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Bain & Company
Average start time: 9:00
Average end time: 21:00
Average number of working hours: 12
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Application Advice:
Attend recruiting events (they are fantastic).
Interview Advice:
Come prepared and practice case interviews with peers beforehand.
Associate Consultant, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Make sure you research Bain & Company itself and have a good understanding of what consulting is and why you personally want to do it.
Interview Advice:
Make sure you familiarise yourself with case study interview questions, which generally follow a standard format, if you practise you will improve! I would also prepare good answers to the basic questions you would expect to be asked such as "Why Consulting?"
Associate Consultant, Private Equity at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Start practising case interviews early. Polish the CV and cover letters and tailor them for each company you apply to.
Interview Advice:
Check out the websites of each firm so you know what to expect and what they'll be expecting from you.
Senior Associate Consultant, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Invest a lot of time in writing a really sharp, professional, one page resume that highlights your leadership, professional, and academic experience. Emphasize the positive results of your actions and leadership. If you really stand out on paper, you're much more likely to get a shot at an interview.
Interview Advice:
Be familiar and comfortable with basic mental maths.
Associate Consultant, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spread your net as wide as you can.
Interview Advice:
Be prepared, be confident in interviews.
Associate Consultant, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Good for a career start or transition, but don't necessarily think of it as a long-term career prospect.
Interview Advice:
Nail the cases obviously, but fit is very important here.
, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Understand the differences between the individual consultancies when applying to truly work out where you want to go.
Interview Advice:
Practise as many case studies as you can.
Brush up on your maths.
Relax - everyone is friendly and just want to see how you push yourself and think about interesting problems.
If you don't enjoy the concept of case studies (ignoring potential pressure of interview situation) job may not be for you.
Read the full review »
Application Advice:
Clearly articulated achievements in CV
Interview Advice:
Practice maths
Be structured and focused
think creatively to solve cases
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Application Advice:
Get lots of case study practice - live practice is the best. If you don't know any consultants or anyone else applying to consultancy companies then you can find people online and plan to do practice cases for each other over Skype. I found Victor Cheng's frameworks the best starting point.
Interview Advice:
Practice answers to why you want to work in consulting and why you want to work for Bain in particular.
Associate Consultant, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
- Take time to make your cover letter bespoke: we do read each and every one of them
- Tailor CVs to the consultant's mindset i.e. results oriented (e.g. raised x% more than last year's charity ball, and not just waffle)
Interview Advice:
- prepare, prepare, prepare for case studies
- be comfortable with mental math
- enjoy the case study interview. If you don't, maybe this isn't the right career for you
- be yourself
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Application Advice:
Structured thinking is absolutely key, as well as keeping cool under pressure and communicating thinking out loud so the interviewer can steer you.
Associate Consultant, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Spend a long time practicing for case interview - live practice is essential
Interview Advice:
Don't be arrogant
Associate Consultant, at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »
Application Advice:
Interview Advice:
Do your homework in advance, building up frameworks and doing practice interviews.
Associate Consultant, General at Bain & CompanyRead the full review »