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The following is a Graduate Review for Capgemini UK plc.

Capgemini UK plc scores 3.8/5 based on 304 reviews.

All reviews are based exclusively on results of feedback from employees from Capgemini UK plc. Employees are asked to rate Capgemini UK plc on a wide range of work place topics, which is broken down through star ratings on the right hand side.

To find out how your Graduates can leave reviews of your company, please contact our Brand Manager Grant on 01825 725291.

What are the Best and Worst things about your job?


- Project-based work means each day is different, and generally it doesn't get monotonous like other jobs. Project roles can last anywhere from 1-18 months.
- Working with different people on each project
- Flexibility - if you need to work from home for whatever reason and it doesn't impact your ability to do your job, most of the time it's fine.
- The way expenses work means that I don't pay anything for travelling to work - I live close to my "home" office so all my travelling is paid for by clients
- High salary with rapid progression


- Travelling can be a burden, particularly if you have a partner/family. If a project is based far from home you will typically be staying in hotels from Monday-Thursday each week which can get tiring quickly
- Large gap in culture between senior people and junior people. If you talk to senior people they will talk a lot about the long hours required and working evenings and weekends, and they can expect that to be the norm - they sometimes get a shock when you refuse!
- It can be slow to get started in "your role". I spent the first year of work in a project management support role, which was interesting for the first few months, and then dull when I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do forever. Engineering a move out of roles/projects you don't like can be difficult but it's not impossible.

What is the annual salary for this role?

Starting salary: £27,000 - £29,000

Current salary: £35,000 - £37,000

What hours do you actually work, on average?

Start: 08:30

Finish: 17:30

What advice would you give to someone applying to this role?

Make sure you know what you're applying for! I didn't realise what "consulting" entailed until I got the job, which involves travelling around the country and occasionally abroad. If you don't want to spend time away from home, this job isn't for you.

Do you have any interview tips?

You're not expected to know anything - my interview was with a load of tecchies and I've never coded a day in my life. The interviewers are more interested in your personality, how you interact with peers and superiors, and how you approach new challenges.

Work Life Balance:
Environmental Awareness:
Company Culture:
Career Progression:
Overall Rating:

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