When you don’t have work experience and you’re applying for jobs it’s important you have things to talk about on your application and in interview. Keeping your finger on the pulse of your industry is therefore a fantastic way of standing out. Make sure you know about developments, challenges, or new changes to the law that might have a huge impact on your career path. Here are 5 top tips that will make sure you stay in the know:


1. Find a mentor

A mentor can take many forms, they could be a family friend or someone you met at a networking event. Find a mentor in your industry who you feel confident asking questions. Ideally they would still be active in the industry and would be able to provide you with the most up-to-date developments as well as telling you the day-to-day realities of the career. Having first hand knowledge can be a huge advantage in interview especially when posed with the question, “what do you think the biggest challenges of this role will be?” When asking someone for honest advice make sure you find out what these challenges are!


2. Network 

Make sure you put yourself out there. If there’s an event with a panel discussion or expert talk element this could be hugely beneficial to you. Treat it like a university lecture, be attentive, ask questions, and make notes, and revise thoroughly prior to a big interview. 


3. Use social media

Following companies and paying attention to what they post and share can be hugely beneficial but also look out for any industry bloggers. You will often find someone in your industry who regularly blogs about their experience working in a certain career. Pay attention to what they post about their career path and think about how you can replicate that. By looking at people’s LinkedIns you can get an idea of how long it takes to get to where you want to be and how to get there. This can be a fantastic way of finding out if the graduate scheme you’re about to apply for will lead you down the right path. 


4. Read industry news

You may not realise but there are a huge number of news channels focussed solely on one industry. Find something that appeals to you and learn as much as you can. Subscribe to a magazine, newsletter, or consume your news digitally- it’s your choice. Some news channels might be focussed on an industry as a whole whereas others might be solely for one profession. Depending on where you are in your decision making process can dictate how generalist your reading is.


5. Use theJobCrowd

Our careers section can be  a fantastic way of learning from graduates already in the roles you’re interested in. Find out about average working hours, average salaries, and graduate satisfaction. Perhaps the information on our site could make a slightly different industry seem more appealing or could confirm that your ideal role is the best fit for you. 

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Interview Tips That Will Help You Get the Job

Experts from the best companies in the UK share their experience and advice on how to boss the interview process

interview tips

Jazz Panesar is a Digital and Technology Apprentice at Severn Trent. Read Jazz’s story here.

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