Kent County Council
Application Advice: Be yourself and make sure you know why you want to join KCC
Interview Advice: Talk about KCC values and why you are interested in joining think about examples for every value on how you demonstrated that in your day to day previous experiences
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: I had to do three recorded interview questions where you don't see them beforehand and you have one minute to prepare an answer. I made lots of practice questions that I answered before doing them and that helped a lot.
Interview Advice: Lots of the questions were around giving examples of times you showed displayed qualities e.g. name a time you had to be really organized. A few of them were times about I displayed Kent values which can be found in all the job specifications
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Interview Advice: Research the business, ensure you have seen what technology they are using
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Relate yourself to Kent's values. Be yourself.
Interview Advice: Think about your motivation for the role and consider where you want to be + how this role would help you to get there,
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: -
Interview Advice: -
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Be yourself - use all possible experiences from your university life (inc. clubs and societies)
Interview Advice: Recall the Kent values and reflect on your own motivations and attractions to the role.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Reed Global
Application Advice: Apply if you're passionate about helping people become employed.
Interview Advice: STAR method.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Prepare and practice video interview skills as you only get one go to answer each question!
Interview Advice: The interview is based on the KCC values, make sure you know and can demonstrate times you have applied and embodied the values of the organisation.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Be open and honest about why you want the role, you would only apply if you cared about what this jobs "target market" is.
Interview Advice: Dont be afraid to ask questions, the role can vary quite a lot, but still do come prepared having done some research on the role, as someone who has sat on interview panels for candidates who are applying for other positions there is nothing quite as off-putting as someone who comes to an interview completely unprepared.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Align yourself to the KCC values.
Interview Advice: Be yourself and stay calm. Remember why you are applying for the role and what you want to get out of it.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: know your job role in depth.
Interview Advice: know your job role in depth.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Research a lot about KCC and problems in Kent, they ask a lot about it.
Interview Advice: Take the initiative in group discussions. They also like it when you ask them questions about the content of the discussions and work.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Mention any experience you have had with Young People and how you want to help get their voices heard.
Interview Advice: 'How would you make sure every child feels involved' Mention: How you like team work How you personal experiences will help Young People in care
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: We are often looking for care experienced young people to join the team. We offer a level 2 and level 3 apprenticeship so do make sure to list any qualifications you already have and what level apprenticeship you would like. Our managers can also arrange a phone call with you before starting the application process to answer any questions that you may have.
Interview Advice: Be yourself! Uniqueness and Creativity is so important for our team and they look out for it. Its really not scary. The whole team is lovely and i felt comfortable straight away withing this team!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Bring in your personality and experience, telling examples from outside of work are fine if they demonstrate the things they ask for.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Write down all your qualities on paper!
Interview Advice: Be yourself!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Continue to chase up application after initial submission.
Interview Advice: Learn the KCC Values inside out and read through current, relevant transport policies.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Explore Learning has a growth mindset - if you don't know what that is, look it up! It doesn't just apply to the students. The most important thing is that you show passion, receptiveness to feedback, and the ability to reflect. Everything else, they are happy to teach you. Your development will be continuous and prioritised. They want to get the most out of you, and they want you to get the most out of Explore. If you're applying for a management position, you will need experience in the role, but you can also promote into management from a tutor position, and a tutor position is entry level. You can go as far as you drive yourself - don't be afraid to show ambition!
Interview Advice: Interviews are mostly held virtually for this position. Make sure you have a professional background, minimal noise, etc. Show your non-verbal communication skills; really give big gestures and expressions. They will ask about your experience and why you are there, and then probably pinpoint areas they aren't sure of from your application and answers so far. E.g., showtime (when the members are having lessons) is very busy. You have a report due to the finance team that has to be done tonight, but an upset parent comes in while you are working on it. What do you do? Tip: Consider the structure of Explore as a business. Our members have to come first! And if you aren't sure of the answer, you can always say, "I would ask for advice."
