The following is a Graduate Review for AMV BBDO.
AMV BBDO scores 3.7/5 based on 50 reviews.
All reviews are based exclusively on results of feedback from employees from AMV BBDO. Employees are asked to rate AMV BBDO on a wide range of work place topics, which is broken down through star ratings on the right hand side.
To find out how your Graduates can leave reviews of your company, please contact our Brand Manager Grant on 01825 725291.
What is the annual salary for this role?
Starting salary: £23,000 - £25,000
Current salary: £23,000 - £25,000
What hours do you actually work, on average?
Start: 9:00
Finish: 18:00
What advice would you give to someone applying to this role?
They always say at their open days that they're looking for people who are bright and nice. You need to demonstrate through everything your answers that you're both.
Be yourself on your application form, but don't feel you need to be ridiculously quirky (unless, of course, you are!). There's a difference between coming across as 'memorable' and as somewhat risky.
And most importantly, make sure you come across on paper like you do in person. There's no point using words you wouldn't normally, or using a tone or voice which is very different from your own. You're likely to stick out at interview stage if so, and people will get confused as to who you really are!
Do you have any interview tips?
Be honest with your answers - don't feel you need to give the answers you necessarily want to hear. So, for example, don't feel like you need to pretend you're really knowledgeable about how the industry works, etc - unless, of course, you actually are. I think they're just looking for people that demonstrate a passion to learn about (and work in) it.
Have four or five adverts up-your-sleeve which you feel confident talking/expressing an opinion about (it's better if they aren't made by AMV, I reckon). A couple of your favourite ads (and why) - try not to make it too obvious unless you have something really interesting to say about it - and then one or two that you think are really bad/problematic (and why). And definitely one or two examples of 'integrated' campaigns that pan across different types of media.
Try as much as you can to just enjoy the interviews. They're looking for normal people with lives outside of advertising, so don't feel afraid to talk about what else makes you tick. That could be the thing that makes you stick in their minds.
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