Application Advice: Self motivator, sociable and dynamic. Ready to try and find solutions / solve problems independently.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Be yourself! Be positive, as the recruiters will undoubtedly see through any fakeness.
Interview Advice: Mainly competency based. Telephone calls were largely informal, although do be prepared to answer basic questions regarding Marsh etc.
Industry: Broker
View »Willis Towers Watson
Application Advice: Remember that it is quality, not quantity that counts. Demonstrate how experiences are relevant and that you want to learn.
Interview Advice: Relax and be yourself. It is good to to have an understanding of insurance but this can be learned. The most important thing is to be personable, friendly, driven and willing to learn.
Industry: Broker
View »Willis Towers Watson
Application Advice: You do not need to be an expert in insurance/ reinsurance to shine in the interview, but you do need to know the basics and show enthusiasm for the role you are going for. Preparation is the key; have an understanding of the market, WTW's competitors and the current affairs affecting the insurance market (e.g. cyber insurance). I advise you to take the practise tests provided, they are quite tough.
Interview Advice: What is reinsurance? What are you greatest weaknesses? What do you know about catastrophe modelling?
Industry: Broker
View »Willis Towers Watson
Application Advice: Demonstrate your teamwork and communication skills.
Interview Advice: Competency based interviews. Network with candidates and industry leaders you meet.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Make sure you are yourself - Marsh are incredibly keen on personality throughout the entire process.
Interview Advice: Be original in your responses, give lots of examples and be engaging
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Be confident in yourself.
Interview Advice: Research the company. Do not get caught up in the details. Justify your answers with previous experience.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Express a genuine interest in the sector .
Interview Advice: Be engaging, friendly and motivated.
Industry: Broker
View »Willis Towers Watson
Application Advice: It's who you are, not what you know.
Interview Advice: Communicate. Talk about you. The interview doesn't really care about your degree or if you love insurance. They want to know that you are motivated and want to learn.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Marsh's application process is very focused on personality and how well you network with others so it's important to come across as confident and comfortable in front of the assessors, demonstrating that you have the right soft skills for the job.
Interview Advice: Must give a presentation in both assessments days. Team challenges in the first and an interview with two senior marsh officials, a HR person and a Pareto person in the second. There are no maths challenges until the final assessment.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Be genuine and engaged in questions. Make it as unique as possible - questions like 'why insurance' or 'why Marsh' may sound generic but if you can put a personal spin on it then you will come across well. Equally make sure you ask thoughtful questions about Marsh - senior management are very aware about the shortfalls of Marsh as an employer (as well as the benefits). Showing recognition for this demonstrates that you are thoughtful and have made a full evaluation of Marsh for your career.
Interview Advice: Be authentic and enthusiastic in why you want to work in insurance and for Marsh - if you can tailor them to your personality/objectives all the better. Try to avoid being too loud and attention seeking in the assessment days, this doesn't come across well and the assessors are expert at seeing through this. Don't be backward and get involved where you can - 'be yourself' is overused but it really does apply here.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Interview Advice: Be honest, engaging and interested.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Make sure you are yourself.
Interview Advice: Don't always talk about insurance. Once you get to the latter stages, they will want you to be creative with your answers.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Find experience. The market is quite accessible to gain experience, be that through working in a call centre in the Summer or looking into your school leavers network to see who currently works in the industry. This will really help you understand the industry which will set you apart at application time. Most people don't start out wanting to go into insurance so if you can show some drive to move into it with proven experience or research your application will only be strengthened.
Interview Advice: Be yourself. It's a cliché, however a lot of the interview and assessment centre is based around how you can network. Don't be frightened by the word "networking" as it is effectively just talking to people. If you are yourself you will come off much more genuinely enthusiastic than falsely saying what you think they want to hear.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Apply early and be interested in the industry and the company.
Interview Advice: Be yourself and be very prepared!
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: You do not have to have any knowledge of the Insurance industry. The important thing is to be able to work in a team and have good attention to detail.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Make sure to answer all their competency questions.
Interview Advice: Make sure to have questions of your own.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Make your application fit together with the skills you have and the requirements of the job. Emphasise teamwork ability, people skills, professionalism and work ethic. Relax and be yourself at least a bit for the phone interviews. Practice for the online tests so you know what to expect.
Interview Advice: Read up about the business and its core values - the greater good, business transparency, ethics. Read about current events and consider how insurance may have been involved or affected (i.e. floods in Cumbria, falling price of oil). Speak in a measured way for your presentation and don't be afraid to consider your answers carefully in the interview. They may ask you for a weakness or a 'time you were wrong about something' - think of a good answer. Focus on what makes you unique and different - everyone has a good degree but they want to know about your skills and personality.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Just be yourself. Read up about Insurance but you don't need to have lots of prior knowledge to get the job.
Interview Advice: Be honest. Say if you don't know the answer to the question. If you get to the final assessment centre then bring some food with you, I didn't think there was enough.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Know what the IGNITE principles are and what the Greater Good is. Understand that when you apply you may not be offered a broking role.
Interview Advice: Smile, make eye contact and portray confidence in your stature and your tone of voice.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Make sure you get your personality across throughout the interview process. Also, do your research into Marsh and what they do. Just because they are a broking entity it doesn't mean that all they do is traditional brokering services.
Interview Advice: Be prepared and at the assessment centre stage ask loads of questions!
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Make your application concise, memorable, link back to the job description and make it specific to Marsh.
Interview Advice: The focus is more on personality traits and how candidates would fit into the Marsh working environment, rather than expecting candidates to have an expansive knowledge of insurance. Focus on being yourself, demonstrating your intrapersonal skills and being up to date on issues facing the industry.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Be yourself. Make sure you're a social, confident person. Emphasise building quick rapport.
Interview Advice: Be yourself. Be prepared. More about how you present yourself/how you deliver information rather than the content.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Have something a bit different to say about yourself and the industry, they will have heard the same answer a 100 times. Look to get some Marsh literature from the Internet, the Insurance Market Reports etc.
Interview Advice: Be as outwardly confident as you can be, even if you are not feeling it! Work on your competency-based answers. When was a time you illustrated leadership/ dexterity/ ambition/ creativity.
Industry: Broker
View »Marsh
Application Advice: Prepare technically to understand which area you would like to enter into.
Interview Advice: Be yourself but prepare well.
Industry: Broker
View »Willis Towers Watson
Application Advice: Analytics is very important.
Industry: Broker
View »Willis Towers Watson
Application Advice: Show you are eager to learn. The company aren't so interested in how much you know about Insurance but are much more interested in whether you fit the mould of the business. Be versatile, adaptable, keen, driven and personable.
Interview Advice: What is going to make you stand out amongst the rest of your team? What was your biggest challenge and how did you solve it?
Industry: Broker
View »NFU Mutual
Application Advice: Be curious and take every opportunity to ask questions! Everyone is really helpful and happy to help.
Interview Advice: Prepare by doing research on the company and the scheme you are interested in (e.g Underwriting, Marketing, IT etc.) and industry news on that topic. Look at the company's Personal STAR and prepare your interview examples accordingly.
Industry: Broker
View »Allianz Insurance
Application Advice: - do some research about the company and what would be expected from you - be honest
Interview Advice: #NAME?
Industry: Broker
View »