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Start with an awesome cover letter! There's several phases to the interview, but Explore actually do read your cover letter and will ask you questions, so make sure it's relevant, but also gives them a good idea of who you are.
Interview Advice: You'll have an in-person interview or online interview depending on location, majority being in-person now. This will be with the centre manager and regional manager, likely both of whom you'll be working with closely if you get the job! They're not expecting you to know everything off the bat, but you will need to think on your feet with scenario questions, and to give your opinion on the centre environment/how it runs etc.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Showcase how you can make an impact as an Assitant Director, and what qualities and skills you can bring that will drive performance as a business, as well as providing the best customer service for our families.
Interview Advice: Show passion and enthusiasm for the role by having a 'can do' attitude and acknowledging all information given.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Show your passion! Share your love for learning, nurturing, educating and developing.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Ensure you thoroughly research what the role actually entails. The role is highly challenging for a number of reasons and the hours are unsociable. Most people in the company will agree that they dont have much of a social life or a work life balance so only apply if this is something you are truly willing to give up.
Interview Advice: Be aware of the various sides to the role, its not just about education and tutoring, but the role is also largely sales heavy and requires you to have a level of commercial awareness and seasonal trends, so may be worth researching more about this as you will get questions asked about how you can hit your monthly goals.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Apply if you're okay with managing children or enjoy teaching
Interview Advice: Be genuine and let your personality shine here
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Really consider why you want to work for Explore Learning and consider our mission and vision! Consider what you can bring to the role and how you can make a difference to each child that you encounter.
Interview Advice: Be yourself! Show ability to learn and develop yourself. They are not looking for a polished individual but someone who is willing to learn! Also have to show you are passionate about working with children and managing people.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: There is so much information on the career webpage so do your research before applying.
Interview Advice: At the end of the day, it is a customer facing role, so your priority should always be the customer in scenario based questions.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: No job role is inferior- give full details of what you have done and the experiences you have had.
Interview Advice: Be yourself, answer honestly!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Think about what it is exactly that you can bring to the role - highlight the key skills you have in relation to the role objectives and give examples of how you could meet them.
Interview Advice: The questions are real life scenario questions, in order to answer them well and in a detailed manner, try to do some research into the centre you are applying for. An example is I knew the centre I was applying for needed to become a bigger part of the community so discussed this and how I would grow the business using this.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: To research the company values beforehand so they understand the vision and role. To have experience with tutoring, UK education knowledge and to explain their adaptability, initiative and resilience
Interview Advice: To showcase their passion, receptiveness to feedback, and integrity. To ask lots of questions regarding the day-to-day of explore and what their job role consists of. To ask for clear expectations on what they need to do. Questions you will be asked can vary from 1. What would you do if you heard a tutor make an inappropriate or racist comment? 2. What avenues would you seek to drive centre growth and performance
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Consider the importance of delivering on goals and being self-driven for your development
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: You must like children and customer service
Interview Advice: We arent looking for a corporate robot. Be yourself and let your love of children and learning shine through
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: NA
Interview Advice: Show passion and enthusiasm for the role as everyone who works here are so hard working and passionate about what we do!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Interview Advice: Be yourself! Show your passion for helping children fall in love with learning.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Show your passion and how you will make a difference eg what skills you have or what ideas you have
Interview Advice: Show confidence and knowledge of assertive language to help drive sales eg role play of trying to book a trial at an RMU
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Make sure to add lots of experience about ways you have worked with children or supported members of the community especially volunteering based roles.
Interview Advice: Make sure you show your passion for the role and add detail to your answers, as well as discussing what skills you as an individual could bring to a centre based or remote working environment.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Talk about your experience with leadership or working in a team. Also talk about working with children
Interview Advice: Try and draw on any experience you have leading or being a leader. Think about times you worked effectively as a team
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Be honest about what you can handle. This role expects a lot form people so if it's something you are not feeling up to it, don't go for it. Do plenty of research about the role before submitting any application.
