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London Stock Exchange Group
Average start time: 9:00
Average end time: 18:00
Average number of working hours: 9
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Application Advice:
Make sure your application is tailored and it is not generic
The group is growing so be prepared to rotate in any company in the group
Interview Advice:
Be confident
Read about the group and get to know the different areas from the website
Read financial news (e.g. FT)
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Application Advice:
Know about what the company does. Capital markets is around about 20% of what we do - the London Stock Exchange Group has a whole host of companies, from a major clearing house, to a hugely lucrative index business, to a huge amount of financial technology services and products. The Group also owns most of the Italian financial market infrastructure.
Have a clue about finance. By this I mean you need to understand the whys of financial markets. Finance is a transportation business with two purposes; to move risk from people who don't want it to people who do want it, and to move capital from people who have it but don't have anything to do with it, to entrepreneurs etc. who desperately need it. THAT is at the very heart of what the Exchange does, and it is a pivotal part of generating economic growth. It is NOT enough to simply know what an option is and how to price it - you need to understand the financial services industry from a holistic perspective, and how it has grown and evolved over the past 10 years due to regulatory pressures and changes in economic environment.
Interview Advice:
You will almost certainly have an interview with someone from LCH.Clearnet. This means that you should know what LCH.Clearnet does, have some idea of how clearing works, what initial and variation margin is, and what how risk is evaluated (VAR models).
Display an interest in people - your interviewers, your fellow candidates, and the people who come and talk to you at lunch. This is the best way to find out whether you want to work here or not, and to actually succeed on the grad programme.
Graduate Business Programme Associate, at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read as much as possible about the company and the Group, who are the main competitors, what differentiates the company from others. Also, be up-to-date in regards to the financial industry, what is happening around us and how this affects the Group.
Technology Associate, at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Don't think you have to be a particular kind of person to apply. LSEG is such a diverse organisation that my advise would be to research the company as thoroughly as possible and if it interest you, understand why and be able to communicate this succinctly.
In terms of more general advise, think about the skills that you have and how they could be applied, and perhaps where you think this role could help you develop. If you can demonstrate that you have thought carefully about how you are trying to position and develop yourself, and can display a genuine interest in the group, I think that puts you in a strong position.
Interview Advice:
Know the different areas of the group, read through recent news stories and think about how they might impact LSEG, even if the company is not mentioned directly (e.g. how might the UK General Election impact on LSEG).
Graduate Associate, Graduate Programme at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Celebrate your individuality
Interview Advice:
Come prepared - LSEG is a massive business, make sure you know at least about a few of them.
Business Associate, Group Strategy at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- Know the role of the exchange in the new capial markets paradigm and how LSEG's strategy pieces together to make it a competitive player.
- Understand basic financial terminology, and be well-read on subjects relating to market infrastructure and risk
Interview Advice:
- Be prepared, but don't be someone you are not.
Graduate, at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
List all the different major technologies you've worked with, a wide knowledge base seems to be an important attribute.
Interview Advice:
Group based tasks are not a 'win/lose' sort of scenario. The objective isn't to crush the other candidates ideas and force your solution upon them, it's about discussion and reaching a good conclusion. I saw this play out in my interview, it was awful and that individual was not hired.
, at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be aware and knowledgeable about all areas in the group.
Understand what the Group is doing with regards to current affairs and be aware of the Group's focus.
Have good interpersonal and communication skills.
Do your research, even on the little things.
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Application Advice:
Research the entire LSEG, not just the London Stock Exchange. The Group is really diverse and it is really important to fully understand this.
Interview Advice:
As above.
Associate, at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Apply as early as possible
Tailor applications to each firm and research well
Answer the question asked, if asking about teamwork, people don't just want to hear about how great you are at leading!
Try and convey your passion for the industry
Honesty and Integrity is key, financial services is a small world
Interview Advice:
Try to do research across the whole group, FTSE, Clearing, the markets, etc.
Relax, remember at assessment centres - not everybody is your competition. Chances are, if you're all great, you'll all get employed! Be nice and help each other.
Ask good questions to the interviewer, be that current affairs, or a certain area of the business that you may have struggled to understand during your research. Asking shows you're keen to learn and engaged/passionate.
Graduate Associate, at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Attend as many career fairs as possible and increase your network.
Interview Advice:
Be up to date with recent developments (not only Europe but World e.g. what is happening in China); growth opportunities for the group...
Credit Risk Analyst, LCH RIsk at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Read about the company and the Industry. Make your CV specific to the company and let your cover letter show you have done some research about the company.
Interview Advice:
Be confident!
IT Graduate Trainee, Information Technology at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Be very interested in the financial services industry
Graduate Trainee, Technology at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Reserch the sector and be yourself.
QA Analyst, Testing at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- Do your research and apply early
- Tailor your application specifically for LCH.Clearnet
Interview Advice:
- Show genuine enthusiasm and passion for financial markets
- Research the latest corporate developments and financial news
- Revise your compentency question examples
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Application Advice:
Show the enthusiasm for technology and you will get in.
Interview Advice:
What is the most exciting thing you have done using technology?
IT Analyst, Fixed Income Clearing Service at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do research before the interview, know what a clearing house does and show enthusiasm.
Interview Advice:
As with any interview, know why you are there and make the interviewer see that you should be with the company. Prove your determination and keep calm if you stumble on a tricky question.
In terms of questions you may get asked, this ranges from the classical competency based questions (3 qualities/weaknesses), to more technical questions - what is initial margin / variation margin, what is novation - generally questions related to the activity of a clearing house.
Graduate Trainee, Listed Derivatives – Risk Management at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Do some research prior to writing your application, make it personal (DO NOT use the 1-application-fits-all approach) and show enthusiasm.
Interview Advice:
As with any interview, know why you are there and make the interviewer see that you should be with the company. Prove your determination and keep calm if you stumble on a tricky question.
In terms of questions you may get asked, this ranges from the classical competency based questions (3 qualities/weaknesses), to more technical questions - what is initial margin / variation margin, what is novation - generally questions related to the activity of a clearing house.
Graduate Trainee, Risk at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Ensure you understand at a high level how a CCP operates and how it fits into the wider financial industry.
Business Graduate, Rotational at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Great place to learn and network into a larger financial institution.
Interview Advice:
know what central clearing is
Product analyst, Product at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand the role of a clearing house, demonstrate that in the application in the questions they ask.
Interview Advice:
Do some research on the company and what is happening here before going into an interview. Ask questions to the interviewer.
Graduate Trainee, IT/Development at London Stock Exchange GroupRead the full review »