We just came across a really cool and interesting infographic from Cisco, based on a detailed report that they have conducted into what students and graduates expect from an employer in terms of social media, mobile devices and the internet.

The main findings are that:

– 56% will not accept a job from a company that bans social media, or they will circumvent the policy

– 1/3 prioritise social media freedom, device flexibility and mobility over salary

– 41% of employees say their companies marketed a flexible device and social media policy to recruit them

– 3/5 of students think they have a right to work remotely and with a flexible schedule

– 70% of students believe being in an office regularly is unnecessary

You can check out the full infographic here (well worth doing):




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Jazz Panesar is a Digital and Technology Apprentice at Severn Trent. Read Jazz’s story here.

Have your own questions prepared. It's your turn! As the interview comes to a close, one of the final questions you may be asked is "What can I answer for you?" Your interviewer will expect you to have...
Research the Company. Do your homework about the employer and the industry so you are ready for the interview question "What do you know about this company?"
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