Interview Advice: Try to really show off your personality in your interview, showcase your passion and people skills as these are elements that can set you apart from other interviewees . Come to your interview with times you have been proactive and/or shown initiative and it's had a positive outcome. We want to hear about you being successful.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Ensure you are serious about tutoring because students need your support more than ever.
Interview Advice: Stay calm, focused and enjoy yourself as that is what the role is about.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Show your key skills and how you want to make an impact
Interview Advice: Where do you want the children you teach / the centre you manage to be in 6 months, a year? Think about your impact
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Prior to applying have a look at their website for all Explore Learning has to offer. Will you fit in? Have you got the skills to match the role? As well as all the training and support available it is great if like myself you really have the passion and drive to do well. My teaching skills and experiences really fitted in nicely with the Assistant Director role and in fact the tutor role (had I gone for this).
Interview Advice: Be yourself - they really are looking for your personality to shine through. Try and be as relaxed and transparent as possible. Talk about your passions as well as how you’d fit in to the company. Types of questions asked: How would your skills match the role? Why have you chosen Explore Learning? Name a time you’ve worked in a pressurised environment and how you’ve overcome this. Scenario type questions based on children’s learning and how you would support them. Small maths and English test Whilst working and in the social spaces etc during interview, try and mingle with the candidates and be friendly. This social aspect is crucial to the role as you’ll be facing parents/carers’ on a regular basis.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: -> Ensure your passions come across!
Interview Advice: -> Be yourself - don’t over think, just be authentic and bring your true passions to the role
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Communication and relationship building are key. Show your personality.
Interview Advice: They have strengths based approach to development, so even if you don't have a specific skill/experience they are looking for, think about how you can use your current strengths to support you being successful in that skill/experience. Show your personality.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: My application was a little different to the usual as I was recommended to apply by a colleague so I don’t really have any advice!
Interview Advice: Show you are passionate about the company. Care about education and demonstrate how you know it.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: The interview process is very much finding out about you. Interviewers want to see what an initial encounter would be like with a prospect, and so try to demonstrate this both in your application and interview! Written communication is key.
Interview Advice: Be confident! As with the job itself, customers buy into you aswell as the service you offer. Some candidates are asked to reflect upon the role objectives on the spot, given to you prior to the interview. Some candidates are asked to give a presentation on how to meet those role objectives.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Research the company's purpose, mission and vision statements. Ensure they align with your own and incorporate this in your application.
Interview Advice: My biggest tip would be to focus on your 'why' and try to back up your responses with examples/experience. They would have already read your CV to try to move away from this and give a stronger insight as to who you are as a person, who you would be as an employee, and how you could have a meaningful impact within the company. The interviews within themselves are professional but relaxed. They spend the first 10-15 minutes just getting to know you as a person and help settle your nerves.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: You don't need to know everything/have perfect experience, instead show enthusiasm and willingness to try new things/learn.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Put the time in to learn about the company and its expectations and you’ll reap the reward.
Interview Advice: Be prepared to revisit your core maths and english skills and enjoy meeting the wonderful team who make up Explore Learning.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Interview Advice: Be confident and ask questions. The interviewers are very friendly and kind so no need to worry messing up. My internet broke during my initial interview and they let me try again the next day.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Make your previous experience relevant to the role Show the skills / knowledge you have acquired from previous roles Make skills relevant to the job you are applying for
Interview Advice: To consider KCC's values and how you can demonstrate them Consider whether KCC's values match with your own Research KCC Prepare answers to potential as much as you can in advance to ease your nerves Prepare questions to ask the people interviewing you at the end
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Ensure your application directly applies to every point in the job specification. Give evidence of how you meet the specification as much as possible.
