The Future Workplace, a report on key trends to affect employee well being over the next few years, predicts a rise in the mindful workplace. In the next 15 years there will be a shift towards less connectivity and more contemplation.

It is predicted that more employers will begin investing in the mindful work methodology, focussing on mental health, meditation, and implementing technology free time. In a world that is always switched on, employers are being encouraged make sure their employees sometimes switch off.

The science behind this trend suggests that employees will become more creative and productive. Employers will be preventing burn-outs and stress as well as appealing to job-seekers as an employer that cultivates the mind. 

Early on in your career, what can you do to harness the power of the mindful workplace? 

Digital Disconnection

In the age of smart phones it’s easy to feel like you’re working 24/7. Disconnect your work email when you’re on a break, when you’re at home for the evening and when you’re on holiday. When at work, try and disconnect from your personal email and social media so you are completely switched on to the work that lies in front of you. By separating work life and personal life you should see an increase in productivity. 

If work is getting over-whelming, a short time out can be just the ticket. If appropriate, try going on a short walk, even if it’s to the nearest coffee shop, to contemplate the tasks you’re struggling with. A bit of alone time can make you see things more clearly. 

Think, Dream, and Imagine 
Nearly every graduate role involves some level of creativity, be it computing, law, or engineering. Allow yourself some time off to reflect on your work habits. By letting your brain relax you could realise you or your team have been approaching a problem from the wrong angle. 

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Jazz Panesar is a Digital and Technology Apprentice at Severn Trent. Read Jazz’s story here.

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