have said so that you can recall it at interview.
Send to family and friends to review before sending (it only takes one mistake for a recruiting manager to bin your application)
Interview Advice:
for Project managent - a basic knowledge of PM is needed, very basic, e.g you'll be asked about the PM triangle (scope, schedule and cost) - thats about it.
Give as many examples of how you have displayed the behaviours that they are looking for. No matter how small, a small example is better than no example at all.
Be confident! (not arrogant) - a huge part of the business is based on networking, so people have to be able to like you.
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Application Advice:
Be honest about your application and make sure you have a mix of technical experiences. I didn't have any relevant experience beforehand but due to the strength of my technical experiences at university and knowledge of the company, my CV impressed them. They are also looking for people who have a 'personality', and who are able to mix in well. So at interviews its best to show your relaxed and natural side as well as your professional side.
Interview Advice:
The interview is a mix of rounds. You're looking at an assessment centre which kicks off with a group exercise based on a typical company scenario involving trade with a customer. During this its best to speak up asap and take a little control over the flow of conversation between the group. Then you analyse the case study and come up with answers to the questions listed on the sheet. You'll have an individual person to assess your performance who'll side near you.
Second is the one to one interviews. Usually pretty straight forward with a mix of competency questions followed by technical questions, and then a sum up of what you're like as a person and what you like to do in your spare time.
Third is the written exercise which has a long case study with financial figures. You then need to go through and answer short essay style questions (for & against). You need to write fairly quickly during this!
Lastly, the presentation also involves a case study. Pretty simple, you decide hypothetically which contract the company should take (project A or B). You then have to write a quick presentation in 15 minutes about your choice and why (very finance based). To my luck I had to present this to the director of finance! =)
Graduate Systems Engineer, Systems at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The application process is long and challenging.
Graduate Project Manager, Ship building at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
It is not about technical know how that is important. Your degree tells them that your technically compitent. They are looking for people who will communicate well, work well in a team, able to solve problems and cope under pressure so display your experiences which show these traits.
Interview Advice:
Try not to think of it as an interview as such. The person interviewing you is a normal person and speak to them as such. You may even start talking about totally unrelated subjects and this is good. Starting to build relationships is extremely important.
Also be sure to know some background information on projects worked on and a bit of history of the site you wish to work at. It demonstrates you genuinely interested in the work you will be involved in.
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Application Advice:
Relate everything you do and say at every stage (inc. application form) back to the competencies given. Check your spelling and grammar before submitting your application.
Interview Advice:
Be relaxed - dont talk too fast. Take time to think if you need it. The interview is laid out easier than you think - they tell you what competency they are asking the question for before they ask you it.
HR Graduate, Various at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply early, practice numeracy and verbal reasoning tests a lot before applying (the best site for this is on the SHL website).
Interview Advice:
Practice competency based interview questions (a good resource is on the University of Kent's website).
Graduate Naval Architect, Naval Architecture at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Application has a strong push on a person who wants to continue developing themselves.
Interview Advice:
Be natural, nobody likes someone who just tries too hard as it can be obvious. Make sure you tick all the boxes
Graduate Engineer, Naval Ships at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply as soon as possible and you will be surprised with the speed that they work. I had an assessment one month after my application.
Interview Advice:
Competency based questions for the interview. Read the company's values.
Group assignment. Try to speak only if you add value.
Written report. Use common sense and stay to the point
Presentation. Stick to your opinion, no matter what but have solid arguments for every decision.
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Application Advice:
Show an interest in the company and what they do. You need to look like you want the job. Learn what the whole company does, not just the business unit you are applying for.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you know the role you are applying for and why you are applying for it. You need to show a genuine interest in the job and company.
Graduate Engineer, Engineering at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Think about your past experiences and relate them to the company's core values. It's important to do your research and know the products that this company produces around the world and be able to appeal to their core values. You also need to stand out so anything that sets you aside from the crowd is worth mentioning.
Interview Advice:
Asked to provide a lot of examples of situations when...Worked in team, resolved a team conflict, solved a problem, could be trusted etc.
Commercial Graduate, Commercial at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read up BAE's core values and ensure that you embody and demonstrate these in your application.
Ensure that your application is well written and showcases your skills and talents.
Interview Advice:
Rehearse and prepare. Develop a bank of stock answers to a variety of competency based questions so that you can look confident and prepared, and avoid awkward pauses.
Graduate Naval Architect, Maritime at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Look at the website and make sure you cover the required competencies. Check grammar/Spelling as a lot of applications are discounted due to simple mistakes.
Interview Advice:
Look at the website and make sure you cover the required competencies. Be honest with answers and use the opportunity to ask questions about the role, find out if it is right for you.
Graduate Engineer, Maritime Services at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take your time on the application process online, don't rush, check spelling and use different stories, doesn't have to be discipline related.
Interview Advice:
Do your research before attending the assessment centre, get some practice in and don't panic.
Production Engineer, Production Engineer at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research about the company and the job role you are applying for. Go to library and get books if you have to on the role your applying to get as much as information.
Interview Advice:
Be polite, work as a team and listen to others opinion in group tasks. Quality matters of quantity. Speak if you have something to say and not for the sake of speaking.
Graduate System Engineer, Saudi MLU at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Stress your loyalty and willingness to settle in the area.
Interview Advice:
Why Bae Systems, and why Submarines in particular?
Project Engineer, Submarines at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Use the spell check.
Interview Advice:
Be honest and enjoy yourself. If you relax about the interview you are much more likely to show the real you and how you would work in the company and as part of the team.