Interview Advice: Learn the council's values - these can be found on their website. Think of examples of how you have demonstrated these values and be sure to give these in your interview answers where relevant.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Compass Group UK & Ireland
Application Advice: Show that you are excited to work for this company and willing to challenge yourself, a lot of the skills learnt are through your own trial and error which can be daunting at the beginning but much more effective over time. Research the company, and be willing to show that you want to invest your time with them.
Interview Advice: I was asked a lot of Nutrition based questions, including putting together a proposal for increasing engagement and nutrition interest in primary schools. Make sure that you have thoroughly researched the brief and considered all angles, even discussing it with friends/family who may have a different insight to you on the topic who could provide more information. Be confident, the interview felt daunting at the start but they wanted me to succeed as much as I wanted to, and that made the experience much more comfortable. Make sure you answer questions openly, and let them know you are willing to adapt in the role and take on other responsibilities if needed.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Financial Conduct Authority
Interview Advice: Know the FCA's core values and behaviours and be able to demonstrate these through examples of your experience in work/education.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Interview Advice: Don't be afraid to show your personality and unique experience.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Interview Advice: To relax and be yourself. It is not a stressful experience in which you are grilled by the interviewer. You also don't need to know too much about the role or sector as this is covered extensively in the first few weeks.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Financial Conduct Authority
Application Advice: Read up on the the FCA's mission and values, provide examples in your previous work that exemplify that.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Compass Group UK & Ireland
Application Advice: Include all volunteering and educational achievements; nothing is too small.
Interview Advice: Be honest about your experience but emphasise that you want to learn.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Compass Group UK & Ireland
Application Advice: Demonstrate transferable skills and abilities
Interview Advice: Be yourself and demonstrate what you can bring to the company
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Compass Group UK & Ireland
Application Advice: Make sure you have work experience and discuss it.
Interview Advice: Be confident and assertive Put forward discussion points Research the School Food Standards
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Compass Group UK & Ireland
Application Advice: Easy - a verbal and numerical test.
Interview Advice: I had to prepare a 1000 word essay on the history of Compass - basically testing your research and writing skills. The interview was casual, we discussed my travelling and prior experience as a mentor.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Compass Group UK & Ireland
Application Advice: Be specific and do your research. Give specific examples of how your experience directly relates to the job you are applying for, and show them how your previous experience relates to the skills needed.
Interview Advice: Don't lie if you don't know something - be honest and then go away and learn it!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »John Sisk & Son Ltd
Application Advice: Great for people who like to travel and are not afraid to be out of their comfort zone. Good international opportunities in western EU.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »DSTL
Application Advice: Practice application tests (SJT's etc) Learn Civil Service competencies Be honest on your application
Interview Advice: Practice your presentation thoroughly if required to do one Be honest with your skills/weaknesses Be enthusiastic and friendly
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Civil Service Fast Stream
Application Advice: Understand departmental priorities and look at the success profile framework to tailor statement and CV accordingly
Interview Advice: Look at Civil Service success profile framework, structure answers using STAR method. Seeing the bigger picture and high level oversight is key
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Oppidan Education
Application Advice: Focus on the bigger picture for learning and development of young people
Interview Advice: Understand the benefits of mentoring, the differences between mentoring and tutoring and understand why Oppidan has chosen this to focus on
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Oppidan Education
Application Advice: Know your academic subject well, be good at time management and hone your people skills.
Interview Advice: Be honest about your experience, identify what makes Oppidan stand out in its field, and show them that you have a suitable personality that you will bring to your mentoring work.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Be passionate
Interview Advice: Be enthusiastic
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Oppidan Education
Application Advice: Read up on educational psychology. Think hard and be realistic about the subjects where you can be an appropriate and dynamic mentor.
Interview Advice: The company values professional experience from all walks of life. Think about ways this experience can make you a more engaging teacher and mentor, even if some of this experience does not relate directly.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Show off your personality and tell us about your goals in order to stand out!
