If you are looking to land your ideal graduate job, as well as gaining the inside view from graduate employees wouldn’t it be a tremendous help to get the view from a graduate recruiter’s perspective? That’s what we figured, so we asked Lisa Eskinazi – who has just set up Gradia.co.uk to train graduates for all stages of the recruitment cycle – to share some tips from her years of experience as a graduate recruiter:
As a Graduate Recruiter with extensive experience in multiple busy Graduate Recruitment
Departments, I have seen outstanding candidates sail through the recruitment process but I have
also seen candidates who could have been strong performers but didn’t have the interview technique
to show just how good they were and as a result, lost out on their dream roles. That’s why I set
up Gradia (www.gradia.co.uk); to train students and graduates on techniques for all stages of the
recruitment process that will help them fulfil their potential and increase their chances of securing their
dream roles.
As part of the training, I offer an insight into what happens from the recruiter’s point of view and dispel
commonly held beliefs. Here are just a few myth busting examples for TheJobCrowd readers:
Myth: It doesn’t matter what my CV or application looks like as long as all my experience is in
there somewhere.
Truth: Recruiters look through hundred of CVs and applications every year so you want to make it as
easy as possible for them to quickly identify your interests, experience and strengths. Bullet points
covering key successes are preferable to long wordy paragraphs and two pages should be more than
enough for a student or recent graduate to cover all the relevant information.
The format and accuracy of a CV or application form is vital for success as inconsistencies or errors
in grammar and spelling in a document that you have the time to perfect, sends a warning about poor
attention to detail and it’s not unknown for a candidate to be rejected on this alone.
Myth: My CV is has passed the first stage and I’m personable so I’m going to sail through this
Truth: Everyone who makes it through to the interview stage has passed the application round so
even with an exceptionally strong CV; you’ll be up against others in a similar boat and there will be
new criteria to meet. It’s important to realise that whether or not you built up a great rapport with your
interviewer, you will not progress to the next round if you don’t fulfil the set criteria all interviewees are
marked against.
Companies don’t just want to hire the friendliest candidates; they want to hire most able candidates
who really want to work for them, so it’s not just about you, your personality and your ability, it’s also
about your passion for the company.
Myth: My assessor is the only person who has the ability to accept or reject me.
Truth: Often you will find HR or recent graduate joiners are involved in assessment centres to answer
your questions, tour you around the building, take you to lunch or to run the logistics of the day.
Their opinions count, especially when it comes to borderline candidates so it is crucial to be polite
and professional with everyone you come into contact with, even if you are put totally at ease. Avoid
jargon, slouching and over sharing.
Some companies ask candidates to critique the other candidates at the assessment day so it’s
important to be a support to other candidates as opposed to seeking to destroy them for personal gain
which never does any good as it reflects badly on your team working skills.
I can provide you with the tools you need to maximise your potential and help you avoid common
pitfalls, giving you the best chance at being offered the first step on your chosen career path. With
the time, effort and emotional investment you put into choosing, researching and applying to your
preferred companies, you owe it to yourself to give each assessment your very best shot!
Lisa Eskinazi (www.gradia.co.uk)