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The following is a Graduate Review for Bain & Company.

Bain & Company scores 3.5/5 based on 26 reviews.

All reviews are based exclusively on results of feedback from employees from Bain & Company. Employees are asked to rate Bain & Company on a wide range of work place topics, which is broken down through star ratings on the right hand side.

To find out how your Graduates can leave reviews of your company, please contact our Brand Manager Grant on 01825 725291.

What is the annual salary for this role?

Starting salary: £45,000 - £47,000

Current salary: £61,000 - £65,000

What hours do you actually work, on average?

Start: 9:15

Finish: 20:30

What advice would you give to someone applying to this role?

Start practising case interviews early. Polish the CV and cover letters and tailor them for each company you apply to.

Do you have any interview tips?

Check out the websites of each firm so you know what to expect and what they'll be expecting from you.

Work Life Balance:
Environmental Awareness:
Company Culture:
Career Progression:
Overall Rating:

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