Interview Advice: Do some research into the company and into the education sector.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Research the company and arrange to come into one of the centres prior to applying.
Interview Advice: Relax! Senior management are interested in you as an individual. Most enjoyable interview experience.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Be you and be passionate about teaching! Make sure you have relevant experience and be prepared for a phone call. Sell your passion with your voice and your body language.
Interview Advice: Be you and be confident about it. The company loves enthusiastic, passionate and capable tutors!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Be very clear about your successes and ensure that they are relevant to the job you have applied for.
Interview Advice: Be yourself.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Oppidan Education
Application Advice: An interest in helping children beyond the curriculum and classroom.
Interview Advice: It's important to be familiar with the company's ethos.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Oppidan Education
Application Advice: Go for it! Oppidan are a hugely supportive team, with workshops, skills sessions and 24/7 support for all mentors!
Interview Advice: Be yourself and let your passions shine!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Compass Group UK & Ireland
Application Advice: Consider if you enjoy doing something different every day and whether you are happy being called by all aspects of the company. Consider how far you are willing to stretch your comfort zone as other parts of the sector will pull on you for support. This is great for experience but can be challenging.
Interview Advice: Be truthful and confident. Be assertive if you believe you are right and remember to act as though you would in real life as you will be picked according to your suitability. We were asked about if we were to create a new cafe what we would do and why, we had to talk for 5 minutes on how we would solve a problem in finance and also in meal uptake. We also had to discuss new ideas and present for 10 minutes.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Reed Global
Application Advice: The application process can be quite intense, make sure you give it the time and effort it needs.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Financial Conduct Authority
Application Advice: 1. Explain why you want the role
Interview Advice: 1. Be calm and confident 2. Know what the organisation does and why they do it
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »DSTL
Application Advice: Think creatively about your competencies and try to source them from different experiences, rather than just one previous job or degree programme.
Interview Advice: Come prepared with knowledge about UK defence, especially if applying for an analytical role. Dstl is a defence organisation and this knowledge is very beneficial. Know your competencies and situations in which you have demonstrated them.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Other (please specify)
Application Advice: The application progress can be technical when supplying documents but HR carefully guide you through
Interview Advice: Time Zone difference due to their recruitment office based in China
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Make sure that you display who you are in your application. Don't just rely on academic qualifications, show what makes you an individual and why you'd be a perfect fit within the company.
Interview Advice: Research the company as much as you can and much like the initial application, don't just rely on your academic achievements. Show who you are and make a good impression! Also prepare to get stuck into some role play during your interview because interviews at Explore Learning often include a bit of impromptu acting!
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Application Advice: Try to show passion for the role and the company itself.
Interview Advice: Research the company and ask relevant questions about it that you genuinely want the answer to.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Be honest with the personality testing. They're not looking for one type of person, they just want to know what individual characteristics you offer compared to others, and you will be asked questions in the interview based on what your personality test results are. Focus on the skills and traits you can offer rather than what degree you did. Although it is a requirement to have a degree, doing the job well is more about what kind of worker you are. They look out for people are self-driven, confident and motivated rather than people with the most prestigious qualifications. Don't let the English and Maths tests scare you off. They are deliberately hard and most people struggle with them. Even if you think you did terribly (like I did) you still have a chance. Make sure you back up everything you say about yourself with relevant experience. It doesn't have to be work experience. I used the fact that I moved far away from home to go to university as an example of a time I've taken a big risk. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the application form, it is quite long and requires a lot of thought.
Interview Advice: Have at least 2 extra questions prepared to ask the interviewers to make yourself stand out. Don't pretend to be perfect, the role is for a graduate looking to be trained and moulded. Instead make it clear that you are ready to be taught, committed to the training qualifications and will push yourself to develop your skills. They are looking for a candidate who will eventually make a good project manager. Think about the skills that requires and think up examples of when you have shown these skills. You may be interviewed by a previous graduate, think of questions that you could ask them while you have the chance. This will also make it appear as though you have paid attention to the people you are interviewing with.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: - Be honest about why you want to work in the public sector and what you hope to gain from this. - Emphasise personal development - e.g. outline the skills you have and the skills you'd like to develop. - Give examples of when you have been forward thinking and open to change. - Give examples of effective teamwork, and when you have lead teams or projects.
