The following is a Graduate Review for Capgemini UK plc.
Capgemini UK plc scores 3.8/5 based on 304 reviews.
All reviews are based exclusively on results of feedback from employees from Capgemini UK plc. Employees are asked to rate Capgemini UK plc on a wide range of work place topics, which is broken down through star ratings on the right hand side.
To find out how your Graduates can leave reviews of your company, please contact our Brand Manager Grant on 01825 725291.
What are the Best and Worst things about your job?
The people - supportive, open, enjoy the work they do, and great fun and an inspiration to work with.
Opportunities - if there is something specific you want to do or try just ask.
Work/life balance - varies from person to person, but have personally found if you want to work from home or your base location rather than client site you can. If you want flexible hours you can, just talk about it with your assignment manager.
Training - limited, mostly internal, feels more like a job then a traditional 'graduate scheme'. Also, not a centralised grad scheme - there are no rotations to try different areas of the business to find what you're interested in, e.g. development and managed services are kept separate; infrastructure and applications; consulting and the rest of the business.
Hugely siloed lines of work (as above).
Limited pay progress and once off the GAP scheme only opportunities for promotion once a year. Your performance is compared with colleagues in annual appraisal cycle, which I consider an old fashioned objective approach to individual subjective development.
What is the annual salary for this role?
Starting salary: I'd rather not say
Current salary: I'd rather not say
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