Project Manager, Business Improvement at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Take great care at the online application form stage, if you do you can make it through to the assessment centre where you will be interviewed by your future manager - you will not be competing with anyone else, there is a job for you if you prove your credentials at the assessment centre.
Interview Advice:
It is pretty standard so do not fret about it.
GDF Graduate, Maritime at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
DO YOUR RESEARCH. Know what the company does, what its current contracts are, and any current news. It's no good thinking the company 'just builds ships'. It's an international company with a variety of products on land, sea and air, for both the public and defence industries. You will be expected to have a broad understanding of the whole company, as well as a greater knowledge of the business unit you are being interviewed for.
Don't be scared to take the lead in any group activity, but at the same time don't be a dictator. They are looking for team skills as well as leadership skills.
Remember to act and look professional. No slang or swear words.
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Application Advice:
Be prepared to be 'thrown in at the deep end' and be ready to take responsibility very early and don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you like. You must be driven to perform, and really want to learn about your chosen area, but recognise that you are still learning. Be passionate about your job, and make the most of all opportunities that are given to you, as they won't come along as often when in an exit role.
Interview Advice:
Be passionate about why you want to work for the company, and understand how you will personally fit in with the ethos of the company. In assessment centres, be yourself, be calm, think logically and try not to shy away in group discussions. Be confident and you will give a good impression.
Procurement Graduate, Mission Avionics Procurement at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure key competencies such as teamwork, self confidence shine through.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself.
Procurement Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be thorough and try and capture all your skills not just education.
Interview Advice:
Competency based for the most part, so have a lot of experiences to draw from.
Operations Graduate, Operations at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read the questions, answer them in Microsoft Word first and make sure you run a spell check.
Try to use different scenarios for answering the questions so you are using all your experiences (part time job roles/societies etc.) rather than just degree experience.
Interview Advice:
Stay calm, be yourself. Have faith in yourself and you will be fine.
Engineering Graduate, Graduate at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Interview Advice:
The business is more interested in your personality (ability to learn, how well do you work with others, interest in the subject ect.) than your engineering knowledge.
Combat System Graduate, Combat Systems at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Research thoroughly - really show you've gone the extra mile in understanding the business. The biggest turn off for recruiters is people who clearly don't understand what they've applied for; know the role, the company, the products and the local area.
Interview Advice:
Know the role: e.g. if you're applying for a job in commercial, know what the average day of someone in commercial entails.
Show passion for BAE and building a career; lots of grads leave soon after the scheme finishes so BAE are looking for people with real commitment to the company - this is a major thing managers look out for.
Procurement Graduate, at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
You need to be proactive.
Interview Advice:
Tell people about what you can offer.
Commercial Graduate, Commercial at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Talk to graduates who are already working for BAE Systems. They will be able to give applicants a much better idea of the amazing scheme and whether it would suit them personally.
Interview Advice:
Try and treat the interview as a conversation. Just relax and enjoy it - if you can! Have fun being able to talk about yourself non-stop for a period of time!
Procurement Officer, Military Air and Information at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you know the competencies that the company is looking for and demonstrate these throughout your application.
Project Management Graduate, Project Management at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Only apply if you like the idea of project management more than technical engineering
Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Marine Engineering at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
The Application goes through the normal stages, but BAE are fairly unique in that they can offer advice on roles that candidates are better suited to after a first round of interviews, then fast-track you forwards.
Interview Advice:
Concentrate on those defence products made by the business unit you have applied for, make sure you have an interest in them. Having a wider knowledge of the defence sector or defence strategy will help, but is not a priority.
Commercial Graduate, Cost Estimating at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
research the company and the defence sector, especially in the UK and U.S. and the other markets BAE operate in. Try and get hold of the company strategy and tailor your CV towards the visions listed there. Also look into lean manufacture and Kaizen type philosophies.
Interview Advice:
Be yourself. cliche but there's no point in acting like you are perfect for the job, because if you get it, you'll get there, revert back to how you normally are, and may find you dont like it or fit in.
Operations Graduate, Operations at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
In Engineering think carefully about what sector you want to go into and aim for this. Be up front about what you are looking for but also open to the idea of joining a business unit that may not initially suit your needs. Within the company there is great scope to move around and find areas where you will get involved with projects that suit your needs and career aspirations.
Interview Advice:
The same as any other interview, if you're relaxed and confident you have something to offer the business you will perform well. Interviews are about demonstrating your qualities. I found the interviewers for the company were very helpful in how they approached the assessment centres and gave you the opportunities to really talk about your achievements and sell yourself. At the interview make sure you also have questions about the company relating to your own career path and aspirations.
Graduate Civil/Structural Engineer, Maritime at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be flexible with what you want to do, be confident, and get stuck in.
Interview Advice:
Seem keen and interested. Ask about future roles in the business upon leaving the graduate scheme. Ask about support given.
Operations Graduate, Operations at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't waffle on aplication forms. Keep it concise and answer the questions.
Interview Advice:
BAE Systems interviews for grad schemes are competency based; they'll ask for evidence of teamworking skills, communication skills, people management skills. Technical knowledge is obviously necessary for technical roles, but focus on demonstrating you will work well with others and have the confidence to challenge yourself.
Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Submarines at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be very clear. Use simple English, check your grammer and sentance structure, thiink about the competancies that they are looking for and demonstrate how YOU meet each competancy in detail.
Market Analyst, Marketing at BAE SystemsRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- A basic understanding of what submarines do
- Why you would like living in the area (and why you plan on staying here for the rest of your life!)
Interview Advice:
Make sure you understand the role you are applying for, which sounds obvious.
Product Safety Engineer, Product Safety at BAE SystemsRead the full review »