Interview Advice: - The majority of my interview questions were competency based, e.g. 'give me an example of when you have...' - Try and prepare examples of various different things you have done so you're not repeating yourself in the interview. - Think of examples of where you have effectively dealt with, and embraced, change. - Think of examples of where you have used initiative and put yourself forward for something. - I was also asked how I cope with stress, and we were asked to complete a personality questionnaire prior to the interview so some of the questions referenced answers provided in this. - Be honest in your answers. The application process is lengthy so any discrepancies or dishonesty will be spotted. - If you get to the end of your interview and suddenly think of a better answer to a question you've already answered, don't be afraid to ask the interviewers if you can go back to that question and answer it again. I did that for one of the questions I was asked and the interviewers were more than happy to re-visit any previous questions.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Ensure you are honest in your application about why you are applying and make sure to include your experiences inside and outside of University.
Interview Advice: Be yourself, the loudest person won't necessarily get the role. There are also plenty of opportunities to shine so do not worry if during the interview/assessment centre you do not do well 100% of the time.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Be honest and consider the challenges of the sector - e.g. financial constraints, political involvement. If these don't inspire you, don't bother.
Interview Advice: Understand yourself, your competencies and your values
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Make sure you're answering the questions and not diverting away from the required answer.
Interview Advice: Be relaxed and yourself. Research KCC and have be prepared for questions about your experiences
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Interview Advice: Research the schemes and values that Kent County Council upholds, have a feel for the area and understand some of the local issues and challenges the county council faces.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Financial Conduct Authority
Application Advice: Understand what the FCA's mission is and why we do what we do.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Explore Learning
Interview Advice: Research the company's vision and values and think about how you can apply these to the role you're applying for. Be open, friendly and passionate about the company and role.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Cancer Research UK
Application Advice: Link questions to the charity and be aware of wider fundraising environment (GDPR/Opt-in, Disintermediation etc.).
Interview Advice: Link your answers to the role/scheme you are applying for and show what it is that makes you stand out. Questions around interesting fundraising product, challenges to fundraising.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Cancer Research UK
Application Advice: Be aware of the issues affecting the charity sector. Demonstrate your skills with examples (especially extra-curricular).
Interview Advice: Be yourself. Be professional and punctual.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Cancer Research UK
Application Advice: Use recent examples. Show that you know about what CRUK does, specifically the department that you're applying for. e.g. recent campaigns, recent policy work.
Interview Advice: Use STAR, know your stuff about CRUK, be passionate, show how you can cope with change and uncertainty.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Send in a detailed CV and a convincing cover letter. Call and speak to the team.
Interview Advice: Have an engaging manner and ask questions.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Cancer Research UK
Application Advice: Make sure to tailor your application to display that you've done research, both about the charity sector and a broader industry knowledge of the stream you are applying for, whether that is fundraising and marketing, technology or scientific research.
Interview Advice: Be honest and open about your strengths and be prepared to talk about how you plan to work on your areas for improvement. They want to see people who are eager to learn and have potential to grow rather than people who are already completely polished.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Have an interest in education and prove that you can be self-led.
Interview Advice: Gain insight into what the company does.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Bright Young Things
Application Advice: Show your personality and capability through confidence.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Financial Conduct Authority
Application Advice: Be interested and read up on what the FCA does.
Interview Advice: Be interested in what people have to say and ask questions.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Financial Conduct Authority
Application Advice: Do your research - the FCA publish a heck of a lot of stuff so there's no reason to not know what their priorities are!
Interview Advice: Be genuine - this isn't somewhere you have to be a particular type of person to work. There's a whole range of people here.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: have confidence and don't sell your achievements short
Interview Advice: be appropriate and open
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Make sure you capture all your skills and the things your good at on your CV. On cover letter try to capture KCC Values with in this and through out CV.
Interview Advice: Make sure your dress smart, be confident and if you feel nervous be truthful and let interviewer know.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Be your self put what makes you different Make your strengths shine
Interview Advice: Keep calm Always ask questions back If you don't understand anything say can you repeat or that you don't understand
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
View »Kent County Council
Application Advice: Show an interest in what you are applying for, and gets lots of relevant experience.
Interview Advice: Have some examples ready that use the STAR approach. Really think about what it is that they want from the role - this will help guide what examples you should have.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Make sure to cross reference with the application form and try to hit on each point, using examples to show you understand and if you have experience.
Interview Advice: Interviewers are non judgmental, don't worry if you panic.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Embrace what may seem to be challenge, as it may transpire to be a reward later on.
Interview Advice: Confidence, determination and enthusiasm
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Be open and honest
Interview Advice: Be yourself
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: be comprehensive give a lot of detail
Interview Advice: be confident smile ! know what credentials you have look up all your qualifications
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Be prepared to be a team player, although you will be running your own desk there is a lot of help and support from team members. Don't be scared to ask questions even if it seems silly.
Interview Advice: Be open and honest about what you want and how you can bring your individuality to the company.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: The advice I would give is to take your time and fill in the application thoroughly.
Interview Advice: Be as confident as possible, speak clearly and be well mannered. Be prepared to discuss past employment and education.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Be yourself and do your research.
Interview Advice: Be yourself and be confident. It's a chance for you to get to know the company and vice versa
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Don’t be put off because you're young, I did my interview 2 days after turning 16.
Interview Advice: Be yourself, it’s more like a friendly chat.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Review the job description, essential and desirable criteria is what most applications are shortlisted on. If you do not think you meet the essential or desirable write about your transferable skills and comment that although you have not gained experience within such environment, provide advise for what you would do.
Interview Advice: Sell yourself, talk about your skills, experience, knowledge, future aspirations, any training that you have undertaken to progress your career. If you do not understand a question ask the panel to repeat it or ask it in a different way so that you can interpret/understand what they are asking. If you need to write the question down inform the panel so that you can answer it correctly, in detail and refer back to it should your mind go blank.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Try to give as much detail as possible and don't be afraid if there is no relevant experience as the apprenticeship helps to build that up. Also, don't be put off by how long it takes to fill in the application form.
Interview Advice: Answer as honestly as possible. It's okay to say if you don't know how a thing works. Ask questions about the role or company, if you want more information - don't be afraid to do so. Take part in any type of group discussion or activity given, showing team-work is key, regardless of the other interviewees around.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: To give examples of good team and individual work To give knowledge of IT including Microsoft packages. To give examples of various communication skills To give examples of time management and priorities of work load Previous education. Experience in an office environment and to give examples of problem solving.
Interview Advice: Research the organisation. Be polite, dress well. Why do you want the job. Be clear and give examples of any experience relevant to the post. Express your willingness to learn. Ask questions such as day to day responsibilities, training Opportunities and possible progression.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: To be yourself, remain open-minded at all times to learn new things as well not hesitating to ask questions when you feel like you want to. Read up on the role.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Quite lengthy application but worth it.
Interview Advice: Just believe in you. Trust me, they make you feel very comfortable.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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Application Advice: Make sure your application has all the best details about yourself and highlights anything that you think will stand out to the FCA.
Interview Advice: Be yourself If you are successful, the FCA is looking for hard working, genuine people and make sure you know a lot of background knowledge as it will be useful. Make sure you are providing many examples of personal experiences that are relevant.
Industry: Charity, Education & Public Sector
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